Energy Benchmark Study and Un Carbon Footprint Evaluation for Transylvania University April 15, 2009 Energy Benchmark Study and Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation Carbon Footprint Evaluation for Transylvania University 300 North Broadway Lexington, Kentucky 40508 April 15, 2009 Prepared by: Reviewed by: _______________________________ J. Frederick Rial, P.E., REM, CPE Sr. Project Manager, Tetra Tech, Inc. ________________________________ Jennifer Carey, P.E. Tetra Tech, Inc. _______________________________ Jeremy Smith, P.E., LEED AP, CGD Energy Program Coordinator, CMTA _______________________________ Kevin Carey, PG Tetra Tech, Inc Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation FORWARD This energy benchmark and carbon footprint study reflects a significant commitment by resources of Transylvania University’s facility operations staff. Their contributions, commitment, and technical guidance made this study possible. The project team wants to thank the following staff for the help, guidance, and direction during the course of this study. Mr. Darrell Banks, Director of Physical Plant Mr. Norman Mudd, Operations Manager Mr. Larry Pence, HVAC Technician The project study team included the following personnel: J. Frederick Rial, PE, REM, CPE, Project Manager, Tetra Tech Jeremy Smith, PE, LEED AP, CGD – Energy Program Coordinator, CMTA Consulting Engineers Kevin Carey, PG, Project Geologist, Tetra Tech Jennifer Carey, PE, Project QC / Review, Tetra Tech Shann Easterling, Project Technician, Tetra Tech Linda Lindsay, Staff Engineer, Tetra Tech Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. 1.0 1.1 1.2 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3.0 3.1 3.2 SUMMARY ............................................................................................... 1 SUMMARY – BENCHMARK STUDY ................................................... 3 SUMMARY – CARBON FOOTPRINT STUDY ..................................... 4 ENERGY BENCHMARKING ................................................................... 8 ENERGY STAR DISCUSSION ............................................................ 8 ASHRAE DISCUSSION ....................................................................... 9 DISCUSSION REGARDING SHARED METERS AND HVAC PLANTS ............................................................................................. 11 TRANSYLVANIA UNIVERSITY BUILDING ENERGY PERFORMANCE................................................................................ 12 BUILDINGS LESS THAN 5,000 SF – ENERGY USAGE AND POTENTIAL COST SAVINGS ............................................................ 18 DAY VS. NIGHT ENERGY USAGE.................................................... 19 CARBON FOOTPRINT .......................................................................... 22 CARBON FOOTPRINT FACTORS .................................................... 23 BASELINE and CHANGES TO CARBON FOOTPRINT ................... 24 3.2.1 CAMPUS BUILDING ENERGY EFFICIENCY .............. 25 3.2.2 CO2 RELATED TO PEOPLE ON CAMPUS .............................. 28 3.2.3 CO2 RELATED TO STUDENT/STAFF TRANSPORTATION.... 29 3.2.4 CO2 RELATED TO CAMPUS VEHICLE USE ........................... 31 3.2.5 CO2 RELATED TO COMPUTER USE AND POLICIES ............ 31 3.2.6 CO2 RELATED TO CAMPUS GREEN SPACE and TREES ..... 34 3.2.7 CO2 RELATED TO WASTE AND RECYCLING ACTIVITIES ... 36 3.2.8 CO2 RELATED TO PURCHASING PRACTICES ..................... 38 3.2.9 CO2 RELATED TO LARGE HP MOTORS ................................ 39 3.2.10 CO2 RELATED TO LIGHTING PRACTICES .......................... 39 3.2.11 SOLAR PANEL CO2 OFFSET ................................................ 41 3.2.12 CO2 REDUCTION or OFFSET ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS ..... 42 FIGURES FIGURE 1 – TRANSYLVANIA UNIVERSITY CAMPUS BUILDING LOCATION ....... 2 FIGURE 2 – ENERGY PERFORMANCE RELATIVE TO BENCHMARKS (>5,000 SF) (COMPARISON – BASELINE, ENERGY STAR, ASHRAE) .................................... 13 FIGURE 3 – ENERGY PERFORMANCE RELATIVE TO BENCHMARKS (>5,000 SF) (RANK BEST TO WORST) ...................................................................................... 15 FIGURE 4 – POTENTIAL ANNUAL SAVINGS (BUILDINGS MEET 50TH PERCENTILE ASHRAE) ................................................................................................................. 17 mwt\Document1 i April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation FIGURE 5 – ENERGY PERFORMANCE (<5,000 SF) ............................................ 19 FIGURE 6 – DAY VERSUS NIGHT ENERGY CONSUMPTION (SELECTED BUILDINGS) ............................................................................................................ 20 APPENDIX APPENDIX 1 – MANUAL ADJUSTMENTS TO SHARED METER UTILITY DATA APPENDIX 2 – NOAA CLIMATE TREND KENTUCKY APPENDIX 3 – CALCULATIONS OF ENERGY STAR AND ASHRAE BY BUILDING WITH NOTES APPENDIX 4 – CARBON FOOTPRINT REFERENCE TABLE APPENDIX 5 – CARBON FOOTPRINT CALCULATIONS TABLES 1 TO 14 APPENDIX 6 – CARBON FOOTPRINT REFERENCE FACTORS TABLE OF ACRYNOMS CO2 CDE TPY EPA ENERGY STAR E* ASHRAE HVAC kBTU/sf BTU kW kWH or KWH HP US EPA AP42 KU TU Carbon Dioxide Carbon Dioxide Equivalents include the following compounds – methane, nitrous oxide, fluorocarbons Tons per Year US Environmental Protection Agency is a joint program administered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy Short notation for ENERGY STAR American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning thousands of BTUs per square foot British Thermal Unit (measure of energy) kilowatt kilowatt of electrical energy delivered for 1 hour Horsepower US EPA air emissions tables defining emissions of pollutants relative to processes (in this studies case, combustion) Kentucky Utilities a division of EON, Inc. US (Transylvania’s electric utility) Transylvania University mwt\Document1 ii April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation 1.0 SUMMARY This study was commissioned by Transylvania University to determine individual campus building energy benchmarks relative to industry normative standards and develop a snapshot of the university’s carbon footprint based on 2008 activities, actions, and policies. The intent of this study is to develop a baseline of campus energy impact relative to building benchmarks and annual carbon dioxide (campus carbon footprint). This study was not commissioned to develop detailed action plans or cost estimates related to addressing the study’s findings regarding building energy benchmarks and carbon footprint. This study is presented in two sections. The first section discusses the energy benchmark findings based on 2008 utility data and building information and ranks the campus building energy profiles against the ENERGY STAR and the ASHRAE values for energy efficient buildings. The second section discusses the university’s 2008 carbon footprint. For purposes of this study, the carbon footprint is the annual amount of carbon dioxide in tons emitted or reduced by activities, practices, and physical operations at the university. For reference, the Transylvania University campus building location map is shown in the attached Figure 1. mwt\Document1 1 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation FIGURE 1 – TRANSYLVANIA UNIVERSITY CAMPUS BUILDING LOCATION mwt\Document1 2 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation The study identified that some of Transylvania University’s buildings meet the Energy Star level but that most do not. The potential savings in energy costs to the university if all buildings met the Energy Star level is over one million dollars (annually). Further evaluation of individual building energy use and building / systems design is needed to prioritize the potential for savings by buildings identified in this study that do not currently meet the industry normative standards. The study identified Transylvania’s 2008 carbon footprint at over 19,000 tons of carbon dioxide per year. The university can reduce the carbon footprint through administrative actions and physical changes to energy use. As building energy initiatives bring the university buildings closer to energy star levels, the university’s carbon footprint for those affected buildings will immediately show carbon footprint reductions. Use of solar power as an alternate renewable energy option can potentially reduce the carbon footprint. However, it most likely will increase the cost of energy to Transylvania University in the short run because solar power is not currently cost competitive with electric rates in central Kentucky (as of the writing of this report). 1.1 SUMMARY – BENCHMARK STUDY Transylvania University could save approximately $642,000 per year by improving the following seven university buildings to perform in the 50th percentile: Clay Hall, Davis Hall, Forrer Hall, Campus Center, Clive Beck Athletic Center, Mitchell Fine Arts Building, and Cowgill Business Center. For the entire campus, an improvement to the 50th percentile for all buildings would result in an annual savings to the University of approximately $874,000, while an improvement to the ENERGY STAR level for the entire campus would yield an approximate annual savings of $1,292,000. The energy performance of the facilities is determined by several factors including: the building thermal envelope, the building systems, building operation, and maintenance. In the opinion of the study team, the University is doing fine job with operating and maintaining the buildings and systems currently in place. The majority of the buildings on campus are more than fifteen years old with aging systems and building envelopes mwt\Document1 3 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation that were not designed to today’s energy efficiency standards. Transylvania actively manages and proactively maintains the buildings on campus, and the energy performance levels found in this study are indicative of that effort. Opportunities for energy savings exist on Transylvania University’s campus, as they exist on all university campuses. Details of the energy evaluation are identified in the Energy Benchmarking discussion in Section 2 of this report. 1.2 SUMMARY – CARBON FOOTPRINT STUDY The carbon footprint study identified that the 2008 baseline of carbon dioxide emissions was approximately 19,700 tons (annual value). The carbon footprint is based on the amount of carbon dioxide emissions generated by campus activities and physical operations in calendar year 2008. There may be some duplication between energy consumption identified in the building electrical utility data and the analysis of computer energy use. The computer use carbon footprint was calculated to be 396 tons of carbon dioxide. If we include that in the utility use calculation for the whole campus of 14,885, then the total 2008 carbon footprint would be 19,361 tons of carbon dioxide per year. The basis for the carbon footprint study was the emissions of carbon dioxide based on use of electricity, use of natural gas, and activities that either generate or remove carbon dioxide from the environment. The largest component of the carbon footprint is the building utility portion that accounts for almost 75% of the university’s 2008 emissions. It is important to understand that there will be carbon dioxide emissions associated with the very best buildings that meet or exceed the benchmark findings in Section 2 of this report. The buildings that meet either the benchmark values of kBTUs/square foot for ENERGY STAR or the 50th percentile benchmark values for ASHRAE buildings will still have carbon dioxide emissions, and therefore a carbon footprint. The following chart summarizes the 2008 carbon footprint and the areas where carbon dioxide is either reduced (trees on campus and recycling) or has a theoretical potential mwt\Document1 4 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation for reduction (reduction of campus utility usage, use of solar power on 50% of roof area to offset purchased fossil fuel generated electricity, and replacement of large HP motors with energy efficient units as replacement is needed). The data in the following chart is a summary of individual carbon footprint values calculated in tables 1 through 13 in Appendix 5. Total Annual Tons CO2 Emissions Utility Use 14,855 Transportation 2,465 Student / Faculty 1,853 Computer Use 396 Vehicle Use 172 Fertilizer Use 9 Landfill Waste 8 Total CO2 Emissions 19,757 Carbon Footprint Source Recycle Actions Trees/Greenspace Total CO2 Reductions NET Carbon Footprint Percent to Total 75.2% 12.5% 9.4% 2.0% 0.9% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% -52 -7 -58 -0.3% 0.0% -2,971 -30 -20150 -15.1% -0.2% -102.3% 19,699 Potential Reductions 20% Utility Use Reduction Large HP Motors Solar Potential (assume 50% roof area) The “solar potential” listed in this chart is based on theoretical installation of solar panels on 50% of Transylvania’s roof surfaces with the panels directed toward the most favorable sun orientation for maximum annual sun energy collection (see Appendix 5 Table 13 for details). The study team is not recommending the use of solar energy to offset carbon footprint at Transylvania University; rather as a discussion topic that shows the carbon footprint value of on-site solar energy versus electrical energy provided by off-site fossil fuel power plants. mwt\Document1 5 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation The actual predicted carbon footprint for all utility use in buildings in 2008 was 14,375 tons of carbon dioxide from large buildings (5,000 square feet and larger), 480 tons for smaller buildings (less than 5,000 sq. ft.), and a total of 14,855 for all buildings. If all large buildings meet the ASHRAE 50th percentile energy value, then the baseline building utility use carbon footprint was predicted to be 13,978 tons of carbon dioxide. If all large buildings meet the ENERGY STAR building benchmark, the university’s carbon footprint for building utility was predicted to be 10,888 tons of carbon dioxide per year. Note that these two values do not include the very small buildings that account for less than 3% of the total campus energy use. The study team identified several opportunities for carbon footprint reduction including the following actions: Replace older campus buildings as resources are available with structures that are closer to the ENERGY STAR or ASHRAE standards Renovate the energy using components of older campus buildings (domestic water systems, HVAC systems, and lighting systems). Also give consideration to envelope upgrades on older buildings Consider a campus computer policy that requires all units to be Energy Star laptops versus energy consuming desktop units Consider a campus policy that requires all computers to be shut off when not it use (note – it is a myth that computers take more power to startup) Consider a campus policy that requires all lighting to be turned off in rooms or buildings that are not occupied (automatic sensors as an option) Consider developing a reward system for students, faculty, and staff that provides campus bookstore / tuition / or other rewards for tracking and reducing the following: waste, excess travel miles (either personal or on university business), paper use, copying, increased (and tracked) recycling, car pooling, sending email reports versus shipped or mailed reports mwt\Document1 6 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation Consider purchasing practices to evaluate the total carbon footprint cost of purchasing goods and services for campus use It is likely that many opportunities for low cost or no cost savings exist in the older campus buildings. It is recommended that a study be conducted on individual buildings that are not performing well in order to identify specific corrective measures that can be taken that offer fast payback periods for the capital spent for the corrections. The study team further recommends that the university confirm assumptions made in this report by conducting surveys of students, faculty, and staff. Many of the assumptions made in the carbon footprint study section were based on other studies and college/university practices and policies. The suggested surveys include evaluation of student, faculty, and staff activities related to vehicle use, computer use, and building energy policies. The study team identified solar energy as a means to potentially reduce the university’s annual carbon footprint related to off-site electric utility power plant emissions. Solar power is not currently cost effective given the low electric utility rates in central Kentucky. The study team does recommend that future buildings and major renovations of existing buildings consider the cost benefit of solar systems relative to Transylvania’s desire to address and reduce the carbon footprint related to the use of fossil fuel (to generate off-site power used by Transylvania University). mwt\Document1 7 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation 2.0 ENERGY BENCHMARKING As with many things, the question of “How am I doing?...” is often best answered not in absolute terms but rather in relative terms. This holds true for the issue of commercial building energy consumption. Without the tool of benchmarking, it is difficult for a building owner to get a handle on how good (or bad) the buildings they own, operate, buy energy for, and maintain are performing. There currently are two resources available to professionals who wish to compare the normalized energy consumption of a given building to that of a national database. These resources are the ENERGY STAR program and ASHRAE, both of which are described below. 2.1 ENERGY STAR DISCUSSION ENERGY STAR is a joint program administered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy. The ENERGY STAR program applies ratings to three categories of items: products, residential homes, and commercial buildings and plants. The commercial buildings and plants program allows building owners to compare their buildings against statistically representative similar buildings from a national survey conducted by the Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration. This national survey, known as the Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS), is conducted every four years and gathers data on building characteristics and energy use from thousands of buildings across the United States. One year of actual building energy data is required for a building to be rated via the ENERGY STAR program. Each building is “normalized” for climate, hours of operation, and other details so that it may be compared appropriately to the statistical database. Each building is then assigned a percentile rating from 1-100. A rating of 50 indicates that the building, from an energy consumption standpoint, performs better than 50% of all similar buildings nationwide, while a rating of 75 indicates that the building performs better than 75% of all similar buildings nationwide. Buildings that score 75 or better are eligible for the ENERGY STAR label. mwt\Document1 8 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation ENERGY STAR is a convenient tool for building operators to know how their buildings are performing with regard to energy. In essence, all the building’s features, energy bills, characteristics, etc., are reduced to one convenient number that correlates directly to energy usage relative to other similar buildings with similar characteristics. The ENERGY STAR program currently encompasses the following building categories: Bank/Financial Institution Courthouse Hospital Hotel K-12 School Medical Office Office Residence Hall / Dormitory Retail Store Supermarket / Grocery Store Warehouse Wastewater Treatment Plant Currently, there are 6,533 labeled buildings in the United States. In Kentucky, there are currently 16 educational buildings that have achieved the ENERGY STAR label. Additionally, there are currently no ENERGY STAR residence halls in Kentucky, though Thomson Hall is a good candidate as discussed later in this report. 2.2 ASHRAE DISCUSSION ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) is the industry-recognized authority on HVAC and energy performance related issues. ASHRAE is an international organization consisting of over 50,000 professionals. Furthermore, many ASHRAE standards are adopted into building codes around the world. Currently, in Kentucky, ASHRAE standards are adopted for indoor air quality, mwt\Document1 9 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation overall building energy consumption, and safety requirements for refrigerating machinery. ASHRAE publishes handbooks on a four year rotating cycle for use by professionals in the industry. The latest handbook available with published building energy data is the 2007 HVAC Applications Handbook. The data contained in the handbook comes from the same Department of Energy Information Administration survey that provides the basis for the ENERGY STAR database. For each type of building, energy data is presented on a kBtu/sf-yr (thousands of British Thermal Units per gross square foot per year) basis, for each percentile from 10 to 90. Gross square feet for a building is calculated by taking the actual square feet of building footprint by floor and multiplying that value by the number of floors including basements and sub-basements. Additionally, a mean value is given for each building type. The published ASHRAE data is useful because it allows building owners to benchmark buildings which do not have categories under the ENERGY STAR program. Specifically, the following building types can be benchmarked using ASHRAE published data but cannot be benchmarked using ENERGY STAR: Entertainment/culture building General college/university building General classroom education building Laboratory building Library Public assembly building Recreation building Restaurant/cafeteria For purposes of this report, the 50th percentile was chosen as a reference point. This relatively mediocre performance level was chosen because the ENERGY STAR label may not be possible (or may be cost prohibitive) for existing buildings due to deficiencies in the existing building envelope or existing mechanical / electrical systems. mwt\Document1 10 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation While the ENERGY STAR may be possible for some existing buildings and therefore should be pursued, the ASHRAE 50th percentile is useful in that it simply provides a different benchmark to measure relative energy performance and rank buildings against that benchmark. 2.3 DISCUSSION REGARDING SHARED METERS AND HVAC PLANTS In order to benchmark a given building, it is a requirement that the amount of energy used by all systems of the building be quantified. For this purpose, additional meters are necessary in campus situations to allow energy usage to be quantified by building. Simply stated, in order to reduce energy, you have to know where it is going. Extra meters for campus buildings do add some extra first cost to a project, however the energy penalty that can be paid by not knowing how to reduce energy far exceeds the cost of the meter in most situations, as is illustrated by the potential cost savings discussion. The payback on such an investment is nearly immediate. Most of the buildings on campus have individual meters or plants. However, there are 3 shared meters or plants on campus that do not have individual metering capability. For the purposes of this study, these shared meters and HVAC plants had to be broken down and assigned to the buildings they serve. Specifically, the following buildings were adjusted: 1. Brown Science Center, Old Morrison Hall, and Haupt Humanities Building: These buildings shared boiler systems until July of 2008. Currently Brown Science Center and Old Morrison still share cooling (chilled water) systems. 2. Mitchell Fine Arts Building and Clive Beck Athletic Center: These buildings share boiler systems and chilled water systems. 3. Clay Hall, Davis Hall, Forrer Hall, Campus Center: These buildings all share the same gas meter. Additionally Clay Hall and Davis Hall share the same heating and cooling plant. mwt\Document1 11 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation The rationale behind the assigning of energy to these buildings in these 3 situations was based on ASHRAE average building performance data in the 2003 Applications Handbook which further breaks down building energy usage by each system (domestic hot water heating, cooking, lighting, ventilation, heating, cooling, food refrigeration, office equipment, etc.). For example, the total estimated boiler energy for the Brown Science Center boiler plant was divided between Brown Science Center, Old Morrison Hall, and Haupt Humanities for the months that the boiler plant was shared, based on a weighted average for each building considering building type and square footage. It is emphasized that these adjustments are made based on estimates using the best available data, and the only way to know the exact energy usage is to have meters installed. However it is also emphasized that the total usage given for each set of buildings is an exact number. The specific adjustments made to each building above are summarized in Appendix 1. 2.4 TRANSYLVANIA UNIVERSITY BUILDING ENERGY PERFORMANCE For purposes of this study, buildings on campus were broken down into two categories: those buildings that are 5,000 (gross) square feet (SF) or larger, and those less than 5,000 sf. The 5,000 sf threshold was chosen because it is the same threshold used by the ENERGY STAR program (buildings less than 5,000 sf are not eligible for an ENERGY STAR label). Furthermore, one year of energy data was analyzed for each building. The time period of energy usage provided to the report authors was December 1, 2007 to November 30, 2008. Based on data provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Climatic Data Center branch, this period of time is not significantly different, in statistical terms, from the average weather year for Kentucky since 1990. The comparison of baseline, Energy Star, and ASHRAE benchmarks in the following figure is from data in Appendix 1 and 3. mwt\Document1 12 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation 2.4.1 FIGURE 2 – ENERGY PERFORMANCE RELATIVE TO BENCHMARKS (>5,000 SF) (COMPARISON – BASELINE, ENERGY STAR, ASHRAE) Figure 2: Energy Performance Relative to Benchmarks Buildings > 5,000 sf 120 NOTE Brown Science Center* not included in chart due to following metrics that would skew chart for all other buildings Actual - 142 ASHRAE 50th percentile - 270 Energy Star - 165 100 102 95 98 91 78 72 75 Kbtu/sf-yr 91 87 80 Legend Actua l (Va l ue Gi ven) 66 65 63 59 60 96 64 ASHRAE 50th percentil e Energy Star 54 40 40 20 rH .* * Ga yL Po ibr ole a ry Re sid en ce Ha Ha up ll tH um an itie s* Ol dM orr iso n* Gr ah am Co tt a ge Be ck Ce nte Mi t ch r* * ell * Fin eA rt s ** Gle * nn Bo ok sto re Cla yD av is* Co * wg ill Bu s. C Lu cil t r. le L it tle Th ea ter gla s ou J. D g ha l rre tr/ Fo Ro sen t Ca mp .C Ha ze lrig ffic e ea rer Ar ts Bld g Sh PP DO Th o ms on Ha ll 0 Asterisks indicate shared meters or HVAC plants: * Brown / Haupt / Morrison ** Clay / Davis / Forrer / Camp. Ctr *** Beck / Mitchell Fine Arts Figure 2 provides a graphical representation of all buildings on campus greater than 5,000 sf, compared to each of the two selected benchmarks (ENERGY STAR and ASHRAE 50th percentile). The buildings in Figure 2 are presented from left to right in the order of best performing (Thomson Hall) to worst performing (Lucille Little Theater). The red bar indicates actual energy usage, the green bar indicates ASHRAE 50 th percentile usage, and the blue bar indicates the usage of an equivalent ENERGY STAR facility. Brown Science Center’s Energy Star level is 165 kBTU/sf and the actual calculated value from 2008 data was 142. Note that Figure 2 excludes Brown Science Center in graphical form in order to shrink the vertical scale to provide a clearer graph for all other buildings. Brown Science Center energy information is provided in a text box. In addition to Brown Science Center, the only other facility that is at or below the ENERGY mwt\Document1 13 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation STAR level is Thomson Hall. This should be exciting news for Transylvania University as Thomson Hall could become the first residence hall in the state of Kentucky to achieve the ENERGY STAR label, and one of only 26 residence halls nationwide. At this time Thomson Hall is not eligible for the ENERGY STAR label, however, as one full year of operation is required. The data depicted in Figure 2 is an estimate for one full year of operation for Thomson Hall, based on the 7 months of data available since the building opened. Additionally, note that Appendix 3 provides all source data for all figures in the energy benchmarking portion of this report. Appendix 3 also notes all assumptions made in deriving the benchmarking figures. mwt\Document1 14 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation 2.4.2 FIGURE 3 – ENERGY PERFORMANCE RELATIVE TO BENCHMARKS (>5,000 SF) (RANK BEST TO WORST) Figure 3: Total Energy (gas + elec) Performance Relative to Average of Benchmarks - Buildings > 5,000 sf 120% Note- Brown Sci ence i s a pproxi ma tel y 30% better tha n the a vera ge E* a nd ASHRAE benchma rk energy l evel for tha t type of bui l di ng vers us Luci l l e Li ttl e Thea ter tha t i s over 100% (or over 2 times ) hi gher tha n the a vera ge E* a nd ASHRAE benchma rk 100% 80% As teri s ks i ndi ca te s ha red meters or HVAC pl a nts : * Brown / Ha upt / Morri s on ** Cl a y / Da vi s / Forrer / Ca mp. Ctr *** Beck / Mi tchel l Fi ne Arts 60% 40% 20% ay Lib ra r P oo y le R esid e nc eH a ll Hau pt H um ani tie s * Old Mo r ris on* Gr a ham Co t t ag e Be c kC ent e r* Mit ** che ll F ine A rt s** * Gle nn Boo kst or e Cla yD avi s* * Co w gill Bus . Ct Luc r. ille L itt le T hea ter rH . ** r re ugl as G J. D o Haz elri gg Hal l Ros ent ha l p. C tr/F o Cam -40% PPD Off ice She a re rA r ts Bld g Br o w -20% Tho ms on nS cien c e* 0% Figure 3 provides a clearer graphical representation for the same buildings at a glance as a percentage for each building versus the average of the benchmarks for that type of building. The percentage indicates the energy performance of the building compared to an average of the two benchmarks (ENERGY STAR and ASHRAE 50th percentile performance). The zero percentage line is the benchmark, meaning that a building performing equal to the benchmark level would be zero percent and not have a vertical bar. A negative percentage, such as that given for Brown Science Center and Thomson Hall, indicates a building that is performing very well. Brown Science Center is using 30% less than the average benchmark (more data is needed however since Brown Science Center just underwent a major renovation that was completed in December of mwt\Document1 15 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation 2008) while Thomson Hall is projected to use 14% less. Similarly, buildings with large positive percentages are not performing well. The Lucille Little Theater and Cowgill Business Center have percentages near 100%, meaning these buildings are using approximately double the amount of energy compared to the average benchmark level. Given this information, one might think that the Lucille Little Theater and Cowgill Business Center are the most deserving buildings on campus for time, attention, effort, and perhaps capital improvements. This is not true, however, as Figure 3 is based on a per square foot basis and therefore is a relative value and is not absolute with regard to potential monetary savings in energy bills. Figure 4 provides this information. When considering improvements to any campus for energy purposes, the first question that needs to be answered is “What is the return on the investment?…” Often the return on investment is maximized by attacking buildings that are using far above the average amount of energy. The time, energy, and money spent to bring a building from “bad” to “average” is usually far less than the time, energy, and money spent to bring a building from “average” to ENERGY STAR. This is because the possibilities in poor performing buildings for low-cost or no-cost energy saving measures are plentiful. These buildings usually also have opportunities for very attractive payback periods on items such as equipment retrofit or replacement, lighting upgrades or replacements, etc. mwt\Document1 16 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation 2.4.3 FIGURE 4 – POTENTIAL ANNUAL SAVINGS (BUILDINGS MEET 50TH PERCENTILE ASHRAE) Figure 4: Best Targets for Maximizing ROI - Potential Annual Savings by Reducing Buildings to 50th Percentile Performance $180,000 $160,435 Total Potential Annual Campus Savings, Reduction to 50th Percentile: $874,600 $160,000 $140,000 $146,995 $131,392 $120,000 $107,026 Total Potential Annual Campus Savings, Reduction to Energy Star Level: $1,292,300 $100,000 $96,260 $83,241 $80,000 $60,000 $50,946 $43,530 $40,000 $22,307 $20,000 $22,946 $9,620 . ** Ga yL ibr Po ary ole Re sid en ce Ha Ha ll up tH um an itie s* Old Mo rri son * Gr ah am Co t ta ge Be ck Ce nte Mi r* * t ch * ell Fin eA rt s ** * Gle nn Bo ok sto re Cla yD avi s* * Co wg ill B us. Luc Ct r . ille L it tle Th ea ter orr er H tr/ F gla s ou J. D Ca mp .C rig g Ro sen t ha l Ha z el ldg rts B rA ffic e ea re Sh PP DO Ha ll ms on Th o Bro wn S cie nc e * $0 Figure 4 quantifies the potential savings information for Transylvania University in a graphical form. It lists each building on campus with the amount of money that could be saved per year by bringing the energy usage down to the ASHRAE 50 th percentile level. For purposes of this figure, an average utility rate was calculated at 7.5 cents per KWH and gas fired equipment efficiencies were figured at 80%. Electrical demand charges were considered in calculating the average utility rate, in order to simplify the results to the extent possible. As shown in Figure 4, there are significant opportunities on campus for saving energy. The biggest opportunities exist in the Clive Beck Athletic Center, Mitchell Fine Arts Building, Clay Hall, Davis Hall, Campus Center, Forrer Hall, and the Cowgill Business Center. Transylvania University could save approximately $642,000 per year by mwt\Document1 17 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation improving these seven facilities to perform in the 50th percentile. For the entire campus, an improvement to the 50th percentile for all buildings would result in an annual savings to the University of approximately $874,000, while an improvement to the ENERGY STAR level for the entire campus would yield approximate annual savings of $1,292,000. As far as “Where do we go from here?...” it is the opinion of the project study team that the following buildings represent the largest potential return on investment for the potential time, energy, and capital spent (buildings are not in any particular order): 1. Clay Hall 2. Davis Hall 3. Forrer Hall 4. Campus Center 5. Clive Beck Athletic Center 6. Mitchell Fine Arts Building 7. Cowgill Business Center BUILDINGS LESS THAN 5,000 SF – ENERGY USAGE AND POTENTIAL 2.5 COST SAVINGS Transylvania University has a total of 13 structures on campus that are less than 5,000 sf in size. The total square footage of all 13 structures accounts for 3.3% of all campus square footage and the total energy usage of all 13 structures accounts for 3.6% of all energy consumed on campus. There is not a large potential for savings by reducing the energy usage of these buildings. However, as time and resources permit, the study team recommends that Transylvania University investigate the two structures consuming more than 100 kbtu/sf-yr. Marqourd Field Apartment House at 439 West 4th mwt\Document1 18 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation 2.5.1 FIGURE 5 – ENERGY PERFORMANCE (<5,000 SF) Figure 5: Energy Performance - Buildings < 5000 sf 140 127 118 120 99 Kbtu/sf-yr 100 94 80 60 79 79 75 74 69 53 40 20 iel d -4 39 W. 4th Ap t. H ou se ou rd F -3 38 N Do rm Int Ha ll F Ma rq pp pe r .U Ho us e na tio na l eB Be ll i el d/ er ree zin g ou s in g S ta ff H Ti f f an yH ou se Sh op en ter Ca rp .U -3 60 N Do rm Gr ou nd s/P ain t Sh op pp er 0 Figure 5 illustrates the energy usage of 10 of the 13 structures on a per square foot basis. Square foot data was not available for the other three structures (two structures at 230 Chinoe Road and a warehouse at 509 4th Street). 2.6 DAY VS. NIGHT ENERGY USAGE As part of the scope of work for this project, the study team took meter readings for nine buildings on campus at 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. for two five-day periods (ten days total). The purpose of this exercise was to establish a baseline of energy usage during the day vs. the night for each building; in order to ultimately help Transylvania University determine if the buildings were “setting back” properly at night (lights turning off, HVAC systems turning to “unoccupied mode”, etc.). The results of this exercise are presented in graphical form in Figure 6. mwt\Document1 19 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation FIGURE 6 – DAY VERSUS NIGHT ENERGY CONSUMPTION (SELECTED BUILDINGS) Figure 6: Day vs. Night Energy Consumption 160000 * - gas shared with Forrer Hall and Campus Center is contained in the Clay-Davis numbers in this chart Energy Usage (kBtu) 140000 120000 ** - buildings share boiler and chiller plant. 100000 Night *** - buildings share chiller plant but chiller plant was not energized during the time period analyzed. Day 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 The energy usage of the residence halls (Thomson Hall, Clay Hall, Davis Hall, Poole Hall) do not vary greatly from day to night. This is to be expected since these buildings are continuously occupied 24 hours per day. The Gay Library used more energy at night than during the day. This should not be the case for a library (assuming that the library closes after midnight and starts operations again in the morning) and would definitely warrant further investigation if the Gay Library were not among the better performing buildings on campus as seen in Figure 3. Since the Gay Library is a good performer, this issue should still be investigated, but prioritized appropriately. The Brown Science Center used slightly less energy during the night versus the day. The study team would have expected lower energy at night because this building is not mwt\Document1 20 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation occupied 24 hours per day. A review of the night energy demand and evaluation of building occupancy is suggested to determine if additional energy can be saved at night. This building likely had a high usage during the night because the chemistry and biology floors utilize 100% outside air (no recirculation). The study’s data for day versus night energy use was collected in December and January (both cold periods). The cold weather could account for the energy use at night. Haupt Humanities, Mitchell Fine Arts, Beck Athletic Center, and Old Morrison all had significantly less energy usage during the night, and therefore seem to be setting back at night appropriately. mwt\Document1 21 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation 3.0 CARBON FOOTPRINT Carbon footprint is defined as the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) released annually as a result of activities within a defined boundary. The boundary for this study is the Transylvania campus. Since this is the initial carbon footprint study conducted for Transylvania University, the operations and campus data for 2008 will be considered the “baseline study year”. The measure for carbon footprint is tons of CO2 per year or CO2 equivalent (CDE). CDEs include the following compounds: CO2, methane, nitrous oxide, and other greenhouse gasses like fluorocarbons. Note that carbon dioxide is the primary anthropogenic greenhouse gas with a global warming potential (GWP) of 1. Carbon footprint reductions can be cost effective and easy to accomplish. Examples include turning off lights (manually or automatically) in unoccupied rooms and buildings, increased recycling of waste, changes in campus computer use policy (i.e. all computers to be shut off when not in use), car pools, and purchase of goods and services locally to reduce the transportation carbon footprint cost. Some carbon footprint reduction alternatives may not be cost effective due to the required investment in infrastructure, cost of design, cost of installation, and cost of operation. Most on-site renewable energy alternatives fall into that category. For example, use of solar panels to provide power to Transylvania University as a replacement of off-site electric energy purchased from KU may in the short run significantly increase the cost of electrical power to Transylvania University in terms of $/kWH. The decision that Transylvania University needs to consider with regard to energy cost and carbon footprint is the following: purchased power cost from KU at $.04 to $.06 per kWH with a carbon footprint impact of 2.087 pounds of CO2 per KWH versus renewable energy power (example assumes solar) at 0.0 pounds of CO2 per KWH with an installation cost potential of $9,000 per KW (based on $45K for a mwt\Document1 22 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation 5KW system) or a 20 year total energy cost of around $0.40 per KWH. (see discussion example in Appendix 6) As a result of this study, Transylvania’s carbon footprint in 2008 was determined to be 19,757 tons per year (TPY) of CO2 with a breakdown by source of CO2 summarized in the following table. Transylvania University 2008 Estimates of Carbon Dioxide Emissions (Values in tons of Carbon Dioxide / Year) ELEMENT Campus Energy Consumption Student / Faculty Student /Staff Transportation Campus Vehicle Use Computer Use Fertilizer Use Landfill Waste Airplane Travel Total Annual Tons CO2 Emissions 14,855 1,853 2,465 172 396 8.6 7.7 Unknown 19,757 Potential CO2 Reduction to E* target 3,487 Potential CO2 Reduction to ASHREA target 398 Energy Star (E*) Target CO2 3,487 2.3 tons per year per person baseline times % time on campus Reduction possible if mpg increases above 19.4 or commuting and student mileage is reduced 50 tpy if fleet goes from 19.4 mpg to 30 mpg 74.6 TPY – shutoff computers when not in use 29.6 TPY – replace desktops with new laptops No recommendation Food waste management practices / education ~1 pound CO2 per passenger mile Carbon Footprint (Tons CO2 Baseline 2008) Activities that can reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions 51.6 Current Actual CO2 removed due to 76,120 pounds/yr recycle Trees/Greenspace 6.8 Current Actual with a potential of 223.5 TPY theoretical – see discussion Solar Potential – 20,150 Theoretical and assumes 50% roof coverage with 50% roof area panels Solar Potential 335,892 Theoretical if all of campus surface area was converted to solar cell (assumes 48 acres) Reduce Utilities 2,971 Focused effort on reduction in campus energy Use 20% consumption Large HP Motors 30 30 TPY – assumes 3% energy reduction by replacing older motors (current ~1000 TPY CO2) Recycle Actions 3.1 CARBON FOOTPRINT FACTORS Carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide that is emitted to the atmosphere or potentially removed from the atmosphere due to activities, practices, and policies. mwt\Document1 23 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation By striving to become a more “Carbon Neutral”, the university can improve the overall carbon footprint score. Carbon neutral is a principle that can be achieved by taking specific actions that will either increase or decrease the potential for carbon dioxide emissions. For example, some facilities use purchase of electric energy derived from utilities selling recycled, solar, wind, and hydro energy as carbon neutral based on the non-fossil fuel portion of their utility’s grid. Typically, carbon neutral is assumed to be the state where all CO2 produced by campus activities is off-set by university activities that eliminate that same amount of CO2 either on or off campus. Typically, the carbon neutral period would be defined to be within one calendar year so that the CO2 produced per year on campus equals the CO2 eliminated per year on or off campus. Tetra Tech has prepared a table of CO2 or CDE emission factors from review of current standard metrics. These factors have been included in the Appendix 4 for reference. The following is a summary of the CO2 emissions factors used in this study based on the use, consumption, or purchase of the following: Activity Electricity Use Natural Gas Use Fuel Oil Propane Gasoline Diesel fuel Air mileage Transportation Fertilizer Landfill waste Forests / Trees Solar Panels Recycling 3.2 Carbon Dioxide Equivalent Factor 2.087 lbs CO2/KWH 120 lbs CO2/thousand cubic foot Nat Gas 22.4 lbs CO2/gal 12.81 lbs CO2/gal 20 lbs CO2/gal 22 lbs CO2/gal 1.0 lbs CO2/pass. Mile 19.4 miles/gallon 9.55 lbs CO2/lb N 565 lbs CO2/ton waste 48 lbs CO2/tree ~0.13 kW / sq meter Misc .5 to 4 lbs CO2/ton material Reference KU energy factor (Bergin Plant) US EPA AP42 Factors Combustion Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Sharp Solar Panel Nd-216U1F See reference table BASELINE and CHANGES TO CARBON FOOTPRINT There are several factors that create the baseline carbon footprint for Transylvania University and numerous actions that can be implemented by practice, policy, or new technology to change the baseline either positively or negatively. Depending on how mwt\Document1 24 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation that particular category is dealt with, determines the magnitude of carbon footprint change. Examples of the most obvious categories or elements for carbon footprint evaluation in these studies include the following: 3.2.1 The age and energy efficiency of the campus buildings versus building standards and industry norms 3.2.2 The number of people on campus 3.2.3 The overall driving and commuting habits of the students, staff, and faculty 3.2.4 The types of vehicles and equipment the university operates 3.2.5 Computer use and practices on campus 3.2.6 Carbon sink sources – i.e., “green space” including trees and other carbon sinks versus campus areas do not absorb CO2 - “paved” parking space, buildings, driveways, walkways, tennis courts, etc. 3.2.7 The amount of solid waste produced and the amount of material recycled versus past normative denominators (i.e. number of people served in the cafeteria, number of staff) 3.2.8 Purchasing practices for university goods and services 3.2.9 Type and age of medium to large scale motors for campus equipment; 3.2.10 Lighting practices 3.2.11 Carbon reduction by replacing electrical demand with solar energy 3.2.12 Carbon reduction or offset actions including alternative energy, purchase of carbon dioxide credits, offset options, Transylvania University initiatives and programs, and policy change. The following discussion will address the topics in the order that they are listed above. 3.2.1 CAMPUS BUILDING ENERGY EFFICIENCY This study has calculated carbon dioxide emissions for each campus building based on the baseline 2008 electrical consumption and natural gas used. The utility data was provided by the Transylvania University facility’s staff using utility records for 2008. The mwt\Document1 25 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation study team used the factor 0f 2.087 pounds of CO2 per KWH for determining CO2 emissions from electrical use (Note 1). This factor was obtained from 2008 operating data of KU’s electrical generating plant that supplies power to Fayette County. The study team used the factor of 117.6 pounds of CO2 per mmBTU of natural gas consumed by campus buildings. The alternate factor is 120 pounds of CO2 per thousand cubic feet of natural gas. These factors for CO2 emissions from the combustion of natural gas were obtained from the US EPA AP42 factors for emissions of CO2 from the combustion of natural gas. The only natural gas use on campus is for boilers, hot water heaters, and various kitchen appliances. No natural gas is used for fleet vehicle fuel. Note 1 – all electrical energy is produced by KU using coal or other fossil fuels. The KU generating plant is required to summarize the CO2 emissions and total kW produced and report that factor to the US EPA. The value for the KU plant that provides energy to Transylvania University was 2.087 lbs CO2 per kWH. Although Transylvania University does not emit CO2 on campus, the use of one kWH of electricity on campus will result in the release of 2.087 pounds of CO2 at the power plant. Therefore, when the study team calculates the CO2 emissions by building for electrical use, this calculation was used to develop the potential CO2 emissions in order to determine Transylvania University’s carbon footprint. The campus utility data collected for the year 2008 along with building total square feet (used in Section 1) is summarized in Table 1 – Appendix 5. T his information was developed for the ENERGY STAR and ASHRAE 50th percentile benchmarks of kBTU per square foot. Using this benchmark data, the study team calculated the ideal or baseline ENERGY STAR CO2 carbon footprint for each building and calculated the ideal of baseline ASHRAE 50th carbon footprint baseline emissions at the right hand side of Table 1. This information for ENERGY STAR and ASHRAE by building (Note – only buildings with a floor area greater than 5,000 square feet were considered) is summarized and presented in the following two tables from APPEDNIX 5. mwt\Document1 26 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation App 5 - Table 2 - CO2 Emissions By Building VS ASHRAE 50 Percentile Target Building Brown Science Thomson Hall J. Douglas Gay Library Rosenthal Graham Cottage PPD Office Shearer Arts Bldg Hazelrigg Poole Residence Hall Glenn Bookstore Haupt Humanities Lucille Little Theater Old Morrison Cowgill Business Center Campus Ctr / Forrer Hall Clay Davis Mitchell Fine Arts Beck Center Total ACTUAL 2008 ASHRAE 50% Target ACTUAL VS ASRAE Target CO2 TPY 1,898 413 791 425 83 136 228 293 416 238 418 292 988 568 3,110 1,408 1,057 1,613 14,375 CO2 TPY CO2 TPY 3,608 (1,711) 650 (237) 1,010 (220) 477 (52) 95 (12) 143 (7) 228 266 27 338 78 137 101 265 152 131 161 704 284 250 318 2,783 327 1,021 386 661 397 1,209 403 13,978 398 Tons CO2 per year Inspection of Table 2 reveals that Transylvania University’s buildings if they met the ASHRAE benchmark would be at 13,978 tons of CO2 per year and are only 398 tons above the ASHRAE benchmark. On the other hand, the ENERGY STAR benchmark baseline, if all building met the E* rating, would be at 10,888 tons of CO2 per year versus the actual 2008 emissions calculated at 14,375 tons of CO2. This discussion shows that normative standards can have significantly different impacts on how Transylvania University and other institutions plan to present the data to the stakeholders. Care must be used to insure that past, present, and future discussions use the same standards for measurement of energy policy management. mwt\Document1 27 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation App 5 - Table 3 - CO2 Emissions By Building VS Energy Star ACTUAL 2008 Brown Science Thomson Hall PPD Office Hazelrigg Shearer Arts Bldg Graham Cottage Rosenthal Glenn Bookstore Poole Residence Hall Haupt Humanities Lucille Little Theater Campus Ctr / Forrer Hall Cowgill Business Center J. Douglas Gay Library Old Morrison Mitchell Fine Arts Beck Center Clay Davis Total Theoretical Energy Star ACTUAL VS Energy Star CO2 TPY CO2 TPY CO2 TPY 1,898 2,205 307 413 413 136 127 (9) 293 277 (16) 228 200 (29) 83 37 (46) 425 329 (97) 238 131 (107) 416 288 (128) 418 285 (133) 292 155 (137) 3,110 2,914 (196) 568 337 (231) 791 516 (275) 988 602 (386) 1,057 611 (446) 1,613 840 (773) 1,408 621 (787) 14,375 10,888 (3,487) Carbon Dioxide Tons Per Year (2008) 3.2.2 CO2 RELATED TO PEOPLE ON CAMPUS The base load of CO2 in tons per year for 2008 was based on the simple calculation of 2.3 tons of CO2 per person per year. The study team assumed that students on campus would contribute CO2 emissions due to their presence on campus for 50% of the year and commuters would contribute CO2 only 25% of the year (since they did not live on campus). The 25% and 50% factors take into account that these students will most likely not be on campus during the summer months and therefore will not contribute CO2 emissions during that period. Faculty were assumed to be on campus 25% (similar to commuters) and the staff were assumed to contribute 33% since they tend to work full year jobs with vacation time accounting for the periods when they would not contribute to CO2 campus emissions. These calculations are shown in Table 6 and presented below: mwt\Document1 28 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation Appendix 5 - Table 6 - CO2 Per Year by Students, Faculty, Staff 2008 TYPE Student in Dorms Commuting Students Persons by Type 862 296 Total Students 1158 Faculty Staff Total Personnel (2008) 85 193 Tons Annual CO2 Emissions per person 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 1436 Annual On-site % 75% 25% 25% 33% Tons CO2 Per Year Percent to Total 1,486 170 80% 9% 1,657 89% 49 146 3% 8% 1,852 100% 3.2.3 CO2 RELATED TO STUDENT/STAFF TRANSPORTATION According to the information provided to us concerning the fleet of vehicles and equipment in which the university maintains, all are fueled by petroleum products. Vehicle fuel consumption and emissions are one of the largest negative impacts on a carbon footprint score because the anthropogenic burning of fossil fuels is the main contributor to greenhouse gases (CO2). Although the fleet of vehicles and equipment is not large, replacing the fuel consuming vehicles with hybrid, electric, or battery operated models would be extremely beneficial. For a small, downtown campus such as Transylvania University, using electric or battery operated golf-carts to get around the campus would be ideal and would enhance the overall carbon footprint score tremendously. The population of students, commuters, faculty, and staff is summarized in Appendix 5 – Table 6 and CO2 emissions by population type along with the assumptions for each group are listed in Appendix 5 – Table 7. The assumptions were based on general knowledge of campus activities and reflect a first round estimate of the practices and habits of the staff, faculty, and students in terms of overall vehicle use. Currently, there are 1,158 students enrolled at Transylvania mwt\Document1 29 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation University according to the most current data from university staff. There are 852 students in dorm rooms which leaves 296 commuters. This is a positive because such a large percentage of the students do not have to commute via fuel burning vehicles. It is also assumed that a certain percentage that does commute lives close enough to either ride a bike or walk. Therefore, the overall carbon dioxide amount produced as a result of students commuting to campus is relatively low. The study team assumed that the faculty and staff commute an average of 25 miles each way and that both faculty/staff and students/commuters average 19.97 miles per gallon (based on US department of transportation data). The emissions of CO2 is 19.4 pounds per gallon as referenced in current literature included in the reference table. A survey of students, commuters, faculty, and staff could be used to refine the assumptions included in Table 7. This is a first round place holder for CO2 emissions by campus population type. Appendix 5 - Table 7 - CO2 Emissions by Vehicle Use Quantity Dorm Students Commuting Students Faculty Staff 852 296 85 193 STUDENT and FACULTY VEHICLE USE and CARBON EMISSIONS Days Wks Miles Miles per Gallons Lbs CO2 LBS CO2 per Tons CO2 Percent of Fuel per per per day gallon per year per gallon year per year total CO2 week year gasoline 10 5 35 19.97 74,662 19.4 1,448,443 724 29% gasoline 25 4.5 35 19.97 58,363 19.4 1,132,233 566 23% gasoline 25 4.5 35 19.97 16,760 19.4 325,135 163 7% gasoline 40 6 45 19.97 104,377 19.4 2,024,905 1,012 41% 2,465 100% It should be noted that there was no data related to air travel by staff, faculty, or students (participating in athletics or academic pursuits). Air travel has been estimated at 1 pound of CO2 per passenger mile. Also, no data was available related to bus or van travel by staff, students, or faculty. This data if available can be included in Table 7 as a second round improvement of the initial CO2 calculations and assumptions. mwt\Document1 30 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation 3.2.4 CO2 RELATED TO CAMPUS VEHICLE USE Campus equipment, vehicles, and quantity/fuel type were provided by Transylvania University staff. We do not know the miles per year for the fleet or equipment and have made a first round estimate of same and included those assumptions in table 7A. More exact data using historic and current fleet metrics can be used to refine this first round estimate of CO2 emissions due to campus vehicle and equipment use. This information is summarized in the following table. Appendix 5 - Table 7A - CO2 Emissions by TU Vehicle & Equipment CAMPUS VEHICLE DATA and CARBON EMISSIONS Quantity Fuel Bus Van SUV Pickup Trucks Cars Tractor 1 4 1 4 20 1 gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline gasoline Miles per week 400 500 250 200 200 25 Tractor Pickup Trucks 1 1 diesel diesel 25 200 Riding Mowers Push Mower Weedeaters 2 1 3 gasoline gasoline gasoline na na na Weeks Miles per per year gallon 35 8 35 15 35 15 52 18 35 20 50 10 50 50 10 18 Gallons per year Lbs CO2 LBS CO2 Tons CO2 per Percent of per gallon per year year total CO2 1,750 4,667 583 2,311 7,000 125 19.4 19.4 19.4 19.4 19.4 19.4 33,950 90,533 11,317 44,836 135,800 2,425 318,861 16.98 45.27 5.66 22.42 67.90 1.21 159.43 10% 26% 3% 13% 39% 1% 93% 125 556 22.2 22.2 2,775 12,333 15,108 1.39 6.17 7.55 1% 4% 4% 19.4 19.4 19.4 7,760 1,940 970 10,670 3.88 0.97 0.49 5.34 2% 1% 0% 3% 172.3 172.32 100% 400 100 50 Tons CO2 Emitted due to vehicle and motorized equipment use of gasoline and diesel fuel 3.2.5 CO2 RELATED TO COMPUTER USE AND POLICIES Computer use, printer use (both personnel and printer center units), and monitors represent a significant energy consumption source and also a source of large amounts of heat that need to be controlled by HVAC systems in the respective buildings and offices that house these devices. Through inspection of typical offices at Transylvania University; it was found that some offices used desktops and some had laptops with docking stations. We have created a series of assumptions for purposes of identifying the first round energy consumption and CO2 emissions related to computer use. Further study and a more detailed inventory of computers by campus population and mwt\Document1 31 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation computer use habits would be needed to refine this first rough estimate of energy use related to computer activities. The general assumptions used in developing this source of CO2 emissions are as follows: Each student has a laptop computer Assume each dorm student has a printer On campus students leave computers on in dorm at night in sleep mode Commuter students sleep mode for computers does not impact Transylvania University campus Each faculty member has a laptop computer 25% of faculty have desktop computers in their offices 25% of staff have a laptop PCs in administrative offices Computers by building: Laptop Desktop Campus center 5 15 Forrer Hall 1 36 Beck Gym 16 31 Physical Plant Office 1 18 Hazelrigg Hall Admin 14 39 Haupt Humanities 35 26 Gay Library 6 55 Mitchel Fine Arts 15 4 Old Morrison Admin 39 73 Shearer Art Bldg 0 1 Brown Science Center 49 106 TOTAL o Total 585 o Assume PCs (33% laptop 67% desktop with monitor) mwt\Document1 32 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation Assume 1 printer for every 5 PCs (total 141 with printers at 150 watts per printer) Assume 1 print processing center for every 15 PCs (total 47 large print processers @ 16 amps @110V = 1760 watts per print center printer processers Admin computers are in sleep mode when not in use These assumptions result in the calculations summarized in Appendix 5 – Table 8. Appendix 5 - Table 8 - Computer and Computer Resources CO2 IMPACT TYPE No. Student in Dorms Student Dorm Commuting Students 862 862 296 Faculty Faculty Staff Admin/Other Campus Admin/Other Campus Admin/Other Campus Admin/Other Campus 85 85 193 585 585 30 141 Computer Normal Computer Type No of Hours of Type Assumption Devices operation Factor per day Laptop printers Laptop laptop desktop laptop laptop desktop Print Centers printers Sleep Watts Watts Tons Wks/ Normal use Sleep Mode Days/ per per hour CO2 School kW per Mode kW Hours Wk hour sleep Normal Year year per year per day use mode Use 100% 100% 100% 862 862 296 6 1 6 12 0 0 7 7 5 35 35 35 100 100 100 5 5 5 100% 25% 25% 67% 33% 100% 100% 85 21 48 392 193 30 141 4 2 6 8 2 3 5 0 22 18 16 22 5 0 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 35 35 45 45 35 45 45 100 300 100 100 300 1760 150 5 10 5 5 10 200 10 126,714 21,119 31,080 12,671 - 132.2 22.0 32.4 6.2 2.3 6.8 73.6 21.2 37.2 24.8 358.8 5,950 2,231 818 6,514 977 70,551 7,055 20,270 7,432 35,640 6,750 23,794 343,863 35,704 Annual kW from computer use 379,567 Annual Tons CO2 from Computer use Tons CO2 Sleep Mode 13.2 0.9 1.0 7.4 7.8 7.0 37.3 396.1 Total potential tons of CO2 with the above set of assumptions is 396 tons per year. This includes 29.6 tons of CO2 emissions for desktop units. If the desktop units and monitors were replaced with laptops, Transylvania University could reduce the computer energy load by 18.1 tons of CO2 per year. The assumptions, habit estimates, and energy calculations in table 8 are summarized in the following table 8A. mwt\Document1 33 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation Appendix 5 - Table 8A Computer and Printing CO2 Impact TYPE Student in Dorms Student Dorm Commuting Students Faculty Faculty Staff Admin/Other Campus Admin/Other Campus Admin/Other Campus Admin/Other Campus Device Type Tons CO2 Normal Use Tons CO2 Sleep Mode laptop printers laptop laptop desktop laptop laptop desktop print centers printers total tons 132 22 32 6 2 7 74 21 37 25 359 13 1 1 7 8 7 37 Total tons CO2 per Year 145 22 32 6 3 8 81 29 44 25 396 Percent of Total 37% 6% 8% 2% 1% 2% 20% 7% 11% 6% 100% The study team assumes that all computers are left on at night per instructions from the IT personnel in order to take advantage of system updates. With this assumption comes a burden because on-campus computers have a CO2 potential sleep mode energy use of 37 tons of CO2 per year. Therefore, if university policy stated that all computers and support devices (i.e. laptops, printers, scanners, plotters, etc.) were turned off when not in use, the savings in electricity would potentially result in a reduction of CO2 of at least 37 tons per year. Specific surveys of computer use by students, staff, and faculty would be valuable in determining the specific habits and practices in order to develop a better baseline of CO2 emissions related to computer use. 3.2.6 CO2 RELATED TO CAMPUS GREEN SPACE and TREES Green space is basically defined as open, undeveloped land with vegetation, including playing fields and playgrounds. The amount of space on campus impacts the overall carbon footprint in a positive way if the campus has more green space than paved parking areas. The amount of green space measured around the campus totaled approximately 787,900 square feet, as opposed to the total amount of paved parking mwt\Document1 34 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation lots, which totaled approximately 342,730 square feet. The campus area is calculated in Appendix 5 – Table 4. Note – the study did not attempt to accurately identify other surfaces like paved roads, sidewalks, etc. Therefore the values of campus area are approximate with respect to the method used to identify green space (use of Google earth ® campus rendering). The study team used the estimate of 48 acres as the total campus property to determine the relative space allocated to green, parking, and campus roof area. This is summarized in the following table. Appendix 5 - Table 4 - Campus Area Designation Total Campus Area Campus Building Area (Roof) Green Space Parking Lots Other - roads, sidewalks, etc Total Units Acres Percent of Total 48 Acres 48.0 100% Sq Ft Sq Ft Sq Ft 5.8 18.1 7.9 16.3 12% 38% 16% 34% Total 100% 250,865 787,904 342,734 Approximate It would be beneficial for the university personnel to determine if smaller houses/buildings on the periphery of the campus are being utilized well and, if not, consider razing those buildings to create additional green space. Based on data from the Colorado Tree Coalition data, trees absorb about 48 pounds of CO2 per mature tree (deciduous) and about half that amount annually for evergreens. Based on this data, the Transylvania University campus has approximately 85 evergreens and 240 deciduous trees which result in a carbon dioxide uptake (removal from the environment) of 6.8 tons of CO2 per year. By using the University of Georgia school of forestry guide for forests, with a 15 foot trunk spacing of deciduous trees, Transylvania University could potentially plant 194 trees per acre and with 48 potential acres of campus, Transylvania University’s maximum carbon dioxide uptake by trees per year could be as high as 223.5 tons of CO2. This recommendation is obviously not practical because this condition would require all campus areas to be converted into a mwt\Document1 35 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation forest. By example, if all of the green space was converted to a dense forest, Transylvania University’s CO2 uptake potential could be 84.2 tons per year of CO2. This data is summarized in Table 11 and presented below: Appendix 5 - Table 11 - Carbon Footprint - Trees and Vegetation Acres X Trees / Acre X CO2 Emission Factor Lbs/CO2/ tree/year = Lbs CO2 Absorption per year Current Actual CO2 Absorbed by Trees Potential Percent to Tons CO2 Total Absorbed Potential per year 6.8 3% Potential CO2 Absorbed by Trees based on stated scenario Total Campus Area in trees 48.0 194 48 Campus Building Area Building Area CO2 lost potential due to no trees on roof area Green Space CO2 potential if all green space was planted at 194 trees per acre 5.8 0 48 0 0.0 5.8 194 48 53,629 26.8 12% 18.1 194 48 168,433 84.2 38% Parking Lots - CO2 potential if all parking areas were planted with trees 7.9 194 48 73,268 36.6 16% Parking Lots - CO2 lost potential due to paved areas 7.9 0 48 0 0.0 446,976 223.5 100% The carbon footprint related to fertilizer application was calculated in Table 10. These emissions were estimated to be 8.6 tons per year based on 9,000 pounds of fertilizer applied in 2008. There does not appear to be much that can be done by Transylvania University to reduce or change this emission other than to ensure that the facilities operations do not over fertilize the green areas. 3.2.7 CO2 RELATED TO WASTE AND RECYCLING ACTIVITIES Another component to improving the overall carbon footprint score pertains to the solid waste practices the university maintains. For example, according to the information supplied by the university, approximately 54,600 pounds of solid waste is generated from Forrer Hall annually. Most likely, the solid waste generated from the dining hall is mwt\Document1 36 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation included in this amount. However, approximately 62,400 pounds of material is recycled annually from Forrer Hall. The increase in the amount recycled most likely takes into account the additional newspapers, paper products, bottles, and cans produced by the student population living at Forrer Hall. The additional 76,120 pounds of material recycled annually comes from 17 other campus buildings. We were not provided the amounts of solid waste generated annually for these buildings, so it can not be determined if the positively or negatively affects the overall carbon footprint. However, please note that if the amount of material recycled is greater than the amount of material generated, the overall score will be benefited. The generation of waste that is placed in the landfill from cafeteria operations is typically considered a carbon footprint transfer action. This means that the waste from cafeteria and food preparation activities, when placed in a landfill, will biodegrade and generate over time, methane and CO2 (and other minor air pollutants). The generation of CO2 is approximately 565 pounds of CO2 per ton of waste. This is not generated all at once but is created over a 10 to 15 year waste decomposition period during which all of the organics in the waste are liberated as CO2, methane, heat, and water. For purposes of this study, the team assumed that all 565 pounds of CO2 was released in the same year the waste was generated. This results in a potential CO2 emission footprint for 2008 at Transylvania University of 7.7 tons and is presented in Table 12. Offsetting the cafeteria waste is the beneficial reduction of CO2 and CO2 equivalent emissions through recycling. The exact type and characteristic of recycled material was not available, so the study team made a percent allocation assumption of recycled material in order to calculate the potential CDE reduction for Transylvania University recycle activities in 2008 resulting in 51.6 tons of CO2 removed from the environment. The following Table 12R shows this calculation along with the CDE Emission factor in pounds per ton of specific recycled material. mwt\Document1 37 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation Appendix 5 - Table 12R Recycle CO2 Tons of Total Carbon Dioxide Equivalents (Tons CDE) Percent Gross 2008 lbs recycled Weighted Average by Type aluminum cans 15% 76120 11418 4.08 23.3 Plastic 20% 76120 15224 0.45 3.4 cardboard 20% 76120 15224 0.93 7.1 Paper 40% 76120 30448 1.06 16.1 5% 76120 3806 0.85 Tons of CO2 (TCDE) due to Recycle Recycle Type newspaper Tons CO2 reduced factor ton CDE/ton recycle 1.6 51.6 Incentives to students, staff, and faculty to increase recycle actions will certainly result in reduction of CO2. 3.2.8 CO2 RELATED TO PURCHASING PRACTICES The university’s practice of purchasing goods and services for the school can and will have an impact on the total CO2 emissions annually related primarily to the transportation component of bringing goods, services, and commodities to the campus for use in operations, academics, and every day life. For example, these practices will increase CO2 emissions if food and goods for the campus dining facilities are purchased from sources many miles away, as opposed to purchasing products locally. Reduction of delivery distance will reduce the mileage and emissions used by the suppliers to supply such products to the campus. Naturally, this is just one example, as this would relate to any type of product or material the university purchased. The project team was not provided the information relating to purchasing products, but it would be beneficial for the university to determine where products are purchased to see if there are local firms or companies that could be utilized instead of distant suppliers. There was no information obtained to evaluate this area but it certainly is one that can be easily tracked and calculated. mwt\Document1 38 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation 3.2.9 CO2 RELATED TO LARGE HP MOTORS Five main campus buildings have a total of 645 horsepower (HP) in electric motors 20 HP and larger. These motors consume power and based on their duty cycles and efficiency rating could potentially consume significant energy per year. The team does not believe that these large motors (used in chillers, water pumps, air handlers, A/C systems, and chilled water pumps) operate at full capacity 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. A potential savings of 3% of the motors electrical load can be obtained when one of the older more inefficient units is replaced in service. The 3% is a good rule of thumb for motor efficiency upgrades. There are several newer chillers, air handlers, and A/C systems that have energy efficient motor units these cannot be used to determine potential energy or carbon footprint since they are already included in the baseline energy consumption (annual electrical demand calculations by building – see Appendix 5 Table 14). New compressors, A/C units, air handlers, chillers, and pumps should be specified with energy efficient motors and operating systems that optimize the most energy efficient operation and design for the application. In addition, upgrading any systems with large HP motors should include specification of variable frequency drives. A conservative rule of thumb for HAVC indicates that variable speed motors in pump or fan systems save 50% of the pump or fan power per year. A detailed building-by-building analysis is needed as follow-up to this study to determine the operating characteristics (hours of operation, duty cycle, percent of full load, etc.) of the motors in current use. Based on that study, recommendations for target energy reductions and possible carbon footprint reductions can be developed. 3.2.10 CO2 RELATED TO LIGHTING PRACTICES Lighting accounts for a significant amount of electricity used in campus buildings. The annual base year CO2 emissions from electrical use in the main campus buildings is 88% of the total energy load (see Table 1). There are three lighting practices that can mwt\Document1 39 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation reduce the electrical load and still maintain the lighting needed for student, faculty, and staff activities. The first is simply to implement a general campus policy to shut off lights when not in the area or the room. This can be accomplished administratively by training, signage, and reminders to students, staff, and faculty. Technology can also be utilized by installing occupancy sensors incorporating passive infrared and/or ultrasonic sensing protocols that automatically shut off lights when the area is unoccupied. The second area, which is more costly, is to replace all incandescent lights with fluorescent or, as LED lighting becomes more cost effective and available, with LED lights. LED (Light Emitting Diode) technology provides the approximately the same lumens of light at less than 25% of the power consumption of incandescent lights and less than 50% of the power consumption of fluorescent lights. Campus policies regarding lighting at night for safety and building security need to be factored into the analysis of lighting practices, but in order to reduce the building energy load, lighting must be considered and turned off when at all possible. It should also be noted that an additional benefit of LED technology is that LED lamp products tend to last much longer than standard and current lighting products, thereby creating a long term maintenance savings that should also be considered. The third area for evaluation of lighting practices would be to utilize a building-wide lighting control system which could be programmed such that area specific occupancy schedules could be established. The control system could work in conjunction with space sensors and manual overrides that would assist in the effort to de-energize lighting in the “unoccupied” mode. Furthermore, daylight harvesting photosensor controls could be integrated that would sense the space for quantity of natural lighting and de-energize artificial lighting when adequate light levels exists. This concept of deenergizing lighting was discussed in Section 2.6 of this report. The buildings on campus that operate 24/7 certainly will have a different energy footprint versus classrooms, the library, cafeterias, administration offices, and the gymnasium. In section 2.6, it was noted that the library had similar energy demand during the day and night. This was identified as unusual and as stated in 2.6, Transylvania University should investigate the mwt\Document1 40 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation energy demands by major buildings over time (seasonal impact of heating and A/C), the availability of natural lighting within the existing architecture, and occupancy patterns over the day and night periods in order to determine if there are one or more buildings that are out-of-sync with the expectation of lower light and energy at night versus day operations. 3.2.11 SOLAR PANEL CO2 OFFSET The study team also looked at the use of solar panels on selected buildings and campus areas. This study area is summarized in Table 13 and assumes that some of the building roof area can be used for solar panels. If half of the campus buildings roofs were equipped with solar panels, the CO2 reduction would be approximately 4,600 tons of CO2 per year. The study team evaluated the energy generation of current high efficient panels and found that the Sunpower solar panel can generate 0.185 kW peak per square meter. The following table shows the theoretical potential of solar panels at TU. Note – if the whole 48 acres of campus area was used to generate electricity, the theoretical CO2 annual savings would be 335,890 tons per year. If only the roof area was covered in solar panels, the theoretical CO2 annual savings would be 40,301 tons per year. This is not possible or practical but it illustrates the scope and breadth of new thinking that must be brought to the CO2 carbon footprint issue. The following table summarizes the solar energy potential by source. Appendix 5 - Table 13 Solar power to Carbon Footprint comparison Solar Power Available Potential for Factor Factor from Solar Annual kW Reduction of Conversion Lbs acres Days/yr Sumpower Energy available Tons of CO2 M2 per acre CO2/k panel kW/M2 Lexington theoretically Emissions W Specific per year Total Campus Area Building Roof Area Parking Lot Area 48.00 4,046.85 365.00 0.185 4.54 321,889,686 2.09 335,892 5.76 4,046.85 365.00 0.185 4.54 38,620,573 2.09 40,301 7.87 4,046.85 365.00 0.185 4.54 52,763,688 2.09 55,059 mwt\Document1 41 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation 3.2.12 CO2 REDUCTION or OFFSET ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The current operations and activities at Transylvania University result in around 19,700 tons of CO2 emissions per year. There are a number of strategies that Transylvania University can use to reduce or offset CO2 emissions. These include the following (with the assumption that cost is not an issue): Purchase of CO2 credits to offset the current use of electricity on campus, Increase of CO2 credits by purchasing and converting non-CO2 sink land areas to CO2 removal or sinks (i.e. replace houses with trees), Obtain recycled energy as a credit for total electricity purchased, Develop incentives for students, faculty, and staff to consider convert their vehicles to higher efficiency autos or insist on a phase in of electric / hybrid over a 5 to 10 year period Carpool and use efficient transportation for student, faculty, and staff meetings and activities off campus Eliminate use of paper Eliminate high energy consuming computers Change lighting policies to shut off power when not in buildings or occupied space Reduce the winter heat by 2 to 4 degrees F Increase the summer A/C temp start point by 2 to 4 degrees F Increase recycle activities Create a campus forum to address CO2 or CDE generation awareness Provide student, staff, and faculty incentives to measure actual energy use (dorms, class rooms, etc.) and pledge to reduce over time the total energy used. Replace all appliances on campus with energy star or high efficiency units Develop targets and reward staff, students, and faculty for meeting goals for reduction in activities that create CO2 emissions Consider purchasing goods and services locally Reduce campus utility usage by 20% through further study of individual buildings mwt\Document1 42 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation APPENDICES mwt\Document1 43 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation APPENDIX 1 – MANUAL ADJUSTMENTS TO SHARED METER UTILITY DATA mwt\Document1 44 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation APPENDIX 2 – NOAA CLIMATE TREND KENTUCKY mwt\Document1 45 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation APPENDIX 3 – CALCULATIONS OF ENERGY STAR AND ASHRAE BY BUILDING WITH NOTES mwt\Document1 46 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation APPENDIX 4 – CARBON FOOTPRINT REFERENCE TABLE mwt\Document1 47 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation APPENDIX 5 – CARBON FOOTPRINT CALCULATIONS TABLES 1 TO 14 mwt\Document1 48 April 15, 2009 Transylvania University Energy Benchmark Study and Carbon Footprint Evaluation APPENDIX 6 – CARBON FOOTPRINT REFERENCE FACTORS mwt\Document1 49 April 15, 2009 TETRA TECH TETRA TECH TETRA TECH Tetra Tech, Inc. 800 Corporate Drive, Suite 200 Lexington, Kentucky 40503 859.223.8000 phone 859.224.1025 fax TETRA TECH