

Macromedia Dreamweaver and

Flash Extensions

By Jerry B. Day


Jerry Day

Knowledge Solutions Engineer

(classroom and online training project manager)

Agilent Technologies

Loveland, Colorado

Professional Background

Co-chairperson of the Society for Technical

Communication’s Online Special Interest


First used Dreamweaver in 1997

Attended Macromedia User Group conferences in 95, 96, and 97

Professional Background

US Air Force photojournalist and combat photographer for 22 years

Instructor, course developer, and course manager in the US Air Force photography school at Lowry

Air Base in Denver for 8 years

Manager of all US Air Force photographic activities in Europe from 1976 to 1980 (best job I ever had)

Technical writer and trainer for the Air Force and several civilian companies

Professional Background

Project manager, developer, and writer for training and publications on HP ScanJet scanners,

HP Photosmart scanners, HP CD and DVD writers, HP Unix workstations (second best job I ever had)

Knowledge Solutions Engineer

(classroom and online training project manager) for Agilent 5DX X-ray inspection system

Professional Background

Speaker at STC, Corel, and Adobe conferences in Portland, Denver, Atlanta, Orlando, San Jose,

San Francisco, London, England and Ottawa,


Presentations on Adobe Postscript, Photoshop,

Acrobat, scanning, digital photography, web graphics, book publishing, etc.

Beta tester for Adobe (Photoshop, Streamline,

Illustrator, Acrobat)

Was the first beta site for the Windows version of

Adobe PageMaker (1986)

Professional History

Adobe Photoshop Certified Expert

Have written four commercial books including one for Random House and one for Prentice Hall


Dreamweaver has become the premiere web authoring tool for professional developers.

The latest version, 4.0, was introduced in

November 2000.

Dreamweaver has an open architecture

The UI is written in XML and you can modify it if you know XML.


Extensions extend the power and usability of Dreamweaver and Flash.

Some of the extensions I will talk about require Macromedia Fireworks 4.0.

Most of the presentation will be on

Dreamweaver, but most of it applies to

Flash as well.


What is an extension?

How do I get them?

How much do they cost?

What is the Extension


What is Macromedia


What types of extensions are available?

How do they work?

Do Dreamweaver 3 extensions work in

Dreamweaver 4?

Flash Extensions



Web sites

Demo of extensions

What is an Extension?

Extensions are software applications, normally written as JavaScripts.

Extensions are the equivalent of Photoshop plug-ins or Macromedia Director xtras.

Extensions are plug-ins to Dreamweaver and Flash.

Extensions add new features to

Dreamweaver and Flash.




What is an Extension?

 There are three types of Dreamweaver extensions:




This is important as you will need to know where the extension can be found in


What is a Dreamweaver


Behaviors are Javascripts.

Objects are HTML code that represents an image or HTML tag.

Commands are used to modify pages and streamline production…an example of a command is “Sort Table.”

Extensions let you easily add behaviors, objects, and commands to Dreamweaver.

Extension Categories


Application Server

Browser Compatibility

Dynamic HTML



Learning (Coursebuilder for Dreamweaver and

Learning Site)

Extension Categories



Rich Media



Style and Format



 HTML Online


How (and where) do I get them?

Extensions can be downloaded, installed, and organized with the Macromedia Extension


They can be obtained directly from Macromedia’s extension web site (Macromedia Exchange).

They can also be obtained from third party developers (a list will be included in the resources).

How much do they cost?

Most extensions are free!

Most were produced by developers for their own use and made them available for free to the Dreamweaver community.

A few extension developers charge a fee.

Macromedia does not sell extensions, but there are links to fee sites from

Macromedia Exchange.

Macromedia Extension Manager?

The Macromedia Extension Manager is a free add-on for Dreamweaver and Flash.

It is used to install and keep track of your extensions.

If you are using a version of Dreamweaver prior to 4.0, you must download and install the extension manager.

It is included with Dreamweaver 4.

Macromedia Extension Manager

After it is installed, it is available from within


Extension Manager works only with

Dreamweaver 3 and 4.

It is available for both Mac and Windows, but only in English.

Extension Manager also works with Macromedia

Flash 5 and Dreamweaver UltaDev.

Macromedia Extension Manager?

 The latest version of is 1.2.

Macromedia Extension Manager

 The Extension Manager is accessed from the Dreamweaver Commands menu.

Macromedia Extension Manager

EM is used to add and delete extensions.

A brief description of each extension is provided.

A link to


Exchange is included.

What if I Need Help with

Extension Manager?

 Extension Manager has online help.

What if I Need Help with

Extension Manager?


Manager help

What if I Need Help with the

Extensions themselves?

Some of the extensions include HTML help files.

Some of them include Word or Acrobat

PDF documentation.

Macromedia CourseBuilder includes a 315 page manual in PDF.

What if I Need Help with the

Extensions themselves?


Coursebuilder extension also includes

HTML help manual in addition to the

Acrobat manual.

What if I Need Help with the

Extensions themselves?

The Learning Site extension includes

HTML help.

Tips for Downloading Extensions

Download and install one extension at a time.

Most Dreamweaver and Flash extensions are good.

However, some extensions are buggy and can cause Dreamweaver or Flash to crash or hang.

If you download and install a group of them at one time, you may not be able to learn which is causing the problem.

Tips for Downloading Extensions

Create a directory on your hard drive named “extensions.”

Download extensions into and install from this directory.

If you ever have to reinstall Dreamweaver, you will not have to download the extensions again.

Copy the directory to a Zip disc or CDR for safe keeping.

Tips for Downloading Extensions

Most extensions on the Macromedia

Exchange have a user forum.

The developer of the extension often monitors the forum and answers questions.

Checkout the forum before downloading a an extension to see what other uses have to say about it.

Macromedia Exchange

This is the user discussion group for the



HTML extension discussion group.

What is Macromedia Exchange?

Exchange is the part of the

Macromedia web site where you can download extensions.

There are

Exchanges for

Dreamweaver and Flash.

Macromedia Exchange

Macromedia requires that you become a member of

Macromedia.com to use Exchange.

Macromedia Exchange

Membership is free, but you do need to register and setup a login name

(login name is your email address) and password.

cool guy

Macromedia Exchange


Login, you can access the

Exchange for


Macromedia Exchange

From the initial

Exchange screen you can select extensions or download the



Macromedia Exchange

You can view a list of extension categories or a list of them all.

Macromedia Exchange

What types of extensions are available?

Additional Flash buttons

Search engines

Reformat tables

Automatically create forms

Detect and direct visitors based on their browser

How do they work?

Extensions add capabilities to

Dreamweaver and Flash and become part of the program.

Most are written in JavaScript.

How do they work?

Some extensions are added to the



Some extensions are added to the

Objects Panel.

How do they work?

Some extensions are accessed from the Commands menu.

Some extensions are accessed from the

Insert menu.

Extension Examples

At last count, there were 354 extensions in

Macromedia Exchange.

I can only show a few of them.

Following are a few of my favorites:

Extension Examples

Menu Builder extension creates a drop down navigation menu.

Extension Examples

Menu Builder can add a go button automatically.

Extension Examples

The Cleanup FrontPage HTML extension removes the bad HTML that the web editor from

Redmond produces.

Extension Examples

Symbols for

Writers extension


Symbols extension

Note the HTML code

Extension Examples


CourseBuilder was previously a separate program.

Now it is a free extension.

Extension Examples

Learning Site

Extension builds instructional sites with builtin navigation, tracking features and lesson administration.

Extension Examples

The Learning Site extension includes several types of site templates. This is the commercial look. This extension can be combined with the

CourseBuilder extension.

Extension Examples

How long would it take to create an interactive form like this?

Extension Examples

The Common

Form Builder extension can built the form in a few seconds.

Extension Examples

A variation of the form builder is the

Credit Form builder. This one includes credit card info.

Jerry Day

670 Clarendon Drive


Extension Examples

How much work would it be to create calendars on your web pages?

Extension Examples

The Insert

Calendar extension lets you make calendars in a few seconds.

Extension Examples

The Alternate

Table Rows extension is used to format existing tables.

You can select the row colors without having to know the hex colors.

Extension Examples

Alternate table rows can be formatted quickly and easily. The formatting can be changed if you do not like the effect.

Extension Examples

The Bullet extension converts an unordered list to a Fireworks gif file.

This extension requires that you have Fireworks 4 installed.

Extension Examples

 Deva Tools for


 Create


TOCs and indexes

 Microsoft


Extension Examples

Extension Examples

 Deva Search for


JavaScript search engine

Creates platform independent search files for any browser that supports


Extension Examples

Deva Tools are added to the

Dreamweaver toolbar.

Extension Examples

The Scrollable Layer extension gives the capability to create absolutely positioned scrollable text area.

You can determine where on the page, how wide, and how high the area is.

Extension Examples

The scroll up and scroll down labels are added automatically. The required JavaScripting is also generated.

Do earlier extensions work in

Dreamweaver 4?

Dreamweaver 1 and 2 extensions do not work in versions 3 and 4.

Most extensions work both in 3 and 4.

Some new ones only work in 4.

A few older ones do not work in 4, but are being updated.

Flash Extensions

Flash Extensions

Flash Extensions are similar to

Dreamweaver extensions.

They are installed the same way with

Extension Manager.

They can be obtained from Macromedia

Exchange web site.

Flash Extensions

Flash Extensions are installed in the

Common Library menu or as Object


Flash Extensions

Smart Clips


Learning Extensions

Buttons Extensions

Clip Art Extensions

Flash Learning Extensions

Flash Learning Extensions

Flash Learning Extensions


Fill-in-the blank

Hot object



Buttons Extension

Tickler Extension

The Tickler provides an easy way to make text scroll.

Scroller Extension

The Scroller Extension provides an easy way to make text scroll.

Scroller Extension

Dreamweaver Resources

The Dreamweaver user guide includes information and instructions on extensions.

Dreamweaver Resources

The absolute

Dreamweaver power user resource.

New 4.0 version will be out soon. Book includes

CDROM with a number of extensions.

Dreamweaver Resources

My favorite Dreamweaver book. It includes a CDROM with excellent videos. A 4.0 version will be out soon.

Dreamweaver Resources

Lynda Weinman also produces training CDROMs. The

Dreamweaver 4 version was just released. It has over 6 hours of training videos and practice files. The training shows how to use the Extension Manager and

Macromedia Exchange.

Dreamweaver Resources

Just introduced. A good resource on

Dreamweaver, but not much on extensions.

Will be published in July. Is a twoday course on Dreamweaver in a book. Do not know how much it will have on extensions.

Dreamweaver Resources

Computer Arts magazine is an invaluable source of information on

Dreamweaver and

Flash. It is published in

England and is expensive ($13.95 per issues), but well worth it. Some issues are specials on one subject.

Dreamweaver Resources

Each issue of Computer

Arts includes a CDROM with demo software, tutorials, extensions, and sample Flash movies.

Dreamweaver Resources

The latest special issue includes 33 pages of

Dreamweaver tutorials, demo versions of 4.0 and extensions.

Dreamweaver Resources

This article on

Dreamweaver extensions was in the latest special issue. I got some of my ideas for this presentation from this article.

Dreamweaver Resources

This is an example of a tutorial in the

Computer Arts magazine. This one showed how to use the

Macromedia Exchange extensions web site.

Dreamweaver Resources

Massimo’s Corner www.massimocorner.com

Dreamweaver Depot http://people.netscape.com/andreww/dreamweaver

Dreamweaver News and Information http://www.owlnet/dwnews

Dreamweaver Supply Bin http://home.att.net/~JCB.BEI/Dreamweaver

Help Weavers www.helpweavers.com

Dreamweaver Resources

 Beginners Learning Resource http://www.beginners.co.uk/

 Deja News--Dreamweaver Newsgroup

Archive http://groups.google.com/

Flash Resources

Computer Arts magazine does special issues on

Flash. This is the latest and another will be out in


Flash Resources

From Peachpit Press and

Macromedia Press. A complete course in Flash. Just published.

From Lynda Weinman. Over 6 hours of video training including practice files.

Flash Resources



Flashmagazine http://www.flashmagazine.com

FlashChallenge http://www.flashchallenge.com

Flash Academy http://www.enetserve.com/tutorials

Flash Kit web site www.flashkit.com

Dreamweaver Extensions

Web Sites

Massimo’s Corner www.massimocorner.com

Dreamweaver Depot http://people.netscape.com/andreww/dreamweaver

Dreamweaver News and Information http://www.owlnet/dwnews

Dreamweaver Supply Bin http://home.att.net/~JCB.BEI/Dreamweaver

Dreamweaver Extensions

Web Sites

Project VII Design www.projectseven.com/dreamweaver

My Computer www.mycomputer.com

Yaromat http://www.yaromat.com

Dreamweaver etc.

http://www.idest.com/dreamweaver /

Macromedia Exchange for Dreamweaver www.macromedia.com/software/dreamweaver

Dreamweaver Extensions

Web Sites

Webmonkey www.hotwired.lycos.com/javascript/code_library/ed_ext

Deva Tools for Dreamweaver www.devahelp.com

Flash Extensions Web Sites

 Macromedia Exchange for Flash www.macromedia.com/software/flash

That’s All Folks…

Hope this was useful.

I will now demo the process.

Visit the Macromedia web site for more information ( www.macromedia.com


I am not a consultant, but I will try to answer your questions…email only!

Jerry Day jerry_day@agilent.com

I’ll Be Doing This Again…

…so you can suffer twice!

 STC Northern Colorado SIG

July 26 (probably in Fort


Dreamweaver and Flash


Stop for Demo of Extensions
