Where are Electrons located in the atom and what

Where are Electrons located in the
atom and what are their charge?
• Outside the nucleus (Electron Cloud)
• Negative
Where are Neutrons located in the
atom and what is the charges of the
• Nucleus of the atom
• No Charge
Where are Protons located in the atom
and what is the charge of Protons?
• Nucleus of the atom
• Positive charge
2H2 + 02  2H20
• What are the Reactants in the
equation above?
• What are the Products in the
equation above?
• Reactants: 2H2 + O2
• Products: 2H20
2Ca + O2  2CaO
• What is the coefficient of O2?
• The Coefficient is 1
The formula for Ethanol is C2H5OH.
• How many elements does methane contain?
• How many atoms or Carbon are there in
• How many atoms of Hydrogen are there in
• How many atoms of Oxygen are the in
There are 3 elements present.
There are 2 atoms of Carbon.
There are 6 atoms of Hydrogen.
There is 1 atom of Oxygen.
Which diagram represents a compound?
• A.
• B.
A. is a compound of CO2
B. is a molecule of Oxygen
The following is a diagram of Hydrogen
Peroxide. What is the chemical
formula for Hydrogen Peroxide?
According to the periodic table, is
Nitrogen a metal or nonmetal? What
is Nitrogen’s atomic number?
Nitrogen is on the right side of the
periodic table where the
nonmetals are located.
Atomic Number is 7.
Is Calcium (Ca) Considered a
metal or nonmetal?
What type of elements are good
conductors and malleable?
Elements in a periodic table are
arranged left to right and top to
bottom in order of what?
• Increasing Atomic Number
Why are Noble Gases considered
“Stable” or “Non-Reactive”?
Because they have a full valence
energy level.
Which two elements shown below
would have the most similar chemical
Boron and Aluminum
Carbon and Silicon
Because they are in the same family
or group.
Which group on the periodic table are
the most reactive metals?
Group 1
Alkali Metals
Which of these groups in the Periodic
Table are primarily gases at room
Noble Gases
Group 18
Group 8A
Name an element that would
have similar chemical properties
to Copper?
Silver or Gold
What is the atomic mass of the
following atom?
Atomic Mass 7
Identify the following element.
Atomic Number=3
Least Reactive : 8 Valence Electrons
Most Reactive : _________________
1 Valence Electron
Which subatomic particle determines
an element’s identity?
What are the evidences of a chemical
1. Color Change
2. Production of Gas
3. Temperature Change
4. Precipitate
What does it mean for an object
to accelerate?
-Change in speed
-Change in direction
What is the scientific law that
explains why chemical equations
must be BALANCED?
Law of Conservation of Mass
Name a physical and chemical
property of wood.
Physical: Floats on water, Rough
texture, breaks when bent
Chemical: ability to burn
If you mix to solutions together and
notice a temperature change, has a
chemical reaction occurred?
When a chemical reaction has
occurred has a new substance been
Chemical change means a new
substance formed. Physical change
means there has been no change to
the original substance. (Torn paper is
still paper)
What is the Net Force for the following
6N, Left
When an object is acted on by an
unbalanced force it will always….
Continue at the same speed
Continue to go in the same direction
Come to a stop
When a man jumps from a boat to a
dock, the boat begins to move in the
opposite direction of the dock. Which
of Newton’s laws is this an example
Newton’s 3rd Law
For every action, there is an equal
and opposite reaction
The boats moves in the opposite
direction with an equal amount force
that has been applied to it from the
What is the difference between
Distance and Displacement?
Displacement includes direction
Associated with velocity
When a bowl is pushed across a
table, what force eventually stops
the bowl from moving?
If a projectile flies north 387 meters in
5.8 seconds, what is its velocity?
66.72 m/s North
If a 4500 kg car is traveling westward
with an acceleration of 35.2 m/s2,
what is the force acting on it?
158,400 N
F= m x a
A dock worker needs to stop a crate
containing 3 boxes of goods that is
rolling across a manual conveyer belt.
One box has a mass of 8.5kg and is
accelerating at .75m/s2. How much
force will he need to apply to the crate
in order to stop it?
19.125 N
• The crate contains 3 boxes so you must
multiply the mass of one box by 3 to get the
mass of the entire crate. (3 x 8.5 kg= 25.5 kg)
• Use the formula f=m x a
• F= 25.5kg x 0.75 m/s2= 19.125N
When you are riding in a car and you
must come to a complete stop
abruptly, why does you body continue
to move forward?
Because your body contains
An object in motion tends to stay in
motion unless acted on by on
unbalanced force.
Which of Newton’s laws deals with a
relationship between mass and
Newton’s Second Law
F=m x a
What 2 things are often found at plate
Earthquakes and Volcanoes
Which geologic theory laid the
foundation for the theory of Plate
Continental Drift
What movement is generally thought
to have caused the Rocky Mountains?
Collision of tectonic plates
How do volcanoes form at mid-ocean
As the tectonic plate moves apart,
magma from the Earth’s mantle
comes to the surface, building ridges
and volcanoes
Island Arcs are created by what type of
Convergent Boundary
What type of boundary creates Ocean
Convergent Boundary
What type of Boundary can be found
where Mid-Ocean Ridges are found?
Divergent Boundary
What types of evidence supported the
idea of Pangea?
Fossil Evidence
Climate Evidence
Land Features
What does Velocity include?
Speed and Direction
• Ex. 3 m/s North
If a car is traveling at a constant speed
around a track, at what point would
the car be accelerating?
When the car changes direction
If a biker is pedaling at 10 mi/hr north
and decides to turn northeast still
going 10 mi/hr, what has happened to
his speed and velocity?
• Speed and velocity has changed
• Speed and velocity have stayed constant
• Speed has changed but velocity stayed
• Speed stayed constant but velocity changed
Speed stayed constant but
velocity changed
If a rocket is moving 10 m/s and is
pushed with a force of 5,000N will it
continue to move at 10m/s? How will
its speed be affected?
No, it will move faster.
The speed of the rocket will