01/14/13 Agenda To do: Vocab pg 362 Chapter Outline pg 341-362 Text Book Assignment log Khan Academy Power Point Warm-up 1. List three inherited diseases. 2. Draw a pedigree for your family Homework: Complete any incomplete work 01/15/13 Agenda To do: Homework: Complete any incomplete work CN 14 -1 WB 14-1 Text Book Assignment log Khan Academy Power Point Warm-up 1. What is a dominant and recessive allele? 2. What is the difference between a homozygous and heterozygous genotype? 01/16/13 Agenda To do: Homework: WB 14-2 WB 14-1 Text Book Khan Academy Power Point Warm-up 1. Are autosomal mutations passed on to future generations? 2. What causes Tay-Sachs? 01/17/13 Agenda To do: Homework: None! CN 14-2 Problem solving pg 343 Text Book Khan Academy Power Point Warm-up 1. Why is it difficult to study the genetics of humans? 2. What are two reasons that make it difficult to identify the genes responsible for a trait? Agenda Agenda Assignments to turn in: CN 14-2 Lab Warm-ups CN Workbook pgs Lab Text Book Khan Academy 01/18/13 Homework: None! Power Point Warm-up – use figure 14-4 on pg 344 for both questions 1. How many types of blood do humans have? 2. How could there be four phenotypes when there are six different genotypes? Agenda Agenda Video – Cracking the code WB 14-3 Video- Ethics in Genetics Text Book Khan Academy Assignments to turn in: Lab Workbook 01/22/13 Homework: Study for Test on Thursday Power Point Warm-up – use figure 14-4 on pg 344 for both questions 1. How many types of blood do humans have? 2. How could there be four phenotypes when there are six different genotypes? Agenda Agenda Video – Cracking the code WB 14-3 Video- Ethics in Genetics Text Book Khan Academy Assignments to turn in: Lab Workbook 01/22/13 Homework: Study for Test on Thursday Power Point Warm-up – 1. What type of chart would help a genetic counselor track the passage of a trait through the generations of a family? 2. How many autosomes are found in a human diploid cell? Agenda Agenda Assignments to turn in: No Notes - continued Video- Ethics in Genetics Text Book Khan Academy Notes 01/23/13 Homework: Study for Test on Friday Power Point Warm-up – 1. Give an example of an autosomal recessive disease. 2. In which chromosome are the genes for vision located? Agenda Agenda Assignments due Chapter Review Video- Ethics in Genetics Chapter Review -1/25 All chapter 14 work due tomorrow No Text Book Khan Academy 01/24/13 Homework: Study for Test Tomorrow Power Point Warm-up – 1. Explain why X-linked disorders like colorblindness, hemophilia and muscular dystrophy are carried by females but show more frequently in males. 2. How is monosomy different from haploid cells? Agenda Agenda Assignments due Test All chapter 14 work T Text Book Khan Academy 01/25/13 Homework: None !! Enjoy your weekend Power Point Warm-up – 1. Explain why eating “sugar free” foods causes mental retardation in people with phenylketonuria ? Agenda Agenda Assignments due T Grade check! Vocab Chapter 15 outline Text Book Vocab and outline Khan Academy 01/28/13 Homework: None Power Point Warm-up – 1. What is diversity? 2. Why do you think there is so much diversity in the natural world? Agenda Agenda Assignments due T Notes 15-1 Vocab Review Text Book Khan Academy Vocab Chapter Outline 15-1 Notes 01/29/13 Homework: None Power Point Warm-up – 1. Describe survival of the fittest. Agenda Agenda Assignments due T Homework: None CN 15-2 Time line Text Book 01/30/13 Khan Academy Power Point Warm-up – 1. What are theories based on? 2. What did Darwin observe in his voyage? Agenda Agenda Assignments due T Homework: None CN 15-2 Time line Text Book 01/30/13 Khan Academy Power Point Warm-up – 1. What are theories based on? 2. What did Darwin observe in his voyage? Agenda Agenda Assignments due T Homework: None CN 15-2 WB 15-2 pg 374-375 Video Text Book Khan Academy 01/31/13 Power Point Warm-up – 1. Describe a homologous structure. 2. Describe and give an example of a vestigial organ. Agenda Agenda Assignments due 02/01/13 Video Chapter 15 Outline Chapter 15 Vocab Notes 15-1 and 15-2 Homework: Workbook 15-2 T Peppered Moth Lab Power Point Warm-up – 1. What was Lamarck’s overall belief about the way in which organisms change over time? 2. The Economist Thomas Malthus suggested that Agenda Agenda Assignments due T Video Peppered Moth Simulation Text Book Khan Academy 02/04/13 Homework: None Power Point Warm - up 1. What was the reason for the drop in population of the white peppered moth after the industrial revolution? 2. What are the advantages of diversity with in a species? Agenda Agenda Assignments due T Lab -Battle of the beaks Text Book Khan Academy Warm-up – Peppered Moth Simulation Power Point 02/05/13 Homework: None!! Agenda Agenda Assignments due T Activity analysis Act –Battle of the beaks.. Workbook Text Book Khan Academy Power Point Warm-up – 1. Write a statement explaining the change in population 02/08/13 Homework: Complete any incomplete work Agenda Agenda Assignments due T CN 15-3 Complete all Activities worksheets Text Book Khan Academy All Chapter 15 work 02/11/13 Homework: Complete any incomplete work Power Point Warm-up – 1. What are some factors endangering an organisms survival? 2. What is an adaptation that helps cactus survive a severe drought? Agenda Agenda Assignments due T Benchmark Test All Chapter 15 work What I should know Before the test Text Book Khan Academy 02/12/13 Homework: Complete any incomplete work Power Point Warm-up – 1. Name the seven kinds of evidence that support the theory of evolution. Agenda Agenda Assignments due T What I should know Before the test Text Book Khan Academy All Chapter 15 work 02/13/13 Homework: Complete any incomplete work Study for Test Power Point Warm-up – 1. What was Lamarck's hypothesis? 2. What was wrong about his hypothesis? Agenda Agenda Assignments due T Chapter 16 outline Chapter 16 vocabulary Text Book Khan Academy All Chapter 15 work 02/19/13 Homework: None Power Point Warm-up – 1. Write a paragraph about what you have learned in Science this year. Agenda Agenda Assignments due T CN 16-1 Text Book Vocabulary and outline for chapter 16 Khan Academy 02/20/13 Homework: None Power Point Warm-up – 1. Explain how survival of the fittest is involved in evolution. Agenda Agenda Assignments due T CN 16-1 WB 16-1 Text Book Vocabulary and outline for chapter 16 Notes WB 16-1 Khan Academy Power Point Warm-up – 1. What is a gene pool? 2. What is a population? 02/21/13 Homework: None Agenda Agenda Assignments due T CN 16-2 WB 16-1 and 16-2 Text Book Khan Academy Vocabulary and outline for chapter 16 Notes 16-1 WB 16-1 and 16-2 Notes 16-2 02/22/13 Homework: None Power Point Warm-up – 1. Genetically speaking when is a population evolving? 2. List three sources of variation. Agenda Agenda Assignments due T CN 16-2 Continuation Speciation foldable Text Book Khan Academy Vocabulary and outline for chapter 16 Notes 16-1 WB 16-1 and 16-2 Notes 16-2 02/25/13 Homework: None Power Point Warm-up – 1. Describe the three types of Natural selection on polygenic traits. Pg 398399