World History 2015 Review - World History Final Exam

World History Final Exam Review – Level
1. What is the Heliocentric Theory?
2. What is the Enlightenment Era?
3. Applying the laws of reason & nature was a major part of what time period?
4. What is the Age of Absolutism?
5. What is the French Revolution and what are its causes?
6. Compare the American & French Revolutions. (Causes & Effects)
7. Who is Napoleon Bonaparte & why did the French people support him?
8. List two key figures in the Latin American Revolutions.
9. What is the Congress of Vienna & what was decided there?
10. Who is Maximilien Robespierre & what is the Reign of Terror?
11. What is mercantislism?
12. What is the Commercial Revolution?
13. What is the Industrial Revolution?
14. What is the Steam Engine & who perfected it?
15. What social changes occurred as a result of the Industrial Revolution?
16. How were living standards affected in the long term as a result of the Industrial Revolution?
17. Who is Louis Pasteur & why is he important?
18. Why did laborers form unions & what did they accomplish long term?
19. What is Communism & who are its founders?
20. What are the causes of the Russian Revolution?
21. What happened to Russia during the course of World War I?
22. What is the October Revolution & the February Revolution?
23. What is the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics?
24. What is Imperialism & how did Europeans justify it?
25. What did European nations hope to gain from Imperialism in Africa & Asia?
26. What are the Sepoy & Boxer Rebellions?
27. What is the Triple Entente & Alliance & who joined these alliance systems?
28. Why did so many people die during World War I?
29. What is the 14 Points & who created it?
30. What were the stipulations in the Treaty of Versailles?
31. How did the Treaty of Versailles specifically affect Germany?
32. How did the Great Depression affect the USA & Europe?
33. Who was the US President during most of the Great Depression?
34. What is the New Deal?
35. What is Fascism & Nazism?
36. Why did Japan resort to Imperialism in Asia?
37. What is D-Day & when did it happen?
38. What is the Holocaust & who is responsible for it?
39. What major era started after World War II?
40. What caused the Cold War?
41. What is the Iron Curtain?
42. What is the Truman Doctrine & what is its connection to the policy of containment?
43. What is Apartheid, who is Nelson Mandela & where are these terms relevant?
44. What is Decolonization?
45. Who lead the movement to free India from British rule?
46. What two religions struggled to coexist in India?
47. What are the Six Day War & the Yom Kippur War?
48. What is the state of relations between Israel & Palestine?
49. What is Radical Islamic Fundamentalism?
50. What is Genocide & list two examples of it in the 20th Century?