Sakai at UCD - UC Davis JIRA

Sakai Collaborative Learning
MyUCDavis CMS V. 2.0
Kirk Alexander
UCDavis CMS Upgrade Program Manager
CCFIT October 17, 2005
Course Management
Subcommittee Charge
Determine current usage of MyUCDavis, especially
the problems
Evaluate the functionality of MyUCDavis modules,
particularly QuizBuilder and Grade Book
Determine the desirable features of a “next
generation learning and course management
system”, including functions offered by an open
source course management system “Sakai”
Consider whether MyUCDavis should be ‘fixed’ or
replaced (e) Make recommendations by June 1,
2005 to CCFIT and the Vice Provost for IET
Committee Response
• Solve: MyUCDavis is increasingly hard to
support, extend and scale
• Bring UCD CMS into the 21st Century &
position for growth, extension, use of
• Manage an easy and happy transition of
existing users
• Implement Sakai at UC Davis
What is Sakai?
• Sakai is intended to be an enterprise application centrally deployed as the campus-wide or state-wide
• Sakai is intended to both solve the “well-known”
collaborative and learning requirements as well as
enable significant innovation in collaboration and
• Developed as a joint project among Michigan,
Indiana, Stanford and MIT
• Sakai will initially provide upgrade to just the
MyUCDavis Course Management System
MyUCDavis CMS V. 2.0
• History
Sakai Project Launched January 2004
Sakai Educational Partners Program Launched Feb 2004
Sakai chosen for new CMS/LMS in Vet Med/SOM Dec. 2004
CCFIT Recommended installation of new CMS for full
Campus, chose Sakai June, 2005
• Vice Provost for IET formed Oversight Committee and
initiated activity for Campus migration to Sakai to
complement Veterinary Medicine and School of Medicine
• Now: Collaborative effort involving IET/Mediaworks,
Veterinary Medicine, School of Medicine
Sakai Timeline
• Two Year Implementation Plan (Ideal Case)
• Project Phases:
Discovery (now/Fall)
Small Pilot (Winter 2006),
Preview (Spring/Summer 2006),
Transition (Fall 2006-Summer 2007)
• Retire current MyUCDavis CMS Fall 2007
Recent Steps
• IET Middleware working on connections to
Banner and other course data
• 2 new programming positions posted (Sakai
Architect and Tools Programmer)
• SCORM player being developed in
• Trainer PD being classified by HR
• Hired a consultant to guide change
Sakai Pilot Scenarios
• Test individual tools in class, with TA’s or on your own
(e.g. Quiz Tool, Melete, Discussion Board, Wiki,
SCORM Player, Calendar)
• Course Pilot (especially in Spring, 2006)
Faculty Work Groups
• MyUCDavis CMS Conversion Advisors
– Designing the desired support for faculty
changeover to Sakai
• Faculty Mentoring Faculty Program
• TRC MyUCDavis Faculty Support
(Academic Year 2005-2006--Led by Andy Jones)
Faculty Support
• ITExpress (will support Sakai)
• ETPartners
– New Departmental Partnerships and Office Visit
• TRC - New Trainer will work with Mediaworks
this year
• Pilot Users will get more personal assistance
• Summer Institute on Technology in Teaching
UC LMS Group 8/24
TIF 8/31
ITS 9/6
ITLC 9/23
Session for Faculty 10/14
CCFIT 10/17
How you can Help
• Contact: Kirk Alexander
• Volunteer (or identify faculty) for pilot/preview phases
• Discuss ideas on how Sakai can help in your
• Discuss MyUCDavis uses in your department and
related training transition needs
• Discuss special infrastructure needs in your
• Volunteer for one of the committees or as a Pilot
Features Over View
My Wor kspace
for a personalized view of information from your Sakai sites and your
Sakai preferences
Worksite Setup
for viewing a list of all your Sakai sites, and creating or mod ifying their
for posting and viewing deadlines, events, etc
Anno uncements for posting current, time-critical information
Lesson Buil der
for posting web pages and sequential content
Resourc es
for posting web pages and sequentially controlled content
Quiz & Test
for online assessments and surveys
Disc ussion
for structured conversations in written form
for real-time conversation in written form
for viewing content from on line sources
for posting, submitting, and grading online
for private file-sharing between instructors and students
Email Archive
for viewing ema il sent to the site's group email address
Web Content
for accessing an external website within the site
Mediaworks SCORM Player for advanced Assessments
Contributed Tools
E-Portfolio Tool (OSP2 from Open Source Portfolio Initiative)
Roster Tool This is like a super version of the Profile tool - it is intended for Student use
(access role) and not just instructor use. It has FERPA support and is well
integrated with the profile tool.
RWiki This is a well integrated Wiki that looks exactly like a Sakai tool and based on
the Radeox engine. A number of sites have started using RWiki.
Twin Peaks - Library Integration for adding content, assignment links
Digital Repositories
"Set User" Tool This is the very simple admin tool to assume a user's identity.
SakaiScript This is Steven Githens web services..