Teacher: Subject: M O N D A Y BLOCK DAY T U E S D A Y Sra. Ciesielski-Motta Week of: Feb1-5,2016 Español -1 Español- 2 Per. 4, 5, 7 Per. 1, 2, 6 Standard: Communication 1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics Standard: Connections 3.1 Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language. Mon. Take attendance 1. Go over Ch 7 Vocab- Los deportes 2. Teach Stem-changing verbs- PowerPoint -Take notes! 3. TB pg. 210 Verbos de cambio radical 4. TB pg 211 Ex 9- Write out answers 5. TB pg 211 Ex 10 Teacher led. 6. HW: TB pg. 212 Ex 11 Write all- Fill in blanks * ** Tue. Take attendance 1. Play BINGO of Ch 7 Vocab. Make BINGO cards 2. TB pg 214 Ex 15 Write all- Fill in the blanks 3. TB pg 213 Ex 13- Teacher led 4. Divide into 2 teams- Play Flashcard game to learn and practice vocabulary 5. WB pgs. 71-72 Work with partner For help use TB pgs. 202-203 6. Go over answers for understanding 7. Start La girafa- Body Parts worksheet 8. 9. HW: Complete La girafa- Body Parts wksheet Mon. Take attendance 1. Warm-up TB pg 171 Ex 12- Work with partner/present 2. TB pg 171 Ex 13- Work with partner/present 3. TB pg 171 Ex 14 Write correct verb conjugations 4. TB pg 173 Double Object Pronouns Watch PowerPoint- Take notes! 5. 6. HW: WB pg. 67 Practice with Double Object Pronouns Tue. Take attendance 1. Go over HW- WB pgs. 67 DOP 2. TB pg 174 Ex 19 With partners follow model 3. TB pg 174 Ex 20 Teacher led practice of double object pronoun formations 4. TB pg 174 Ex 21 Follow the model,work with partners. Teacher led/ present for understanding 5. PLAY BINGO- make a card for Ch6-En el hotel 6. 7. 8. 9. HW: WB pg 72 Mi autobiografía- Complete to share in class tomorrow BLOCK DAY W E D N E S D A Y T H U R S D A Y F R I D A Y Wed. Take attendance 1. 2. 3. 4. Same as Tuesday 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. HW: Wed. Take attendance 1. 2. 3. 4. Same as Tuesday 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. HW: Thu. Thu. Take attendance 1. Share your Autobiografía with class. 2. TB pg 176- Listen to CD. Listening comp activity.Students answer “comprendes” as teacher led activity 3. Go over answers-class activity 4. TB pg 178-179 Listen to CD Read along in the book then answer comprendes-A,B&C- complete answers 5. 6. HW:Complete TB pg 179 comprendes A,B,C Take attendance 1. Verbs like “gustar, interesar, aburrir” TB pg 215 2. Watch PowerPoint- Take notes! 3. TB pg 215 Ex 17 Work with partners. Teacher led. More practice with different pictures- students respond with Me gusta(n) 4. TB pg 216 Ex 20 Teacher led practice speaking 5. WB pg 77- Interesar, aburrir, gustar 6. HW: Complete WB pg 77 Fri. Take attendance 1. Turn in weekly work 2. Warm-up Review gustar- Teacher led 3. Write 3 things that interest you or bore you. Ex. : Me interesen los perros. Me aburre el profesor. Share your responses with your partner/with the class 4. Write 3 things you don’t like: Ex: No me gustan los perros. No me gusta el professor. Share with your partner/with the class 5. WB pg 73- work with your partner For help TB pg 206-207 6. HW: Complete WB pg 73- Answer in complete sentences Fri. Take attendance 1. Juana Schaffer- TB pg 182-183. Read the text with your partner. Write a JS paragraph. Choose a topic sentence (Don’t have to do “comprendes) Turn in one paper with both names on it for your completion grade 2. TB pg 186-187 Complete the TB Assessment for Ch6 En el hotel 3. Go over answers 4. TB pg 188- Make a list of every vocabulary word you see in the drawings. Write short phrases to describe what’s happening 5. 6. HW: Complete TB pg 188 Activity Notes: Span 1-turn in TB pg 212 Ex 11 Wksheet- La girafa-body parts WB pgs. 71-72 (not 77 yet) Span. 2-turn in WB pg. 65-67, 72 TB pg 179-comprendes A,B&C