Essay on the Fates of Clergymen

ENGL 102H, Spring, 2016
Dr. Harnett
TuTh Week 4 (Tuesday) class notes, p.1
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
1. Essay 1, part 2 due. Part 1 graded and returned ASAP. We will discuss the
Essay 1 assignment. Each part has its own value as you build toward your
ultimate thesis insight about Ignatius: Can, and does, he change? The sections
before Part 5 establish your deep understanding of Ignatius:
a. Part 1. Physical appearance, Mannerisms and habits, Personality traits, Beliefs,
Motivations and goals.
b. Part 2. Effects on other characters, Influences and effects of other characters on
c. Part 3. Key Actions and Behaviors (or Inaction), Outcomes.
d. Part 4. Main Flaw(s), Best Attribute(s).
e. Part 5. Point of Emphasis: Changes (or not) in Ignatius through the
Course of the Novel.
Essay 1 grading:
 Parts 1-5: each graded as you submit them. 20% of the Essay 1 grade.
 Final Essay 1 revision (due Thursday, 3-24-2016). No further revision after
that date.
2. Exam 1 on imagination vs. reality graded and returned.
3. SI meets each Monday and Wednesday at 12:30 in SG 138.
4. Please pay for the play (You Never Can Tell) this week. We are going to see it on
Saturday, April 9, 8:00PM. Group Rate: $20.
5. Continue to complete class notes during class. You are responsible for those notes
that are done during class. If you do other notes afterwards and up to the time of
the following class, you receive extra credit. I am slowly reading and checking in
all emailed and shared notes.
6. See me for help and feedback so that I can support you for your success this
7. Scholars Announcement: For those on Probation after Fall, 2015, this week is the
deadline to meet with your committee director or me. Then, by midsemester
(week 8), you are expected to show signs of improved involvement and
commitment to the program to maintain your standing this semester. See me for
information and advice about your Scholars standing.
8. Questions? Other?
Toole, A Confederacy of Dunces, Chapters 6-7.
Chapter 6 Identify and note page references:
1. The discussion at Mattie’s Ramble Inn
2. The Crusade for Moorish Dignity
3. How the demonstration ends up
4. Mancuso’s situation
5. Mrs. Reilly’s order to Ignatius
6. Mrs. Levy’s exercise board
7. Background on Mr. Levy and the factory
8. Mr. Levy’s action regarding Ignatius, and why
9. Mrs. Levy: Miss Trixie or the letter to Levys’ daughters
ENGL 102H, Spring, 2016
Dr. Harnett
TuTh Week 4 (Tuesday) class notes, p.
Chapter 7
1. What draws Ignatius to Paradise Vendors
2. What the old man (Mr. Clyde) asks, then demands, Ignatius to do
3. The solution to this problem and how Ignatius carries it out
4. The encounter with George
5. Lana’s plans with props
6. Lana’s plans for Darlene
7. Jones’ plans for sabotage
8. Mrs. Reilly’s concerns and Santa Battaglia’s plan to help
9. The contents of the envelope from Myra
10. Ignatius’ letter in reply
[Allow as much time as possible.]
Timed Writing Exercises, intended to help you be increasingly efficient within a
short amount of time. This is a confidence-builder.
1. Quick Planning Exercise—Explain a Key Event: Focus on The Crusade for
Moorish Dignity—the way Ignatius envisions and plans it vs. the way it actually
turns out—and write notes (bullet points, etc., but not a paragraph itself) for a
paragraph that explains it—emphasizing a point you can make about its
significance—with a quotation plus paraphrases and summaries to support it.
Then write the paragraph. Timed for 5 minutes.
2. QuickWrite! Write Notes Quickly and supply page-references: What do
the letter from Myra in Chapter 7, and Ignatius’ reply, reveal? Timed for 7
3. Paragraph Development Exercise—Predictions: What appears to be
developing with these aspects of the plot? (see the list below). Write a concise
paragraph. Provide a topic sentence, one quotation as support, an explanation,
and a concluding sentence that clearly states your prediction of what is to come
with your topic. Select one below. Time: 10 minutes.
1. Ignatius’ jobs
2. Ignatius’ correspondence with Myrna Minkoff
3. The Levys’ issues and the situation at Levy Pants
4. The situation at The Night of Joy
5. The situation with Mrs. Reilly at home with Ignatius and with Mancuso,
Santa Battaglia, and Claude Robichaux
6. Other?
4. QuickWrite! Having thought about the specific events, then predictions about
one of the plotlines so far, What is the overall point or theme of the novel?
Provide a topic sentence, supporting ideas and representative quotations (regular
or block), explanations, and a concluding thought. Once everyone has at least one
quotation to use ready, we will begin! Timed for 5 minutes.
As you write, think only of expressing the ideas that you already have in mind. Pay
attention to grammar and expression only after you write. Basic template on next page:
ENGL 102H, Spring, 2016
Dr. Harnett
TuTh Week 4 (Tuesday) class notes, p.
Point or Theme:
o Relationships
o Identity
o Alienation
o In vs. Out Group
o Responsibility/MoralityExcuses
o Dreams/Goals
Paragraph Development Factors:
 Topic and focus
 Logic
 Depth of Development and Examples for Support (cited)
 Clarity and Precision of Expression
For Next Time:
1. Read Toole, Chapters 8-10 (at least through Chapter 9).
2. Write Essay 1, part 3: Key Actions and Behaviors (or Inaction), Outcomes.