Forensic Science Evidence Individualization Worksheet


Forensic Science

Name:___________________________________________ Date: _________

Can This Evidence Be Individualized?

Adapted from Deslich and Funkhouser, 2006, p. 30-31.

There are 10 stations set up around the classroom. At each station there are one or more objects. Working in teams of two, examine the object(s) at each station and answer the questions below:

Answer the following questions Describe the object(s) found at each station in the column below

Station 1:

Station 2:

Station 3:

Can both pieces of torn cloth be individualized to the T-shirt? Explain.

Would small glass fragments be considered class evidence or individual evidence that can be uniquely associated with a broken bottle?

Can the topic of the broken bottle be uniquely associated (individualized) with the bottom?

Station 4:

Station 5:

Station 6:

Can the note be traced to the pad? Explain.

Can the handwriting be associated to a person?

Can fingerprints on the note be individualized to a person?

Can the soda can pull tabs found in a suspect’s garage be individualized to the soda can found at this station?

Can a suspect’s shoe be individualized to match a shoeprint?

Station 7

Station 8

Station 9

Station 10

The Sports section of a local paper was found in the home of a suspect. Can the Sports section of the paper be considered individual or class evidence?


Can the powder found at this station be individualized to the powder found in a suspect’s possession? Explain.

If the two powders were determined to be chemically identical, does that prove they came from the same source?

A roll of duct tape similar to the piece of tape you found was discovered in the possession of the suspect. Would this be considered individual or class evidence? Explain.

A box of latex gloves identical to the brand you found was discovered at the suspect’s home. Can the gloves be individualized to the box? Explain.
