US History Fall Semester Final, Part 1

Danzer Texas Edition
U.S. History Fall Semester Final, Part 1
This is a third of your SEMESTER EXAM, 33.3% (the other thirds come from the final essay and multiple choice
test). Each term must be numbered and defined, not necessarily in the same order as below [even those not covered
in class]. All will be submitted last day of class prior to finals week. There are three possible formats; notebook
paper in a binder, typed and printed in a binder, spiral notebook. For each missing term one point will be deducted.
Chapter #1: Colonial Era
1. nomadic
2. Aztec
3. Anasazi
4. Pueblo
5. Iroquois
6. Benin
7. Kongo
8. Islam
9. Christianity
10. Reformation
11. Renaissance
12. Christopher Columbus
13. Taino
14. Treaty of Tordesillas
15. Columbian Exchange
16. conquistador
17. Hernándo Cortés
18. Montezuma
19. mestizo
20. enconmienda
21. New Spain
22. New Mexico
23. John Smith
24. Jamestown
25. joint-stock companies
26. indentured servant
27. Puritan
28. John Winthrop
29. King Philip’s War
30. William Penn
31. Quaker
32. mercantilism
33. Navigation Acts
34. triangular trade
35. middle passage
36. Enlightenment
37. Benjamin Franklin
38. Great Awakening
39. Jonathan Edwards
40. French & Indian War
41. William Pitt
42. Pontiac
43. Proclamation of 1763
Chapter #2: Revolution & Republic
44. King George III
45. Sugar Act
46. Stamp Act
47. Samuel Adams
48. Boston Massacre
49. Boston Tea Party
50. John Locke
51. Thomas Jefferson
52. Declaration of
53. Loyalists
54. Patriots
55. Saratoga
56. Valley Forge
57. inflation
58. Marquis de Lafayette
59. Charles Cornwallis
60. Yorktown
61. Treaty of Paris
62. Egalitarianism
63. republic
64. Articles of Confederation
65. Northwest Ordinance of
66. Shay’s Rebellion
67. James Madison
68. federalism
69. checks and balances
70. Ratification
71. Federalists
72. Antifederalists
73. Bill of Rights
74. Jury Act of 1789
75. Alexander Hamilton
76. cabinet
77. two-party system
78. Democratic-Republican
79. protective tariff
80. XYZ Affair
81. Alien & Sedition Acts
82. nullification
Chapter #3: Young Nation
83. Democratic-Republicans
84. Jeffersonian republicanism
85. Marbury v. Madison
86. John Marshall
87. judicial review
88. Louisiana Purchase
89. impressment
90. James Monroe
91. Monroe Doctrine
92. Henry Clay
93. American System
94. John C. Calhoun
95. Missouri Compromise
96. Andrew Jackson
97. John Quincy Adams
98. Jacksonian democracy
99. Trail of Tears
100. John Tyler
101. manifest destiny
102. Santa Fe Trail
103. Oregon Trail
104. Stephen F. Austin
105. Texas Revolution
106. the Alamo
107. Sam Houston
108. James K. Polk
109. Republic of California
110. Treaty of Guadalupe
111. market revolution
112. free enterprise
113. entrepreneurs
114. Samuel F. B. Morse
115. Lowell textile mills
116. strike
117. immigration
118. National Trades’ Union
119. Commonwealth v. Hunt
120. abolition
121. Unitarians
122. Ralph Waldo Emerson
123. transcendentalism
124. William Lloyd Garrison
125. Frederick Douglass
126. Nat Turner
127. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Danzer Texas Edition
U.S. History Fall Semester Final, Part 1
This is a third of your SEMESTER EXAM, 33.3% (the other thirds come from the final essay and multiple choice
test). Each term must be numbered and defined, not necessarily in the same order as below [even those not covered
in class]. All will be submitted last day of class prior to finals week. There are three possible formats; notebook
paper in a binder, typed and printed in a binder, spiral notebook. For each missing term one point will be deducted.
128. Seneca Falls Convention
129. Sojourner Truth
Chapter #4: Union in Peril
130. secession
131. popular sovereignty
132. Underground Railroad
133. Harriet Tubman
134. Harriet Beecher Stowe
135. Franklin Pierce
136. Dred Scott
137. Stephen Douglas
138. Abraham Lincoln
139. Confederacy
140. Jefferson Davis
141. Fort Sumter
142. Bull Run
143. Stonewall Jackson
144. Ulysses S. Grant
145. Robert E. Lee
146. Antietam
147. Emancipation
148. conscription
149. Clara Barton
150. income tax
151. Gettysburg
152. Gettysburg Address
153. Vicksburg
154. William Tecumseh
155. Appomattox Court House
156. 13th Amendment
157. John Wilkes Booth
158. Freedmen’s Bureau
159. Reconstruction
160. Radical Republicans
161. Andrew Johnson
162. 14th Amendment
163. 15th Amendment
164. scalawag
165. carpetbagger
166. Hiram Revels
167. sharecropping
168. Ku Klux Klan (KKK)
Chapter #5: Western Frontier
169. Great Plains
170. Treaty of Fort Laramie
171. Sitting Bull
172. George A. Custer
173. assimilation
174. Dawes Act
175. Battle of Wounded Knee
176. longhorn
177. Chisholm Tail
178. long drive
179. Homestead Act
180. exoduster
181. soddy
182. Morrill Act
183. bonanza farm
184. Oliver Hudson Kelley
185. Grange
186. Farmers’ Alliances
187. Populism
188. bimetallism
189. gold standard
190. William McKinley
191. William Jennings Bryan
Chapter #6: Industrial Age
192. Edwin L. Drake
193. Bessemer process
194. Thomas Alva Edison
195. Christopher Sholes
196. Alexander Graham Bell
197. transcontinental railroad
198. George M. Pullman
199. Crédit Mobilier
200. Munn v. Illinois
201. Interstate Commerce Act
202. Andrew Carnegie
203. vertical and horizontal
204. Social Darwinism
205. John D. Rockefeller
206. Sherman Antitrust Act
207. Samuel Gompers
208. American Federation of
Labor (AFL)
209. Eugene V. Debs
210. Industrial Workers of the
World (IWW).
211. Mary Harris Jones
Danzer Texas Edition
U.S. History Fall Semester Final, Part 1
This is a third of your SEMESTER EXAM, 33.3% (the other thirds come from the final essay and multiple choice
test). Each term must be numbered and defined, not necessarily in the same order as below [even those not covered
in class]. All will be submitted last day of class prior to finals week. There are three possible formats; notebook
paper in a binder, typed and printed in a binder, spiral notebook. For each missing term one point will be deducted.
Chapter #7: Immigrant & Urban
212. Ellis Island
213. Angel Island
214. melting pot
215. nativism
216. Chinese
217. Exclusion Act
218. Gentlemen’s Agreement
219. urbanization
220. Americanization
221. tenement
222. mass transit
223. Social Gospel movement
224. settlement house
225. Jane Addams
226. political machine
227. graft
228. Boss Tweed
229. patronage
230. civil service
231. Rutherford B. Hayes
232. James A. Garfield
233. Chester A. Arthur
234. Pendleton Civil Service
235. Grover Cleveland
236. Benjamin Harrison
Chapter #8: Turn of 20th Century
237. Louis Sullivan
238. Daniel Burnham
239. Frederick Law Olmsted
240. Orville and Wilbur Wright
241. George Eastman
242. Booker T. Washington
243. Tuskegee Normal &
Industrial Institute
244. W.E.B. Du Bois
245. Niagara Movement
246. Ida B. Wells
247. poll tax
248. grandfather clause
249. segregation
250. Jim Crow laws
251. Plessy v. Ferguson
252. debt peonage
253. Joseph Pulitzer
254. William Randolph Hearst
255. Ashcan school
256. Mark Twain
257. rural free delivery (RFD)
Chapter #9: Progressive Era
258. progressive movement
259. Florence Kelley
260. prohibition
261. Muckraker
262. scientific management
263. Robert M La Follette
264. initiative
265. referendum
266. recall
267. 17th Amendment
268. National Association of
Colored Women (NACW)
269. suffrage
270. Susan B. Anthony
271. National American
Woman Suffrage
Association (NAWSA)
272. Upton Sinclair
273. The Jungle
274. Theodore Roosevelt
275. Square Deal
276. Meat Inspection Act
277. Pure Food & Drug Act
278. conservation
279. National Association for
the Advancement of
Colored People (NAACP)
280. Gifford Pinchot
281. William Howard Taft
282. Payne-Aldrich Tariff
283. Bull Moose Party
284. Woodrow Wilson
285. Carrie Chapman Catt
286. Clayton Antitrust Act
287. Federal Trade Commission
288. Federal Reserve System
289. 19th Amendment
Danzer Texas Edition
U.S. History Fall Semester Final, Part 1
This is a third of your SEMESTER EXAM, 33.3% (the other thirds come from the final essay and multiple choice
test). Each term must be numbered and defined, not necessarily in the same order as below [even those not covered
in class]. All will be submitted last day of class prior to finals week. There are three possible formats; notebook
paper in a binder, typed and printed in a binder, spiral notebook. For each missing term one point will be deducted.
Chapter #10: Claim and Empire
290. Queen Liliuokalani
291. imperialism
292. Alfred T. Mahan
293. William Seward
294. Pearl Harbor
295. Sanford B. Dole
296. José Martí
297. Valeriano Weyler
298. yellow journalism
299. U.S.S. Maine
300. George Dewey
301. Rough Riders
302. San Juan Hill
303. Treaty of Paris
304. Foraker Act
305. Platt Amendment
306. Protectorate
307. Emilio Aguinaldo
308. John Hay
309. Open Door notes
310. Boxer Rebellion
311. Panama Canal
312. Roosevelt Corollary
313. Dollar diplomacy
314. Francisco “Pancho” Villa
315. Emiliano Zapata
316. John J. Pershing
Chapter #11: First World War
317. nationalism
318. militarism
319. Allies
320. Central Powers
321. Archduke Franz Ferdinand
322. no man’s land
323. trench warfare
324. Lusitania
325. Zimmerman note
326. Eddie Rickenbacker
327. Selective Service Act
328. convoy system
329. American Expeditionary
330. General John J. Pershing
331. Alvin York
332. conscientious objector
333. armistice
334. War Industries Board
335. Bernard M. Baruch
336. George Creel
337. Espionage & Sedition Acts
338. Great Migration
339. Fourteen Points
340. League of Nations
341. George Clemenceau
342. David Lloyd George
343. Treaty of Versailles
344. reparations
345. war-guilt clause
346. Henry Cabot Lodge
Chapter #12: Politics of the 20s
347. nativism
348. isolationism
349. communism
350. anarchists
351. Sacco and Vanzetti
352. quota system
353. John L. Lewis
354. Warren G. Harding
355. Charles Even Hughes
356. Fordney McCumber Tariff
357. Ohio gang
358. Teapot Dome scandal
359. Albert B. Fall
360. Calvin Coolidge
361. urban sprawl
362. installment plan
Danzer Texas Edition
U.S. History Fall Semester Final, Part 1
This is a third of your SEMESTER EXAM, 33.3% (the other thirds come from the final essay and multiple choice
test). Each term must be numbered and defined, not necessarily in the same order as below [even those not covered
in class]. All will be submitted last day of class prior to finals week. There are three possible formats; notebook
paper in a binder, typed and printed in a binder, spiral notebook. For each missing term one point will be deducted.
Chapter #13: Life of the 20s
363. Prohibition
364. speakeasy
365. bootlegger
366. fundamentalism
367. Clarence Darrow
368. Scopes trial
369. flapper
370. double standard
371. Charles A. Lindbergh
372. George Gershwin
373. Georgia O’Keeffe
374. Sinclair Lewis
375. F. Scott Fitzgerald
376. Edna St. Vincent Millay
377. Ernest Hemingway
378. Zora Neale Hurston
379. James Weldon Johnson
380. Marcus Garvey
381. Harlem Renaissance
382. Claude McKay
383. Langston Hughes
384. Paul Robeson
385. Louis Armstrong
386. Duke Ellington
387. Bessie Smith