Social Welfare Policy Chapter 19 What are welfare programs? • I. Two Types of Welfare Programs • A. Social Security and Medicare • 1. Benefit all or most people regardless of income but everyone pays-”majoritarian politics”. • 2. Social Security provides retirement benefits. • 3. Medicare provides medical assistance to almost everyone at a certain age. What are welfare programs? • I. Two Types of Welfare Programs • A. Social Security and Medicare • 4. Politicians believe making changes to these programs is politically risky. • 5. Measures such as raising the retirement age are done to postpone the tough decisions. What are welfare programs? • I. Two Types of Welfare Programs • A. Social Security and Medicare • 6. Medicare- Federal Gov. pays for part of the cost of medical care for retired or disabled people on Social Security. What are welfare programs? • I. Two Types of Welfare Programs • B. Medicaid and Food Stamps • 1. Help a smaller number of people (those with low income). • 2. Means tested- must fall below a certain income level to qualify. • 3. Examples of “client politics”almost everyone pays, but a few What are welfare programs? • I. Two Types of Welfare Programs • B. Medicaid and Food Stamps • 4. Client programs will last unless they lose political legitimacy. Ex: Less public support for AFDC led to it being abolished in 1996. • 5. Charitable Choice- allows religious nonprofit groups to compete for grants to carry out welfare-to-work policies. What are welfare programs? • I. Two Types of Welfare Programs • B. Medicaid and Food Stamps • 6. TANF-Payments to needy families with children through block grants to States with limits as to how long they can receive funds. • 7. Medicaid- pays medical expenses of persons receiving TANF or Supplemental Security What are welfare programs? • II. Reforming Majoritarian Welfare • A. The Problem: Social Security and Medicare will soon cost more than what we can afford. • 1. More retirees (Baby Boomers) means payroll taxes will have to double to pay the bills. • 2. Rapidly increasing medical What are welfare programs? • II. Reforming Majoritarian Welfare • B. The Solutions: • 1. Raise the retirement age, freeze retirement benefits and raise Social Security taxes. • 2. Privatize Social Security to allow citizens to invest some or all of their taxes into the stock market. What are welfare programs? • II. Reforming Majoritarian Welfare • B. The Solutions: • 3. Use the first two options and allow citizens to invest in handpicked mutual funds. • 4. Let the elderly take their Medicare money and buy private health insurance. • 5. None of the above are popular. Table 19.1: Public Views on Reforming Social Security Figure 19.1: SSI, TANF, and Food Stamp Recipients, 1980-2002 U.S. Census Bureau, Statistical Abstract of the United States, 2003, 371, 374.