GEO Turbulence Detection: Tropopause Folds and Clear Air Turbulence Tony Wimmers Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), UW-Madison MURI Workshop Wednesday, June 8, 2005 CAT and tropopause folds Upper-air front stratosphere 12 200 300 14 subtropical air mass 10 tropopause 8 400 6 500 600 700 polar air mass Height (km) Pressure (hPa) 150 4 (~100 km) From Shapiro, M. A. (1980): Turbulent mixing within tropopause folds as a mechanism for the exchange of chemical constituents between the stratosphere and the troposphere, J. Atmos. Sci., 37, 994-1004. troposphere stratosphere Total column ozone AWV-derived moisture high ozone low ozone tropopause break very low water vapor water vapor Total column ozone and WV indicate the tropopause “break” (region of GOES WV response) GOESWV specific humidity AWV product (WV channel) (specific humidity product) Building a statistical model latitude decreasing specific humidity Operation of the Model longitude • Cloud-masked Building a statistical model latitude decreasing specific humidity Operation of the Model longitude • Smoothed ( = 0.30) Building a statistical model latitude Operation of the Model longitude • Gradient magnitude Building a statistical model latitude Operation of the Model longitude • Laplacian zero-crossing Building a statistical model latitude decreasing specific humidity Operation of the Model longitude • Extend out 234 km toward the warm air mass Building a statistical model Vertical component of the fold stratosphere subtropical air mass surface latitude tropopause polar air mass +15K -5K Upper-air front longitude Web product: Real-time pirep validation Pirep data is provided courtesy of NCAR Aviation Digital Data Service (ADDS) Web product: Real-time TAMDAR validation TAMDAR (Tropospheric Airborne Meteorological Data Report) is part of the Great Lakes Field Experiment Unfortunately, it is mostly lower and midtroposphere Validation: Pilot report (pirep) observations of turbulence Manual Subjective A bit of politics involved In-situ Well-developed standards of reporting among pilots Record goes back for years Validation: Details April 8-30, 2005 1500-2300 UTC (peak time) Eastern U.S. (away from mountain wave turbulence) Above 15,000 feet (mid- and upper troposphere) Areas of strong convection are filtered out (no C.A.T.) If the pirep is in a modeled fold and reports turbulence, then this is a correctly classified “Yes” report. If the pirep is outside a modeled fold and reports no turbulence, this is a correctly classified “No” report. 2,293 pirep observations, 62% of ALL observations are turbulent. Validation: Method Find the model’s “Probability of Detection” for turbulence Next, search for any further constraints on the model that improve the Probability of Detection 120° … accuracy is not clearly a function of direction … slight increase in accuracy with proximity to tropopause break Eliminate gradients < 5 … lower accuracy for the weaker image gradients Eliminate folds shorter than 0.2 gcd (22 km) “long” …Large tropopause folds are very robust 100% accuracy at 0.2 gcd (22 km) from the image gradient Statistics for tropopause fold turbulence prediction (N=2293, “background” rate of success=0.64) Number of Yes reports Proportion of Yes reports correctly classified Proportion of No reports misclassified* 1. Initial model 296 0.77 0.63 2. Revised model: Longer folds 240 0.78 0.63 3. Revised model (#2): Longer folds, higher gradients 138 0.82 0.63 * Does not purport to classify all negative reports Preliminary conclusions: Trop folding + CAT The tropopause folding model shows significant skill at predicting upper-tropospheric turbulence The model increases in accuracy significantly as it is made more selective (Prob of Detection = 82%) The most productive area of prediction (near the tropopause break) is the area that would benefit the most from hyperspectral sounding stratosphere subtropical air mass Upper-air front polar air mass Web pages: Outline Method of synoptic-scale clear-air turbulence (CAT) prediction with the GOES water vapor channel Implementation of a predictive model to a real-time web product Validation with pilot reports Comparison to NCAR Turbulence prediction model Building a statistical model AWV gradient magnitude above the threshold (K) Estimating dimensions of a fold 6 (mean) 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Length of corresponding tropopause fold (km) • Tropopause fold size and water vapor gradient are uncorrelated Building a statistical model Hypothesis: • Is flux and size of a TF proportional to the AWV gradient magnitude above a threshold? Introduction GOES imagery – AWV product (surface) (upper troposphere ~8 km high) Introduction Elements of Strat-Trop Exchange (STE) (upper-tropospheric air mass boundary) 150 Cut-off Low stratosphere 12 200 300 14 subtropical air mass 10 tropopause 8 400 6 500 600 700 polar air mass (~100 km) 4 Height (km) Pressure (hPa) streamers