A Gathering of voices




Literature of Early America

Beginnings to 1750

“We shall be as a City upon a Hill, the eyes of all people are upon us; so that if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken and so cause him to withdraw his present help from us, we shall be made a story and a by-word through the world.”

John Winthrop

Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony

So…why should we study American


Because it’s more than just studying about major

American writers.

It’s more than just reading about major literary movements that shaped this nation.

It’s even more than just learning how history and cultural events shaped the writers of the past.

It’s about….

Learning how you feel, how you react, and how you respond to the literary, historical, and cultural movements of yesterday….

It’s about learning how take those events from yesterday and using them to become better men and women…

So that one day you can be the writers, leaders, and great thinkers that our children read, analyze, and write about tomorrow.

Questions for Consideration

Who is an American?

What is American literature?

When does “American” literature begin?

Who is great and who is not so great?

What forces shaped American writers?

What is an American?

Are Christopher Columbus and

John Smith Americans?

Are early Native American tales

American literature?

Were the Puritans Americans?

Was Thomas Paine an American writer?

First Explorers and Settlers

Columbus, Smith, early missionaries and early settlers thought of themselves as Europeans

They thought, wrote, acted, and worked as and for


Columbus wrote as propaganda, to gain more funding and political backing for his trips

Smith also wrote for propaganda purposes: to gain backing and settlers

The First Americans

When Chris Columbus reached North America in 1492, the continent was already populated by several Native

American tribes.

Though unknown when the first Americans came to what is now the United States, Native Americans have been here

30x longer than their European counterparts

What were they doing all that time? No one really knows.

What we do know is that they treated the Europeans as friends.

Pilgrims and Puritans – Farmers and Religious


Pg. 7-8

Small group of Europeans sailed on the Mayflower in 1620.

Religious reformers known as Puritans

Became critical of the Church of England

Instead of “purifying” within, they chose to withdraw

Established settlement in Plymouth Massachusetts

Believed human beings exist for glory of God and


Massachusetts Bay Colony founded by religious reformers – still apart of Church of England

Pilgrims and Puritans – Farmers and Religious


The Southern Planters

Southern Colonies differed from New England colonies

Climate, crops, social organization, and religion

Prosperous costal cities grew up in the South

Beyond the cities lay large plantations

Plantation: a large scale agricultural enterprise and center of commerce

1 st Black Slaves were brought to Virginia in 1619

A year before Plymouth Rock

By 1750, Puritanism was out and the plantation system was a way of life.

Literature of the Period

An odd melting pot

The Melting Pot pg. 9-13

Native American Tradition

Viewed mainly as folklore

95% oral – no fixed versions exist

Famous orators

Logan and Red Jacket

The Puritans

Writing dominated Puritan’s life

Consisted of theological studies, hymns, and histories

Anne Bradstreet and Edward


Explorer’s Accounts

Christ Columbus backed by

Queen Isabella set sell in 1492

Wrote his experience in his

Journal of the First Voyage to


Southern Writers

John Smith

 Wrote The General History of


John Byrd

 The History of the Dividing


Names and Terms to Know pg. 3



Massachusetts Bay


Anne Bradstreet

Native Americans

The Great


Edward Taylor

Puritans and Pilgrims

Explorers’ Accounts

John Smith

Important Dates to Remember p. 4-5


Christopher Columbus lands in the Bahamas


1 st permanent settlement in U.S. established in Florida by Pedro Menendez


English Colony at Roanoke Island disappears; known as the Lost Colony


Iroquois Confederacy established to stop warfare among the Five Nations

Important Dates to Remember….

Pg. 4-5


1 st permanent English settlement at Jamestown, Virginia


1 st Black Slaves brought to Virginia


Harvard College founded in Massachusetts


First printing press in English-speaking N. America arrives in



Salem witchcraft trials result in execution of 20 people


Great Awakening, a series of religious revivals begins to sweep the colonies

Are you still with me?

Name 3 key developments in colonial life?

Founding of Harvard University

First permanent English settlement

First printing press

What was the cause of the of executions in 1692

People were convicted of witchcraft

Susan Power – Native American

Writer and Poet

Born in Chicago, Susan Power was greatly influenced by parents representing two distinct cultures. Her mother: Native American. Her father: A descendent of the New Hampshire governor of the Civil War.

What we’ll be reading

The Earth on Turtle’s Back - Onondaga

When Grizzlies Walked Upright - Modoc

from The Navajo Origin Legend – Navajo

from The Iroquois Constitution - Iroquois

Museum Indians – Susan Powers

A Journey Through Texas


Early Native American Literature

 Background

 There were more than 2000 independent tribes of about one million natives, living here for about 2000 years already.

 They spoke 500 different languages from 50 different language groups. But, no Indian tribes had a written language until Sequoyah invented a syllabary for the

Cherokees in 1821.

 Different tribes had different literary tastes. The Sious preferred war tales; the Ojibwas preferred stories about sex; and the Menominis liked tales of the supernatural.

Styles of Native American Writings

The Oral Tradition Links the Past with the Present

The Art of Storytelling….

How Native American retold History

Through Song

Dakota Indians at a chief’s funeral would sing the life and accomplishments at the chief’s funeral

Sacred Symbols on Tanned Hides

Literary religious scriptures were placed on tanned hides or stone tablets to ensure customs and religious traditions

Winter Count

Indian version of a history book

Tanned buffalo hide with symbols, one picture for each year to represent the most significant event during that year

Oral Tradition

Earliest form of American Literature

Native Americans:

Two Literary Traditions – 1 Culture

The Oral Tradition

Begins earlier in time

Requires language but not a system of writing

Based on memory

Includes folklore, proverbs, and chants

Uses strong rhythms and repetition to help memory

Orator can vary presentation in response to audience

The Written Tradition

Begins later in time

Requires language and system of writing

Based on texts that can be written, read, & copied

Includes novels, short stories, history books

No variation

Materials fixed in a single version

Literary Analysis Term:

Origin Myths

Origin myths

Tradition Stories that recount the origins of earthly life.

Passed down from generation to generation,

Often explain phenomena:

 The beginning of human life,

The customs and religious rites of a people

The creation of natural landmarks

Events beyond a people’s control

Reading Strategy

Recognize Cultural Details

Literature reflects the culture that produces it.

When we read the three Native American myths there are several cultural details that indicate how the Native Americans lived as well as what they valued.

When you read, you need to begin to pay attention to cultural details:

References to objects, animals, or practices that signal how people live, think, or worship

You do this to gain insight into their culture
