Dorothy Stringer School Year 10 Subject content guidance for parents SPRING TERM 2013 GCSE Art & Design. Textiles Topics Covered – ‘LINE PROJECT’ Pupils in different GCSE Art Groups will explore ‘LINE’ set by individual Art Teachers. They will be encouraged to compare the development of ideas and the making of Art in different times, places and cultures working from observation, memory and imagination. They will be given opportunities to develop a diverse range of practical skills using traditional materials as well as combining digital media. Useful website addresses - ArtNet – Arts Electronica – http://www.electronica.som/index2.html The Design Council – Digital Jungle (graffiti art in London) – The Institute of Contemporary Arts_ Institute of International Visual Arts – Lisson Gallery – The Louvre Gallery, France – Museum of Modern Art, New York (MoMa) – Books used Title Student Handbook for Art & Design Author Richard Hickman Publisher Pearson Publishing ISBN Number 1-85749 637-X Special Notes Information applies to all Year 11 Art and Design and Textile Groups Students will complete a variety of 2 and 3 dimensional outcomes Business Studies Topics Covered Unit 1- Setting up a business Marketing Mix Pupils will continue to look at the elements of the marketing mix- Price, product, Place and promotion of a small business. 2 Finance Pupils will look at the source and types of finances available to small businesses calculating profit and loss, interpretation cash flow statements and identifying problems. Useful website addresses Title Author Publisher ISBN Number AQA Business Peter Stimpson et Nelson Thorne 978-1-4085Studies GCSE al. 0435-2 Special Notes There are end of unit tests which contribute to teacher assessments. Homework is posted on the SLG and or written in pupils’ homework diaries. 3 Child Care Topics Covered PREPARING FOR PREGNANCY AND BIRTH New Life (contraception, conception and pregnancy) Life support system Twins Problems with conception Surrogacy Family likeness – genetics Reasons why people have a baby Qualities of a parent – positive and negative Preparing for parenthood Conception Review STI’s Abortion Antenatal care Ante natal Care What happens during pregnancy Working out when your baby is due Feeling during pregnancy Symptoms of pregnancy Health during pregnancy Looking after yourself during pregnancy Ante Natal Clinics and Classes Hospital mothers form Ante natal schedule Examples of antenatal classes Tests to check the baby Things that happen when pregnant and how to overcome them. Useful website addresses Http:/ Books used Title Author Publisher ISBN Number Childcare and Pamela Minett John Murray 0-7145-8610-0 Development The Essentials of Child Development – Revision Guide Judi Sunderland Lonsdale 1-903068-85-1 Available from school for £3.50 GCSE Child NONE Coordination Group 1 84146 794 4 Development, The Publication £4.50 Revision Guide Antenatal Information Pack - CONTROLLED ASSIGNMENT = 10% of Final GCSE Grade. Allocated time = 7 HOURS A newly expectant mother often welcomes advice. Produce an information pack for a newly expectant mother suggesting how she should look after herself. Independent tasks that will support pupils controlled assignment The below task are very important and will support pupils with their next controlled assignment. The time used doing these will not counted as part of their controlled assignment allocated 7 hours as it is preparatory work. Find out what expectant mothers and/or mothers feel would be the most important topics to be included in an antenatal care pack e.g. what do they think pregnant women need to be told about in order to keep them and the baby safe through out pregnancy. Collect and/or sending off for a variety of antenatal care leaflets. Find out what antenatal provision are available in Brighton and Hove. 4 GCSE Computing Topics Covered Theory Sessions Logic gates Systems software—operating systems and utilities Security software Disc management and data access Structured data and databases Practical Sessions Programming: Java using Greenfoot, HTML & CSS, Javascript Database design and creation This rigorous course was designed to meet demand for an option that gave students an indepth understanding of how computer technology works and an opportunity to investigate computer programming, including algorithms, project design and development. It aims to prepare learners for progression to an A Level in Computing/ Computer Science. Useful website addresses (useful theory unit) Books used Title OCR Computing for GCSE Author Sean Obyrne George Rouse Publisher Hodder Education 5 ISBN Number 978-1444177794 Design Technology - Electronics Topics Covered Dice Project A two part project, which introduces students to modular electronics. The pupils will design their own PCBs for the Astable and Counter, soldering the components to them. They then need to put it inside a casing which they have designed and is suitable for the purpose. Light Following Robot A more complex robot that uses two sensors and an Op Amp chip so that it can move towards a torch or the brightest light source. The pupils will design their own PCB and solder the components to it. They then need to put it inside a casing so that the robot can move around. Remote Controlled PICAXE Project A complex programmable circuit that prepares students for their GCSE project in Year 11. The pupils will make a PCB and solder the components to it. They then need to use a PC programme to download the information onto their chip, including recognising a signal from a remote control. Useful website addresses School Intranets: Control GCSE Books used Title Electronic Products Author D. McHugh Publisher ISBN Number Lonsdale 1 905129 11 4 Special Notes Students should purchase the AQA product design revision guide if they have not already done so. Year 10 is a foundation year to teach principles of the subject for the student’s independent controlled assessment in year 11. 6 Design Technology – Product Design Topics Covered 1. Materials and components. 2. Design and manufacture influences. 3. Modelling and development (recording decision making in preparation for the controlled assessment) 4. Processes and manufacture. Pupils -Complete Individual projects. 1. Lamp project housing pre manufacture components. 2. A range of focus practical tasks. 3. Begin researching final independent GCSE controlled assessment. Useful website addresses Books used Title Author Publisher ISBN Number Essentials Product Letts and 1-906415-55-6 Design revision Guide Lonsdale Special Notes Students should purchase the AQA product design revision guide if they have not already done so. Year 10 is a foundation year to teach principles of the subject for the students independent controlled assessment in year 11. Drama Topics Covered 1st GCSE practical assessment – topic to be decided by individual class teacher. Skills covered Work devised for an audience: World War I Group work (putting into practice skills and techniques learnt in term one) Written comparative coursework assessment exploring texts from other cultures, genres, periods Written Exam preparation: response to live theatre seen during course Evaluation of performances. Useful website addresses Stimuli used A variety of poetry, prose, song lyrics and drama texts based on WWI; original letters, diaries, propaganda materials, archive photographs. Title Author Publisher ISBN Number Special Notes Those students who did not attend a Theatre visit in term one must do so this 7 term English Topics Covered English Literature i) Study of second text from the English Literary Heritage. Unit is followed by a Controlled Assessment – 4 hours – based on the two texts – one Shakespeare text and one pre 1914 text. English Language i) Response to non-fiction – Reading skills – pupils read and respond to a variety of texts; particularly Media based texts including websites, newspaper and magazine articles and adverts. Skills taught include understanding, inference and analysis of image and language. Exam preparation. ii) Writing to argue and persuade; and inform and describe - leaflets, articles, letters, persuasive speeches, scripts etc. Exam Preparation. iii) Oral assessment – teacher choice Useful website addresses Books used All necessary texts + Anthologies provided Title Author Publisher Macbeth William Shakespeare Heinemann ISBN Number 0 435 192035 William Shakespeare Romeo & Juliet Heinemann 0 435 192019 Wordsworth 9 781853 260049 Charles Dickens Great Expectations Special Notes 8 Environmental Science The work outlined here describes the requirements of the entire first year in Environmental Science. Unit A A1 Population and Sustainability Why is the human population increasing so fast? Are some lifestyles more sustainable than others? How may food supplies be increased to provide for a growing population? Are the developments in world food production sustainable? A2 Energy Resources How are energy resources used? How can energy consumption be reduced? Why is the continued use of fossil fuels unsustainable? What alternative energy technologies are available? A3 Global Climate Change Why is the greenhouse effect important for life on Earth? How may human activities change the climate? What are the potential effects of global climate change? Can global climate change be stopped? Support Materials We advise all pupils to get their own personal copy of Byrne K. (2009) AQA GCSE Environmental Science Student Book [Paperback], Nelson Thornes. ISBN Number: 978 1 4085 0396 6 At the time of writing, this can be purchased online via Amazon for £14.09, with free delivery in the UK. This book will help throughout the course and is invaluable for revision. Coursework 25% of Final Grade During the last week before the Easter holidays there is the compulsory field trip where students will develop a number of key skills. 9 Film Studies Topics Covered The second term of Film Studies will involve the class putting the skills they learnt in the first term into a practical use. They will do this by pitching a film idea that they have created from scratch and creating a storyboard of its trailer. They will be learning both the practical and theoretical skills needed to do this. In the second half of the term they will start to learn about Disaster movies in terms of film language this will involve us looking at the genre in terms of the following elements o Codes and conventions o Themes o Iconography and Ideology o Narrative and Plot o Style o Characters and Stars We will then Disaster movies and various Film Organisations. They will learn who makes disaster movies and why, as well as who are the audience. They will also build up own research cases on different films focusing on Production, Distribution, Exhibition and Marketing. Coursework During this term they will complete the first draft of a film pitch for their own film, which is a written piece of around 700 words describing their film and how it would be made. They will also be creating a storyboard of a trailer for the film (1st draft) Useful website addresses Books used Title Author Publisher ISBN Number GCSE Film Studies for WJEC Jackie Newman David Fairclough Gerrard Garvey Julie Patrick Heinemann 978-0-435368-10-4 Special Notes For Film Studies we use Windows Moviemaker and/or Adobe Premiere Elements. For all image work, we use Adobe Photoshop Elements and/or CS3. It is not essential that pupils have access to these programs at home. 10 Geography Topics Covered (AQA GCSE Geography Specification A) 1) Changing Urban Environments (Human Geography) Urbanisation, Land-Use Zones, Problems in Inner Cities, Housing, Traffic, Ethnic Segregation, Regeneration, Sustainable Development CASE STUDIES: Rio de Janeiro, Brighton CONTROLLED ASSESSMENT MOCK (Inc Field Trip to Brighton City Centre) 2) The Coastal Zone (Physical Geography) Waves, Erosion, Mass Movement, Weathering, Transportation, Deposition, Landforms, Management Strategies, Rising Sea Levels, Flooding. CASE STUDIES: Saltdean, Cuckmere Haven, London & Thames Estuary FIELD TRIP (Saltdean: Cliff Erosion & Management) Useful website addresses Books used We use a range of text books and independently created resources to teach the above units. However, the following books are used for reference and some activities: Title Author Publisher ISBN Number geog.GCSE King et al Oxford 0-19-913466-9 Understanding GCSE Geography Bowen & Pallister Heinemann 978-0-435353-30-8 Special Notes All homework assignments set by class teachers should be written by pupils in their homework diaries. However, geography teachers also record of all homework set on the SLG. Just before the half-term holiday Y10 geography pupils will undertake a Controlled Assessment Mock which will include a field trip to Brighton City Centre. It is vital that all pupils take part in this activity. Pupils must be present in all lessons in the 2 weeks before the half term holiday and the 2 weeks after the holiday. Lessons during this period will include periods of ‘high level control’ where pupils are required to write part of their report in supervised exam conditions. The result of this assessment will be used by class teachers when deciding if a pupil should be entered into the Higher or Foundation Tier of the exam at the end of Year 11. The term will end with a field trip to investigate one of our local case studies: Cliff Erosion & Management at Saltdean. 11 Health and Social Care Double Award Topics covered Students will be finishing their controlled assessment project on Health and well-being. Students will start on a new controlled assessment project about health, social care and early years settings. Looking at care values, who the clients are and how they needs are met and possible barriers to accessing care and how these can be overcome. Useful website addresses Books used Title Author Publisher ISBN Number Special Notes Students will need to plan and visit a care setting to evaluate and analyse how they meet the needs of their client. Students will need to participate fully in all lessons and complete homework as requested and on time to ensure they help themselves to achieve their TG. There will be catch up sessions available on Wednesday and Thursday after school for students who miss lessons through illness or need to do more work. History Edexcel GCSE History A: The Making of the Modern World Peace and War – International Relations Topics covered: How did the Cold War develop 1943-56? Three Cold War Crises – Berlin, Cuba and Czechoslovakia c. 1957-69 Why did the Cold War end? The invasion of Afghanistan (1979) to the collapse of the USSR (1991) Useful website addresses Books used Title Author Publisher ISBN Number History A – the Making of the Modern World: Unit 1 – Peace R. Bunce, L. Gallagher and N. Kelly Pearson 978 – 1 – 8469 – 0549 - 0 12 and War: International Relations 190091 Special Notes Year 10 History homework is set once a week. Year 10 students will take their Germany 1918 to 1939 modular exam in June 2011, and this unit is worth 25% of the final GCSE grade. The International Relations unit will be examined in January 2012. Functional Skills-ICT Topics Covered A new and exciting project where pupils work in groups of five, each with an assigned role. They have to work as a small IT company, and use the ICT skills they have learned in Year 8 and Year 9 to help produce the Let’s Dance Festival at the Brighton Dome Useful website addresses Books used Title Author Publisher Special Notes . 13 ISBN Number Latin Topics Covered Language: Cambridge Latin Course Books 1 – 2 and into Bk 3. Roman Life Topics from Cambridge Latin Course Book 1 Prose set texts: Caesar: The Power of the Druids Cambridge Latin Anthology pp170 - 175 Useful website addresses Books used Title Cambridge Latin Course Bks 1 – 3 Author CSCP Publisher CUP ISBN Number Cambridge Latin Anthology Special Notes: Carter and Parr CUP 0-521-57877-9 Many useful links on the site Languages Year 10 GCSE French Spring Term Topics Covered Free time Town Holidays Useful website addresses (ask your teacher for the login details) Books used Title Author Publisher ISBN Number Métro 4 rouge Anneli McLachlan Heinemann 0 435 38027 3 Languages Year 10 Advanced French Topics covered Talking about the future Relationships with family and peers Drug dependence Media Useful websites 14 Spring Term Text book Title: Edexcel As French Author: Clive Bell Anneli McLachlan Publisher: Heinemann ISBN: 9780435396107 Languages Year 10 GCSE Spanish Spring Term Topics covered School Plans for the future Holidays and tourist information Restaurants Weather Useful websites (ask your teacher for the login details) Text book Title: Author: Publisher: ISBN: Listos 3 Michael Calvert Heinemann 0 435 43030 Languages Year 10 GCSE German Spring Term Topics covered Free time My town Holidays Useful websites (ask your teacher for the login details) Text book Title: Author: Publisher: ISBN: Logo 4 Rot Oliver Gray Heinemann 0435 36726 9 15 Leisure and Tourism Topics Covered Unit 1: Understanding Leisure and Tourism Destinations o o o o o o The range of leisure and tourism destinations in the UK and abroad. How people choose which destinations to visit. Visitor attractions and activities. Methods of travel to destinations and why people choose them. Impact of tourism on communities and the environment. The importance of sustainability co tourism. Unit 2: The Nature of Leisure and Tourism For full details see year 11 - we aim to start this after the external examination in May. A sample of some useful website addresses http;// Books used Title AQA Leisure and Tourism. Author Publisher Stephen Rickerby Nelson Thornes Hodder ISBN Number 978-1-40850413-0 Special Notes Unit 1 - this unit will be completed during the Autumn and Spring terms and then assessed by an external examination set by AQA in May 2011. This examination is worth 40% of students’ final grade. Unit 2 – This will be assessed by means of controlled assessment and represents 60% of the course. There will be clear guidelines and students will be required to gather information and record evidence as well as to analyse issues and problems. 16 Maths Higher ability Surds and Index Laws Sequences Equations of straight line graphs Parallel and perpendicular lines Solving equations and inequalities graphically Probability and tree diagrams, conditional probability Quadratic equations – factorising, formula and completing the square Quadratic graphs Ratio Direct and inverse proportion Medium Ability Multiples, factors and primes Index laws and standard form Sequences Equations of straight line graphs Parallel and perpendicular lines Solving equations and inequalities graphically Probability and tree diagrams Quadratic equations – factorising Quadratic graphs Probability Ratio and proportion Lower ability Estimates and reading scales Sequences Co-ordinates Equations of straight line graphs Soling equations and inequalities Probability of single events and experimental probability 3D shapes, symmetry and similarity 2D shapes – area and volume Circles and cylinders (area and volume) Useful website addresses Pupils should have personal logons for this site. The site provides booster packs for revision (BBC ‘Bitesize’ Revision) Books used Title Sets 1a Higher GCSE Maths Sets 1a – 1d Higher Mathematics for AQA GCSE Author David Rayner Publisher Oxford ISBN Number 0 19 914 792 2 Banks et al Causeway Press 1 4058 3143 X 1 4058 3129 1 Sets 2a-d Foundation Maths for AQA GCSE Banks et al Causeway Press 17 Special notes Media Studies Topics Covered In the first half of this term, pupils continue with their Magazines Project; looking at cover design and, specifically, the use of images, colours and the text. The aim is to get pupils to achieve a full understanding of the medium’s conventions and the way in which it attempts to draw readers in to the magazine itself. We also teach pupils how to manipulate images, using Adobe PhotoShop, to create their own magazine covers. Towards the end of term, the pupils complete an analysis of 2 magazine covers as well as designing their own magazine cover, aimed at a specified target audience. This is Unit 2 Assignment 1 and is worth 5% of the total GCSE grade. The second half term focuses on Film Promotion, primarily focusing on audience and institution. Pupils begin by analysing a range of film posters and trailers, leading to an essay that compares the effectiveness of different promotion techniques. The project also includes the creation of a film poster and storyboarding of a trailer for a film concept of their own. These creative skills are completed in the first half term of the Summer Term. This is Unit 2 Assignment 2 and is worth 10% of the total GCSE grade. There is no end of Year 10 exam in Media Studies. Useful website addresses Books used Title Title Title Title AQA GCSE MEDIA STUDIES AQA GCSE MEDIA STUDIES AQA GCSE MEDIA STUDIES AQA GCSE MEDIA STUDIES Special Notes For all Media Studies’ image work, we use Adobe Photoshop CS3. For film work, we use Windows Moviemaker and/or Adobe Premiere Elements. It is not essential that pupils have access to these programs at home. 18 Music Topics Covered Music GCSE is based around the set works: AOS 1 Handel And the Glory of the Lord from Messiah Mozart 1st Mvt. from Symphony No.40 in G minor Chopin Piano Prelude no.15 in D flat Major op.28 AOS 2 Schoenberg Peripetie from 5 Orchestral Pieces L Bernstein Something’s Coming S Reich 3rd Mvt. from Electric Counterpoint Areas study 3 and 4 will be taught in year 11 The above topics will be studied at various times through the academic year It is also hoped that students attend at least one extra-curricular event: Big Choir, Orchestra, Jazz Band, Vox, String Group, School Musical/Play Useful website addresses ALL SCORES, REVISION QUESTIONS AND LESSON NOTES CAN BE FOUND ON THE SIMS LEARNING GATEWAY Books used Title Edexcel GCSE Music Author Arkell & Martin Publisher A Pearson Company Edexcel GCSE Anthology of Music Edited by Julia Winterson A Pearson Company ISBN Number 978 1 846904 03 5 978 1 84690 405 9 Special Notes Pupils must compose during each of the topics above and provide two performances 19 P.E (BTEC Level 2 First in Sport) Topics Covered (PE Theory Lessons) Fitness Training and Tests Unit (PE Practical and Theory Lessons) January - February During both Theory and practical lessons, student will be introduced to and experience a range of different fitness training methods and tests. The focus for their assignment will be ‘achieving excellence’ in a sport of their choice and will include appropriate training principles and methods. Cardiovascular System (PE Theory Lessons) February – April The content for this unit will be wholly delivered in theory lessons and will provide a useful insight into the anatomy and physiology of both the circulatory and respiratory systems. There will two pieces of work submitted which include a presentation using PowerPoint (circulatory system) and an information leaflet (Respiratory system) Useful website addresses All students are required to compile a bibliography and reference list for the resources they use in completing their assignments. Students are encouraged to share their sources with peers through the SLG and in particular, the class discussion tab within the ‘My Classes’ section. Resources Fitness testing and training – ‘My classes’ section of the SLG - Wiki Cardiovascular System – Curriculum – PE – Year 10 (SLG) & ‘My Classes’ Additional Websites: Special Notes For this term will be piloting use of the aforementioned my classes section of the SLG. We would encourage use to explore this section with your child and if you feel there is anything missing or that functionality is limited or unavailable on your child’s class site, please contact me on the address below. Paul Watson (Dir. of learning and teaching in PE) e-mail: P.S.H.E. Topics Covered Sex and relationships Positive relationships Emergency contraception Condom use and excuses Assertiveness Sexuality 20 Mental Health What is mental health and why it is important for our overall well being. Project Work - Pupils will undertake a pair’s research project. They will investigate, prepare and then do a power point presentation to the class about a mental health condition. This will include them finding out what it is, the symptoms and how to get support/help for that particular condition. Useful website addresses Books used Title Author Publisher ISBN Number Special Notes Students will be expected to participate in lessons fully and consider the content of lessons and think about how they can deal with the information to help make safe choices. Work experience week 15th – 19th July 2012 a) Students will be selecting their placements for work experience week. Students can choose between an own placement (working for someone they know) or a school placement (list of jobs we have available) a) Students are given help and support during PSHE lessons. Any questions please email Mr Sutton, Miss Emerson or Mrs Francesca Parris Philosophy of Religion and Ethics Topics Covered 1. The cosmological argument. There is an essay on this topic. 2. The problem of evil. There is an essay on this topic. Useful website addresses Books used Title Philosophy of Religion for A Level Author A Jordan, N Lockyer and E Tate Publisher Nelson Thornes 21 ISBN Number 0 7487 6760 6 Special Notes Each pupil has a ring-binder in which they keep their class notes and work. These Pupil Documents form part of the ‘text-book’ for the Course. There are two text-books issued for the course: one for Philosophy of Religion and one for Religious Ethics. NOTE that Philosophy of Religion is dealt with in YEAR 10 and Religious Ethics in the last part of YEAR 10 and in YEAR 11. The Religious Studies Library has a wide selection of books. The Department will write to parents informing them both of useful books and websites. PSYCHOLOGY Topics Covered The Self How are humans unique The concept of freewill The humanistic theory of self: self-esteem, self actualisation Extraversion & Neuroticism Research into the positive influence of keeping pets Applications of research into self – counselling, depression etc Sex & Gender Masculinity, femininity & androgyny The Biological & Psychoanalytic Approach to Gender Case study – Castrated twin boys raised as a girl Applications of research - education, work & leisure Useful website addresses Books used Title Author OCR Psychology Mark Billingham & David Groves Special Notes Publisher Heinemann ISBN Number 978-0-43580770-2 The Self This will involve looking at how identity is formed. We may, in fact be not one person but many! Sex & Gender Students will be studying why there are gender differences in some behaviours. We will be looking at both biological and psychological approaches to the topic. 22 RS & Citizenship Topics Covered Continuing Rights and Responsibilities in Christianity by finishing: - Genetic Engineering And then studying a Unit on Islam which includes: - the life of the Prophet Muhammad the Qur’an the Hadith and Sunnah Shari’ah Misrepresentations of Islam Then starting Environmental and Medical Issues Useful website addresses Books used Title Author Publisher ISBN Number Religion and Ina Taylor Folens 978-1-85008Society based on 436-5 Christianity and Islam Special Notes The pupils will be taught how to ‘study religion’. It is important to emphasise that the subject is taught as an academic study of religion. The GCSE syllabus covers most of the requirements for Citizenship. Each pupil has a folder and book which they keep in school. There is no textbook issued to pupils throughout Year 10 but there is a text-book that each teacher will use as the basis for the course. Science 23 Students study the following modules in Year 10, depending on which science options they have chosen: Single Science Students (Core Science only): Biology 1a – Human Biology Chemistry 1a – Products from Rocks Physics 1a – Energy and Electricity Double Science Students (Core Science and Additional Science) Biology 1a – Human Biology Biology 1b – Evolution and Environment Chemistry 1a – Products from Rocks Chemistry 1b – Oils, Earth and Atmosphere Physics 1a – Energy and Electricity Physics 1b - Radiation and the Universe Triple Science Students (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) These students will study the same modules as double science students, but will also begin to study the additional modules required for the award of three separate science GCSEs. All of the above will be assessed by multiple choice module tests in November, March and June. All students will take 3 ISAs (Investigative Skills assessments) throughout the year, October, January and April. These take place during lesson time. Useful website addresses Books used Separate workbook will be issued Title Author Publisher Science Uncovered Keith Hurst Heinemann AQA Science for GCSE ISBN Number 0 435586 00 3 AQA Science – GCSE Biology Ann Fullick Nelson Thornes 0 7487 9641 X AQA Science – GCSE Chemistry Patrick Fullick Nelson Thornes 0 7487 9644 4 AQA Science – GCSE Physics Jim Breithaupt Nelson Thornes 0 7487 9647 9 24 iGCSE Information & Communication Technology Topics Covered Theory Sessions IT Systems 2—a more detailed look at the components of It systems Recent developments and trends in IT Networking 2: the physical and logical layers of a network Systems Analysis and Design methods. The Systems Lifecycle Practical Sessions Web page creation from scratch with HTML and CSS Data manipulation—working with large data sets The aim at this stage in the course is that the theory sessions underpin the knowledge needed to complete the practical sessions and help students to plan and use ICT efficiently and appropriately to solve real-world problems. Useful website addresses Books used Title Author Publisher ISBN Number IGCSE Information and Graham Brown Hodder Education 978-0340983829 Communication David Watson Technology 25