Henry County High School Biology Syllabus 2015-2016 Parents: I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the Henry County High School family. I am looking forward to working with you, and your child this year. As your child’s science teacher, I will be involved in much of their learning. We will be doing a lot of exciting things this year. I intend to keep you informed of class projects and your child’s progress. Please ensure that you are signed up with Infinite Campus to check your child’s weekly progress. In addition, I am very interested in the success of your student. I would appreciate your help in ensuring that they have a great year by: 1) encouraging your child 2) setting up distraction free study times, and 3) teacher communication -- as necessary. Also, be aware that Biology is a rigorous course. This course has the Georgia Milestone Test which is a graduation requirement; and counts as 20% of their final grade. In addition, this course will be accelerated with the notion that a year of Biology will be confined to a semester. It is my expectation that your child study his or her class notes and activities for at least 15 minutes per night. More time may be necessary, depending on the child’s aptitude for Biology. This will allow them to keep up with the pace of the class. Studying the night before the test and hoping to master all the material is not a successful strategy for most ninth grade Biology students. In addition, tests in this class go beyond recall and basic comprehension to the point where students will be asked to apply, analyze, synthesize and evaluate based upon the information contained in class notes, performance tasks, assigned readings and lab experiences. It is my job to meet them at their needs and implement the right strategies for your child to grow and be successful. Please review the syllabus on the following pages. If you have any questions, the best way to contact me is via email. I can be reached at siney.augustine@henry.k12.ga.us. You are also welcome to call the school at 770-957-3943. Thank you and I look forward to working with you over the upcoming school year. Sincerely, Siney Augustine Science Educator 1|Page Henry County High School Instructor: Siney Augustine Room: 225 Ms. Joanie Snow School Website: www.henry.k12.ga.us/hchs email: Siney.augustine@henry.k12.ga.us email:jsnow@henry.k12.ga.us Tutoring: During school: Instructional Focus; After-school: See teacher to set-up time and date COURSE DESCRIPTION: Biology is a course designed to provide the current and comprehensive information concerning the study of living things and their processes. Throughout the year this course provides an opportunity for students to develop scientific process skills, laboratory techniques, and an understanding of the fundamental principles of living organisms. Students will explore biological science as a process, cell structure and function, genetics and heredity, evolution and classification, diversity of living organisms and their ecological roles, and an introduction to animal structure and function. The Georgia Milestone will be administered in December and April, which covers objectives for both semesters and count as 20% of the student’s final grade. Laboratory experiences, both short and long term are an integral part of this course. OBJECTIVES/GOALS: Teach students practical scientific skills, which they can use to investigate study and explain the world around them. Give students a deeper understanding of the how biology impacts their daily lives. For each student to achieve the Georgia Performance Standards for High School Biology. To encourage the spirit of scientific investigation and with it the attitudes of accuracy in thought and work. EXPECTATIONS: A high level of participation in class activities, personal responsibility for assigned work, improvement of thinking skills, creativity, and an scientific attitude for exploration of new scientific concepts and information. REQUIRED MATERIALS Students need the following materials all year long: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 3 ring binder Organizing Tabs Colored Pencils/Markers Black/Blue Pens and Pencils(Plenty) Loose Leaf Notebook Paper Jump drive You are expected to keep a separate three ring binder just for this class. It will be divided into sections. The sections are: 2|Page Henry County High School Organizing your science notebook: 1st Item: Syllabus 2nd Item: Lab Safety Rules 3rd Item: label the first divider Bell ringer 4th item: label the second divider Notes (BIG Idea prelude each section of notes) 5th item: label the third divider Handouts 6th item: label the fourth divider Misc. GRADING POLICY Your semester (Final Course) grade is earned based upon performance in the following areas: Science 100.0% - 90.0% = A 89.0% - 80.0% = B 79.0% - 74.0%=C 73.0% - 70.0%=D 69.0% - 0.00% = F Homework: 10% Class work: 15% Labs: 25% Tests: 30% Home Lab, Teacher Developed Questions, Diagrams, High Frequency Terms in context, Models, Section Reviews, Reinforcement Activities, Concept Maps Charts, Illustrations, Graphs, Tables, Content Review Activities, Teacher Developed Questions, Reinforcement Activities Minimum 1 core lab per week Quizzes, Teachermade Assessments, Unit Assessments *I Do Not Give Out Extra Credit 3|Page Or Alternating between weekly lab and weekly performance activity (Minimum of 1 per week) Exam: 20% Milestone will count 20% of Final Grade Henry County High School EXAMINATIONS Exams will be given during regular class periods and will cover material from the lecture, performance tasks, and laboratory. The date of an exam will be announced in advance. If a student has a legitimate excuse for missing an exam, s/he must notify the instructor in advance. The instructor may, at his/her discretion, replace the zero on the missed exam with the grade received on the comprehensive final exam or a make-up exam. Student is responsible for communicating with teacher about making-up an exam within FIVE days of missed exam. QUIZZES QUIZZES WILL BE GIVEN AT THE DISCRETION OF THE INSTRUCTOR. These quizzes will be either announced or unannounced; however, you can count on at least one quiz a week. In computation of the final grade, the lowest (or one missed) quiz will not be counted. There are NO make-up quizzes. A quiz can be given at the beginning, middle, or end of a class period. Always arrive to class prepared to experience a quiz on current class content. Make-Up Work Policy: Attendance is mandatory!! It is the student’s responsibility to obtain any make-up work while they were absent. Check Edmodo. All make-up work must be completed within THREE school days after the student returns to school or it will be graded as a zero. Make-ups for tests, labs, or other major assignments must be made up after school after consultation with teacher. Lab make-up days will be announced a week in advance. Late Work: None accepted. Make sure all of your assignments are turned in when they are due. I have read and understand the guidelines in the Biology syllabus. Student Signature_______________________________________ Date_________________ Parent/Guardian Signature________________________________ Date_________________ I prefer to be contacted by: (Fill-in all that apply) Home Phone_____________________ Work Phone________________________ Cell Phone_______________________ E-mail____________________________ 4|Page Henry County High School Discipline Plan for Room 225 Classroom Rules 1. Have all appropriate materials, supplies, notebooks before you enter the classroom and take your seat upon entering the classroom. 2. Respect the People (peers and teacher), equipment, and furnishing of Room 225. 3. Electronic devices are only used for instructional purposes only. They may not be used otherwise. Only at the teacher’s discretion. 4. Be on time and in your seats when class starts. 5. Follow directions the first time they are given. 6. No offensive, foul, disrespectful, derogatory language. Consequences (Depends on Severity of Situation) 1st Offense: Verbal Warning: Name Documented: Student will complete a “Focus Form” 2nd Offense: Referral (Call Parent) 3rd Offense: Parent/Teacher Conference 4th Offense: OSS Administrator Rewards Praise (daily) Free Homework pass “Drop a Grade” certificate Various other positive perks The joy of learning (each day of the school year) STUDENTS: I have read this classroom discipline plan and understand it. I will honor it while in Room 225. Signature______________________________________ Date_______________ Parents: I have read and discussed the classroom discipline plan with my child. I understand it and will support it. Signature______________________________________ Date_______________ Teacher: I will be fair and consistent in administering the discipline plan for Room 225. Signature______________________________________ Date________________ ******IMPORTANT******* PLEASE KEEP THIS SHEET IN YOUR NOTEBOOK AT ALL TIMES. Thank you 5|Page Henry County High School Student and Parent Information Please Return the Entire Page!! Please provide the following information. Also, please read the ENTIRE syllabus and sign below stating that you read everything. Student Name: ______________________________ Grade Level: ________________ HEALTH INFORMATION: Please list any allergies, medications, or special needs (including eyeglasses, contacts, color blindness, etc.) of the student. Write “NONE” if applicable. Parent/Guardian Names: _________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ Phone Number: __________________________ ***PLEASE INCLUDE AN E-MAIL ADDRESS BECAUSE THIS IS THE QUICKEST AND MOST RELIABLE FORM OF COMMUNICATION!!! ***Email Address: _________________________________________________________ I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE SYLLABUS. Student Signature: _______________________________ Parent Signature: _________________________ _______ Date: __________________ Date: __________________ ***NOTE TO PARENTS: Please check your son’s/daughter’s progress on Infinite Campus. 6|Page