Chapter 27 Reading Guide: Empire and Expansion, 1890-1909 America Turns Outward Know: The Influence of Sea Power upon History, the Great Rapprochement 1. What factors caused America to turn its attention to the world beyond her borders? 2. Summarize at least two diplomatic crises at this time. 3. How did the United States use its influence in the Venezuelan/British New Guiana dispute? Spurning the Hawaiian Pear 4. How did the treaty of the annexation of Hawaii come to pass? 5. Why did President Cleveland not want to annex Hawaii? Cubans Rise in Revolt Know: “Butcher” Weyler, Yellow Journalism, Pulitzer and Hearst, Teller Amendment 6. What was happening in Cuba that caused Americans to be concerned? 7. How did the newspapers use the explosion of the USS Maine to spur support for the plight in Cuba? 8. Why was President McKinley so apprehensive to get involved in the war in Cuba? Dewey's May Day Victory at Manila 9. Why did Commodore Dewey have such an easy victory over the Spanish fleet at the Philippines? 10. How did the events in the Philippines lead to the annexation of Hawaii? The Confused Invasion of Cuba Vocab: Rough Riders, Teddy Roosevelt, San Juan Hill 11. Describe the confusion in Cuba and the role of the rough riders. America's Course (Curse?) of Empire Vocab: Anti-Imperialist League 12. What did the U.S. get from Spain at the end of the war? 13. What troubled McKinley about the Philippines? 14. What were the arguments for and against the annexation of the Philippines? Perplexities in Puerto Rico and Cuba Vocab: Foraker Act 15. What was the status of Puerto Rico after the Spanish-American War? 16. What did the Insular Cases conclude about the status of the new territories? 17. How did the Platt Amendment tie Cuba to the US? Makers of America: The Puerto Ricans 18. How has U.S. citizenship caused Puerto Ricans to be different from other immigrants? New Horizons in Two Hemispheres 19. What were the overall outcomes of the Spanish-American War? "Little Brown Brothers" in the Philippines 20. How did the tables turn in the Philippines for both sides? 21. In what way do the Philippines show the good and bad sides of American imperialism? Hinging the Open Door in China Know: Boxer Rebellion 22. How did the Open Door Note alleviate world-wide tensions in regard to China? 23. How was the note received by the Chinese? Makers of America: The Filipinos 24. Were Filipino immigrants welcomed with open arms in America? Explain. Imperialism or Bryanism in 1900? 25. How did Roosevelt help McKinley win in 1900? TR: Brandisher of the Big Stick Know: Roosevelt’s Big Stick 26. Give evidence to show that Teddy Roosevelt was an unconventional president. Building the Panama Canal Know: Hay-Paunchefote Treaty, 27. Why did the US want the isthmian canal? 28. What were the issues that were blocking the US from building the Panama Canal? 29. What issues did the builders find while building the canal? TR's Perversion of Monroe's Doctrine 30. How did the Roosevelt Corollary add to the Monroe Doctrine? 31. How did the Corollary contribute to the “Bad Neighbor” idea? Roosevelt on the World Stage Know: Russo-Japanese War 32. How did Teddy Roosevelt win the Nobel Peace Prize? 33. How did Japan and Russia each feel about the US after Peace Treaty? Japanese Laborers in California Know: Gentlemen’s Agreement, Great White Fleet 34. How did a school board in California act in a way that first hurt and then helped American-Japanese relations? Varying Viewpoints: Why did America Become a World Power? 35. What caused America's foray into imperialism? Defend your opinion. Chapter 28 Reading Guide: Progressivism & the Republican Roosevelt, 1901-1912 Progressive Roots Know: Progressives, Laissez-faire, Jacob Riis, Jane Addams 1. What were the goals of the Progressives? Raking Muck with the Muckrakers Know: Lincoln Steffens, Ida M. Tarbell 2. What issues were addressed by the major muckrakers? Political Progressivism Know: Direct Primary Elections, Initiative, Referendum, Recall, Australian Ballot, Seventeenth Amendment, Suffragists 3. Describe each of the major political reforms that progressives desired. Progressivism in the Cities and States 4. What changes did progressives make at the city and state level? Progressive Women Know: Triangle Shirtwaist Company, Muller v. Oregon, Lochner v. New York, Woman's Christian Temperance Union 5. How successful were Progressives in combating social ills? TR's Square Deal for Labor Know: Square Deal 6. What were the three C's of the Square Deal? TR Corrals the Corporations Know: trusts, Hepburn Act 7. Assess the following statement, "Teddy Roosevelt's reputation as a trustbuster is undeserved." Caring for the Consumer Know: The Jungle, Meat Inspection Act, Pure Food and Drug Act 8. What was the effect of Upton Sinclair's book, The Jungle? Earth Control Know: Forest Reserve Act, Gifford Pinchot, Conservation, 9. What factors led Americans to take an active interest in conservation? 10. Describe the controversy of the Hetch Hetcy Valley. The "Roosevelt Panic" of 1907 11. What were the results of the Roosevelt Panic of 1907? The Rough Rider Thunders Out 12. What was the legacy of Teddy Roosevelt's presidency? Taft: A Round Peg in a Square Hole 13. "William Howard Taft was less suited for the presidency than he appeared to be." Explain The Dollar Goes Abroad as a Diplomat 14. What was dollar diplomacy and how was it practiced? Taft the Trustbuster 15. Who deserves the nickname "Trustbuster," Roosevelt or Taft? Why? Taft Splits the Republican Party 16. Why did the Progressive wing of the Republican Party turn against Taft? The Taft-Roosevelt Rupture 17. How did the Republican Party split at the party's 1912 convention? The "Bull Moose" Campaign of 1912 Know: Bull Moose, New Nationalism, New Freedom 18. Explain the difference between Roosevelt's form of progressivism and Wilson's. Who Were the Progressives? 19. Which answer to the question above seems correct to you? Why? Chapter 29 Reading Guide: Wilsonian Progressivism in Peace and War (1912-1916) Wilson: The Idealist in Politics 1. How did Wilson's personality and past affect the way he conducted himself as president? Wilson Tackles the Tariff Know: Underwood Tariff 2. What were the three parts of the "triple wall of privilege" and how did Wilson begin to combat them? Wilson Battles the Bankers Know: The Federal Reserve Act 3. How was the Federal Reserve System different than the banking system that existed in the U.S. prior to 1913? The President Tames the Trusts Know: Federal Trade Commission Act, Clayton Anti-Trust Act 4. How did Wilson curb the trusts? Wilsonian at the Peak Know: The Federal Farm Loan Act, Adamson Act 5. Describe some of the positive and negative outcomes of Wilson’s progressive legislation and actions. New Directions in Foreign Policy Know: Jones Act 6. Contrast Wilson's ideas of foreign policy with those of Roosevelt and Taft. Moralistic Diplomacy in Mexico Know: Francisco ("Pancho") Villa, 7. Why did Mexico give such trouble to the Wilson administration? 8. How did the Tampico Incident contribute to US-Mexican relations? Thunder Across the Sea Know: Central Powers, Allied Powers 9. What caused Europe to plunge into WWI in 1914? 10. What caused an officially neutral America to turn against the Central Powers? America Earns Blood Money Know: Lusitania and the Sussex 11. How did Germany's use of submarines lead to tense relations with the U.S.? Wilson Wins Reelection in 1916 12. What were the keys to Wilson's electoral victory in 1916? War by Act of Germany Know: Unlimited Submarine Warfare, Zimmermann note 13. What events led Woodrow Wilson to ask Congress to declare war? Wilsonian Idealism Enthroned 14. Name Wilson’s twin war aims. How did these set America apart from the other combatants? Wilson’s Fourteen Potent Points Know: Wilson’s Fourteen Points 15. List several of Wilson’s Fourteen Points. Manipulating Minds and Stifling Dissent Know: Committee on Public Information, Espionage Act, Sedition Act, Propaganda 16. How were Americans motivated to help in the war effort? 17. How was loyalty forced during WWI? Forging a War Economy Know: War Industries Board, Victory Gardens 18. Discuss the steps the government took to domestically mobilize the war effort. Workers in Wartime Know: National War Labor Board, Wobblies, Steel Strike 1919 19. How did the war affect the labor movement? 20. How did the Great Migration contribute to domestic turmoil? Suffering until Suffrage Know: NAWSA, 19th Amendment, Alice Paul, Sheppard-Towner Maternity Act 21. How did the war affect women? Making Plowboys into Doughboys Know: American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) 22. Was the government’s effort to raise an army fair and effective? America Helps Hammer the Hun Know: John J. Pershing, Armistice 23. Describe the effect of the American troops on the fighting. 24. What role did America play in bringing Germany to surrender? Wilson Steps Down from Olympus Know: Henry Cabot Lodge 25. What political mistakes hurt Wilson in the months following the armistice? An Idealist amid the Imperialists Know: League of Nations, Treaty of Versailles 26. How did Wilson’s desire for the League of Nations affect his bargaining at the peace conference? 27. What compromises did Wilson make at the peace conference? 28. Why did Wilson compromise his 14 Points? Wilson’s Battle for Ratification 29. Why was the treaty criticized back in America? 30. What was the purpose and result of Wilson’s trip around the country when he returned to America? 31. Why was the treaty finally rejected? The "Solemn Referendum" of 1920 Know: Warren Harding, Normalcy 32. What did the results of the 1920 election indicate? The Betrayal of Great Expectations 33. How much should the U.S. be blamed for the failure of the Treaty of Versailles? Varying Viewpoints: Woodrow Wilson: Realist or Idealist? Know: Realism, Idealism, Wilsonianism 34. To what extent was Wilson realistic when he called for a world of cooperation, equality and justice among nations? Chapter 30 Reading Guide: American Life in the “Roaring Twenties” (1919-1929) Seeing Red Know: Red Scare, Sacco and Vanzetti 1. Cite examples of actions taken in reaction to the perceived threat of radicals and communists during the red scare. Hooded Hoodlums of the KKK 2. Compare and contrast the new and old Ku Klux Klansmen. Stemming the Foreign Flood Know: Emergency Quota Act, Immigration Act 3. Describe the immigration laws passed in the 1920's. The Prohibition "Experiment" Know: Eighteenth Amendment, Volstead Act, 4. Who favored the 18th amendment and why? 5. How and why was the eighteenth amendment broken so frequently? Makers of America: The Poles 6. What factors led Poles to America and how was their reception? The Golden Age of Gangsterism Know: Al Capone-- St. Valentine's Day Massacre 7. What did Gangsterism look like? Monkey Business in Tennessee Know: John T. Scopes, William Jennings Bryan, the “Monkey Trial”, Fundamentalism 8. Describe the clash of cultures that took place in schools in the 1920's. The Mass-Consumption Economy Know: Babe Ruth 9. Give evidence to prove that America became a mass-consumption economy in the 20's. Putting America on Rubber Tires Know: Henry Ford--Model T 10. What methods made it possible to mass-produce automobiles? The Advent of the Gasoline Age 11. What were the effects of the widespread adoption of the automobile? Humans Develop Wings Know: Orville and Wilbur Wright, Charles Lindbergh 12. What effects did the early airplane have on America? The Radio Revolution 13. How did America change as the result of the radio? Hollywood's Filmland Fantasies 14. What were some milestones in the history of motion pictures? The Dynamic Decade Know: Margaret Sanger, Flappers, Langston Hughes, Marcus Garvey 15. "Far-reaching changes in lifestyles and values paralleled the dramatic upsurge in the economy." Explain. Cultural Liberation Know: “Lost Generation” F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Sinclair Lewis, William Faulkner, Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot, E.E. cummings, Eugene O'Neill, Louis Armstrong, Frank Lloyd Wright: Choose three artists, know their work and how they reflect the times. 16. Using two of the above authors, how did the arts of the 1920's reflect the times? 17. Describe the concept of modernism and its impact on society. 18. Describe the Harlem Renaissance Wall Street's Big Bull Market 19. Was government economic policy successful in the 20's?