Distance Education Environmental Scan Today’s Agenda Introduction, few statistics Evolving structural models For-profit activities Some of the planning issues University System of Georgia strategies Some references, sources of information Issues discussion, led by CSG inclinations One of the Problems 400,000 Open IT Jobs in the U.S. Today Information Technology Association of America Other Problems Widening “Haves - Have Nots” Gap Changing Nature of Marketplace Lifelong learning becoming a reality Learning in bits rather than programs Certification vs degree interests Obsolescence Rates With change accelerating in the last five years ... New Skills New Jobs Webmaster Java programmers Digital media experts Internet Video Mindspring Yahoo Netscape Personal digital assistant E-commerce http//www.jec.edu/ http//www.international.edu/ http//www.california.edu/ http//www.ntu.edu/ http//www.worldcampus.psu.edu/ http//www.ccon.org/theU/index.html http//www.giiawards.com/nicampgn/3886.htm http//www.srec.sreb.org/ http//www1.umn.edu/tc/VirtualU/ http//www.uwex.edu/disted/catalog/ http//www.vou.org/ http//www.uophx.edu/ http//www.fuqua.duke.edu/programs/gemba/i ndex.htm Distance Education Market Today’s Agenda Introduction, few statistics Evolving structural models For-profit activities Some of the planning issues University System of Georgia strategies Some references, sources of information Issues discussion, led by CSG inclinations Models Individual Universities State Regional Efforts National/Global For Profit News and Updates MVU Searching for Three Leadership Positions Chief Information Officer, Chief Development Officer, and Director of Marketing and Communications. The firm of Quinn and Associates has been contacted … Position: Chief Executive Officer Institution: Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Educati Location: Kentucky CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education Commonwealth Virtual University (CVU) The Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education dynamic Chief Executive Officer for the newly crea Commonwealth Virtual University (CVU). The Ken Assembly established a new system of Postsecondar Advertisement from THE CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION--September 4, 1998 Volume XLV, Number 2 How about some perspective .. Open University Self Assessment The Open University has built up a very successful distance learning system which reaches large numbers of students (200,000) at low cost (50% of the average of other UK universities) with high quality courses (the Open University is ranked 10th out of the 101 UK universities for the excellence of its teaching programs). The keys to its success are 1. 2. 3. 4. well-designed multiple media teaching materials personal academic support to each student; efficient logistics; and faculty who also conduct research. Today’s Agenda Introduction, few statistics Evolving structural models For-profit activities Some of the planning issues University System of Georgia strategies Some references, sources of information Issues discussion, led by CSG inclinations For-Profit Activities Institutional -- looks like a university Outsourcing companies Stuff for sale to our communigy Change Agents Outsourcing www.realeducation.com www.collegis.com INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY * FOLLETT CORPORATION cranked up the heat under the simmering market for on-line sales of college textbooks this week by opening a new World-Wide Web site that includes complete booklists from more than 450 institutions. Today’s Agenda Introduction, few statistics Evolving structural models For-profit activities Some of the planning issues University System of Georgia strategies Some references, sources of information Issues discussion, led by CSG inclinations Now, Let’s put some of this in perspective We have many new players … Entering the marketplace almost daily ... With small numbers ... All struggling to find a business model. Business Planning I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. Basic Data Collection Market Segmentation -- we service which segments? Product Definition -- our programs, certification, credentials Content, program development and delivery Marketing and Pricing Services for Customers: Student, Corporate, Government General Logistics Quality Assurance, Evaluation and Assessment Legal Exit Strategies Timelines Today’s Agenda Introduction, few statistics Evolving structural models For-profit activities Some of the planning issues University System of Georgia strategies Some references, sources of information Issues discussion, led by CSG inclinations Vice Chancellor/CIO Associate Vice Chancellor Assistant Vice Chancellor Instructional Technology PeachNet PeopleSoft’s HR SCT’s Banner Enterprise Support Distance Education Virtual University Faculty Development Virtual Library Executive Director, Virtual Library, Events Mgmt Customer & Info Services Help Desk Publications Univ. Sys. Of Ga. Virtual University Building Blocks PeachNet GALILEO -- the virtual library Faculty development efforts Special projects and initiatives Policy development Good Practice Principles Public/Private Partnership initiatives PeachNet 2 core infrastructure C1 C1 C2 C2 C2 C0 C0 C0 C0 C1 C2 C1 OC-12 OC-3 T3 NxT1 C1 C1 C2 C2 PeachNet is one strategic key GALILEO USE STATISTICS (NOTE: Does not include use data from 47 Cambridge dbs, Gale dbs, 6 Opentext dbs, and 2 dbs from Encyclopaedia Britannica) 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 0 Logins to GALILEO Number of Searches Full-text Articles Displayed 1995 (OctDec) 1996 1997 1998 (Jan 12/12) Special Projects and Initiatives Leveraging Converging Technologies Voice Video Data Video Exploratorium project Desktop distance learning initiative New voice services pilot project Today’s Agenda Introduction, few statistics Evolving structural models For-profit activities Some of the planning issues University System of Georgia strategies Some references, sources of information Issues discussion, led by CSG inclinations Some References So where should you begin looking for resources? http://www.educause.edu/sac/sac98/sjd.html Places to begin reading Katz, R, Dancing with the Devil, Jossey-Bass, 1999 Meister, J., Corporate Universities, McGraw-Hill, 1998 Boettcher, J. "Taking off with Distance Learning: …", Syllabus, Nov./Dec., 1998 Several other good articles in Syllabus, Nov./Dec., 1998 "The Emerging Knowledge Economy," Graves interview in Educom Review, Nov./Dec., 1998. "NYU BECOMES FIRST MAJOR UNIVERSITY TO CREATE FOR-PROFIT EDUCATIONAL 'SPIN-OFF'.", Press Release, http://www.nyu.edu/publicaffairs/newsreleases/b_NYU_B.shtml Morrison: at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/resources/44items.asp is a list of challenges in implementing distance learning programs. Examples of activities, organizations: British open university -- competency based, low cost -http://www.open.ac.uk/ Penn State's distance education http://www.cde.psu.edu/DE/ note the Innovations page Search for "Distance Education" on Yahoo Signature Facilities at: Michigan, Wisconsin, Colorado, Arizona, Calgary, BCIT Couple of conferences, organizations: New Challenges Conference, by a bunch of familiar folks: http://www.arl.org/scomm/conf.html/ International Council of Distance Education http://www.icde.org/ Outsourcing - places to start: www.collegis.com www.realeducation.com Tools - Places to start: www.WebCT.com www.asymetrix.com http://www.galileo.peachnet.edu Technology and physical design Media Union at the University of Michigan Computing Commons at Arizona State University ATLAS Center at University of Colorado Learning Commons at University of Calgary Pyle Center at University of Wisconsin Downtown Center at British Columbia Institute of Technology Today’s Agenda Introduction, few statistics Evolving structural models For-profit activities Some of the planning issues University System of Georgia strategies Some references, sources of information Issues discussion, led by CSG inclinations Academic Dishonesty BIG, BIG issue with bureaucrats Most solutions are low tech – Take exams at the originating campus – Require a proctor to be present at approved location – For Internet courses, allow exams under special passwords, at prescribed times and dates. New WebCT s/w allows system to at least track the IP address – Substituting projects and term papers for exams Discussion Topics ... Principles of good practice Tuition differentials Bold, per Faculty workload issues Greg Anderson Technologies -- current, preferred, trends Plans for new programs offered at a distance Business planning Student services Virtual University Organizational Structures Incentives to participate -- for departments, faculty, others Faculty development (with respect to distance Technological sustainability & education) infrastructure “renew-ability” Scholarly content management (how do you keep the courses organized and useful on a repeatable basis) and Intellectual Property Today’s Agenda Introduction, few statistics Evolving structural models For-profit activities Some of the planning issues University System of Georgia strategies Some references, sources of information Issues discussion, led by CSG inclinations