Fred Jones presentation3 - Inclusive Special Education Wiki

Fred Jones
How does
Fred Jones
Discipline by
What areas contribute to
Massive Time Wasting
Student Passivity
Student Aimlessness
Helpless Hand raising
Ineffective Teacher Nagging
Massive Time Wasting
What is it?
 Goofing Off
 Day dreaming
 Moving about the room
Massive Time Wasting
Did you know?
One or more of the four disruptions mentioned were present about
95% of the time during any classroom disruption
In a well-managed classroom one of the mentioned disruptions
occurred about every two minutes
In an unruly class the disruptions averaged about 2 ½ per minute
With dealing with disruptions 50% of teaching time was lost
An average class took 5-7 minutes after the bell rang to get going
Transitions between activities took 5 minutes
Expert time wasters take every advantage possible
Massive Time Wasting
Suggested Solutions
Clearly communicating class requirements to students
Following through with class rules
Establishing and practicing routines
Increasing student motivation to engage in activities
Using effective ways of providing help to students who need it
Responsibility Training
Responsibility Training
Responsibility training is a program that teaches time
management to students by giving them time to earn or
 Jones believes that we need to give students time in
order for them to learn how to manage it just like we
give children allowance and chore money so they can
learn money management
 Jones suggests providing students incentives to hustle
rather than dawdle in the classroom
 Jones believes that students will create their own PAT
without the educational value (such as dawdling to talk
to friends and avoid work) if not provided with
incentive to hustle
This is accomplished by allowing students
to earn time for Preferred Activity Time
 PAT includes educational activities a
teacher creates for students the students
to earn time to participate in
The power of Responsibility Training does not come from the thrill value of the PAT. It
comes from the empowerment of the group over its own destiny. Jones PAT in
The teacher is not rewarding or punishing student behavior as much as
they are simply keeping an accurate record of the students’ decisions.
Jones PAT in Perspective
A Classroom Example
Imagine a fifth grade teacher who values art as part of the
curriculum and would do art projects whether she knew anything
about incentives or not. The teacher, however, is wise to incentives
and knows how to get two for the price of one. She might start the
day with the following announcement:
"Students, I would like to direct your attention to the project table over by
the window. As you can see, I have laid out art supplies for our preferred
activity at the end of the day. As usual, I have set aside twenty minutes
for Preferred Activity Time (PAT).
"Of course, once you get started on an art project, you always love to
have more time. And this time, you can! All the time we save during the
day by hustling will be added to PAT. We could have forty minutes for art
if we really get things done."
By giving a initial gift of PAT time, the students do not only have
PAT time to earn, but also PAT time to protect.
It also allows for the process to be “rigged” in order for students
to always get some PAT.
How do I gain the Time?
The Transition Hustle!
 Choose a routine
 Estimate how much time it would take to
complete if all the students were hustling
 Round this amount up to the nearest
minute and double it
 This create your goal time for PAT
Keeping Track
a T chart is put on the board with 2
columns labeled time gained and time
 - an initial gift of PAT is given so that if
the students are over their target time,
they still get some PAT
 - Jones states that students are rarely
over their time especially after the first
Protecting PAT
-the whole class must comply before you
give bonus PAT
 - when a student or student does not
comply, Jones suggests a fail-safe
 - He calls this “Cut Them Out of the Herd”
and suggests after 3 times, the student no
longer is part of the PAT system and gives the
class back their points
 --the student then becomes solely
responsible to the teacher
 - the class is told of the process
Omission Training
-the student who is cut from the program
can regain a part by omission Training
 --the student earns points for himself and
the class for eliminating problem behavior in a
set amount of time
 -Jones claims this is a win-win for chronic
behavior as both the teacher and student
become encouragers and all benefit from
the reduction in misbehavior
Examples of PAT
Pictionary (all grades)
Duck, Duck, Spell (K-3)
Alphabet Search (Grades 2-12)
To aid the students in recalling information given over a
long period of time.
Chalkboard Relays (Grades 4-12)
Fast recall and categorizing in the subject area
Senior Years?
PAT can be banked for a projects
-creating a puppet play for elementary school
- Building race car track for physics
Or a traditional last 10 minute review could become a game
 PAT can also be added time to already motivating activities
such as art projects, math games, and centre time
Student Passivity &
Helpless Hand raising
Did you know?
Brought on in large measure by teaching method
◦ Meaning students in the early phases of the lessons were not required to participate
actively or show accountability
teacher input – input – input – input – input – input – input – student output
Students merely sit and listen as teachers explain and demonstrate
◦ Known as “Bop ‘til you drop”
Student Passivity &
Helpless Hand raising
Suggested Solutions
Jones’ Say, See, Do Teaching Approach
Present info and quickly have students do something with
teacher input – student output – teacher input – student output – teacher input
– student output
Want this to be more effective?
Student Passivity &
Helpless Hand raising
Suggested Solutions
Augment with Visual Instructional Plans (VIPS)
 One step at a time
 A picture for every step
 Minimum reliance on words
Fred Jones Video
Student Aimlessness
Did you know?
Defined by what students can get away with
If teachers do not take the time to teach expectations and
classroom procedures carefully and they fail to follow through –
teacher will consistently get whatever the students feel like giving
Student Aimlessness
Suggested Solutions
Teaching and enforcing classroom procedure
◦ Preferred Activity Time (PAT)
Preferred Activity Time
What is it? How does it work?
Freedom to choose a variety of approved activities
Classmates motivate each other to stay on task in order to
earn time for PAT
Class rewarded and punished together regardless of whom
Activities are of educational value
Students complete all their work before taking part in PAT
Helps students learn to take responsibility for their decisions
and actions
Preferred Activity Time
What is it? How does it work?
Never left to do just anything
Do not proceed without guidance
“Student’s won’t work for long to earn free time but they will
work hard to gain time for an activity they enjoy!”
(Jones, pg 129)
Ineffective Teacher Nagging
Did you know?
Teachers spend a great deal nagging students
◦ “Stop talking, you should have started your work already.”
◦ Known as the nag-nag-nag syndrome
Ineffective Teacher Nagging
Suggested Solutions
Show that you mean business by
 Setting limits (acceptable and unacceptable behaviour)
 Convey messages through body language
 Proper breathing
 Eye Contact
 Physical Proximity
 Body Carriage
 Facial Expressions
 Backup systems
Backup System
Hierarchal Arrangement
 Convey
privately or semi-privately to the student
 Deliver
publicly in the classroom
(warnings, reprimands, loss of privilege & parent conferences)
 Require
involvement of 2 professionals
(office, in-out school suspension, placement in alternate class/school)
Seat Work is susceptible to 4 problems
Wasted time
Insufficient time for teachers to answer all
request for help
High potential for misbehaviour
Perpetuation of student dependency on the
Teachers learn to provide help efficiently
Organize the classroom seating so that all students can be
reached quickly
Use visual instructional plans (VIPS)
Minimize the time used for giving help to students
In Summary
To Be Effective, Jones says
Conceptualize and initiate his approach as a five tier system
Classroom Structure
Limit Setting
Say, See, Do Teaching
Preserve and make wise use of instructional time
Structure your classroom and program
Use body language and personal-relations skills
Make use of Say, See Do Teaching
“Work the Crowd”
Keep individual help to students to 20 seconds or less
Use class incentives to foster student involvement and increase
How Fred Jones Establishes Class Discipline
In the following scenarios:
Identify the problem that promotes the
undesired behaviour
Describe how Fred Jones would have
the teacher deal with it
How Fred Jones Establishes Class Discipline
Mr. Smith tries to help all of his students
during independent work time but finds
himself unable to get around to all who
have there hands raised
How Fred Jones Establishes Class Discipline
Mrs. Swan wears herself out every day
dealing with class clowns who disrupt
her lessons. The other students always
laugh at the clowns’ antics.
How Fred Jones Establishes Class Discipline
Ms. Peters, who takes pride in her
lectures, is becoming frustrated because
students begin to gaze out the window
and whisper before she has completed
what she wants to tell them.
Final Thought
Do you feel that any of Jones’ strategies
would be effective in establishing
classroom discipline?
 Which
strategy would be the most or
least effective?
 Why
or why not?
pinpoints some bad teaching habits and gives
some accessible and reasonable solutions
 VIPs can be a powerful teaching tool and helps
to solve the common and frustrating problem of
helpless hand raising
 time management is an important skill
 by using PAT daily, the end of the day ends
 uses an incentive system that incorporates
educational activities
Teaching Richly?
It is important not to save all the preferred and
rich learning activities for PAT because
 gives the message that most learning is not fun
and exciting
 the activities become disconnected from other
educational activities so that it is not seen as
educational at all
 decreases the quality of teaching
The Whole Class System
Jones’ method of whole class reward and penalty
 creates an ultimatum—buy in or cause trouble
 makes students who won’t or can’t comply
stand out to their peers as obstacles to a reward
 Jones’ solution to a student’s noncompliance is
to “Cut Them Out Of The Herd” Jones (2006) and
have the student involved in omission training
 this leads to further exclusion
Jones believes “the strength of this approach
is that engenders peer pressure against
misbehaviour.” Charles C. M. (2010)
peer pressure in itself is not a bad thing, but has
some dangers when employed directly by a
teacher in order to control
 it is our job to discipline students, not other students
any problems the approach has can be multiplied
by the number of peers
 if the teacher models public shaming, students feel it is
 if the approach negatively effects a student’s
relationship to the teacher, it will also translate to the
can lead unhealthy relationships between peers
 frustration
 bullying
 the “SHUT UP!” factor
The Back-up System
The Public Reprimand & Loss of Dignity
Jones’ use of the public reprimand in the back up
system is deeply problematic.
 It uses shaming as a form of punishment to
deter the student when talking to them privately
does not work.
 The use of it in a system that uses peer pressure
to ensure student compliance adds to the
Always treat students with dignity. In school, we must let
students know that their dignity will always be maintained.
There is no better way to damage a students’ dignity than
to embarrass them in front of their friends, scold them in
public, or have them fail in front of the class. Dignity is
enhanced when students have opportunities to lead, make
decisions, and give input. It becomes part of the school’s
fabric when they are viewed as partners in creating and
sustaining the school climate, rather than simply being
recipients of adults efforts.
Mendler, R.L. , Mendler A.N., & Curwin, B.D. (2008)
A Teaching Philosophy
In Kids are Worth It! (1994), Barbara Coloroso
asks adults to declare that “I will not treat a child
in a way I myself would not want to be treated”
You have not handed in a required piece of work and the
principal has already reminded you in the staff room one on
one. She/he then decides to reprimand you in front of everyone
at the staff meeting.
Would I want this done to my ten year old self?”
Charles, C.M. (2011). Building Classroom Discipline (10th Ed.) “How Does
Fred Jones Establish Class Discipline by Keeping Students Responsibility
Involved? pp. 120-137.” Boston, MA: Pearson
Coloroso, Barbara (1994) Kids are Worth It!: Giving Your Child the Gift of
Inner Discipline. Toronto, ON: Somerville House Publishing.
Creating Effective Lessons the Easy way with Fred Jones.YouTube Video.
Retrieved from:
Curwin, R.L., Mendler, A.N., & Mendler, B. D. (2008) Discipline with Dignity:
New Challenges, New Solutions. (3rd Ed.) Alexandria,VA: ASCD.
Jones, Fred (2003). Weaning the Helpless Handraiser, Part 1: Reinforcing
Helplessness. Education World. Retrieved from:
Jones, Fred. (2003). Weaning the Helpless Handraiser, Part 2: Teaching the
Visual Modality. Education World. Retrieved from:
Jones, Fred. (2003). Weaning the Helpless Handraiser, Part 3: Teaching the
Physical Modality. Education World. Retrieved from:
Jones, Fred (May 2006) Responsibility Training. Retrieved from:
Jones, Fred (2010) Responsibility Training: PAT in Perspective.
Retrieved from
Jones, Fred (2010) PAT Bank. Retrieved from: