Managing Classrooms and Behavior Part 1 Prevention

What do students want in a teacher?
Someone who is
interesting, doesn’t embarrass, trust worthy,
gets to know them,
believes in them, nice, smiles, cares,
understands, patient, fair, consistent,
likes teaching,
challenges them to do their best.
How do you become that teacher?
Be prepared mentally and physically, tune in,
make adjustments,
plan lessons that motivate, are relevant,
define “acceptable, unacceptable”,
provide processing time, plan ahead,
vary teaching and activities.
Effectively managed classrooms are the
environment for positive behavior.
They are
Positive Behavior Support
The principles of behavior management have
been modified to provide supports that reduce
problem behaviors and develop appropriate
behaviors. This modification of behavior
management principles is called positive
behavioral support (PBS).
*Positive Behavior Support
• Because behavior is a form of communication
and is often related to the context, e.g.,
school, bedtime, reading. PBS involves careful
observation of circumstances and the purpose
of a problem behavior.
• A significant number of negative behaviors can
be dealt with by modifying the environment.
• PBS also emphasizes teaching appropriate
behaviors to replace the inappropriate
behavior in a normalized setting.
Behavior Support
*School-wide Positive
• Establish a primary prevention program in
which the focus is on preventing behavior
problems schoolwide.
• This requires establishing contracts with
students who have ongoing behavior problems
to identify their needs and establish peer and
adult support for changing their behaviors.
• Though initially time-consuming to establish,
PBS yields significant results over time,
reduces behavior problems, and improves the
school climate.
*Response to Intervention and Classroom
Behavioral Support
• Tier 1: School-wide expectations establish appropriate
consequences and procedures for reviewing progress toward
school-wide goals.
• Tier 2: Students who display similar behavior problems
might be provided with an intervention that provides
additional supports, prompts, feedback, and
acknowledgement to ensure that behavioral changes occur.
• Tier 3: If the combination of a school-wide behavioral
support model and group interventions is not associated
with improved behavioral outcomes, then more specific and
intensive interventions focused at the student level are
introduced and monitored.
List some
Non verbal responses, paddles,
Group response system.
Neat and uncluttered
Have students identify personal and academic goals.
Set aside a regular time for buddy journals.(1x a week.)
Keep one yourself. Teach this.
Think about what it’s like to sit here for 2 hours.
They know that either you work the
crowd or the crowd works you.”
“Effective teachers make an art form of working
the crowd.
Fred Jones, Tools for Teaching
8 FT.
Goofing off on the other side of the room can begin in as little as 10 seconds of our stopping to help another student.
Our goal is to move on within that 10-second period so we can continue to, in Jones’ terminology, “work the room.”
What effective teachers do…
Three Steps to Teaching Routines
1. Explain- state, explain, model and
demonstrate the procedure.
2. Rehearse- practice the procedure.
3. Reinforce- reteach, rehearse, practice,
and reinforce so that it becomes a habit.
Have students role play appropriate
responses and reactions.
Harry Wong and Rosemary T. Wong, The First Days of School
Start the day with
a gratitude list.
Behavior management is…
 Consistent use of rules, routines and
 Feedback that encourages
independence and success for all
 Modeling for students appropriate
behaviors and high expectations.
 Predictable and reasonable
consequences to students’ behavior.
(Consequences can be positive!)
Transforming the Difficult Child
The Nurtured Heart Approach
Behavioral management system based on
increased positive feedback, clear rules,
and well defined consequences.
Dan Peterson
What is happening that can be held up as a
And what isn’t happening that can be held
up as success.
 Reflect back positive values/qualities, what
the child is doing right.
 Highlight qualities you wish to enhance.
 Children need to know how to evaluate their
experiences, actions and emotions.
How do you rate as an effective teacher?
What do you do well?
How could you improve?
Preparing the Instructional Environment
• “Instructional arrangement” refers to the
manner in which a teacher organizes
instructional groups to promote learning and
• Seven instructional arrangements:
• Large-group instruction
• Small-group instruction
• One-to-one instruction
• Independent learning
• Cooperative learning
• Peer teaching
• Classwide Peer Tutoring
Physical Arrangement
• 8 ideas to consider when developing the
classroom arrangement:
• Place the recreational and
audiovisual/computer areas away from
the teaching area.
• Place student materials in an area where
students can easily get to the materials.
• Place student materials directly behind
where you teach so that you can reach
materials without having to leave the
instructional area.
• Place time-out area (if there is one) out
of the direct line of traffic and use
Physical Arrangement (Continued)
• Keep in mind: (continued)
• Make the recreational area comfortable.
• Place all the materials needed for a
learning center in the learning center
• Instruct several students as to where
the materials and supplies are kept.
• Establish procedures and settings for
students who have completed tasks
and/or are waiting for the teacher.
Instructional Materials
and Equipment
• Factors to consider when selecting or
developing materials:
• Are they effective? How do you know?
• What curricular areas will I be
responsible for teaching?
• What are the academic levels of the
students I will be teaching?
• In what instructional arrangement(s) do
I plan to teach each curricular area?
Factors to Consider
• Can this be used across the stages of
learning (i.e., acquisition, proficiency,
maintenance, generalization, and
• Is measurement built in?
• Are the materials designed for teacherdirected learning, student-to-student
learning, or individual learning?
• Cost? Disposable? Reusable? Durable?
• In addition to selecting instructional
materials, do you have and know how to
• Computer and software programs
• Digital recorders
• LCD projectors and/or Smart Boards
• Other small equipment
o Stopwatch
o Individual writing board
Developing Instructional Materials
• Do you need to create your own
instructional materials to supplement
commercial materials. Do you have time?
Is it cheaper to buy? Where?
• Self-correcting materials
• Instructional games
Dollar Store
Party City ***
Home Depot
* Organizing and Managing Materials
• Selecting and developing materials is only
one part of effective materials
management. Classroom materials need to
be organized so that the teacher and
students have easy access to them without
bothering other students.
See Mrs. McDavid’s Ideas
Scheduling within the Classroom
• Plan for time to provide the students with
advance organizers, feedback, and
• Allow for explicit instruction.
• Students who are included in general
education classrooms still require specialized
• Alternate between preferred and less
preferred activities, or make preferred
activities contingent on the completion of less
preferred activities.
• Let students know when the time for an
activity is just about over.
Scheduling within the Classroom
• Be consistent in scheduling yet flexible
and ready for change.
• Schedule a session with each student in
which you review his or her schedule in
your room and other teachers’
classrooms. Be sure that students know
what is expected of them.
• Teach how to keep a schedule.
• Plan time to meet and talk with members
of your student’s family, including
*Developing an Overall Schedule for a
Resource Consultant Program
– Scheduling students’ time while in the special
education classroom is one issue, but the
overall schedule for teaching in a resource or
inclusion setting presents significant scheduling
issues and requires that the teacher works
closely with other teachers and professionals in
the school.
– Teachers who assume roles as special
education resource or inclusion teachers must
first clarify and decide what their job
responsibilities will be
Job Responsibilities of Special Education Resource
or Inclusion Teachers
• Providing direct instruction to the students, either in
the general education classroom or in a separate
• Providing indirect instruction to the students by
consulting with general education teachers and
• Assessing current and referred students
• Serving as an instructional resource for other
teachers and professionals within the school
• Planning, co-teaching, and modifying instructional
materials and/or assessments for students
• Facilitating implementation of Response To
Intervention models in their schools
*Special Considerations for Scheduling in
Secondary Settings
• Scheduling in resource and consultant
programs in secondary settings generally is
less flexible than in elementary-level programs
because teachers must work within the
confines of the instructional periods and the
curricular units that students must complete for
high school graduation.
• One of the major responsibilities for resource/
consultant teachers in secondary settings is to
determine subject areas in which students need
special classes and areas in which they can
succeed in general education classes without
instructional support.