Unit 5 - PointerLog

Unit 5
• Business Analytics
The use of analytical methods, either
manually or automatically, to derive
relationships from data
What is Cluster analysis?
Cluster analysis is a group of multivariate techniques whose
primary purpose is to group objects (e.g., respondents,
products, or other entities) based on the characteristics they
 It is a means of grouping records based upon attributes that
make them similar. If plotted geometrically, the objects within
the clusters will be close together, while the distance between
clusters will be farther apart.
* Cluster Variate
- represents a mathematical representation of the
selected set of variables which compares the object’s
Cluster Analysis
- grouping is based on the distance (proximity)
-you don’t know who or what belongs to which
group. Not even the number of groups.
Field of psychiatry - where the characterization of patients on the basis of clusters
of symptoms can be useful in the identification of an appropriate form of therapy.
Biology - used to find groups of genes that have similar functions.
Information Retrieval - The world Wide Web consists of billions of Web pages,
and the results of a query to a search engine can return thousands of pages.
Clustering can be used to group these search results into small number of
clusters, each of which captures a particular aspect of the query. For instance, a
query of “movie” might return Web pages grouped into categories such as
reviews, trailers, stars and theaters. Each category (cluster) can be broken into
subcategories (sub-clusters_, producing a hierarchical structure that further
assists a user’s exploration of the query results.
Climate - Understanding the Earth’s climate requires finding patterns in the
atmosphere and ocean. To that end, cluster analysis has been applied to find
patterns in the atmospheric pressure of polar regions and areas of the ocean that
have a significant impact on land climate.
Common Roles Cluster Analysis can play:
Data Reduction
-A researcher may be faced with a large number of observations
that can be meaningless unless classified into manageable groups.
CA can perform this data reduction procedure objectively by
reducing the info. from an entire population of sample to info.
about specific groups.
• Hypothesis Generation
Cluster analysis is also useful when a researcher wishes to
develop hypotheses concerning the nature of the data or to
examine previously stated hypotheses.
Most Common Criticisms of CA
• Cluster analysis is descriptive, a theoretical, and non
inferential. Cluster analysis has no statistical basis upon which to
draw inferences from a sample to a population. No guarantee of
unique solutions, because the cluster membership for any
number of solutions is dependent upon many elements of the
procedure, and many different solutions can be obtained by
varying one or more elements.
• Cluster analysis will always create clusters, regardless of the
actual existence of any structure in the data. When using
cluster analysis, the researcher is making an assumption of some
structure among the objects. The researcher should always
remember that just because clusters can be found does not
validate their existence. Only with strong conceptual support
and then validation are the clusters potentially meaningful and
Most Common Criticisms of CA
• The cluster solution is not generalizable because it is
totally dependent upon the variables used as the
basis for the similarity measure. This criticism can be
made against any statistical technique, but cluster
analysis is generally considered more dependent on
the measures used to characterize the objects than
other multivariate techniques, with the cluster variate
completely specified by the researcher. As a result, the
researcher must be especially cognizant of the
variables used in the analysis, ensuring that they have
strong conceptual support.
Objectives of cluster analysis
Cluster analysis used for:
– Taxonomy Description. Identifying groups within the data
– Data Simplication. The ability to analyze groups of similar
observations instead all individual observation.
– Relationship Identification. The simplified structure from CA portrays
relationships not revealed otherwise.
Theoretical, conceptual and practical considerations must be observed
when selecting clustering variables for CA:
– Only variables that relate specifically to objectives of the CA are
– Variables selected characterize the individuals (objects) being
How does Cluster Analysis work?
The primary objective of cluster analysis is to
define the structure of the data by placing the
most similar observations into groups. To
accomplish this task, we must address three basic
– How do we measure similarity?
– How do we form clusters?
– How many groups do we form?
Measuring Similarity
• Similarity represents the degree of correspondence among
objects across all of the characteristics used in the analysis. It
is a set of rules that serve as criteria for grouping or
separating items.
– Correlational measures.
- Less frequently used, where large values of r’s do
indicate similarity
– Distance Measures.
Most often used as a measure of similarity, with higher
values representing greater dissimilarity (distance
between cases), not similarity.
Similarity Measure
Graph 2
Graph 1
Chart Title
Graph 16 represents higher
level of similarity
Category 1Category 2Category 3Category 4
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4
Both graph have the same r = 1, which implies to have a same pattern.
But the distances (d’s) are not equal.
Distance Measures
- several distance measures are available, each with specific characteristics.
• Euclidean distance. The most commonly recognized to as straight- line
Squared Euclidean distance. The sum of the squared differences without
taking the square root.
City- block (Manhattan) distance. Euclidean distance. Uses the sum of the
variables’ absolute differences
Chebychev distance. Is the maximum of the absolute difference in the
clustering variables’ values. Frequently used when working with metric
(or ordinal) data.
• Mahalanobis distance (D2). Is a generalized distance measure that
accounts for the correlations among variables in a way that weights each
variables equally.
Simple Example
• Suppose a marketing researcher wishes to determine market
segments in a community based on patterns of loyalty to brands
and stores a small sample of seven respondents is selected as a
pilot test of how cluster analysis is applied. Two measures of
loyalty- V1(store loyalty) and V2(brand loyalty)- were measured
for each respondents on 0-10 scale.
Simple Example
How do we measure similarity?
Proximity Matrix of Euclidean Distance Between Observations
How do we form clusters?
– Identify the two most similar(closest) observations not already in the
same cluster and combine them.
– We apply this rule repeatedly to generate a number of cluster
solutions, starting with each observation as its own “cluster” and then
combining two clusters at a time until all observations are in a single
cluster. This process is termed a hierarchical procedure because it
moves in a stepwise fashion to form an entire range of cluster
solutions. It is also an agglomerative method because clusters are
formed by combining existing clusters
How do we form clusters?
Minimum Distance
Initial Solution
Cluster Membership
Number of
Overall Similarity
Measure (Average
In steps 1,2,3 and 4, the OSM does not change substantially, which indicates that we are
forming other clusters with essentially the same heterogeneity of the existing clusters. (OSD
of E-F , E-G & F-G)
When we get to step 5, we see a large increase. This indicates that joining clusters (B-C-D)
and (E-F-G) resulted a single cluster that was markedly less homogenous.
How many groups do we form?
Therefore, the three – cluster solution of Step 4 seems the most
appropriate for a final cluster solution, with two equally sized
clusters, (B-C-D) and (E-F-G), and a single outlying observation (A).
This approach is particularly useful in identifying outliers, such as
Observation A. It also depicts the relative size of varying clusters,
although it becomes unwieldy when the number of observations
Graphical Portrayals
Graphical Portrayals
- Graphical representation (tree graph) of the results of a hierarchical
procedure. Starting with each object as a separate cluster, the
dendrogram shows graphically how the clusters are combined at each
step of the procedure until all are contained in a single cluster
Outliers: Removed or Retained?
Outliers can severely distort the representativeness of the results if they
appear as structure (clusters) inconsistent with the objectives.
– They should be removed if the outliers represents:
• Aberrant observations not representative of the population
• Observations of small or insignificant segments within the population
and of no interest to the research objectives
– They should be retained if a under sampling/poor representation of
relevant groups in the population; the sample should be augmented to
ensure representation of these group.
Detecting Outliers
• Outliers can be identified based on the
similarity measure by:
– Finding observations with large distances from all other
– Graphic profile diagrams highlighting outlying cases.
– Their appearance in cluster solutions as single – member or
small clusters.
Sample Size
• The researcher should ensure that the sample size is large enough
to provide sufficient representation of all relevant groups of the
• The researcher must therefore be confident that the obtained
sample is representative of the population.
Standardizing the Data
Clustering variables that have scales using widely differing numbers of
scale points or that exhibit large differences in standard deviations
should de standardized.
– The most common standardization conversion is Z score (with
mean equals to 0 and standard deviation of 1).
Deriving Clusters
 There are number of different methods that can be used to carry
out a cluster analysis; these methods can be classified as follows:
Hierarchical Cluster Analysis
Nonhierarchical Cluster Analysis
Combination of Both Methods
Cluster Analysis
Hierarchical Cluster Analysis
homogeneous groups of cases based on selected characteristics
using an algorithm either agglomerative or divisive, resulting to a
construction of a hierarchy or tree like structure (dendogram)
depicting the formation of clusters. This is one of the most
straightforward method.
• HCA are preferred when:
– The sample size is moderate (under 300 – 400, not exceeding 1000).
Two Basic Types of HCA
 Agglomerative Algorithm
Divisive Algorithm
*Algorithm- defines how similarity is defined between
multiple – member clusters in the clustering process.
Agglomerative Algorithm
Hierarchical procedure that begins with each object or observation in a
separate cluster. In each subsequent step, the two clusters that are most
similar are combined to build a new aggregate cluster. The process is
repeated until all objects a finally combined into a single clusters. From n
clusters to 1.
• Similarity decreases during successive steps. Clusters can’t be split.
Divisive Algorithm
• Begins with all objects in single cluster, which is then divided at each step
into two additional clusters that contain the most dissimilar objects. The
single cluster is divided into two clusters, then one of these clusters is split
for a total of three clusters. This continues until all observations are in a
single – member clusters. From 1 cluster to n sub clusters
Dendogram/ Tree Graph
Divisive Method
Agglomerative Algorithms
Among numerous approaches, the five most popular agglomerative
algorithms are:
– Single – Linkage
– Complete – Linkage
– Average – Linkage
– Centroid Method
– Ward’s Method
– Mahalanobis Distance
Agglomerative Algorithms
Single – Linkage
– Also called the nearest – neighbor method, defines similarity between
clusters as the shortest distance from any object in one cluster to any
object in the other.
Agglomerative Algorithms
• Complete Linkage
– Also known as the farthest – neighbor method.
– The oppositional approach to single linkage assumes that the
distance between two clusters is based on the maximum
distance between any two members in the two clusters.
Agglomerative Algorithms
• Average Linkage
• The distance between two clusters is defined as the average
distance between all pairs of the two clusters’ members
Agglomerative Algorithms
• Centroid Method
– Cluster Centroids
- are the mean values of the observation on the variables of
the cluster.
– The distance between the two clusters equals the distance
between the two centroids.
Agglomerative Algorithms
• Ward’s Method
– The similarity between two clusters is the
sum of squares within the clusters summed
over all variables.
– Ward's method tends to join clusters with a
small number of observations, and it is
strongly biased toward producing clusters
with the same shape and with roughly the
same number of observations.
Hierarchical Cluster Analysis
• The Hierarchical Cluster Analysis provides an excellent framework with
which to compare any set of cluster solutions.
• This method helps in judging how many clusters should be retained or
• Text Mining
Mining Text Data: An Introduction
Data Mining / Knowledge Discovery
Structured Data
HomeLoan (
Loanee: Frank Rizzo
Lender: MWF
Agency: Lake View
Amount: $200,000
Term: 15 years
Free Text
Frank Rizzo bought
his home from Lake
View Real Estate in
He paid $200,000
under a15-year loan
from MW Financial.
<a href>Frank Rizzo
</a> Bought
<a hef>this home</a>
from <a href>Lake
View Real Estate</a>
In <b>1992</b>.
“Search” versus “Discover”
Data (Text)
© 2002, AvaQuest Inc.
Data Retrieval
• Find records within a structured
Database Type
Search Mode
Atomic entity
Data Record
Example Information Need
“Find a Japanese restaurant in Boston
that serves vegetarian food.”
Example Query
“SELECT * FROM restaurants WHERE
city = boston AND type = japanese
AND has_veg = true”
© 2002, AvaQuest Inc.
Information Retrieval
• Find relevant information in an
unstructured information source
(usually text)
Database Type
Search Mode
Atomic entity
Example Information Need
“Find a Japanese restaurant in Boston
that serves vegetarian food.”
Example Query
“Japanese restaurant Boston” or
© 2002, AvaQuest Inc.
Data Mining
• Discover new knowledge
through analysis of data
Database Type
Search Mode
Atomic entity
Numbers and Dimensions
Example Information Need
“Show trend over time in # of visits to
Japanese restaurants in Boston ”
Example Query
“SELECT SUM(visits) FROM restaurants
WHERE city = boston AND type =
japanese ORDER BY date”
© 2002, AvaQuest Inc.
Text Mining
• Discover new knowledge
through analysis of text
Database Type
Search Mode
Atomic entity
Language feature or concept
Example Information Need
“Find the types of food poisoning most
often associated with Japanese
Example Query
Rank diseases found associated with
“Japanese restaurants”
© 2002, AvaQuest Inc.
Motivation for Text Mining
Approximately 90% of the world’s data is held in unstructured
formats (source: Oracle Corporation)
Information intensive business processes demand that we transcend
from simple document retrieval to “knowledge” discovery.
Structured Numerical or Coded
Unstructured or Semi-structured
© 2002, AvaQuest Inc.
Challenges of Text Mining
• Very high number of possible “dimensions”
– All possible word and phrase types in the language!!
• Unlike data mining:
– records (= docs) are not structurally identical
– records are not statistically independent
• Complex and subtle relationships between concepts in text
• Ambiguity and context sensitivity
– automobile = car = vehicle = Toyota
– Apple (the company) or apple (the fruit)
© 2002, AvaQuest Inc.
Text Processing
• Statistical Analysis
– Quantify text data
• Language or Content Analysis
– Identifying structural elements
– Extracting and codifying meaning
– Reducing the dimensions of text data
© 2002, AvaQuest Inc.
Statistical Analysis
• Use statistics to add a numerical
dimension to unstructured text
Term frequency
Document frequency
Term proximity
Document length
© 2002, AvaQuest Inc.
Content Analysis
• Lexical and Syntactic Processing
– Recognizing “tokens” (terms)
– Normalizing words
– Language constructs (parts of speech, sentences, paragraphs)
• Semantic Processing
– Extracting meaning
– Named Entity Extraction (People names, Company Names, Locations,
• Extra-semantic features
– Identify feelings or sentiment in text
• Goal = Dimension Reduction
© 2002, AvaQuest Inc.
Syntactic Processing
• Lexical analysis
– Recognizing word boundaries
– Relatively simple process in English
• Syntactic analysis
Recognizing larger constructs
Sentence and Paragraph Recognition
Parts of speech tagging
Phrase recognition
© 2002, AvaQuest Inc.
Named Entity Extraction
• Identify and type language features
• Examples:
People names
Company names
Geographic location names
Monetary amount
Others… (domain specific)
© 2002, AvaQuest Inc.
Simple Entity Extraction
“The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”
Noun phrase
Noun phrase
© 2002, AvaQuest Inc.
Entity Extraction in Use
• Categorization
– Assign structure to unstructured content to facilitate
• Summarization
– Get the “gist” of a document or document collection
• Query expansion
– Expand query terms with related “typed” concepts
• Text Mining
– Find patterns, trends, relationships between concepts in
© 2002, AvaQuest Inc.
Extra-semantic Information
• Extracting hidden meaning or sentiment based on
use of language.
– Examples:
• “Customer is unhappy with their service!”
• Sentiment = discontent
• Sentiment is:
– Emotions: fear, love, hate, sorrow
– Feelings: warmth, excitement
– Mood, disposition, temperament, …
• Or even (someday)…
– Lies, sarcasm
© 2002, AvaQuest Inc.
Text Mining:
General Applications
• Relationship Analysis
– If A is related to B, and B is related to C, there is
potentially a relationship between A and C.
• Trend analysis
– Occurrences of A peak in October.
• Mixed applications
– Co-occurrence of A together with B peak in
© 2002, AvaQuest Inc.
Text Mining:
Business Applications
• Ex 1: Decision Support in CRM
- What are customers’ typical complaints?
- What is the trend in the number of satisfied
customers in England?
• Ex 2: Knowledge Management
– People Finder
• Ex 3: Personalization in e-Commerce
- Suggest products that fit a user’s interest profile
(even based on
personality info).
© 2002, AvaQuest Inc.
Example 1:
Decision Support using Bank Call Center
• The Needs:
– Analysis of call records as input into decisionmaking process of Bank’s management
– Quick answers to important questions
• Which offices receive the most angry calls?
• What products have the fewest satisfied
• (“Angry” and “Satisfied” are recognizable
– User friendly interface and visualization tools
© 2002, AvaQuest Inc.
Example 1:
Decision Support using Bank Call Center
• The Information Source:
– Call center records
– Example:
AC2G31, 01, 0101, PCC, 021, 0053352,
“mr stark has been with the company for
about 20 yrs. He hates his stmt format and
wishes that we would show a daily balance
to help him know when he falls below the
required balance on the account.”
© 2002, AvaQuest Inc.
Commercial Tools
IBM Intelligent Miner for Text
Semio Map
InXight LinguistX / ThingFinder
SRA NetOwl Extractor
© 2002, AvaQuest Inc.
User Interfaces for Text Mining
• Need some way to present results of Text
Mining in an intuitive, easy to manage form.
• Options:
– Conventional text “lists” (1D)
– Charts and graphs (2D)
– Advanced visualization tools (3D+)
• Network maps
• Landscapes
• 3d “spaces”
© 2002, AvaQuest Inc.
Charts and Graphs
© 2002, AvaQuest Inc.
Visualization: Network Maps
© 2002, AvaQuest Inc.
Visualization: Landscapes
© 2002, AvaQuest Inc.
Basic Measures for Text Retrieval
Relevant &
All Documents
• Precision: the percentage of retrieved documents that are in fact relevant to the
query (i.e., “correct” responses)
| {Relevant}  {Retrieved } |
precision 
| {Retrieved } |
• Recall: the percentage of documents that are relevant to the query and were, in
fact, retrieved
| {Relevant}  {Retrieved} |
| {Relevant} |
Types of Text Data Mining
• Keyword-based association analysis
• Automatic document classification
• Similarity detection
– Cluster documents by a common author
– Cluster documents containing information from a common
• Link analysis: unusual correlation between entities
• Sequence analysis: predicting a recurring event
• Anomaly detection: find information that violates usual
• Hypertext analysis
– Patterns in anchors/links
• Anchor text correlations with linked objects
Text Categorization
• Pre-given categories and labeled document
examples (Categories may form hierarchy)
• Classify new documents
• A standard classification (supervised learning )
News article classification
Automatic email filtering
Webpage classification
Word sense disambiguation
In-memory analytics
• Oracle Exalytics hardware is delivered as a server that is
optimally configured for in-memory analytics for business
intelligence workloads.
• Multiple Oracle Exalytics machines can be clustered
together to expand available memory capacity and to
provide high availability.
• Oracle Exalytics includes several Terabytes of DRAM,
distributed across multiple processors, with a high-speed
processor interconnect architecture that is designed to
provide a single hop access to all memory.
• This memory is backed up by several terabytes of Flash
storage and hard disks. These stores can be further backed
by network attached storage, extending the capacity of the
machine and providing data high availability.
In-memory analytics
• The memory and storage is matched with the right amount of
compute capacity.
• A high-performance business intelligence system requires fast
connectivity to data warehouses, operational systems and other
data sources.
• Multiple network interfaces are also required for deployments that
demand high availability, load balancing and disaster recovery.
• Oracle Exalytics provides dedicated high-speed InfiniBand ports for
connecting to Oracle Exadata. These operate at quad data rate of
40Gb/s and provide extreme performance for connecting to both
data warehousing and OLTP data sources.
• Several 10Gb/s Ethernet ports are also available for high-speed
connectivity to other data sources and clients. Where legacy
network interconnectivity is desired, multiple 1GB/s compatible
ports are also available.
• The Oracle Exalytics In-Memory Machine features an
optimized Oracle Business Intelligence Foundation Suite
and Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database for Exalytics.
• Business Intelligence Foundation takes advantage of large
memory, processors, concurrency, storage, networking,
operating system, kernel, and system configuration of
Oracle Exalytics hardware.
• This optimization results in better query responsiveness,
higher user scalability.
• Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database for Exalytics is an
optimized in-memory analytic database, with features
exclusively available on Oracle Exalytics platform.
Oracle Exalytics engineers hardware and software
designed to work together seamlessly
Oracle Exalytics Software Overview
• Oracle Exalytics is designed to run the entire stack
of Oracle Business Intelligence and Enterprise
Performance Management applications. The
following software runs on Exalytics:
• 1. Oracle Business Intelligence Foundation Suite,
including Oracle Essbase
• 2. Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database for
• 3. Oracle Endeca Information Discovery
• 4. Oracle Exalytics In-Memory Software
Oracle Business Intelligence
Foundation Suite
• Delivers the most complete, open, and integrated business
intelligence platform on the market today.
• Provides comprehensive and complete capabilities for
business intelligence, including enterprise reporting,
dashboards, ad hoc analysis, multi-dimensional OLAP,
scorecards, and predictive analytics on an integrated
• Includes the industry’s best-in-class server technology for
relational and multi-dimensional analysis and delivers rich
end user experience that includes visualization,
collaboration, alerts and notifications, search and mobile
• Includes Oracle Essbase - the industry leading multidimensional OLAP Server for analytic applications.
Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database
for Exalytics
• Memory-optimized full featured relational
database with persistence.
• TimesTen stores all its data in memory in
optimized data structures and supports query
algorithms specifically designed for in-memory
• SQL programming interfaces- provides real-time
data management, fast response times, and very
high throughput for a variety of workloads.
• Specifically enhanced for analytical processing at
in-memory speeds.
Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database
for Exalytics
Columnar Compression: supports columnar
compression that reduces the memory
footprint for in-memory data.
• Compression ratios of 5X are practical and
help expand in-memory capacity.
• Analytic algorithms are designed to operate
directly on compressed data, thus further
speeding up the in-memory analytics queries.
Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database
for Exalytics
Oracle Exalytics In-memory Software
• Collection
optimizations and configuration
• Certified and supported only on Oracle
Exalytics In-Memory Machine.
• Oracle Exalytics In-Memory Software consists
1. Oracle OBIEE Accelerator
2. Oracle Essbase Accelerator
3. Oracle In-Memory Data Caching
4. Oracle BI Publisher Accelerator
• Oracle OBIEE In-Memory Accelerator
• Hardware-specific optimizations to Oracle
Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (included
in Oracle Business Intelligence Foundation Suite).
• Optimizations make OBIEE specifically tuned for
Oracle Exalytics hardware - for e.g., the processor
architecture, number of cores, the memory
latency and variations.
• Up to 3X improvement in throughput at high
loads and thus can handle 3X more users than
similarly configured commodity hardware.
• Oracle Essbase In-Memory Accelerator
• Leverage processor concurrency, memory latency, memory
distribution, availability of flash storage, and provides
improvements to overall storage layer performance,
enhancements to parallel operations
• Up to 4X faster query execution as well as reduction in writeback and calculation operations, including batch processes.
• Flash as storage provides 25X faster Oracle Essbase data load
performance and 10X faster Oracle Essbase Calculations when
compared to hard disk drives.
• In-Memory Data Caching
• Multiple ways to use the large memory
available with Oracle Exalytics:
• Oracle In-Memory Intelligent Result Cache
• Oracle In-Memory Adaptive Data Mart
• Oracle In-Memory Table Caching
• Oracle In-Memory Intelligent Result Cache
• Completely reusable in-memory cache, populated
with results of previous logical queries generated
by the server.
• Provides data for repeated queries
• For best query acceleration, Oracle Exalytics
provides tools to analyze usage, as well as
identify and automate the pre-seeding of result
caches. The pre-seeding ensures instant
responsiveness for queries at run time.
• Oracle In-Memory Adaptive Data Mart
• Identifying and creating a data mart for the
relevant “hot” data.
• Implementing the in-memory data mart in Oracle
TimesTen for Exalytics provides the most effective
improvement in query responsiveness for large
data sets.
• Tests with customer data have shown a reduction
of query response times by 20X as well as a
throughput increase of 5X.
• Automated Recommendation:
• Creating a data mart for query acceleration has
often required expensive and error prone manual
research to determine what data aggregates or
cubes from subject areas to cache into memory.
• Oracle Exalytics dramatically reduces, and in
many cases eliminates, costs associated with this
manual tuning by providing the necessary tools
that can be used to identify, creates and refresh
the best fit in-memory data mart for a specific
business intelligence deployment
• In-Memory Table Caching
• Selective facts and dimensions from analytic data
warehouses may be cached “as is” into Oracle
TimesTen In-Memory Database on Exalytics.
• In many cases, especially with enterprise
business intelligence data warehouses, including
pre-packaged Business Intelligence Applications
provided by Oracle, the entire data warehouse
may be able to fit entirely in memory.
• In such cases, replication tools like Oracle
GoldenGate and ETL tools like Oracle Data
Integrator can be used to implement table
caching mechanisms into Oracle TimesTen
inMemory database for Exalytics.
• Once tables are cached, Oracle Business
Intelligence metadata can be configured to route
queries to the TimesTen In-Memory database,
providing faster query responses for the cached
• Oracle BI Publisher In-Memory Accelerator
• Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher features piped
document generation and high volume bursting that can
enable the generation of an extremely large number of
personalized reports and documents for business users in
time periods that were previously not achievable.
• This is enabled via a configuration setting and the use of
Exalytics’ substantial compute, memory, and multithreading capabilities. Performance can be further
optimized by configuring BI Publisher to use memory disks
(for nonclustered environments only) or solid state drives.
In-database analytics
• Refers to the integration of data analytics into
data warehousing functionality.
• Today, many large databases, such as those
used for credit card fraud detection and
investment bank risk management, use this
technology because it provides significant
performance improvements over traditional
• Traditional approaches to data analysis require data to be
moved out of the database into a separate analytics
environment for processing, and then back to the database.
(SPSS from IBM are examples of tools that still do this today).
• Doing the analysis in the database, where the data resides,
eliminates the costs, time and security issues associated with
the old approach by doing the processing in the data
warehouse itself.
• “big data” is one of the primary reasons it has become
important to collect, process and analyze data efficiently and
• the need for in-database processing has become more
pressing as the amount of data available to collect and
analyze continues to grow exponentially (due largely to the
rise of the Internet), from megabytes to gigabytes, terabytes
and petabytes.
• Also, the speed of business has accelerated to the point
where a performance gain of nanoseconds can make a
difference in some industries. As more people and industries
use data to answer important questions, the questions they
ask become more complex, demanding more sophisticated
tools and more precise results.
• All of these factors in combination have
created the need for in-database processing.
The introduction of the column-oriented
database, specifically designed for analytics,
data warehousing and reporting, has helped
make the technology possible.
• There are three main types of in-database
1. Translating a model into SQL code,
2. Loading C or C++ libraries into the database
process space as a built-in user-defined function
3. Out-of-process libraries typically written in C,
C++ or Java and registering them in the database
as a built-in UDFs in a SQL statement.
1. Translating models into SQL code
• In this type of in-database processing, a
predictive model is converted from its source
language into SQL that can run in the database
usually in a stored procedure.
• Many analytic model-building tools have the
ability to export their models in either SQL or
PMML (Predictive Modeling Markup Language).
• Once the SQL is loaded into a stored procedure,
values can be passed in through parameters and
the model is executed natively in the database.
• Tools that can use this approach include SAS,
2. Loading C or C++ libraries into the database process
• With C or C++ UDF libraries that run in process, the
functions are typically registered as built-in functions
within the database server and called like any other
built-in function in a SQL statement.
• Running in process allows the function to have full
access to the database server’s memory, parallelism
and processing management capabilities. Because of
this, the functions must be well-behaved so as not to
negatively impact the database or the engine. This type
of UDF gives the highest performance out of any
method for OLAP, mathematical, statistical, univariate
distributions and data mining algorithms.
3. Out-of-process libraries
• Out-of-process UDFs are typically written in C, C++ or
• By running out of process, they do not run the same
risk to the database or the engine as they run in their
own process space with their own resources.
• Here, they wouldn’t be expected to have the same
performance as an in-process UDF.
• Registered in the database engine and called through
standard SQL, usually in a stored procedure.
• Out-of-process UDFs are a safe way to extend the
capabilities of a database server and are an ideal way
to add custom data mining libraries.
• Uses
• In-database processing makes data analysis more
accessible and relevant for high-throughput, realtime applications including fraud detection, credit
processing, pricing and margin analysis, usagebased micro-segmenting, behavioral ad targeting
and recommendation engines, such as those used
by customer service organizations to determine
next-best actions.
Google Analytics
• Is a web analytics service offered by Google
that tracks and reports website traffic
• Google launched the service in November
• Google Analytics is now the most widely used
web analytics service on the Internet.
• Google acquired Urchin Software Corp. in April 2005.Google's
service was developed from Urchin on Demand. The system
also brings ideas from Adaptive Path, whose product,
Measure Map, was acquired and used in the redesign of
Google Analytics in 2006. Google continued to sell the
standalone, installable Urchin WebAnalytics Software through
a network of value-added resellers until discontinuation on
March 28, 2012
• The Google-branded version was rolled out in November 2005
to anyone who wished to sign up. However due to extremely
high demand for the service, new sign-ups were suspended
only a week later.
• As capacity was added to the system, Google began using a lottery-type
invitation-code model. Prior to August 2006 Google was sending out
batches of invitation codes as server availability permitted; since midAugust 2006 the service has been fully available to all users – whether
they use Google for advertising or not.
• The newer version of Google Analytics tracking code is known as the
asynchronous tracking code,which Google claims is significantly more
sensitive and accurate, and is able to track even very short activities on
the website. The previous version delayed page loading and so, for
performance reasons, it was generally placed just before the </body>
body close HTML tag. The new code can be placed between the
<head>...</head> HTML head tags because, once triggered, it runs in
parallel with page loading
• In April 2011 Google announced the availability of a new
version of Google Analytics featuring multiple dashboards,
more custom report options, and a new interface design.
This version was later updated with some other features
such as real-time analytics and goal flow charts.
• In October 2012 the latest version of Google Analytics was
announced, called 'Universal Analytics'. The key differences
from the previous versions were: cross-platform tracking,
flexible tracking code to collect data from any device, and
the introduction of custom dimensions and custom metrics
• Integrated with AdWords, users can now review online campaigns
by tracking landing page quality and conversions (goals). Goals
might include sales, lead generation, viewing a specific page, or
downloading a particular file.
• Google Analytics' approach is to show high-level, dashboard-type
data for the casual user, and more in-depth data further into the
report set. Google Analytics analysis can identify poorly performing
pages with techniques such as funnel visualization, where visitors
came from, how long they stayed and their geographical position. It
also provides more advanced features, including custom visitor
• Google Analytics e-commerce reporting can track sales activity and
performance. The e-commerce reports shows a site's transactions,
revenue, and many other commerce-related metrics.
• On September 29, 2011, Google Analytics launched Real Time
• AdWords (Google AdWords) is an advertising service
by Google for businesses wanting to display ads on
Google and its advertising network. The AdWords
program enables businesses to set a budget for
advertising and only pay when people click the ads.
The ad service is largely focused on keywords.
• Google Analytics includes Google Website Optimizer,
rebranded as Google Analytics Content Experiments.
• Google Analytics Cohort analysis feature helps
understand the behavior of component groups of users
apart from your user population. It is very much
beneficial to marketers and analysts for successful
implementation of Marketing Strategy
• Google Analytics is implemented with "page
tags", in this case called the Google Analytics
Tracking Code (GATC), which is a snippet of
JavaScript code that the website owner adds to
every page of the website. The tracking code runs
in the client browser when the client browses the
page (if JavaScript is enabled in the browser) and
collects visitor data and sends it to a Google data
collection server as part of a request for a web
• The tracking code loads a larger JavaScript file from the Google webserver
and then sets variables with the user's account number. The larger file
(currently known as ga.js) is typically 18 KB. The file does not usually have
to be loaded, however, due to browser caching. Assuming caching is
enabled in the browser, it downloads ga.js only once at the start of the
visit. As all websites that implement Google Analytics with the ga.js code
use the same master file from Google, a browser that has previously
visited any other website running Google Analytics will already have the
file cached on their machine.
• In addition to transmitting information to a Google server, the tracking
code sets first party cookies (If cookies are enabled in the browser) on
each visitor's computer. These cookies store anonymous information such
as whether the visitor has been to the site before (new or returning
visitor), the timestamp of the current visit, and the referrer site or
campaign that directed the visitor to the page (e.g., search engine,
keywords, banner, or email).
• If the visitor arrived at the site by clicking on a
link tagged with Urchin Traffic Monitor (UTM)
codes such as:
• http://toWebsite.com?utm_source=fromWeb
n=fundraiser2012 the tag values are passed to
the database too.
• In addition, Google Analytics for Mobile Package allows Google
Analytics to be applied to mobile websites. The Mobile Package
contains server-side tracking codes that use PHP, JavaServer Pages,
ASP.NET, or Perl for its server-side language.[19]
• Many ad filtering programs and extensions (such as Firefox's
Adblock and NoScript) can block the Google Analytics Tracking
Code. This prevents some traffic and users from being tracked, and
leads to holes in the collected data. Also, privacy networks like Tor
will mask the user's actual location and present inaccurate
geographical data. Some users do not have JavaScriptenabled/capable browsers or turn this feature off. However, these
limitations are considered small—affecting only a small percentage
of visits
• The largest potential impact on data accuracy comes from users deleting
or blocking Google Analytics cookies Without cookies being set, Google
Analytics cannot collect data. Any individual web user can block or delete
cookies resulting in the data loss of those visits for Google Analytics users.
Website owners can encourage users not to disable cookies, for example,
by making visitors more comfortable using the site through posting a
privacy policy.
• These limitations affect the majority of web analytics tools which use page
tags (usually JavaScript programs) embedded in web pages to collect
visitor data, store it in cookies on the visitor's computer, and transmit it to
a remote database by pretending to load a tiny graphic "beacon“.
• Another limitation of Google Analytics for large websites is the use of
sampling in the generation of many of its reports. To reduce the load on
their servers and to provide users with a relatively quick response for their
query, Google Analytics limits reports to 5,00,000 randomly sampled visits
at the profile level for its calculations. While margins of error are indicated
for the visits metric, margins of error are not provided for any other
metrics in the Google Analytics reports. For small segments of data, the
margin of error can be very large
• Performance concerns
• There have been several online discussions
about the impact of Google Analytics on site
performance. However, Google introduced
asynchronous JavaScript code in December
2009 to reduce the risk of slowing the loading
of pages tagged with the ga.js script
Privacy issues
• Due to its ubiquity, Google Analytics raises some privacy concerns.
Whenever someone visits a web site that uses Google Analytics, if
JavaScript is enabled in the browser, then Google tracks that visit
via the user's IP address in order to determine the user's
approximate geographic location. To meet German legal
requirements, Google Analytics can anonymize the IP address
• Google has also released a browser plugin that turns off data about
a page visit being sent to Google. Since this plug-in is produced and
distributed by Google itself, it has met much discussion and
criticism. Furthermore, the realisation of Google scripts tracking
user behaviours has spawned the production of multiple, often
open-source, browser plug-ins to reject tracking cookies. These
plug-ins offer the user a choice, whether to allow Google Analytics
(for example) to track his/her activities. However, partially because
of new European privacy laws, most modern browsers allow users
to reject tracking cookies
Privacy issues
• It has been reported that behind proxy servers and multiple
firewalls that errors can occur changing time stamps and
registering invalid searches.
• Webmasters who seek to mitigate Google Analytics specific
privacy issues can employ a number of alternatives having
their backends hosted on their own machines. Until its
discontinuation, an example of such a product was Urchin
WebAnalytics Software from Google itself.
• On Jan. 20, 2015, the Associated Press reported in an
article titled: "Government health care website quietly
sharing personal data" that HealthCare.gov is providing
access to enrollees personal data to private companies that
specialize in advertising. Google Analytics was mentioned in
that article.
Assignment /Test
• What is clustering? Explain its types
• What is text mining?
• What is the difference between in-memory
analytics & in-database analytics?