EDD/581 Action Research Project (insert your

Action Research Proposal
Problem Statement
The problem is the lack of leadership development for non-managerial
employees. Upon recognizing the need and the desire for leadership
development, a proposed leadership development program will be
Action Research Proposal
Problem Description
Employees are promoted for numerous reasons within the corporations of
America. Some employees elevate themselves based upon their knowledge of
their company’s industry. Others rely on their decades of service and
commitment to their current employer. Regardless of which upward route a
person chooses, few are promoted without effective leadership skills.
As a company, we pride ourselves on promoting from within; however,
many current employees have found themselves to be inadequate when
reading the internal job postings.
Action Research Proposal
Problem Description Cont.
These postings state that leadership skills are preferred for lateral
positions and required for vertical positions. Although our company has an
extensive leadership and development program, this instruction is reserved for
manager/senior manager/director positions. This top tier leadership
instruction does not come without a price. A 3-day leadership workshop retails
for $19951 per person according to Franklincovey.com (2014). With over 300
non-managerial day shift employees and our 24-hour operation, it is
Action Research Proposal
Problem Description Cont.
understandable that cost is a factor in determining who attends the
available leadership workshops.
If effective leadership built this company and aided its reputation as an
industry benchmark, then effective leadership will be the key to its future
success. Employees in many departments boast of having reached their 25th
anniversary with the company; however, many of these veterans are not
qualified for vertical promotions due to their lack of leadership development.
Action Research Proposal
Problem Description Cont.
Non-managerial employees may not need the most expensive leadership
development; however, if the company desires to continue with its internal
promotions, then leadership development is needed for all employees. By
providing all employees with leadership development, all employees will
contribute to the company’s future, expand its lateral foundation, and help it to
hold firmly to its global reputation as an industry leader.
& Events | Calendar. (n.d.). FranklinCovey. Retrieved February 23, 2014, from http://www.franklincovey.com/tc/events/calendar
Action Research Proposal
Purpose of the Project
The purpose of this project is to provide concrete evidence of the benefits
of a leadership and development program for non-managerial employees.
This project will further determine the most cost effective methods of
leadership development for the corporation while showing various methods of
effective instruction for the employees.
Action Research Proposal
Writer’s Role
As a 14-year veteran of ___ and a 3-year veteran of our former self,
___, I have seen the internal and external growth of our corporation. With
these many years of service, I have also seen many veteran employees – my
peers and myself – remain in the same positions. Many have received a
lateral shuffle; many more have left the company in search of opportunities
elsewhere. As a college graduate and future graduate student, I look forward
to future possibilities with this company. My desire is to assist our company
Action Research Proposal
Writer’s Role Cont.
with meeting the leadership and development desires of my peers while it
benefits from the leadership of an effectively equipped staff. Today’s
employees must be prepared to continue the legacy of our corporation’s
Action Research Proposal
Problem Documentation
In the past 5 years, _____ company has offered more than 500 full- or parttime positions. The breakdown of these positions is as follows:
500 of the positions have been filled
275 of the positions were filled by women
225 of the positions were filled by men
½ of the positions were filled by external candidates
¾ of the positions were filled by people with prior leadership and
development training
¼ of the applicants had received no prior leadership and
development training
These figures have been adjusted due to privacy laws; therefor, no citation is provided.
Action Research Proposal
Problem Documentation
Clearly, _____ company offers numerous positions to their existing employees;
however, without essential leadership and development training, many of the current
employees are being overlooked for these positions. Only those persons qualified for
the positions will receive an interview because _____ company utilizes a point system
screening process for all applicants. Roughly 80% of all internal applicants received
interviews for these positions. This means that, on paper, these applicants passed the
pre-interview screening. The question remains, what was lacking from the internal
applicants that prevented so many from receiving the positions applied for?
Action Research Proposal
Problem Documentation
What form of leadership and development have you previously experienced?
How has this training helped your personal or professional development?
What is your definition of a leader?
What does the phrase ‘natural-born-leader’ mean to you?
What would be the personal benefits of future leadership & development?
What would be the professional benefits of future leadership & development?
Do you currently hold any leadership position[s]? If so, what is the position and
If you currently hold a leadership position, what ongoing leadership training are
you receiving?
If a professional leadership class [or classes] was offered in your workplace, would
you desire to attend?
What would you like for a workshop leadership curriculum to teach?
Action Research Proposal
Problem Documentation
Each of the below options will allow for decreased biasness as the collected
data will be used to accurately depict what current employees desire from
leadership and development training. No attempt will be made to sway
responses or to force participants into mandated training.
Option [1] includes an equal number of participants who have and have not
received leadership and development training and their respective surveys.
Option [2] includes a range of focus group participants [from no leadership and
development training to ongoing leadership and development training] and their
respective surveys.
Action Research Proposal
Literature Review
Literature Review
 A literature review should summarize all important research
relevant to the problem, demonstrating a current
understanding of the topic.
 You should have at least seven literature references.
 List your literature review in the following format:
Authors of the study
Title of the
Purpose of the
Action Research Proposal
findings that
support your
Literature Review
Authors of the
Title of the study
Purpose of the
Pertinent findings
that support your
No author
Developing Leaders
To transform people and
organizations in an effective
• Leadership should be
developed at all levels
Efron, Louis
Six reasons your best
employees quit you
To teach employers why the
average employee’s tenure is
now averaging only 1.5 years
• The top 6 reasons for
employees leaving a
company have nothing to
do with money
• Effective leadership
attracts and retains
effective employees
Selley, Nicole
10 reasons why employees
really leave their jobs
To teach employers how to
effectively process the truth
received from employees
during their exit interviews
• Exit interviews should be
taken seriously
• The cost of developing
current employees is lower
than the cost of training
new employees
• Employers must discontinue
the thought that money is
the key factor to an
employee leaving
Action Research Proposal
Literature Review
Authors of the
Title of the study
Purpose of the
Pertinent findings
that support your
Brunone, Chris
Leadership development vs.
Employee engagement
To determine the best
approach to training current
• Comparison between
training the more senior
employees vs the broader
employee base
Naseer, Tanveer
Leaders, are you developing
employee’s super powers?
To teach leaders the
importance of developing
their employee’s superior
• Leaders have to be
developed in order to
develop future leaders
• Leaders must know their
leadership styles in order
to know how to develop
their teams
Heathfield, Susan M.
Five factors every employee
wants from work
To explain each of the five
things that employees want
• 2 of 5 points relate to
employees desiring
leadership and
Action Research Proposal
Literature Review
Authors of the
Title of the study
Purpose of the
Pertinent findings
that support your
Mitchell, T., Holtom, B., Lee T.,
Graske, T.
How to keep your best
employees: Developing an
effective retention policy
To make employers aware
that keeping qualified
employees is more involved
than simply paying higher
• People leave for reasons
that may be unrelated to
• People may remain due to
attachments to their job
and to their community
• The lack of promotion is
often the most influential
decision for leaving an
• Leaving a job costs both
the employer and the
former employee
Action Research Proposal
Action Goal
Action Goal
Provide the goal for the intervention that you are purposing and include a
brief overview of the intervention plan that you have selected.
The goal of the intervention is to increase effectiveness of regular classroom
teachers in implementing accommodations and modifications for special
education students. A three-prong intervention will be implemented to meet the
goal, which includes teacher IEP training, teacher/paraprofessional training, and
weekly collaboration time supported by the administration.
Action Research Proposal
Action Goal
Action Goal
The goal of the intervention is to provide substantiated proof
of the benefits of leadership and development training for the
company and for all current employees – regardless of
employment position. A three-tier intervention will be
implemented to show the positive attributes of leadership and
development training that include employee surveys, documented
evidence of the company’s promotional policies, and the longterm benefits of leadership and development training for all
employees. The results of which will be presented to the
leadership and development team for review and consideration.
Action Research Proposal
Selected Solutions
Selected Solutions
 Pre-Work
Assign informed assistants to explain the survey process to each chosen
Explain, distribute, and collect the confidentiality forms Appendix 1.1
Explain, distribute, and collect the completed employee surveys Appendix
Reinforce the confidentiality agreement
Action Research Proposal
Selected Solutions
Selected Solutions
 Tier 1 – Employee Survey
At least 5 departments of employees, minimum of 10 people each, will
complete a detailed and confidential survey designed to delve into the
subject of leadership and development. The desire is for at least 10 groups
of surveyors. Survey topics should include:
Length of time with the company
Leadership and development received internally and externally
Possible promotions sought within the company
Specific ways in which leadership and development training could improve their
professional careers
Specific ways in which leadership and development training could improve their
personal endeavors.
Action Research Proposal
Selected Solutions
Selected Solutions
 Tier 2 – Company’s Leadership & Development Policy
The company has developed and maintains an extensive leadership
university. While management is required to enroll, non-management
employees are not able to participate at-will. The solution is to show:
Employee’s commitment to the company
Leadership and development benefits the company’s PSP [people-service-profit]
The costs of training current employees is less than the cost of marketing and
interviewing possible new hires
Leadership and development motivates employees
Action Research Proposal
Selected Solutions
Selected Solutions
 Tier 3 – Benefits of Leadership and Development
The company recognizes the need for leadership and development;
however, has reserved this learning for management. This portion is to show
that leadership and development:
Enables employees to become more intelligent about the company as a whole
Equips employees to understand the requirements of management
Gives employees interest beyond a salary
Motivates employees to apply their leadership and development to all aspects of their
Encourages employees to increase personal productivity
Prepares employees to become eligible for promotions
Action Research Proposal
Selected Solutions
Selected Solutions
 Post-Work
Present the findings of the completed surveys to the management team of
the leadership and development department for review
Present a PowerPoint presentation to the leadership and development
management team
Set a proposed date to discuss and review the findings
Action Research Proposal
Calendar Plan
• Gather leadership and development
• Create confidentiality forms
• Meet with chosen department managers to
confirm availability
• Give available time slots to each chosen
department manager for review Appendix
• Select and inform assistants of the research
• Print and review confidentiality forms with
• Confirm each department’s time slot
• Secure training rooms
• Set-up training rooms
• Present and collect surveys from each
Action Research Proposal
Calendar Plan
• Review surveys
• Sort findings
• If the findings are incomplete, additional
departments will be sought for additional
• Submit completed findings and PowerPoint
to the leadership and development
management team
• Seek follow-up time for action research
Action Research Proposal
Expected Outcomes
Expected Outcomes
Employees will provide specific examples of
professional change as a result of leadership and
development training in the following areas:
• [1] increased productivity
• [2] priority setting/attention to detail
• [3] team building
• [4] leadership
Action Research Proposal
Expected Outcomes
Expected Outcomes
[1] Increased productivity
Veteran employees (5+ years) should show a 15-20%
daily work increase
New employees (0 – 5 years) should show a 5-10%
daily work increase
Employees should have chosen 2 additional teams for
cross training
Action Research Proposal
Expected Outcomes
Expected Outcomes
[2] Priority setting/Attention to detail
Employees will develop a priority management scale
to fit their workloads
Employees will lower their error rates by 5% monthly
Employees will learn to use available computer
software calendar planning
Action Research Proposal
Expected Outcomes
Expected Outcomes
[3] Team building
Employees will learn to identify their professional
Employees will present developmental plans to
strengthen their weaknesses
Employees will develop prospective teams for
project handling
Action Research Proposal
Expected Outcomes
Expected Outcomes
[4] Leadership
Employees should re-answer the following leadership
survey questions using Appendix 1.3
Action Research Proposal
Measurement of Outcomes
Increased productivity
• Employees will calculate their new
production requirements based upon
their length of time with the company
• Each employee will provide a
proposed timeline for meeting the new
production rates
Priority setting/Attention to
• Computer applications will be used to
record the employee’s proposed to-do
• Employees will gauge their proposed
to-do lists against their actual
completed accomplishments list
• Employee error rates will be tracked
against their new production
Action Research Proposal
Measurement of Outcomes
Team building
• Employees in team-driven departments
will be asked to share how their teams
have aided/benefitted from their
• Employees in non-management
positions will be asked for specific
indicators of their training via online
team building scenarios
• Completed leadership surveys will be
discussed with each participant
• Answers will be used to determine and
to develop future training classes
Action Research Proposal
Analysis of Results
The results will be analyzed by comparing employee
performances before, during, and after leadership & development
training. Rather than having a defined control and experimental group,
each employee’s data will be treated as the control [pre] &
experimental [after] group. How will I determine if the solution
strategy was effective? An overall effective indicator will be
determined by the percentage indicator determined on the current
employee performance reviews: 4=>75% 3=75% 2=50% 1=25%
Action Research Proposal
Analysis of Results
How will I present my findings and to whom? The findings will
be presented through anonymous employee production reports. After 3
weeks of production tallies, reviewed schedules, and error reports,
each employee’s findings will be compared to their pre-leadership &
development training results. This compiled report will be given to the
management staff of the leadership & development team and to the
managers of trained employees. Although all employee information
will remain anonymous, the gathered data will be used to develop
future leadership & development curriculums.
Action Research Proposal
Efron, L. (2013). Six reasons your best employees quit you. Forbes. Retrieved March 31, 2014,
from http://www.forbes.com/sites/louisefron/2013/06/24/six-reasons-your-bestemployees-quit-you/
Selley, N. (2013). 10 reasons why employees really leave their jobs. Retrieved March 31, 2014,
from http://www.insidebusiness360.com/index.php/10-reasons-why-employees-reallyleave-their-jobs-53/
Action Research Proposal
Appendix 1.1
Confidentiality survey
, a/an - year employee of Company F, have
been explained the reason for this confidential survey. I understand that while
my information will be made known, my identity will remain anonymous. My
involvement with this survey is purely voluntary and serves only as research
material for school-related research. I understand that in no manner am I
obligated to benefit from any aspect of this survey’s results.
Employee’s printed name
Employee’s signature
Action Research Proposal
Appendix 1.2
Available Timeslots
9:00 – 10:00
9:00 – 10:00
9:00 – 10:00
9:00 – 10:00
9:00 – 10:00
11:00 – 12:00
11:00 – 12:00
11:00 – 12:00
11:00 – 12:00
11:00 – 12:00
Action Research Proposal
Appendix 1.3
How will this training help your personal or professional development?
What is your new definition of a leader?
What does the phrase ‘natural-born-leader’ mean to you?
What will be the personal benefits of this leadership & development?
What will be the professional benefits of this leadership & development?
Did this leadership curriculum teach objectives that you found beneficial?
Action Research Proposal