The Elements of Fiction

Perrine’s Literaturature : Structure, Sound, and Sense
The Elements of Fiction (p 59 title page)
Due: Thursday October 16
Step one Take notes on each chapter in the sections prior to the stories. (You have already done this for Chapter 1 and 2)
Pay particular attention to the review boxes at the end of each section before the short story samples. You will only be
reading the stories I have indicated below as they correlate with each chapter. Note that for some of the chapters you have
√Chapter One---Reading the Story (pp 61-102)
1. Read "The Most Dangerous Game" and “Hunters in the Snow” and respond to the questions which follow.
2. Copy the list of questions on page 100-102. You will be able to use it on the test.
(You can literally photocopy or scan this list if you wish. However, if you learn best by writing or typing this list in terms
of making it more a part of your first hand knowledge—do so!)
√Chapter Two---Plot and Structure (pp 103-160)
Choose and read one story among the following titles: “The Destructors,” "How I Met my Husband," or “Interpreter of
Maladies”—Respond to the questions following your chosen story.
__*Chapter Three-----Characterization (pp 161-187)
Choose one of the three short stories in this chapter and respond to the questions following it.
__*Chapter Four---Theme (pp 188-226)
Read “Gooseberries” and choose one more short story to read from this chapter. Respond to the questions
following each story.
__Chapter Five----Point of View (pp 227-274)
Read all of the short stories in this chapter and answer the questions at the end of story.
__Chapter Six---Symbol, Allegory, and Fantasy (pp 274-333)
Read “Young Goodman Brown” and “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings”—Respond to the questions
following these stories.
__*Chapter Seven---Humor and Irony (pp 334-434)
Read “A Jury of Her Peers” and one more short story from this chapter. Respond to the questions following
each story.
Minimum requirements for B: To be guaranteed the B this time, you will need to construct well developed notes and
responses that are tightly formatted for the grader. Suggestions for formatting: eye-space which might include
subordinating with indenting, bullets, highlighting or underlining, etc.
Step 2 Choose one of the SUGGESTIONS FOR WRITING found at the end of each chapter.
IMPORTANT: You are only choosing one writing suggestion for the entire unit. You might want to read
through these suggestions for writing before you actually select the stories for reading because at least one of
the suggestions is asking you to compare short stories and if you like the comparison suggestions, you will want
to read specific titles. (If you are still scratching your head on this one, come talk to me.)
Literary Analysis Rubric: This criteria meets the minimum requirements for the B.
owl@purdue which includes using a 12 Times New Roman font.
Look at the samples this site provides. There will be no room for interpretation for this assignment. Really look at the heading.
___ the name of this essay assignment in the heading should read: Literary Essay #2
___ a title for the essay that draws the reader in
___ 1.5 spacing ( This requirement is my caveat as it applies to MLA)
___ 700-1000 words
___ quoted material seamlessly integrated into written discussion at least 5 times
and no more than 7
___ basic conventions of writing literary essays which include the following criteria:
integrating the title and author appropriately, insightful analysis of the passage (define the effect of the passage and
demonstrate how the author conveys the effect (through literary elements)
control of rhetoric (state a claim, support and explain it; make specific references to the text)
control of conventions (no comma splices or egregious errors in agreement, etc.)
control of structure (a well-developed written discussion that logically moves from the introduction to conclusion)
AP Scoring Model
Top Scores
Upper Scores
Middle Score
Lower Scores
Lowest Scores
These are well-written papers which respond fully to the prompt. The best papers
show a full understanding of the issues and support their points with appropriate
textual evidence and examples. Writers of these essays demonstrate stylistic
maturity by an effective command of sentence structure, diction, and
organization. The writing need not be without flaws, but it should reveal the
writer’s ability to choose from and control a wide range of elements of effective
These essays also respond correctly to the questions asked but do so less fully or
less effectively than the essays in the top range. Their discussion may be less
thorough and less specific. These essays are well-written in an appropriate style
but reveal less maturity than the top papers. They do make use of textual
evidence to support their points. Some lapses in diction or syntax may appear,
but the writing demonstrates sufficient control over the elements of composition
to present the writer’s ideas clearly.
These essays respond to the question, but the comments may be simplistic or
imprecise; they may be overly generalized, vague, or inadequately supported.
These essays are adequately written, but may demonstrate inconsistent control
over the elements of composition. Organization is attempted, but it may not be
fully realized or particularly effective.
These essays attempt to deal with the question, but do so either inaccurately or
without support or specific evidence. They may show some misunderstanding or
omit pertinent analysis. The writing can convey the writer’s ideas, but it reveals
weak control over diction, syntax, organization. These essays may contain
excessive and distracting spelling and grammatical errors. Statements are seldom
supported with specific or persuasive evidence, or inappropriately lengthy
quotations may replace discussion and analysis.
These essays fail to respond adequately to the question. They may reveal
misunderstanding or may distort the interpretation. They compound the
problems of the Lower Score papers. Generally these essays are unacceptably brief
or poorly written. Although some attempts to answer the question may be
indicated, the writer’s view has little clarity and only slight, if any, evidence in its