Database Management Systems Chapter 6 Forms, Reports, and Applications Jerry Post McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2005 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. D A T A B A S E Uses of Forms Collect Data Display Query Results Display Analysis and Computations Switchboard for other Forms and Reports Direct Manipulation of Objects Graphics Drag and Drop 2 D A T A B A S E Human Factors Design User Control Match user tasks. Application responds to user control & events. User customization Consistency Layout, Design & colors Actions Clarity Organization Purpose Terminology Aesthetics Art to enhance, graphics Sound Feedback Methods Visual Text Audio Uses Acceptance of input Changes to data Completion of tasks Events / Activation Forgiveness Anticipation and correction of errors Confirmation on delete and updates Backup and recovery 3 D A T A B A S E Windows Interface Standards The Windows Interface: An Application Design Guide (Microsoft) Navigation and Choices Mouse, Icons Keyboard, Short-cuts Menus Selections from a list Single Contiguous Multiple Disjoint Multiple Manipulation Activation Drag and Drop Feedback Progress indicators and status gauges Flashing Tool tips Status bar 3-D controls Message boxes Focus Outline box Cursor 4 D A T A B A S E Windows Interface Window components Frame (sizing) Title bar Control-menu box Buttons Minimize Maximize Close Scroll box (thumb) Scroll bar 5 D A T A B A S E Windows Menus Menus Drop-down Short Cut Keys Mnemonic character Pop-up (as needed) 6 D A T A B A S E Message Box (A Simple Form) Message Boxes Title Message Simple buttons Icons Modal (required) 7 D A T A B A S E Interface / Accessibility Multiple Input Methods Keyboard Mouse Voice Multiple Output Visual Sound Color Some Suggestions: Beware of Red/Green. Avoid requiring rapid user responses. Avoid rapid flashing on the screen. Give users customization options. Volume Color Typefaces & Fonts 8 D A T A B A S E Form Layout Types of Forms Tabular Single Row Sub-forms (one-to-many) Switchboard Controls Form Properties Form Events Form Order Items 11 7 13 Dog Dog Cat 5 1 2 9 D A T A B A S E Tabular Form Works best for single table. Designer can control data entry sequence. Probably include buttons for sorting. 10 D A T A B A S E Single Row (Columnar) Form Data for only one row. Designer can set optimal layout. Similar in appearance to paper forms. Can use color, graphics, and command buttons to make the form easier to use. Note the importance of the navigation buttons. Probably want a Find command. Useful to include subforms. 11 D A T A B A S E Sub-Forms Typically a one-to-many relationship. Subform contents are linked to the main form through a common column (not displayed on the subform.) Can have multiple subforms (Independent or Nested). 12 D A T A B A S E Switchboard Form Blank Form Graphics/Picture/Background Identify User Choose Task. 13 D A T A B A S E Menu Design Main Menu Customer Information 1. Setup Choices Daily Sales Reports 2. Data Input Friday Sales Meeting 3. Print Reports Monthly Customer Letters 4. DOS Utilities 5. Backups Hard to understand Exit Organized by user tasks. 14 D A T A B A S E Menus Consistency With operating environment Within project Pull-down Name, Action Shortcut keys Access keys (&File, File) Breaks/groups (-) Dimmed option Check mark Pop-up Miniature form Tied to location/pointer Right-mouse button Attribute settings Modal (keeps focus) or not Submenus (>) Logical groupings Tradeoff: length v depth Form indicator (…) 15 D A T A B A S E Queries Queries are used to automatically look up data. e.g., Customer name e.g., Product description Be very careful when using queries. Each form should store data in only one table. For multiple tables, use a subform or separate forms. Usually Lock the look up data so it cannot be changed accidentally. 16 D A T A B A S E Form Query Example Clerk enters a CustomerID. Stored in the Order table. Query joins Sale and Customer. Automatically matches the CustomerID. Matching name is displayed on the form. Do not include the join column (CustomerID) from the look up table (Customer). Customer Order SaleID 1234 Date 7/25/01 CustomerID 17 Carly Embry 17 D A T A B A S E Form Query: Underlying Tables Customer Order SaleID 1234 Date 7/25/01 CustomerID 17 Carly Embry Data entry Data display Customer Sale SaleID 1232 1233 1234 CustomerID 23 74 17 Sdate 7/24/01 7/24/01 7/25/01 Query Join CustomerID 15 16 17 First Last Connie Fisher Rosie Wade Carly Embry 18 D A T A B A S E Form Properties (Some) Data Base Table / Query Filters Sort Integrity Edits Additions, Deletions Locks Other Format Caption Scroll Bars Record Selectors Navigation Buttons Size and Centering Background/Pictures Colors Tab Order Pop-up menus Menu Bar Help 19 D A T A B A S E Controls on Forms (Basic) Label Drop down list or combo box Text box Last Name Clothing Shoes Electronics Country Payment Method Credit Card Check Cash Option button List box Check box Options x Gift wrap x Gift card Monogram Sales Command button 20 D A T A B A S E Pictures Background pictures Unbound, unchanging. Stored with the form. Keep edit screen readable. Sizing (zoom, scale, clip). Pictures stored as data Bound to a data column. Define column as object. Tie to scanner or graphics package through OLE. Beware of data size Employee Name: Che Zhang ID: 3354 Phone: 222-111-1524 ... Photo: Resolution Number of colors User machine capabilities. 21 D A T A B A S E Basic Controls Label Text Box Option Group (single response) Command Button Combo Box (click arrow to open) List Box (always open) 22 D A T A B A S E Combo & List Boxes User selects from a list Combo box can enter new data, or restrict to list. Two basic uses: Insert a value into a table Choose from a list of preset options, e.g. gender. Select from a different table, e.g., choose a customer. Find the data record in this form that matches the choice. Be careful! Many systems do not distinguish between the two uses (enter data and search). Example when you want to use data entry: On a sales form, use a combo box for customer. It takes a value from the Customer table and inserts the ID into the Sale table. Example when you want to use a search: On a Customer edit form, you might use a combo to search the Customer table. Be sure the combo is not bound to the table! Probably need to write code for search. 23 D A T A B A S E Combo Box ControlSource sets the column to receive the choice (in the Sale table) RowSource generates the list of data to display. Uses standard SQL. Note 4 columns displayed. First column is the one to store in the data table. Properties Name CustomerID ControlSource CustomerID Format DecimalPlaces Auto InputMask RowSource/Type Table/Query RowSource SELECT . . . ColumnCount 4 ColumnHeads No ColumnWidths ... BoundColumn 1 SELECT Customer.CustomerID, Customer.LastName, Customer.FirstName, Customer.Phone FROM Customer ORDER BY Customer.LastName; 24 D A T A B A S E Combo Box Sources Microsoft Access supports three methods: Fixed list. Query from a table. Defined function. With some systems (e.g., Visual Basic), you write code to generate each list entry. You might use a fixed list for simple lists like “male”, “female”, “unknown”. It is better to query from a table, even for simple lists. Use a one column table. Easier to add to a table than to change a combo box. Useful feature of list combo box. The Row Source property is a text string. This string can be generated by code. List entries can be changed in response to user actions. Programmed function. For straightforward cases, it is easier to use a fixed list and just change the text. More complex cases, you can write a subroutine that generates the list choices following a specific format. 25 D A T A B A S E Controls on Forms (Complex) Calendar Common Tab Tab Grid Calendar Gauge Grid Slider Spin Box Additional Purchase Create your own (C++) Gauge Slider Spin box 26 D A T A B A S E Charts Sale 1 Build a query that generates the data to be graphed. Sale 2 Numeric data Individual series Aggregate data Sale 3 Animal Animal Animal Merchandise Merchandise Merchandise Labels Columns to link to form. Summary chart--unlinked. Insert chart. Set chart type. Set up data and labels. Set chart properties. Verify size. Total Sales Merchandise Animals 27 D A T A B A S E Multiple Forms Sale Edit Customer FirstName: Mary LastName: Jones Address: 123 Oaxaca Ave. Customer FirstName: Mary LastName: Jones Animals Purchased Address: 123 Oaxaca Ave. City: Los Angeles Merchandise ZipCode: 90086 Gender: Female Age: 20 AccountBalance: $150 28 D A T A B A S E Multiple Forms Animal Using data on other forms The forms object collection Forms![FormName]![Control] AnimalID Subtotals and subforms The form property Forms![MainForm]![SubForm]. Form![Control] Sale =AnimalID from Animal form Multi-page v Separate forms Same recordset Screen size Side-by-side ItemsSold ------------Subtotal=Sum(Price*Quantity) =Forms!Sale!ItemsSold.Form!Subtotal Subtotal Tax OrderTotal =Subtotal*[TaxRate] =Subtotal+Tax 29 D A T A B A S E Integrity Avoid relying on forms Set integrity conditions in table definitions Be sure to set referential integrity (relationships) Use forms to make it easy to enter quality data Combo/list boxes Menus Pop-up forms Ties to related forms Data transfer across forms Computations Error checking & trapping Controls Security rights Data formats Data entry Round-off Selectivity Visible Enabled & Locked Example: no production change after item is sold. User assistance Tool tips Status bar Menu Help--context sensitive 30 D A T A B A S E Design Standards Large Projects Templates Customer Order Colors, layout Titles Actions, common buttons Assembly Naming convention is crucial Order form Forms Controls Event procedures Variables Team Coordination Menu design Within a form/standards Across an application Event / action diagrams Switchboard form Assembly form Order form Item# item not available Backorder Notice & Form Customer# State diagram Scenario diagram/messages large customer Customer Discount 31 D A T A B A S E Objects Scenario diagrams Messages are usually initiated by calling exposed functions in an object Data can be passed directly, or made available by exposing properties Objects Properties Events Messages Message: compute discount using Customer ID & Order size Market Pricing Object Customer Order object Message: discount pct 32 D A T A B A S E International Attributes Language Character sets and punctuation marks Sorting Data formats Date Time Metric v English Currency symbol and format Separators (decimal, . . .) Phone numbers Separators International code prefix Postal codes National ID Numbers 33 D A T A B A S E Direct Manipulation of Objects Kennel/ Orders Current Choices Customer Bird Cat Tabby Dog Fish Mammal Reptile Spider Brown Lab A graphical approach. Minimize data entry. Drag and drop objects (blue arrows). 34 D A T A B A S E Creating a Graphical Approach Get the hardware. Images: Scanners Sound: Microphone and Sound card Video: Camera and capture card Lots of disk space. High speed processors. Add an object column to your table definition. Design the screens. Be creative. Get user input. Make the user’s job easier. Avoid using graphics just for show. Double-click Drag-and-drop Programming! 35 D A T A B A S E Oracle Forms Use List of Values (LOV) instead of select boxes. 36 D A T A B A S E Oracle Forms Designer 37 D A T A B A S E Oracle Forms: Sales Oracle provides minimal support for updateable queries, so several items are grayed out to indicate they cannot be changed here. 38 D A T A B A S E Oracle Forms: Sales Design Two new data blocks are used for the repeating sections. 39 D A T A B A S E Oracle Forms Design Hints Displaying non-updateable data from other tables is tricky. In Master/Sale set: DML Data Target Type = Table DML Data Target Name = Sale For SaleID, set PrimaryKey = Yes Add the other tables Query Data Source Type = Table Query Data Source Name (parentheses are critical!) (SELECT Sale.columns, Customer.Columns, Employee.Columns FROM Sale, Customer, Employee WHERE (Sale.CustomerID = Customer.CustomerID) AND (Sale.EmployeeID = Employee.EmployeeID)) 40 D A T A B A S E Oracle Forms Hints Add non-updateable columns by hand. Use aliases in the query to ensure all column names are unique. Then set properties: General – Name: cLastName Functional – Enabled No (optional but clearer to the user) Database – Database Item Yes Database – Column Name cLastName Database – Query Only Yes Database – Insert Allowed No Database – Update Allowed No 41 D A T A B A S E Report Design Report usage/user needs. Report layout choices. Tabular Columns/Subgroups Charts/graphs Paper sizes. Printer constraints. How often is it generated? Events that trigger report? How large is the report? Number of copies? Colors? Security controls Distribution list Unique numbering Concealed/non-printed data Secured printers Transmission limits Print queue controls Output concerns Typefaces Readability Size User disabilities OCR needs 42 D A T A B A S E Terminology Page Layout Facing pages (portrait) Landscape v. portrait Margins Gutter (binding space) Typefaces Serif (Times New Roman) Sans-serif (Arial) Ornamental Fixed width Font size common: 10 - 12 point 72 points approx. 1 inch pica (1/6 inch) (12 points) gutter margins Landscape Alignment marks for color separations. 43 D A T A B A S E Report Types: Tabular 44 D A T A B A S E Report Types: Labels 45 D A T A B A S E Report Types Column. Column with groups. 46 D A T A B A S E Report Layout Report Header Page Header Group Header1 Group Header2 ... Detail ... Group Footer2 Group Footer1 Page Footer Report Footer 47 D A T A B A S E Report Layout/Common Use Report Header Title pages that are printed one time for entire report. Page Header Title lines or page notes that are printed at the top of every page. Group Header Data for a group (e.g., Order) and headings for the detail section. Group Footer Subtotals for the group. Page Footer Printed at the bottom of every page--page totals or page numbers and notes. Report Footer Printed one time at the end of the report. Summary notes, overall totals and graphs for entire data set. Detail Innermost data. 48 D A T A B A S E Report Layout/Groups Often use groups/breaks for Customer(C#, Name, …) one-to-many relationships. Order(O#, C#, Odate, …) Use a query to join all OrderItem(O#, Item#, Qty, …) necessary tables. Can include all columns. Use query to create computed columns (e.g., Extended:Price*Quantity). Avoid creating aggregates or subtotals in the query. Each one-to-many relationship becomes a new subgroup. Report of Orders Group1: Customer H1: Customer name, address, … Group2: Order H2: Order#, Odate, Salesperson. Detail: Item#, Qty, Extended F2: Order total: Sum(Extended) F1: Customer total orders: Rpt footer: graph orders by customer 49 D A T A B A S E Report Computations Query Same row computations. Extended=Price*Quantity Report Group subtotals. Page and report totals. Mixed, e.g., commission = rate * total Scope depends on location Group footer: subtotal Page footer: page total Report footer: report total 50 D A T A B A S E Report Graphs Graphs Separate query. Detail Locate in detail or group footer section. Avoid aggregation and groups in query. Include column that links to detail query in report. Subtotals and totals Typically located in report footer or header. Compare group totals Relies on Group By and aggregation. Be sure query groups match report groups. 51 D A T A B A S E Report Graph for Group 52 D A T A B A S E Oracle Report Writer: Preview 53 D A T A B A S E Oracle Report Writer: Design 54 D A T A B A S E Oracle Reports: Data View The data view can be used to create reports with complex data structures. It is primarily used for master/detail reports. In this example, each supplier can be sent many purchase orders, which each contain many items being ordered. The report can produce group breaks on all three sections. 55 D A T A B A S E Application Features Application organization Menu Toolbar Help Transactions Improving forms Customized reports Distributing Applications File Edit Help Customer Report File Edit Help File Edit Help File Edit Help Switchboard Sales Report 56 D A T A B A S E Application Design Customer Form Order Form Bad design: Customer Order 1592 Jane Doe 333 Elm St. Customer: 1592 Jane Doe 333 Elm St. Enter data twice. Poor design: Memorize data (ID) on one form to enter on second. Better design: Automatically transfer data across forms. 57 D A T A B A S E Application Importance User interface Make users’ jobs easier. Tie input forms and reports. Automate basic tasks Tie to external data collection devices. Help system. Ensure data integrity Validate data. Perform computations. Verify totals. Control user access. Maintain related transactions. Backup and recovery. Decision Support Monitoring of events. Analysis, Graphs, Reports. Statistical analysis and optimization. Forecasts and simulation. Linking to other software. Expert Systems & Intelligence Logic and forward chaining. Analysis and decisions in code. Databases of cases, situations and solutions. 58 D A T A B A S E Application Organization Organized by user needs. Identify user. Outline tasks. Organize forms and reports. Direct users to tasks. Potential drawbacks Too many layers makes it difficult for users to find anything. Poor organization confuses users and requires additional support and training. Build forms and reports. Start with a core concept. Identify most important features. Get them correct. Add features, forms and reports. Issue application updates--number and date! Use menu stubs for incomplete and future work. Make them invisible to the user with the Visible property. Be sure they are disabled. 59 D A T A B A S E Application Structure Forms and Reports Front end Visual Basic Internet Oracle Forms Database Oracle SQL Server DB2 Access Back end Middle Tier (Optional) If x > 10,000 Then Else Business logic End If Rules 60 D A T A B A S E User Orientation Database application is a model of the organization. Applications based on user jobs. Flexibility and user control. Application organization User tasks. User control over sequence. Forms Minimize user entry. Anticipation. Reports Easy access from forms. User selection of scope and conditions or filters. 61 D A T A B A S E Initial Menu / Switchboard Starting point for users. Identify the user. From network if possible. Separate log in if needed. Customized for users. Hide restricted options. Different forms as needed. Avoid cluttered screens. Use graphics and color to enhance the presentation. Limit the number of options. 62 D A T A B A S E Switchboard Uses Acts as a directory for the application. Identifies users. Contains startup and shutdown code. Can preload forms in background. Make them invisible. Speed up later usage. Can initiate transaction and security logs. Can establish network connections. Contains copyright and usage notes. 63 D A T A B A S E Sally’s Pet Store: Poor Organization Order Merchandise Item Receive Merchandise Item What is wrong? Focus needs to be at higher level (Order, Receipt, Sale); not Item.A Sell Merchandise Item Get Customer Data You cannot go from Order to Receipt. You cannot go from Receipt to Sale. You need to get customer data before recording the sale. 64 D A T A B A S E Sally’s Pet Store: Better Organization Supplier Customer Orders Receipt Sale Inventory Items More links--usually as buttons. Separate sales from orders, except for special orders. 65 D A T A B A S E Sally’s Pet Store: Initial VTOC Sales Sale Animal Animals Sale Merchandise Customers Animal Health Animal Genealogy Suppliers Purchase Animals Purchase Merchandise Customer Receipts Supplier Payments Inventory Sales Report Accounting Cash Flow Marketing Accounts Payable Employees Accounts Receivable 66 D A T A B A S E Menus Why a custom menu? Limit user actions. Simplify user interface. Add custom actions. Menus can be activated by keystrokes. Accessibility Touch-typists and heads-down data entry. Sometimes need different menus for each form. File Help Contents Search About Rolling Thunder File Edit Help Add Customer Delete Customer Ctrl+D Modify Customer Data 67 D A T A B A S E Creating Menus View | Toolbars | Customize Drag and Drop Multilevel menu. Sublevels/hierarchy. Each level is a separate menu with its own name. Menu choices Each entry has a name. Access key: & (e.g., &File). Status Bar Text Actions Submenu. Run any code. 68 D A T A B A S E Toolbars Print Why toolbars? Single click for complex actions. Commands available across Switchboard the application / shortcuts. Position and customization by user. Toolbar components Button Text Icon/graphic (bitmap) Tool Tip Status Bar description Action ·Identify report ·Ask for single or multiple pages. ·Preview or print. Weekly Sales Analysis Build graphs Print reports Export data to spreadsheet 69 D A T A B A S E Menus and Toolbars 70 D A T A B A S E Creating Toolbars View | Toolbars | New Customizing Add new button. Select from DBMS list. Bring up query/form/report. Run code. Change icon. Modify existing icon. Replace icon. Create your own icon and paste it on the button. Place text label on button. Tool tips are vital. Status bar for description. 71 D A T A B A S E Icons 16 by 16 pixels 16 colors Bright and shaded Dither to mix colors Outline in black 72 D A T A B A S E Help On-line help replaces manuals Context sensitive: Pressing F1 key provides information on topic with current focus Hypertext links to related topics Sequential topics Descriptions Examples Definitions / Glossary Contents / overview Index / keywords Full-text search Windows 95 & Win-NT Sally’s Pet Store--Contents Copyright Notice The Firm Introduction Processes Entering Data Sales Animal Health Breeds (and other terms) 74 D A T A B A S E HTML Help Get the Microsoft HTML Help Workshop: Create each of the following Help project files Use separate directory HTML topic files Standard HTML with some additions for keywords Topic Header and Text File Graphics and multimedia Avoid monster sizes Contents files Can auto-generate from heading tags (<H1>, <H2>, …) Index files Use Help workshop to set keywords within each topic 75 D A T A B A S E HTML Help Workshop 76 D A T A B A S E HTML Project Hints Project Options Project Title Default file (first page) Can create new files with File - New Be sure to Add/Remove Topic files to project list Edit – Compiler Information to add keywords to HTML file Concentrate on creating useful help content On large projects, hire/train someone to manage help Add useful features Keep content up to date Manage/organize all the files 77 D A T A B A S E Context-Sensitive Help Set the help file name in the form properties. Set the topic number (Context Id) for each form or control. 78 D A T A B A S E Context Sensitive HTML Help Create a Topic file for pop-up topics .topic Filename1 Description .topic Filename2 Description Create a header file to link the topic names to numbers Use HTML API to set the filenames #define Filename1 10000 #define Filename2 20000 … … 79 D A T A B A S E Appendix: Oracle PL/SQL: Data Types Primary Data Types NUMBER(precision, scale) precision: Number of digits scale: Round-off point NUMBER(7,4): 123.4567 INTEGER Default: NUMBER(4) CHAR Fixed length string VARCHAR2 Variable length string LONG, LONG RAW Binary data DATE BOOLEAN Yes/No 80 D A T A B A S E Appendix: Oracle PL/SQL Structure CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE myPackage AS PROCEDURE myProcedure(oldProjectID IN NUMBER); END myPackage; CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY myPackage AS DECLARE myGlobalVar NUMBER; PROCEDURE myProcedure(oldProjectID IN NUMBER) IS DELCARE myLocalVar NUMBER; BEGIN myLocalVar := oldProjectID; IF END IF COMMIT; END myProcedure; End myPackage; 81 D A T A B A S E Appendix: PL/SQL Operators Operator ** *, / +, -, || =, !=, <, >, <=, >=, IS NULL, LIKE, BETWEEN , IN NOT, AND, OR Operation Exponentiation Multiply, Divide Add, Subtract, Concatenate Comparison Logical operators 82 D A T A B A S E Appendix: PL/SQL IF-THEN-ELSE-ELSEIF DECLARE X NUMBER(10,2); BEGIN -- retrieve the balance IF (BALANCE > 0) THEN X = BALANCE*1.10; ELSE X = 0.0; END IF; END; Watch the semicolons! Use ELSEIF for case statements. IF (ACCOUNT = ‘P’) THEN -- do personal accounts ELSEIF (ACCOUNT = ‘C’) THEN -- do corporate accounts ELSEIF (ACCOUNT = ‘S’) THEN -- do small business ELSE -- handle error END IF; 83 D A T A B A S E Appendix: PL/SQL Loops (Start statement) LOOP … WHILE (condition) LOOP EXIT; … EXIT WHEN (condition); END LOOP; … FOR (variable) IN low...high LOOP END LOOP; … END LOOP; 84 D A T A B A S E Appendix: Procedures or Subroutines PROCEDURE DropOldAccounts (CutDate DATE) IS -- local variables are defined here BEGIN -- First copy the data to a backup table INSERT INTO OldAccounts SELECT * FROM Account WHERE AccountID NOT IN (SELECT AccountID FROM Order WHERE Odate > CutDate); -- Copy additional tables… -- Delete from Account automatically cascades to others DELETE FROM Account WHERE AccountID NOT IN (SELECT AccountID FROM Order WHERE Odate > CutDate); END DropOldAccounts; 85 D A T A B A S E Appendix: SQL Cursors DECLARE CURSOR c1 IS SELECT Name, Salary, DateHired FROM Employee; varTotal Employee.Salary%TYPE; BEGIN varTotal = 0; OPEN c1; FOR recEmp in c1 LOOP varTotal := varTotal + recEmp.Salary; END LOOP; CLOSE c1; -- Now do something with the varTotal END; 86 D A T A B A S E Appendix: Error Handling PROCEDURE myProc ( ) IS DECLARE -- declare all local variables BEGIN -- SQL statements here EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN -- you can specify a particular error -- but OTHERS captures all errors -- PL/SQL code to execute if an error arises END myProc; 87 Database Management Systems End of Chapter 6 McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2005 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.