Pre-AP Chemistry Warren East High School 2014-2015 6867 Louisville Rd 270-781-1277 Mrs. Jennifer Cooper ext. 3126 General Course Information & Course Objectives The objectives of this Chemistry course are that each student will: exhibit mastery of the major principles of chemistry demonstrate laboratory skills by using various types of chemical equipment and scientific methodologies solve scientific problems by making observations and collecting data apply chemical knowledge and critical thinking to environmental and social concerns place an emphasis on problem solving & critical thinking skills Textbook and Materials Introduction to General, Organic, & Biochemistry 10th Edition by Hein Students will need the following materials in order to be successful in the course: 3-ring binder (minimum of 2” rings) Calculator (with LOG and EXP or EE buttons, roughly $10) Notebook Paper Black or blue pens and No. 2 pencils with erasers Students are recommended to get the following materials: ● Highlighters & colored pencils ● Index cards ● Tab Dividers (12) ● Agenda ● Composition book for taking ALL class notes in Instructional Methods / Student Evaluation Students will be evaluated in a variety of ways including: Completing homework will help Performance on unit exams you be successful in class. This is Quizzes Homework (including articles, study guides, reading assignments, etc.) your practice. Research papers and presentations Grading Scale: Grading scale is school policy. A B C D F \ Flipped Classroom: 90-100% 80-89% 70-79% 60-69% below 60% Assessments: 80 % Lab: 15% Assignments: 5% At times during the course, I may video record discussions/link online video tutorials and place them on the Edmodo webpage or my teacher webpage. Students must watch these videos, take notes, and either take a quiz over the video or participate in an online discussion via Edmodo. We will utilize the class time to work on problems, do labs, or project based learning activities. Classroom Edmodo: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Students should visit the website provided above and sign up for an account (upper right corner). Sign in as a student and enter the Group Code (b832nh). In the left column, you will see a parent code. Parents are encouraged to create an account. Click “Me” in the upper right corner and create a Profile. Go to Settings and provide your info. In the Settings section, click on email and text alerts. If desired, Update Type to Text Message and provide your number and carrier. Be sure that only Alerts and Direct Messages are checked. Explore Edmodo and its features. Finally, install the Mobile app on your mobile device if desired. Utilize the Blog/Wall on Edmodo to ask your peers any questions on homework, assignments, or class information. Remind 101: Remind 101 is a program that allows teachers to text reminder messages or classroom information via a third party provider. Students are not able to text the number back since it does come from a third party provider and text message rates do apply. I will utilize this technology to send out updates, reminders, and information regarding the class throughout the year. Please sign up by following the steps below: 1. send a text message to (270) 451-2443 with the message @wehs2013 Tips for Success: 1. Study nightly and complete all homework assignments by the due dates (approximately 20-30 minutes a night). Do not take this lightly. Those who do not do their homework and understand the material typically will not do well on the exams. Evernote Peek is an app that allows students to transform notes, audio files, and images into electronic flashcards. 2. Work hard in class. Start assignments in class so questions can be asked to clarify concepts. 3. Have a quiet place to study away from TV, phone, and other distractions. 4. Have at least two people in the class that you can call to get assignments and notes if you miss class. Always check the class webpage daily for notes and assignments especially when absent. 5. Take exams on time. Unless you are seriously ill, you will do better taking the exam the day that it is given. 6. Have a positive attitude. Courses can be either a stumbling block or a stepping stone. I expect you to step up and do your best work. 7. Ask questions. I will explain concepts or problems in a different way if I know that you do not understand. With that being said, please let me know when you are struggling. I will go out of my way to help you succeed if I see that you are working hard to be successful. 8. Have fun and help your fellow classmates. You will reinforce concepts by explaining them to a friend. Remember, next time it may be you that needs assistance. 9. Get help in ESS or arrange for a tutor if necessary. Do not wait until you are in serious trouble to get help. Getting bogged down in this class can happen very easily if you do not stay on top of your studies. 10. I am often available before school for working with students. Please schedule a time if you plan to meet with me outside of class time. 11. All papers will need to be placed in the appropriate basket when being turned in. It is the student’s responsibilities to make sure all papers are in the basket on time. 12. Grades in the course reflect mastery of the content. Please help students maintain focus on learning. 13. The role of the parent is essential in helping the student succeed. Please ensure that students are completing assignments in a timely manner and are studying with minimal distractions. Parents should encourage and provide support to their student. 14. Students should consider investing in a planner or utilizing the calendar on their mobile devices. It is very easy to miss due dates. However, being vigilant with a planner/calendar can prevent many issues relating to due dates. Complete Class Organizer is an app that is designed to help students stay organized by tracking schedules, assignments, and grades. 15. Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time during the year. I will get back to you as soon as I can. 16. The success of the student is a partnership between the student, parent, and teacher. It is my goal to make sure your child succeeds. Please remind your student that they must help me in this goal. Additional Course Polices Technology Policy: Cell phones and other mobile/audio devices (including tablets) should not be used at any time during class. If I see one of these devices, a warning will be issued and the device taken up (sent to the office). At times, I may ask students to use their cell phone. However, any other time the device should not be seen or heard in the class. Make up work: Labs, quizzes, and exams may be made up within 5 days for excused absences only (refer to school policy). It is up to the student to comply with the instructor’s schedule for make-up exams and labs before or after school but not during class. Alternative assignments for labs will be available on my webpage when appropriate. If you are absent the day an assignment is due, it will be accepted the day you return without penalty (it is up to you to get this assignment to me, I will not ask you for it). Make up work can be found in the make up binder. Late Work: Assignments are due on the assigned date and should be neat and legible. I will not grade work that I cannot read, and therefore will consider revised work late or assign a zero. Late work will be penalized 50% and will NOT be accepted later than 5 school days past due. Attendance/Tardies: School policy will be used for absences and tardies. Only students with excused absences will be able to make up missed work, quizzes, tests, etc. If you know in advance that you will be absent, please let me know. It is the students responsibility to check the make-up binder and class websites for makeup work and assignments. Students must be in the classroom and in their seats working on the bell ringer before the tardy bell finishes ringing or they will be reported as tardy. If a student is late, they must have a signed note to not be counted tardy. The school’s policy for tardy students will be enforced. Food & Drinks in the Classroom: Food & Drinks are NOT allowed during labs; otherwise, the privilege is tentative based on student behavior and cleanliness of the room. PRIDE: School PRIDE is expected in my classroom. I expect students to be attentive and prepared for class. Hall Passes: Each student will be given eight (8) hall passes for the entire year. Use them wisely and follow the 10-10 rule. Extra Credit: Extra credit will not be awarded to any one student! Additional points may be earned during planned activities (like pop quizzes and free responses). School Policies: I will enforce ALL school policies. Plagiarism and cheating: Cheating or dishonesty of any kind will not be tolerated. Students will receive a ZERO which cannot be dropped for any assignment or exam that, in the opinion of the instructor, was completed by dishonest means. Plagiarism is also included in this provision because it is a dishonest act of taking credit for work not done by the student. Field Trip: Attendance on any PAP Chemistry class field trips will be based on class effort & behavior and AT LEAST a C average in class. Students will NOT attend the field trip otherwise. Classroom Behavior: Students are expected to follow directions and classroom procedures. A warning will be given after the first infraction. If directions are ignored, further disciplinary actions will be taken including (but not limited to) staying after class, student written up on minor log, office referral, phone call home, etc. By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the expectations of this Pre AP Chemistry class and agree to follow the procedures set forth by the teacher and WEHS. Student signature __________________________________________ Date_________________ Parent/ Guardian signature _________________________________________ Date_________________ Parent’s email address ____________________________________________________________