Course Unit English 12 Mythology Teacher Mrs. Grace Scott Date 4/1-4/5/13 Periods 2,3,7 School Lewis Cass Jr. – Sr. High School Weekly Goal(s) When the film is concluded we will begin studying Greek and Roman mythology. Indiana State Standards 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 Topic of Lesson Lesson Objectives Bell Ringer Time/Layout Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Writing Greek and Roman Mythology Greek and Roman Mythology Greek and Roman Mythology Greek and Roman Mythology Students will begin to learn about the history of specific Greek and Roman mythology. Discuss each God and Goddess on the chart, read and explore the origins of the Gods Students will be assessed over mythology intro. Students will begin to learn about the “lovers” and love stories of Greek and Roman mythology. Distribute Edith Hamilton’s Mythology book. Everyone needs to take out books, notes and charts. Distribute God and Goddess quiz Every one needs to take out books, notes and charts. 1. Review chart, there will be a quiz tomorrow. 2. Read Chapter 1 from book and discuss origins of Greek and Roman myths. 1. Students will complete their quizzes and hand them in to Mrs. Scott 4. Pick up a copy of Edith Hamilton’s Mythology 5. Read Eight Brief Tales of Lovers 121157 1. Complete reading assignment over the Lovers, Pages 121157 2. Hand out Lover’s assignment 3. Begin research for creative project. Students will write an update on their senior project and their spring break. Hand in Hotel Rwanda/ Boy in Striped pajamas essay. 1. Log on comput ers 2. Write a short essay about spring break 3. At the end of the spring break 1. Hand out God and Goddess chart 2. divide students into small groups 3. students will work in a small group setting to fill in the God and Goddess chart. Students will learn about the “lovers” and love stories of Greek and Roman mythology. essay write an update on your senior project 4. 1 on 1 confere nce with teacher about senior project plans. Assignment/Homework N/A N/A Closure Have a great day! Have a great day! 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 2, 4, 5, 6 State Standards Prepare for presentation Have a great day! 2, 4, 5, 6 Work on Lovers Assignment Have a great day! 2, 4, 5, 6 Have a great weekend! 1, 2, 4, 5, 6