LEARNING SUBJECT: Life Science DURATION: 45 minutes GRADE: 10 TOPIC: Nerve Tissue WEEK / DATE: 15/04/2014 LESSON OUTCOMES: At the end of this lesson, learners will be able to - Define the nervous system - Draw a labelled diagram on the multipolar neuron - Explain the functions of the different parts of the neuron - Discuss the three different classifications of neurons - Discuss the three different structural types of neurons - Draw and label the three different structural types of neurons - Discuss the link between the structural neurons and classification neurons INTRODUCTION: - Ask the learners if they can define in their own words what the nervous system is - Ask learners why it is important to have nerves TEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES: - will give a formal definition of the nerves system explain the structure of a motor neuron as well as the function of each part explain the three different structural types of neurons explain the three different functional types of neurons explain di reflex arc by means of a flow diagram ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES: RECOURSES: - Ask questions to test learner understanding. - Textbook. - White board - Data projector - PowerPoint presentation - workbooks - Learners must draw and label the motor neurons as well as draw the three different structural types of neurons TEACHER REFLECTION: 1. Did my activities allow the learners to actually demonstrate achievements of the SA’s? Yes 2. What would I change in future? I would want more contribution from the learners’ side. 3. To what extent where everybody actually engaged in the lesson? I continuously ask questions, each time giving different learners a chance to answer. 4. How can I build on from what has been learnt in this lesson? This is the last lesson on the section of reproduction in humans. 5. Did my lesson follow on logically from the previous lesson? Yes, as the previous lesson was on the reproductive organs of humans.