. - Protection of Food Products PROFF. PAOLA BATTILANI-ELISABETTA CHIAPPINI Section Plant Pathology PROF. PAOLA BATTILANI COURSE AIMS The course aims to: 1) describe the main characteristics of fungi, necessary for a proper understanding of crop and products pathology, protection strategies and targets; 2) define the relevance of ecological conditions for fungal growth and tools for their survey and quantification; 3) explain how fungi can affect the aspect, aroma-flavour and hygienic characteristics of plants and their products; 4) give knowledge requested to understand crop and products protection strategies; 5) show main diseases of relevant crops. COURSE CONTENT Main characteristics of phytopathogenic fungi. Overview of phytopathogenic bacteria and virus. Infection cycle and epidemiology of fungi. Role of ecological parameters on pre- and post-harvest development of fungi. Effects of fungi on the aspect, aroma-flavour and hygienic characteristics of plants and their products. Analytical methods for the quantification and identification of fungi in food products and processing environments. Strategies for controlling fungi. Methods of pathogen control post-harvest. Main diseases of pome and stone fruits and horticultural products. TUTORIALS Methods for the diagnosis and quantification of fungi, bacteria and viruses. Examples of the use of the morphological characteristics of fungi for their identification. CFU 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 READING LIST V. DE CICCO-P. BERTOLINI-M.G. SALERNO, Patologia postraccolta dei prodotti vegetali, Piccin, 2009. G. BELLI, Elementi di Patologia Vegetale, Piccin, 2007. R.A. SAMSON-A. DOUGLAS KING, Modern methods in food mycology, Elsevier, 1990. J.I. PITT-A.D. HOCKING, Fungi and Food spoilage, Academic Press, 1985. R. WILLS-B. MCGLASSON-D. GRAHAM-D. JOYCE, Postharvest, an introduction to the physiology and handling of fruits, vegetables and ornamentals, UNSW Press, 1998. TEACHING METHOD Lectures, laboratory work. ASSESSMENT METHOD Oral examinations. Professor Paola Battilani will receive students at the end of lessons or in Piacenza, Institute of Entomology and Plant Pathology. Animal Parasites Module PROF. ELISABETTA CHIAPPINI COURSE AIMS To provide a basic knowledge of the principal pests and contaminants found in food storage and processing environments, and the methods of defence against them. COURSE CONTENT Arthropods: Mites and Insects. Morphology and anatomy: integumentary system, digestive system and excretory system, nervous, secretory, circulatory and respiratory systems, reproductive systems and reproduction. Post-embryonic development (heterometabolism – paurometabolism and hemimetabolism - and holometabolism). Biological and ethological characteristics: communication and social behaviour. Mites. Insects Systematics: recognition of orders of interest for food products and human environments. CFU 1.0 1.0 1.0 Morphological and biological characteristics of the principal species of heterometabolous and apterygotes and pterygotes (Blattodea) and of the principal species of holometabolous pterygotes: Lepidoptera, Coleoptera and Diptera. Morphological and biological characteristics of the principal species of holometabolous pterygotes: Hymenoptera. Vertebrates: Birds (pigeons, sparrows and starlings): species, morphology, biology and harmfulness. Rodents: species, morphology, biology and harmfulness. types of damage and risks to health; prevention, inspection of environments and monitoring of pests; protection strategies. Entomological analysis of foodstuffs. Methods and means of pest control. Problems connected with the use of synthetic products. TUTORIALS. 1.0 1.0 Observation of morphological structures and of the principal species for the purpose of identification. READING LIST L. SUSS-D.P. LOCATELLI, I parassiti delle derrate, Calderini Edagricole, 2001. E. TREMBLAY, Entomologia applicata, vol. I, Liguori Editore, Napoli, 1990. Recommended reading E. CHIAPPINI-G. LIOTTA-M.C. REGUZZI-A. BATTISTI, Insetti e restauro. Legno, carta, tessuti, pellame e altro materiale, Calderini Edagricole, Bologna, 2001. G. DOMENICHINI, Protezione degli alimenti. Contaminazione biologica e sanità ambientale nell’industria alimentare, Etaslibri, Milano, 1996. G. DOMENICHINI, Gli artropodi infestanti le derrate, CNR-IPRA, 1984. TEACHING METHOD Lectures, guided practical tutorials, laboratory work. ASSESSMENT METHOD Written test on Blackboard platform, and oral examination. Students should register on the course Blackboard platform, and check it regularly for news or updates. Prof. Elisabetta Chiappini is available to meet with students after class at the Cremona campus and, by appointment, at the Institute of Entomology and Plant Pathology.