Professor Giovanni Di Falco

Management of Commercial Firms
To study distribution systems, and issues related to the quality-systems
applications and security for products in the food chain. To tackle quality-related
issues regarding selling points and the selection of suppliers, looking at the trend
toward demand for certification within modern distribution systems. To clarify the
role of the distributor in food-product distribution, both for the commercial impact
and for the direction of trends in quality. To supply the elements for understanding
the trend of national and EU legislation about food products, and the greatest
impact thereof on food retailing. To define product- and system-certification
mechanisms in national and international retailing channels, presenting the
principal market-driven standards (i.e. IFS, BRC, SQF and Eurepgap) and
applicable norms (ISO 9000 and ISO 22000).
The concept of quality in modern distribution systems.
The distribution system concept.
Commercial formats in the GDO and DO.
The quality of the products available for sale: assortment – display – lay-out.
Organisational systems for selling, and their impact on quality.
Trend of legislation in EU and impact on GDO.
Operational indicators of quality in distribution systems.
Systems for the security in the sale of food products.
Application of the HACCP system in the selling environment.
The procedures for withdrawing and reclaiming products.
Logistics in commercial systems and the impact of logistics on the quality of
fresh produce.
A look at the sector for fresh produce and production labs in distribution
A look at the sector for non-perishable products.
Management and qualification of suppliers.
Central services.
Development and quality of private labelling.
Certification of systems for the security of food products, starting from Codex
Overview of accreditation and certification.
The market-driven standards: BRC – IFS – EFSIS – Dutch HACCP – Eurepgap
and system GFSI.
ISO 22000.
The quality of the service in distribution systems.
Types of certification in distribution systems: service at the sale point,
controlled chain of service.
Traceability of products: legal and commercial impact.
The UNI 10939 and ISO 22005 standards.
The products of a controlled chain.
Managing complaints.
ANNUARIO AGRA, Distribuzione Alimentare in Italia, AGRA, 2002.
BRITISH RETAIL CONSORTIUM, Technical Standard for companies supplying retailer branded food
products, BRC, 1998.
CCFRA, HACCP a practical guide, CCFRA Technical Manual n. 38, 1997.
G. DI FALCO, La certificazione di un sistema distributivo, Qualità anno XXXI n. 10 November 2001,
Ed. Mortarino.
FAO-WHO, Expert Consultation on the Application of Risk Communication to Food Standards and
Safety Matters, Rome, 2 – 6 February 1998.
U. LAGO, Grande Distribuzione e Piccola e Media Impresa, Egea, 2002.
MULTON, La qualità dei prodotti alimentari, Tecniche Nuove, 1987.
Norma UNI 10939: Sistema di rintracciabilità nelle filiere agroalimentari, UNI, 2001.
SQF 2000CM Code. HACCP Quality Code. SQF Institute S. A., 1995.
Technical Standard and Protocol for Companies Manufacturing and Supplying Food Packaging
Materials for Retailer Branded Products. BRC British Retail Consortium, 2001.
Technical Global Standard and Protocol for Companies Supplying Retailer Branded Food
Products. BRC British Retail Consortium, ISSUE 4, 2005.
International Food Standard (IFS ), HDE / FCD Issue 4, 2004.
EUREPGAP STARNDARD, Fruit and Vegetables Vers. 2, 2004.
EUREPGAP STANDARD, Integrated Farm Assurance Vers. 1.1, 2004.
FDA Report on the Occurence of Foodborne Illness Risk Factors Seleceted Institutinal Food
Service, Restaurants and Retail Stores facility types, 2004.
Manuale di Corretta Prassi Operativa ai sensi del Regolamento CE 852/2004 per le aziende della
GDO, Bozza 2005.
Applicazione del Regolamento n. 178/2002 – Proposte Interpretative per le Aziende della
Distribuzione Moderna, July 2004.
Guide de Bonnes Pratiques d’Hygiene Rayon Marèe en GMS, FCD, 2001.
Guide de Bonnes Pratiques d’Hygiene Rayon Viandes en GMS, FCD, 2001.
Guide de Bonnes Pratiques d’Hygiene Rayon Fromage à la coupe en GMS, FCD, 2001.
Guide de Bonnes Pratiques d’Hygiene Rayon Patisserie - Viennoiserie en GMS, FCD, 2001.
Lectures. Practical exercises under the professor's guidance.
Students can meet with Professor Di Falco any morning on which classes are held, at the
professors hall (Cremona).
Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage, or on the Faculty notice board.