Accounting Standard - 17 Segment Reporting Presented by Nitin Goyal Objective of AS - 17 To establish principles for reporting financial information: • About different types of products and services an enterprise produces, and • The different geographical areas in which it operates. Concept & Relevance of Segment Reporting • Diversified companies produces different products / group of products & services, similarly there are enterprises which operates in different geographical areas • These different products / group of products and different geographical areas are subject to different : • • • • Rate of returns Growth opportunities Future prospects Risks • This information is useful in assessment of risk and returns of a diversified / multi-locational enterprise. Segment Information help user • Better understanding of performance (i.e. profitability of the enterprise) • Better assessment of risk and returns of a diversified / multi-location enterprise • Make more informed judgment about the enterprise as a whole. Applicability Enterprise whose : • Equity or Debt are list on a recognized stock exchange in India • are in the process of issuing equity or debt securities that will be listed on a recognized stock exchange in India. • turnover for the accounting period exceeds Rs. 50 Crores. Requirement of AS - 17 Identify business segment or geographical segment Decide primary & secondary reporting format Identify Reportable Segment based on “10% thresholds” criteria Report segment information for reportable segment as per AS-17 If segment or part thereof satisfies the definition of discontinuing operation under AS 24, then AS-24 to be complied with Business Segment is based on products & services it provides Individual or group of related Product or Service Distinguishable Component (AS-24) • Separate line business • Distinguishable component operationally financially of and • Nature of product or services • Nature of production process • Type of customers • Methods of distribution • Nature of regulatory environment Risk and returns are different • Return refers to the profitability of a product or service • Risk is the variability of return due to any factor. Case Study Q1 Q2 • A company manufactures two products – viz. cloth and ready-made garments. Are the products different business segments or part of the same business segment? • A newspaper publishing company is publishing an English News paper & Hindi News paper. Are these products different business segment or part of same business segment? Answers A1 • In the above 2 products, the production process and type or class of customers are different, however, method of distribution and regulatory environment are same. In this case, greater weightage may be assigned to production processes and type or class of customers and accordingly should be treated as separate segment. A2 • In this case products are similar as to the nature of product, production process, method of distribution and regulatory environment. However, the customer differ. In this case one may assign greater weightage to the nature of product, production process, methods of distribution and regulatory environment. Accordingly, both the news papers – English & Hindi will be part of same business segment. Geographical Segment is the area or location in which the products and services are manufactured or marketed Distinguishable Component (AS-24) Engaged in providing product or services within a particular economic environment Risk and Return differ from those components operating in other economic environments • Separate area of operation • Distinguishable component operationally and financially • A single geographical segment should not include operations in economic environments with significantly differing risks and returns. • Return refers to the profitability of a product or service • Risk is the variability of return due to any factor. Identification of Geographical Segment a. Similarity of economic and political conditions b. Relationship between operations in different geographical areas c. Proximity of Operations d. Special risks involved in operations in particular area e. Exchange control regulations f. Currency risks Case Study Q1 • A Ltd. Which is incorporated in India and has businesses in all the Indian States treats Jammu & Kashmir as a separate geographical segment because of risks involved due to terrorism and the rest of India as a separate segment. Is this OK? Answer A1 • Since the company operates in India and hence factors e & f listed before are not relevant. Factor d deals with special risk involved in operations in a particular area and hence company may have treated J&K as a separate segment in view of terrorism risk. If other regions of India are similar with regards to factors a, b & c, it is appropriate to treat them as one segment. The segmentation of the company is appropriate in accordance with factors given above. Identification of Business and Geographical Segments for external reporting purposes: Sr. No. System of internal financial Reporting prevailing in the enterprise How segments for external reporting purpose should be identified. 1 Internal organization and management structure of an enterprise and system of internal financial reporting to the Board of Director / CEO are based on individual products or services or based on geographical areas or both. In this case, the business and geographical segment for external reporting purpose should be those organizational units for which information is reported to the Board of Directors / CEO for evaluating the units performance and for making divisions about future allocation of resources. 2 If internal organization and management structure and system of internal financial reporting are based on neither individual products or services nor on geographical areas. The directors and management of the enterprise should determine its business and geographical segments for external reporting purposes based on the factors given above rather than on the basis of the enterprise’s system of internal financial reporting. Identifying the Primary & Secondary Reporting format Sr. No. Situation Business Segment Geographical Segment 1 Risk and returns of the enterprise are predominantly affected by differences in the products or services that is produces. Primary Reporting Format Secondary Reporting Format 2 Risk and returns of the enterprise are predominantly affected by its operations in different countries or other geographical areas. Secondary Reporting Format 3 Risk and returns are strongly affected by both as evidenced by a matrix approach to managing the company and reporting internally to BOD & CEO Primary Reporting Format Secondary Reporting Format, alternatively matrix presentation with full segment disclosures may be adopted. Primary Reporting Format Important Definitions Enterprise Revenue Segment Revenue Segment Expense Segment Result • Enterprise revenue is revenue from sale to external customers as reported in the statement of profit and loss. • Segment revenue = portion of enterprise revenue that is directly attributable to a segment + relevant portion of enterprise revenue that can be allocated on a reasonable basis + revenue from intersegment. It does not include extraordinary items, interest or dividend income and gains on sales of investment or on extinguishment of debt. • It is exactly opposite of segment revenue and it further does not include income tax expense and general administrative expense, head office expense, and other expense that arise at the enterprise level and are related to enterprise as a whole. • Segment Result = Segment Revenue – Segment Expense Important Definitions Continued Segment Assets Segment Liabilities • Segment assets are those operating assets that are employed by a segment in its operating activities and are directly attributable to the segment or can be allocated on a reasonable basis. • Interest or dividend, income tax assets, head office assets, depreciation or amortization, goodwill, revalued assets. • Segment liabilities are operating liabilities that result from the operating activities of a segment and are either directly attributable to the segment or can be allocated on a reasonable basis. • Are the accounting policies adopted for preparing and presenting the financial statements of the enterprise. • Those accounting policies that relate specifically to segment reporting, e.g. identification of segments, Segment A/c method of pricing inter-segment transfers, and basis for allocating revenues and expenses to segment. Policy Identification of Reportable Segments Reportable segment are those which satisfy any of 10% criteria discussed below. Those business segment or geographical segment designated by the management as reportable segments at their discretion. Additional segment identified as reportable segment even if they do not meet 10% criteria, If the reportable segment constitute less than 75% of the total enterprise revenue If the segment was identified as reportable segment in the proceeding period because it satisfied the 10% criteria. 10% criteria / 10% thresholds • If the following works out to 10 or more, it is a reportable segment: • 10% revenue criteria: Revenue of segment from sale to external customer + inter segment sales *100 / Total Revenue of all segments ( incl. inter seg.) • 10% of combined segments results criteria: Segment profit / loss * 100 / Combined profit of all segments in profits or combined loss of all segment in loss whichever is greater in absolute amount. • 10% of total segment assets criteria: Segment assets * 100 / Total segment assets of all segments. Primary Reporting Format Disclosure Remarks Segment Revenue Classified into external revenue and inter-segment revenue. Segment Result If an enterprise can compute segment net profit / loss or some other measure of segment profitability other than segment result, without arbitrary allocations, reporting of such amounts in addition segment result is encouraged. Segment Assets Total carrying amount of segment assets Segment Liabilities Total amount of segment liabilities Addition to Fixed Assets Total cost incurred during the period to acquire segment assets that are in the nature of tangible or intangible fixed assets Depreciation and amortization and Non-cash expenditure Total amount of deprecation / amortization and non cash expenditure included in the expenses. This information need not be disclosed if enterprise provides segment cash flow. Reconciliations Reconciliation of Segment revenue with enterprise revenue Reconciliation of Segment result should be done with enterprise net profit/loss. Reconciliation of Segment assets with enterprise assets Reconciliation of Segment liabilities with enterprise liabilities Other Disclosures • Basis of Transfer Pricing : In measuring and reporting segment revenue, intersegment transfers should be measured on the basis that the enterprise actually used to price those transfers. The basis of pricing inter-segment transfers and any change therein should be disclosed in the financial statements. • Changes in Segment Accounting policies • Composition of each reported business / geographical segment Secondary Reporting format If primary Segment is Business Segment Then Secondary Segment will be Conditions and reporting by Secondary Segment Geographical Segment – customer Segment revenue from customer is to be reported for those segment whose external revenue is 10% or more of enterprise revenue. Geographical segment – assets Carrying amount of segment assets whose segment assets are 10% or more of total assets of all geographical segments. Addition of fixed assets should also be reported. Geographical Segment Business Segment - customer or assets Segment revenue from external Customer > 10% of enterprise revenue, Segment assets > 10% of total segment assets of all business segments. Segment revenue from external customers, carrying amount of assets and addition to fixed assets to be reported. Geographical Segment Geographical – location segment – assets Carrying amount of segment assets whose segment assets are 10% or more of total assets of all geographical segments. Addition of fixed assets should also be reported. Geographical Segment Geographical - assets Segment – customer Segment revenue from customer is to be reported for those segment whose external revenue is 10% or more of enterprise revenue. Illustration for identification of Segment Particulars A B C D E F G H Total Segment Revenue External Revenue 0 255 15 10 15 50 20 35 400 100 60 30 5 0 0 5 0 200 Segment Assets 15 47 5 11 3 5 5 9 100 Segment Results 5 -90 15 -5 8 -5 5 7 -60 Total Revenue 100 315 45 15 15 50 20 35 600 % of Above 16.7 52.5 7.5 2.5 2.5 8.3 4.2 5.8 % of Segment Assets 15 47 5 11 3 5 5 9 Combined result of all Profitable Segments 5 5 7 Inter-Segment Revenue Solution: Combined Result of all Segments in Loss % of Segment Result 15 -90 5 90 8 -5 15 5 -5 8 5 40 -100 5 7 Illustration for Disclosure Particulars Food Plastic & Products Packaging Health & Scientific Others Total Sales 5000 620 345 182 6147 Expenses 3585 400 222 200 4407 General Corporate Expenses 548 Income from Investment 126 Interest Expenses Assets 63 7548 2000 700 682 General Corporate Assets Intersegment sales included above 832 60 84 18 5 Operating profit on Intersegment sales Liabilities 10930 33 6000 1800 500 400 Unallocated Corporate Liabilities 8700 500 Capital Expenditure 100 50 25 25 200 Depreciation 754 200 70 68 1092 Non Cash Expenses Other than Depreciation 100 75 25 25 225 Solution to Illustration Particulars Food Products Plastic & Packaging Health & Scientific Others Total Sales 5000 620 345 182 6147 Expenses 3585 400 222 200 4407 Segment Result 1415 180 123 -18 1700 % of Revenue 81.34 10.08 5.61 2.96 Absolute amount of profit 1718 Absolute amount of loss -18 % of Segment result 82.36 10.47 7.15 1.04 % of Segment Assets 69.05 18.29 6.40 6.24 Disclosure Particulars Food Product Plastic & Packaging Others Elimination Total Revenue External Sales Intersegment sales Total Revenue 4940 536 504 5980 60 84 23 - 5000 620 527 (167) 5980 1415 180 105 (33) 1667 Results Segment Results Unallocated Corporate Expenses 548 Operating Profit 1119 Interest Expense (63) Income from Investment 126 Tax Expense - Profit from Ordinary activity Segment Assets Unallocated Assets Total Assets 1182 7548 2000 1382 10930 832 11762 Continue…. Particulars Segment Liabilities Food Product 6000 Plastic & Packaging 1800 Others Elimination Total 900 Unallocated Corporate Liabilities 8700 500 Total Liabilities 9200 Addition to Fixed Assets 100 50 50 200 Depreciation 754 200 138 1092 Non Cash Expenses Other than Depreciation 100 75 50 225 Thank You