Laboratory Record Grading Rubric: Acid

Student Name:
Determination of the Formula of an Unknown Hydrate
Section of Laboratory Report
Comments /
Pts. subtracted
Title page: includes the name of the lab, names of each group member,
dates of the lab, date of report.
Abstract: a brief (1 paragraph) summary of the purpose, general method
and steps followed in doing your experiment and a summary of the overall
results in general terms.
Purpose: a short description of the problem being investigated or the
specific question you are trying to test (usually given by the instructor)
Theory: discuss the theory of the experiment (i.e. background information
in YOUR OWN WORDS such as the definition of a hydrate, explanation of
why we heated it up, explanation of reason for heating to “constant mass,”
etc.); give references to literature when appropriate.
Setup, Materials, & Method:
a. Labeled diagram of set up (3 pts)
b. An alphabetized list of materials (2 pt)
c. A step-by-step list of the detailed procedures someone could follow to
repeat the experiment. Include safety precautions if needed. (4 pts)
Results/Data: table(s) that are clearly labeled and include all units. Show
all raw data and results. Include a description of your visual observations.
Calculations: Clearly label in words and show work for all calculations.
Format that this section so that headings and answers stand out. Equation
Editor works best for this; if you don’t use this application you still must
type your calculations.
a) Step-by-step determination of the hydration # (4 pts)
b) Formula and molar mass of this hydrate (accepted) (2 pts)
c) Calculation of % error (2 pt)
a) Restate purpose of this lab (1 pt)
b) Explain how your procedure allowed you to determine hydration
# (summarize method/procedure followed; brief, i.e. 1-3
sentences) (2 pt)
c) Restate results (hydration # & formula) (1 pt)
d) Compare results with accepted & state % error (1pt)
e) Explain at least three sources of error in this experiment and
describe how each source of error could have affected your data.
These are limitations present even though you followed
procedures correctly (not things like miscalculations) (3 pts)
f) For each source of error, provide one specific and realistic
suggestion for how you could improve these procedures to yield
better results if given the chance to repeat this lab. (3 pts)
Presentation: Entire lab report is typed. Sections are clearly labeled.
Apparent effort has been put into the report. (3 pts)
________ x 2
45 x 2
TOTAL: ______ / 90