
The Scarlet Letter
Guided Notes Chapters 21-24
Chapter 21: The New England
• Hester was “dead” to the world (203)
End of second paragraph, “It was like
a mask…with which she still seemed to
• Hester is already saying goodbye to
the town and its people in her heart
(203) Center of third paragraph,
“‘Look your last on the scarlet letter
and its wearer!…burn upon her
Chapter 21 cont.
• Pearl is restless and her high spirits
reflected Hester’s inner emotions
(excitement for journey) (204) Last
sentence of fourth paragraph, “Pearl,
who was the gem…Hester’s brow.”
• Pearl recognizes her father’s
(Dimmesdale’s) hypocrisy (205) “‘What
a strange sad man is he!...with his
hand always over his heart!’”
Chapter 21 cont.
• Hawthorne includes a long passage
about how Puritan New England is
different from England (206-208) Par.
starts with “But we perhaps exaggerate,”
highlight from second line, “The persons
now in the market-place of
Boston…world has ever witnessed.” (206)
+ Par. starts with “It may not be too
much,” highlight last lines, “Their
immediate posterity…the forgotten art of
gayety.” (208)
Chapter 21 cont.
• Chillingworth invites himself on their
voyage! Read passage on page 210
starting with “‘So, mistress…’”
• Chillingworth gives Hester a creepy
smile (210-211) “Nothing further passed
between the mariner and
Hester…conveyed secret and fearful
Chapter 22: The Procession
• There is a procession, first of soldiers,
then statesmen (incl. governor), then
church officials (incl. Dim.)(211-213)
• Dim. shows a lot of energy as he walks
in the procession, and everyone
notices it (213) “It was the observation
of those who beheld him now…his
strength seemed not of the body.”
Chapter 22 cont.
• Hester feels uneasy while observing
Dim. because he seems like someone
she doesn’t know (214) “Hester Prynne,
gazing steadfastly…beyond her
reach.” + “Her spirit sank with the idea
that all…and found him not.”
• Pearl remarks upon how strange Dim.
looks (215) “‘I could not be sure that it
was he…bid me be gone?’”
Chapter 22 cont.
• Mistress Hibbins (the witch) confronts
Hester claiming the devil has a way of
exposing people who try to hide their sin
(i.e. Dimmesdale) (217) Par. starts with
“‘Fie, woman, fie!’” Highlight from “‘When
the Black Man sees one of his own…Ha,
Hester Prynne!’”
• Mistress Hibbins tells Pearl she is the devil’s
daughter (217) “‘No matter,
darling!...hand over his heart!’”
Chapter 22 cont.
• Dim.’s sermon is filled with emotion
(218) Last sentences of par. that starts
with, “This vocal organ was…”
Highlight “The complaint of a human
heart…his most appropriate power.”
• Hester feels a connection with the spot
where the scaffold is (218) End of
following par. “There was a sense
within her…that gave it unity.”
The Power of Dimmesdale’s Sermon
“…it rose through progressive gradations of sweetness and
power, until its volume seemed to envelop her with an
atmosphere of awe and solemn grandeur” (218).
Chapter 22 cont.
• Hester is devastated by the way
Chillingworth ruined her happy ending
(220) “Pursuing a zigzag course…right in
the midst of their path.”
• The townspeople gather around Hester to
stare at her scarlet letter again; same
women as before make it burn again as
much as it did that first day (221) Final
lines of second to last par. “Hester saw
and recognized those self-same
faces…the first day she put it on.”
Chapter 23: The Revelation
• Dim.’s final sermon, since it is on the verge
of his death, is like the voice of an angel
(222) End of second par. “Yes; their
minister whom they so loved…shower of
golden truths upon them.”
• Dim. looks weak and weary again (224)
Par. starts with, “As the ranks…” Highlight:
“The glow, which…and did not fall!”
Chapter 23 cont.
• Dim. turns toward scaffold and
reaches to Hester, but Chilli. tries to
stop them (225) “He turned towards
the scaffold…bring infamy on your
sacred profession?”
• People could not believe what was
happening and stood in shock (226)
“The crowd was in a tumult…at its
closing scene.”
Chapter 23 cont.
• Discuss Dimmesdale’s final confession
(227) “People of New England!”
• Dim. reveals his chest and falls; C. has
failed! (228) “With a convulsive
motion…Thou hast escaped me!”
• Pearl’s spell is broken and she is free to
be a part of the world (229) “Pearl
kissed his lips…anguish was all fulfilled.”
Chapter 23 cont.
• H. and Dim.’s sin will keep them from
ever being able to meet again in a
union after death :,( (229) “Hush,
Hester…an everlasting and pure
• Dim. dies (229) “That final word came
forth…the departed spirit.”
Chapter 24: Conclusion
• On his chest? Three theories: torture upon
himself, something Chilli. caused to
appear by magic and poisonous drugs,
or “the ever active tooth of remorse”
eating him from the inside-out (230)
• There were also people who refused to
admit that he was a sinner and who
claimed not to have seen the letter (231)
Chapter 24 cont.
• “Among many morals which press upon
us from the poor minister’s miserable
experience, we put only this into a
Show freely to the world, if not your worst,
yet some trait whereby the worst may be
inferred!” (231)
Chapter 24 cont.
• Chillingworth withers up and dies
because he has nothing left to live for;
leaves a big inheritance for Pearl (231232)
• Pearl becomes the richest heiress in
the New World (232)
• Hester and Pearl disappear, but Hester
returns to her cottage alone many
years later (233)
Chapter 24 cont.
• Pearl becomes a woman somewhere
and meets someone (233)
• Pearl is having a baby? Hester sews
baby clothes (234)
• Hester becomes a valued and
respected counselor for the
townspeople, especially women (234)
Chapter 24 cont.
• Hester dies and is buried next to
Dimmesdale; their headstone is a
reminder of their sin (235) “So said
Hester Prynne…” until THE END!!!!!