Chapter 27 America: The Imperialist

Questions about America’s role
in the world generated
considerable debate,
prompting the development of
a wide variety of views and
arguments between
imperialists and antiimperialists and, later,
interventionists and
isolationists. (Key Concept 7.3 I
 Analyze the factors that would lead some influential
Americans to turn their backs on our history of
isolationism and push to become a world power.
 Define Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism as they
apply to the United States in the late 19th century.
 Define Isolationism as it applies to the United States.
What is the origin of this belief?
 Analyze the factors that would lead some influential
Americans to turn their backs on our history of
isolationism and push to become a world power.
 Use Chrome Books to find ARGUMENTS of
 What domestic factors would lead to these
 What international factors would lead to these
 Analyze the factors that would lead some influential
Americans to argue for the time-honored tradition
of isolationism.
 Use Chrome Books to find ARGUMENTS of Anti-
 What domestic factors would lead to these
 What international factors would lead to these
 Reasons
 New markets – East Asia
 Safety Valve Theory – Frederick Jackson Turner
 Yellow Journalism - Jingoism
 Religious Zealots
 Social Darwinism
 European powers in Africa and China – “Spheres of
 The Influence of Sea Power Upon History – Capt.
Mahan – 3rd largest navy, pushed for canal
 Labor and Farmer Unrest (connected to closing of
 Reasons
 Reconstruction
 Industrialization
 Westward Expansion
 No power to colonize or intervene
Commercial/Business Interests
U. S. Foreign Investments: 1869-1908
Commercial/Business Interests
American Foreign Trade:
Social Darwinist Thinking
The Hierarchy
of Race
The White Man’s
Military/Strategic Interests
Alfred T. Mahan  The Influence of Sea
Power on History: 1660-1783
Henry Cabot
Lodge (Rep.
canal, thought
Cuba was “in
the way.”
President McKinley
(Rep.) – Very aware of
public opinion.
(Gov of NY,
Asst Sec of
James Blaine – Sec
of State
U. S. Missionaries in Hawaii
Imiola Church – first built in the late 1820s
U. S. View of Hawaiians
Hawaii becomes a U. S. Protectorate in 1849
by virtue of economic treaties.
Hawaiian Queen Liliuokalani
Hawaii for the
U. S. Business Interests In Hawaii
1875 – Reciprocity
1893 – American
businessmen backed an
uprising against Queen
Sanford Ballard Dole
proclaims the Republic
of Hawaii in 1894.
To The Victor Belongs the Spoils
Ceremony, 1898
“Seward’s Folly”: 1867
$7.2 million
“Seward’s Icebox”: 1867
McKinley’s Justification
for the War
1. Investment in
Sugar Plantations
2. Spanish misrule in
Cuba –
camps under Gen
3. Monroe Doctrine
Cuban Revolt and the “scorched earth” policy
2. De Lome Letter (Feb 1898)
3. The sinking of The Maine, February 15, 1898
 4. Yellow Journalism – Joseph Pulitzer’s New York
World and Wm. Randolph Hearst’s New York Journal.
 “You furnish the pictures, I’ll furnish the war.” Hearst
William Randolph
Joseph Pulitzer
Spanish Misrule in Cuba
General “Butcher” Weyler’s
“concentration” Policy
Remember the Maine
and to Hell with Spain!
Funeral for Maine
victims in Havana
De Lôme Letter
Dupuy de Lôme, Spanish
Ambassador to the U.S.
Criticized President
McKinley as weak and a
bidder for the admiration
of the crowd, besides
being a would-be politician
who tries to leave a door
open behind himself while
keeping on good terms
with the jingoes of his
Theodore Roosevelt
Assistant Secretary of the
Navy in the McKinley
Imperialist and American
Criticized President
McKinley as having the
backbone of a chocolate
Resigns his position to fight
in Cuba.
End to concentration camps
2. Armistice with Rebels in Cuba
(sent March 27, 1898)
McKinley’s Dilemma:
Did not want a war, but American people did.
Wanted Spain out of Cuba, but Cuba could not
be independent either.
General “Butcher” Weyler
Political atrocities
2. Protection of US Citizens and Property
3. Protect trade ($100 million annually)
4. End the constant menace
 Once Cubans were free of Spanish rule, we would
give them their freedom (granted, 1901)
Henry M. Teller, Secretary of Interior
and Senator from Colorado.
 Ill-equipped
troops with poor
General William
R. Shafter.
 113 day war –
400 died in
battle, 2000 died
of disease.
 Calvary unit of volunteers, criminals led by
Colonel Leonard Wood, organized by T. Roosevelt
 July 1, 1898 – Battle at San Juan Hill (Kettle Hill)
bloodiest battle – made TR a war hero!
There were NO horses, had to be
left in Florida: No room on the boat!
The Spanish-American War (1898):
“That Splendid Little War”
How prepared was the US for war?
 February 25, 1898
Roosevelt (Asst.
Naval Secretary)
sent orders to
Commodore Dewey,
stationed in Hong
Kong, to go to Manila
Bay in the
Philippines. Arrived
May 1, but could not
invade until August.
Manila fell August
13, 1898 (Day AFTER
armistice signed).
The Spanish-American War (1898):
“That Splendid Little War”
Dewey Captures Manila!
Emilio Aguinaldo
of the Filipino
July 4, 1946:
Philippine independence
Is He To Be a Despot?
 August 12, 1898 armistice is signed
 August 13, 1898 Manila captured
 December 10, 1898 Treaty of Paris is signed
 February 6, 1899 Treaty is ratified
1. Cuba gains freedom
2. America gets Guam
3. Spain gives Puerto Rico to US to pay war debts
4. US paid $20 million to Spain for Philippines
 Choices:
1. Let Philippines rule themselves. (Anarchy or take
over by Germany/Japan)
2. Acquire all of the Philippines and give them
freedom later.*
Unique problem – a large territory with 7 million
people who are Asian.
 Expansion and annexation
is Un-American. Goes
against the Declaration and
 Wm. James, Mark Twain,
Samuel Gompers, Andrew
Carnegie, Wm. Jennings
 Argument – costly with no
profits in sight, creates
despotism, push US into
Eastern politics, deprives
people of “life, liberty, and
pursuit of happiness.”
 Shows patriotism, civilize the savages, make profits
in new markets.
 McKinley and Roosevelt
William H. Taft, 1st
Gov.-General of the Philippines
Great administrator.
Our “Sphere of Influence”
 Effects of the War
 Positives – increased prestige, patriotism increased,
healed wounds from Civil War, increased emphasis
on military.
 Negatives – A Far East Power leads to conflicts with
Japan, US unwilling to spend necessary money,
unusual relationship with Puerto Rico.
Cuban Independence?
Teller Amendment (1898)
Platt Amendment (1903)
Orville Platt
1. Cuba was not to enter into any agreements with foreign
powers that would endanger its independence.
2. The U.S. could intervene in Cuban affairs if necessary
to maintain an efficient, independent govt.
3. Cuba must lease Guantanamo Bay to the U.S. for naval
and coaling station.
4. Cuba must not build up an excessive public debt.
Puerto Rico: 1898
1900 - Foraker Act.
 PR became an “unincorporated territory.”
 Citizens of PR, not of the US.
 Import duties on PR goods
1901-1903  the Insular Cases.
 Constitutional rights were not automatically extended to
territorial possessions.
 Congress had the power to decide these rights.
 Import duties laid down by the Foraker Act were legal!
Puerto Rico: 1898
1917 – Jones Act.
 Gave full territorial status to PR.
 Removed tariff duties on PR goods coming into the US.
 PRs elected their
own legislators &
governor to enforce
local laws.
 PRs could NOT vote
in US presidential
 A resident commissioner
was sent to Washington to
vote for PR in the House.
The Imperialist Tailor