Insert acceptable correlative conjunctions into the

An interjection expresses strong emotions or feelings. Often found at the beginning of a sentence, an interjection is usually
followed by either an exclamation mark (for strong emotions) or a comma (for mild emotions). An interjection can also be
used to protest or command. Though interjections can stand alone, they are often contained within larger groups of words.
Wow! That was a close call. (strong emotion)
Oh, you are correct. (mild emotion)
Note: Good writers choose their interjections wisely for they know that too many interjections can decrease the writing's
power and total effect.
Directions for the interjection worksheet: In the following sentences, circle the interjection.
Hi, I'm glad that you could make it to my party.
Wow! You look great tonight.
That was the best performance that I have ever seen, bravo!
I can’t believe you broke my favorite toy, bah.
Hmm, I wonder where I put my keys and wallet?
Miners used to shout, eureka, when they struck gold.
“Shoo!” shouted the woman when she saw the cat licking milk from her cereal bowl.
I guess that’s the end of the movie, darn.
Stop! You should always wear a helmet when riding a bike.
Yippee, I made this picture all by myself.
Directions: In the following sentences, write an appropriate interjection in the space provided.
______________, why didn't you hold the door for me?
______________, I’m so happy that you decided to visit this summer.
______________, it’s not every day that you see a dog riding a skateboard.
______________! How can you possibly agree with that point of view?
He just cost us the game with that error, ______________!
______________! You just gave me a great idea.
______________, that’s a very large dog at the end of that leash.
I can’t believe that I finally got an A on a project, ____________!
______________, my favorite author is doing a reading at the local library.
This is my first new car,_______________.
Conjunctions are connecting words. They join words, phrases, and sentences in
writing and speech. Conjunctions come in three forms: coordinating, correlative,
and subordinating. Coordinating and correlative conjunctions connect similar
elements: nouns with nouns, phrases with phrases, sentences with sentences. \
Coordinating Conjunctions
The acronym FANBOYS will help you remember the seven, and only seven, coordinating
conjunctions: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so.
Correlative Conjunctions
Correlative conjunctions come in pairs and are used as such. They connect sentence elements of similar structure and
importance. There are five common pairs of correlative conjunctions.
Coordinating Conjunction
In each of the following sentences, CIRCLE the coordinating conjunction and UNDERLINE
the word or group of words it is connecting.
The litter of puppies was calm yet noisy when I peered into the crate.
You or I should make sure the smoke alarm batteries are changed.
We took the local roads to the city for we knew the expressway would have traffic.
The dancer moved with great fluidity yet without passion.
Ken and Rona arrived early so they could get good seats for the symphony.
Rhonda wanted to go back to finish her degree in nursing, so she freed up three
evenings a week for her classes.
7. Last week's weather was rainy, but the forecast is calling for sunny skies this week.
8. He shivered, for the pool water was cold.
9. For lunch you need a sandwich or salad, not just junk food.
10. The hikers were tired but eager to move on.
Correlative Conjunctions
Insert acceptable correlative conjunctions into the following sentences.
11. She has _____ six _____ seven years of service with us.
12. _____ Stanley _____ Josh play drums.
13. _____ you decide on the red _____ choose the blue makes no difference to me.
14. Caroline_____ forgot where Matt lives,_____ lost his cell phone number.
15. _____ Holly will have to try harder _____ she will have to move down to a different
16. This lemon chiffon pie is _____ creamy_____ low-calorie.
17. _____ you call the hall to make the arrangements _____ you risk losing your $100
18. It is unclear _____ the cable bill will come on time _____ I will have to go to the office
to pay it.
19. The fee includes _____ drinks _____ gratuity at this establishment.
20. At the birthday party, Kim served _____barbecued ribs _____ steak.