Lesson Plan for KTIP Cycle 3 Videotaped Lesson

Your committee members will review and evaluate your performance on this task using Standard 1: The teacher demonstrates applied content
knowledge and Standard 2: The teacher designs and plans instruction.
Component I: Classroom Teaching
Task A-2: Lesson Plan
Intern Name: Andrew Petrey
# of Students: 18
Age/Grade Level: 10th
Cycle: 3
Content Area: English/Language Arts
Unit Title: Parts of Speech
Lesson Title: Conjunctions and Interjections
Lesson Alignment to Unit
Respond to the following items:
a) Identify essential questions and/or unit objective(s) addressed by this lesson.
The objective of this lesson is for students to identify and properly use conjunctions and interjections in order to complete various exercises with at least 90%
accuracy. This will be measured by their scores on two worksheets on conjunctions and interjections.
b) Connect the objectives to the state curriculum documents, i.e., Program of Studies, Kentucky Core Content, and/or Kentucky Core Academic Standards.
CC.9-10.L.1 Conventions of Standard English: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
KY.9-12.W.WC.EU.3 Students will understand that standard grammar and usage are important in making meaning clear to the reader; non-standard and/or
unconventional grammar, mechanics and usage may be used for intended effect.
KY.9-10.W.WC.SC.3 Students will apply correct grammar skills (e.g., complete sentences, various sentence structures, subject/verb agreement,
pronoun/antecedent agreement); mechanics (e.g., use of commas, semicolons); and usage (e.g., farther/further, fewer/less, amount/number)
c) Describe students’ prior knowledge or focus of the previous learning.
Students' prior knowledge includes previous lessons over the other parts of speech including: nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions.
The focus of all the previous lessons was to give students the ability to correctly use and identify each part of speech in a variety of texts and multiple styles of
d) Describe summative assessment(s) for this particular unit and how lessons in this unit contribute to the summative assessment.
The summative assessments for this unit include worksheets over individual parts of speech and a final comprehensive exam over the parts of speech where
students will identify the parts of speech in a number of sentences and generate sentences that properly use the parts of speech. This lesson will lead to students
having the ability to properly identify and use multiple types of conjunctions and correctly use and punctuate interjections.
Describe the characteristics of your students identified in section a of Task A-1Critical Student Characteristics, who will require differentiated
instruction to meet their diverse needs impacting instructional planning in this lesson of the unit.
The group of students involved in this class are typically high achievers. There are a few ethnicities represented in this group as there are two Indian students,
one Asian student and one student originally from the Carribbean. In spite of these cultural and ethnic diversities, they have all been raised in America as
typical American teenagers and their knowledge and skills reflect that fact. The content of this unit and the lessons therein relates to English language grammar
skills and is being conveyed to the students as if they had never identified the parts of speech before so no base assumptions have been made.
Pre-Assessment: Describe your analysis of pre-assessment data used in developing lesson objectives/learning targets (Describe how you will trigger prior
Scores from previous assignments act as the pre-assessment. Student performance has been high and as we have developed an understanding of the parts of
speech we continuously review areas from previous lessons. Prior knowledge will be triggered during discussions and exercises that are done throughout the
class where students have to differentiate word usage in a variety of contexts.
Lesson Objectives/
Learning Targets
Students will complete the Conjunctions
and Interjections worksheets with at least
90% accuracy
Instructional Strategy/Activity
Assessment description:
Worksheets over conjunctions and interjections
designed to help students identify and properly use
conjunctions and interjections.
Students will take part in completing a number of practice
exercises from the textbook and will transpose their
answers onto the SMARTBoard so they can be discussed as
a class. Students will then be given the worksheet and
complete it before the end of the class period. Some
sections of the worksheet will be shared with the class to
aid in comprehension and address any misconceptions the
students may have.
Assessment Accommodations:
. Students will be given time in class to complete
the assignment.
Activity Adaptations:
Extended time if students are struggling.
Students will be able to properly use a new
vocabulary term in an original sentence.
Assessment description:
Written worksheet over the reading section
including connections to the work of Aristotle and
literary techniques of personification.
Assessment Accommodations:
Verbal confirmation as well as group discussion
on usage
Grammar textbooks, SMARTBoard, Grammar worksheets
Bellwork. Students copy down new vocabulary words and
develop sentences of their own utilizing the new vocabulary
words. They are told that every ten words, they will be
quizzed over these words and small amounts of time are
devoted in each class period to going over the example
sentences of the students to ensure proper usage and clear
up any misconceptions about the terms.
Activity Adaptations:
Students will be given extra time if they are struggling with
developing an example sentence.
Word of the Day Archives on Dictionary.com and SAT
Word of the Day website
Procedures: Describe the sequence of strategies and activities you will use to engage students and accomplish your objectives. Within this sequence, describe
how the differentiated strategies will meet individual student needs and diverse learners in your plan. (Use this section to outline the who, what, when, and
where of the instructional strategies and activities.)
Beginning Review: Begin with Word of the Day. Address the issue that due to the recent field trip the Word of the Day quiz will be lengthened to 15 words so
that students who missed previous classes will have time to acquire the new terms and study them. Review the definition of conjunctions for those who have
not been in class and to refresh the memories of the other students in the class.
Preview: (Anticipatory Set): Briefly revisit the function of conjunctions for the students who missed the previous lesson and do a short exercise to give all
students some practice. .
Development of Lesson:
1) Activities:
See opening review
Have students complete Exercise 15: Identifying Coordinating and Correlative Conjunctions in the grammar textbooks on their own. (Five minutes)
Once the students have completed the assignment, or are close to being finished, begin having students come up to the board and underline the items
they believe to be the proper conjunctions.
Review the answers as a class so students can see whether they were correct on their individual papers. While reviewing, ask students what kinds of
words/phrases are being conjoined by the conjunctions in question. This is to aid in comprehension that conjunctions join two similarly used words, phrases,
Pause briefly to answer any questions the students who are being introduced to the material may have.
Introduce interjections with the aid of the textbook. Have students read the definition and provide some examples.
Have students complete Exercise 16: Using Interjections on their own. Repeat the process from Exercise 15.
Begin review of the exercise on the board by asking for some of the students' answers, then transition into letting them come up to complete the
exercise. Review answers as they come.
Pass out interjections worksheet and allow students time to complete the assignment in class. (3-5 min)
Once students have completed the assignment, go around the room and have students share their original sentences using interjections from the
worksheet. Get two or three examples of each interjection before moving on to the next. Correct any usage errors that students may have.
Have students turn in their worksheets.
Closing Review: Remind students that there will be a comprehensive parts of speech test in the near future and that they need to master these skills for
upcoming EOC exams as well as their On-Demand Writing.