Commandment 8 — Compound sentences Abbreviation: ______

Commandment 8 — Compound sentences
Abbreviation: __________
When you write a compound sentence, a comma is generally required. A compound sentence is
a sentence composed of two or more simple sentences (independent clauses) but no subordinate
clauses. Most compound sentences feature four key elements (in order): an independent clause,
a comma, a coordinating conjunction, and another independent clause. Compound sentences are
especially useful to writers, for they allow related ideas to be connected together smoothly.
Note: The seven coordinating conjunctions in the English language are .
, and
Lenny Kravitz is a famous musician but he also portrayed Cinna in the
movies The Hunger Games and The Hunger Games: Catching Fire.
In the compound sentence above, the first simple sentence features the simple subject
and ends with the noun .
The second simple sentence features the simple subject .
the coordinating conjunction .
and follows
. Because the example sentence includes two
__________________________________________________ that have been joined together by
a __________________________________________________, a comma
needs to be placed after the word .
. The capitalized,
circumscribed abbreviation needs to be placed above the comma.
Notes: When you insert a comma in a compound sentence, you need to make sure that there is
an independent clause on either side of the coordinating conjunction. Also, the Commandment 8
comma must be placed in before, not after, the coordinating conjunction.
Compound sentences are especially useful to writers for they allow related
ideas to be connected together smoothly.
What is this sentence’s coordinating conjunction? _______________
Is there an independent clause before the coordinating conjunction? _______________
What is the first independent clause? Underline its complete subject. Highlight its simple
Is there an independent clause after the coordinating conjunction? _______________
What is the second independent clause? Underline its complete subject. Highlight its simple
* Insert a comma in the example. Place the circumscribed, capitalized abbreviaton above it.