Example Web Form Responses for A Developing Synthesis

Example Web Form Responses for A Developing Synthesis Course
Q. Measures – in the box below, please provide specific examples of how students in this course
demonstrate achievement of each of the relevant Baccalaureate Core Learning Outcomes (e.g. course
activities, assignments, examinations, etc.)
OUTCOME 1 – Sections 1, 2 & 3: Students write a 1.5-2 page essay about the film "The Economics of Happiness"
analyzing one of the "inconvenient truths" presented by the film about corporate globalization. Section 4: 2-5
multiple choice questions spread across 2 exams on the assigned readings "(list readings" (readings change each
semester; number of questions on each exam vary).
OUTCOME 2- Sections 1, 2, 3 - see 1 above - uses same (assignment). Section 4: No assessment matched this
outcome directly. This will be addressed in the Fall 2012 term. Described further below.
OUTCOME 3: Sections 1, 2, 3 - see 1 above - uses same (assignment). Each exam (3 exams) has one 200-300
word essay that address…(simple description)
The essay is graded using a scoring rubric that considers writing fluency and coherence, grammar, and essay
content (accuracy and logic of arguments and that it addresses the outcome)
Multiple choice questions are graded using a scantron; Open-ended exam questions are graded using a rubric
that considers content and some basic elements of writing
Q. Process – In the box below, please discuss the process the instructor(s) and/or department use to
consider the extent to which students in the course achieved these Baccalaureate Core Learning
To date there have not been explicit conversations between the instructors about this. Each instructor has
been independently responsible for assuring that the course outcomes are met. We now plant to meet every
other week (at least to begin with) to discuss course assessment within a week after implementing an
assessment and grading the student’s work. We will look at: strengths/weaknesses of the assessment in terms
of alignment with outcomes and any challenges in delivery and grading. We will develop a system for tracking
this work and conversations.
Q. Conclusions – How are students in this course doing with respect to achieving each relevant
Baccalaureate Core Learning Outcome?
Each section instructor can provide summary observations from her individual section. One person can look at all of
them and see if there is a trend and communicate that here. Preference would be to have this be part of the entire
conversation between the individual instructors. [Hypothetical example: After conversing with each other we found
that some assessments from the different instructors better assessed the BC Outcomes than others so this description
reflects learning from the different sections, rather than a statement for the whole course…We found that…] OR The
assessments across course sections show that students are able to articulate specific issues related to contemporary
global issues as they relate to…(this course topic)…however they are still developing their ability to write, especially
using quality, reliable evidence as support (they tend toward unsupported or weakly supported opinion). Within the
course we have discovered that the different approaches to assessment (exam versus 2-page essay) end up focusing
on and developing slightly different skills and knowledge. For example the exam approach covers a broader spectrum
of knowledge or application of knowledge in different scenarios but does not develop writing as well because students
do not participate in the revision process nor is the grading and feedback as substantive. We need to decide where the
priorities are with respect to this course and the bacc core skills and knowledge it is supposed to develop and where it
fits within our own degree program and the skills and knowledge we seek for that path.
You can also get more specific, if you have the data. For example:
Course assessments show that about 40% of the students have this particular weakness (describe) at a certain defined
level (e.g. they score below 60% in this area)
Q. Plans – In the box below, please share any developments or changes that have occurred or will occur
as a result of the Baccalaureate Core Learning Outcomes measurement:
[Hypothetical example: We decided to expand x- assignment; do this with y-assignment to better align the sections and
assess the students across sections. Next year we will compare results from those assessments and…