Planetary Atmospheres, the Environment and Life (ExCos2Y) Topic 2: Evolution of Earth’s Atmosphere Chris Parkes Rm 455 Kelvin Building 1. Composition of the Atmospheres of Earth, Mars and Venus • Physical characteristics of planets • Atmospheric composition of Planets – Earth: Nitrogen, Oxygen Mars/Venus: CO2 – Mars: low pressure, Venus: high pressure • Gain & Loss mechanisms • Thermal Escape: – Temperature – Gravity, Mass & Radius of planet – Escape Velocity Revision Lecture 2: Evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere “..the thickness of the Earth's atmosphere, compared with the size of the Earth, is in about the same ratio as the thickness of a coat of varnish on a schoolroom globe is to the diameter of the globe.” Carl Sagan Skeptical Enquirer, Volume 19, Issue 1, January-February 1995 The presence of water – the life zone Orbit of Venus Too near the sun (hot) water boils off Sun Too far away (cold) water freezes Orbit of Mars BUT – significant effect of greenhouse gases on temperature, see later Orbit of Earth A home away from home? (liquid water) Far from equilibrium • Atmospheres on Mars and Venus – CO2 rich and in chemical equilibrium • Earth’s atmosphere – not in chemical equilibrium – held in a precarious state by the biosphere O2 not naturally free e.g. rusting Oxygen production Oxygen removal CO2 removal 1. Plants release O2 - photosynthesis. 2. Animals/plants respiration use O2 to break down sugars. 3. CO2 is released by respiration & used in photosynthesis. 4. O2 cycles between oceans & atmosphere, maintaining equilibrium. The modern O2 cycle Modern O2 cycle 2H2O O2 + 2H2 (H2 thermal escape) 2O2 O + O3 (solar ray formation of ozone) rate: + 108 kg Weathering (chemical reactions): rate: - 1011 kg/year Volcanism: emits CO, Sulphur, react; rate: - ~1010 kg/year water vapour (as above) gives a source of oxygen Photosynthesis: CO2 O2; rate: + 1014 kg/year Respiration & decay: O2 CO2; rate: - ~1014 kg/year (balancing) Burial of Carbon: (no longer reacts with O2) rate: + 1011 kg/year Recycling of sediments: rate: < - 1011 kg/year Fossil fuel combustion (O2 CO2): rate: - 1012 kg/year Photochemistry: Note: rough mass of O2 in atmosphere 1017 kg Origin of Oxygen and Ozone • Oxygen and aerobic life linked Oxygen Content of atmosphere over time UO2 , FeS2 (pyrite) Uncertainty Oxygen produced by life first organisms anaerobic later aerobic, plants & animals Oxygen in oceans forms banded iron Free Oxygen, redbeds occur The three-reservoir model of Earth Reducing Oxygenating Atmosphere volcanic gases photochemistry Shallow Ocean weathering photosynthesis volcanic gases Deep Ocean Evolution of Atmosphere - Treat earth as covered with ocean - 3 reservoir of O2 atmosphere shallow ocean deep ocean - Each has a combination of processes which are grouped into - O2 reducing (R) & Oxygenating (O). 3 different states: A) reducing: very little O2 present B) oxidising: enough O2 to oxidise mineral but not enough for respiration C) aerobic: enough O2 to support aerobic respiration 4 stages in the history of O2 on Earth Reducing volcanic gases Oxygenating Atmosphere (reducing) photochemistry Shallow Ocean weathering (reducing) volcanic gases Deep Ocean (reducing) Stage I: After water is established Photochemistry O2 Reach balance with weathering & volcanism Very little O2 in atmosphere ~between 10-8 to 10-14 PAL (present atmospheric level) 4 stages in the history of O2 on Earth Stage II: photosynthesising organism spread new source of O2 possible increase burial rate due to tectonic activities O2 level at 10-2 ~2 billion years ago Reducing Oxygenating Atmosphere volcanic gases (oxidising) photochemistry Shallow Ocean weathering (oxidising) photosynthesis volcanic gases Deep Ocean (reducing) 4 stages in the history of O2 on Earth Reducing Oxygenating Atmosphere (aerobic) respiration/decay Shallow Ocean weathering (aerobic) photosynthesis Deep Ocean volcanic gases (oxidising) Stage III: Abundance of photosynthesising organism O2 level limited because primitive anaerobes can’t tolerate high O2 level Organisms had to evolve to cope with high O2 level 4 stages in the history of O2 on Earth Reducing Oxygenating Atmosphere Stage IV: Deep ocean becomes aerobic New organisms Balance between respiration and photosynthesis respiration (aerobic) Shallow Ocean respiration (aerobic) respiration photosynthesis Deep Ocean (aerobic) As O2 increases, photochemistry creates ozone in upper atmosphere. When ozone layer is thick enough to shield from solar rays then living organisms can live out of water Dependency of life on Oxygen Oxygen (%) 17 16 15 10 – 12 8 – 10 <8 <6 Health Effects in Humans Accelerated heartbeat Increased reaction time Poor judgment Loss of consciousness Coma Brain damage Death Water Cycle • Clouds form by convection in high, cold regions of troposphere (see next lecture) • Stronger convection more clouds – Thunderstorms on summer afternoons – Lush jungle regions at equator – Desert at 20-30o, depleted of moisture (see lecture on wind) CO2 cycle Cycle driven by water Without water CO2 stays in atmosphere as on Venus • Critical for greenhouse effect (see later lecture) The “Gaia” feedback mechanism Self regulating Earth An hypothesis “a complex entity involving the Earth's biosphere, atmosphere, oceans, and soil; the totality constituting a feedback or cybernetic system which seeks an optimal physical and chemical environment for life on this planet.” James Lovelock Arguments: • Earth’s surface temperature remained roughly constant, despite change of 30% in solar energy input • Even though out of equilibrium, atmospheric composition remains constant • Ocean salinity is constant Criticism: What mechanism drives self-regulation ? “there was no way for evolution by natural selection to lead to altruism on a Global scale” Richard Dawkins, Extended Phenotype The “Gaia” feedback mechanism Daisy world - A computer model planet orbiting a sun & slowing getting more heat from it planet inhabited by two types of daisy – black & white reproduction rate of both have same dependence on T However, white – reflect light – cooling planet black – absorb light – heating up planet Black hotter, reproduce more Leave to run – reach equilibrium Planet goes from black daisy dominating to white daisy dominating as it keep surface temperature constant Stable and Self-regulating – within temperature limits Example exam questions Q1. Name three processes which add oxygen to the Earth’s atmosphere? Q2. Describe the main features of Daisy world? What is its significance? Q3. What will happen to oxygen in the earth’s atmosphere if living organisms were to die off? Next lecture – structure of planetary atmosphere O2 & CO2 cycles 150 Height (km) Thermosphere 100 Mesosphere 50 Stratosphere Troposphere 0 0 300 600 Temperature (K)