Group Work Routine

1. A blank group work routine
2. A group work routine with suggestions &
3. A version with an option for peer or self
4.-5. Completed examples of group work routines
1: Topic & Task
2: Warm Up & Why This?
Warm Up - What do we already know about this topic?
Why This?
3: Group Structure
Student 1: ________________
Student 2: ________________
Job :
Student 3: ________________
Job :
Student 4: ________________
Job :
Expectations and Grading:
Expectations and Grading:
Expectations and Grading:
Expectations and Grading:
4: Timing
5A: Work Time Points
Number of points:
Behaviors that count toward group work time points:
6: Wrap Up
Wrap Up - What did we learn or what main ideas came up?
5B: Points Log
1: Topic & Task
2: Warm Up & Why This?
Warm Up - What do we already know about this topic?
Why This?
3: Group Structure
Student 1: ________________
Student 2: ________________
Student 3: ________________
Expectations and Grading:
Expectations and Grading:
Expectations and Grading:
4: Timing
5A: Work Time Points
Number of points
Behaviors that count toward group work time
6: Wrap Up
Wrap Up - What did we learn or what main ideas came up?
5B: Points Log
Suggestions & Reminders
Consider filling in 1,3,4,5 ahead of time
to save time
Before getting into groups (CUE):
1. State the topic they are working on
and the task they will complete.
2. Activate prior learning in the warm
up. For “why this,” give the reason
for the assignment, say why it is
important, or how it will help them.
3. When possible, each student
should get a unique job and be
graded individually. Example: jobs
might include leader, recorder,
reporter , and /or timekeeper &
materials monitor. Assign students
to groups to ensure heterogeneity
& consider effective group sizes
consisting of 2 - 4 students.
Communicate the expectations for
quality work and explain how they
will be graded. A more informal
option is to use 0=no real effort,
1=needs improvement,
2=satisfactory effort, 3=excellent.
4. Establish how much time total will
be given. Consider giving “mini
deadlines“ within the total time.
Plan for easy access to materials.
While in groups (DO):
5. Monitor groups to reward desired
group work behaviors. Log points
earned in 5B. Give verbal feedback
while assigning points, such as:
“you are earning 3 points right now
for having your materials, reading
selections, and keeping your
discussion on topic.” Note: points
can be for required or extra credit.
After (REVIEW):
6. Summarize what you’ve learned
and/or have groups share part of
their work.
7: OPTION: Peer/Self Evaluation . A rubric might
1. I shared my ideas and offered suggestions
2. I answered others’ questions
3. I remained on topic and helped the group stay
4. I disagreed without hurting others’ feelings
5. We checked to make sure everyone understood
what we did
6. We answered any questions that were asked
7. We gave explanations wherever we could
8. We asked specific questions about what we
didn’t understand
9. Anyone who had difficulty got help
1: Topic & Task
2: Warm Up & Why This?
Warm Up - What do we already know about this topic?
Why This?
3: Group Structure
Student 1: ________________
Student 2: ________________
Job :
Student 3: ________________
Job :
Student 4: ________________
Job :
Expectations and Grading:
Expectations and Grading:
Expectations and Grading:
Expectations and Grading:
4: Timing
5A: Work Time Points
5B: Points Log
Number of points:
Behaviors that count toward group work time points:
6: Wrap Up
Wrap Up - What did we learn or what main ideas came up?
7: OPTION: Peer/Self Evaluation
1: Topic & Task
Topic: Hamlet Act II
Task: Complete Study Guide for Act II
2: Warm Up & Why This?
Warm Up - What do we already know about this topic? Hamlet has been rejected by Ophelia & is acting
insane. King Claudius and Polonius both use “spies” to monitor people close to them. Claudius wants to find out why Hamlet is acting
this way.
Why This? We need to get good at figuring out why people behave the way they do in literature and in life.
3: Group Structure
Student 1: Perry
Job : Think Tank
Offer answers to 5 questions.
Expectations and Grading :
90 if 5 correct answers on finished
study guide are initialed by you –
indicating that you offered
answers that are also clear and
complete. See box 5 for your last
10 points.
4: Timing
40 minutes
(Question 6 by
about 9:05)
Student 2: Anderson
Job : Quote Finder
Find quotes related to 5 questions
and state how they tie in.
Expectations and Grading: 90 if 5
quotes on finished study guide
are initialed by you – indicating
that you found the quote and
explained convincingly how it
relates to the question. See box 5
for your last 10 points.
Student 3: Keating
Job : Contributing Scribe - Write all
answers & quotes on finished copy
and contribute 2 quotes or answers.
Expectations and Grading: 90 if the
completed copy is in your (legible)
handwriting and two quotes or
answers have your initials indicating
that you contributed them. See box
5 for the last 10 points.
Student 4: Nuwanda
Job : Public Relations - Share 2
complete answers & related quotes
during the wrap up. Also contribute
at least 2 answers or quotes during
group work.
Expectations and Grading: 90 if 2
quotes or answers are initialed by
you indicating that you contributed
them & you share 2 complete
answers during wrap up. See box 5.
5A: Work Time Points
Number of points: 10
Behaviors that count toward group work time points: Quickly arranging
desks and getting started on the assignment +1, have all materials without being
reminded +1 (books, notebooks, study guide, group work procedure paper, pen or
pencil), students stay on topic +2, students discuss in an appropriate way +2.
6: Wrap Up
Wrap Up - What did we learn or what main ideas came up?
We learned that people can appear to be unpredictable, but there may be a reason for it. Hamlet plans
to “test” Claudius to make sure that Claudius is really guilty of murder.
1: Topic & Task
Topic: Review for Unit Test for Chapter ___
Task: Fill in Page 2 of UO using Word Bank
2: Warm Up & Why This?
Warm Up - What do we already know about this topic? So far in Chapter ___ we…
Why This? It helps me prepare for test and shows me a way of studying.
Student 1: Laurie
Job / Expectations: Recorderwrite down the answers for the
Student 2: Keith
Job / Expectations: Researcher –
find answers in notes/book
Student 3: Danny
Job / Expectations: Researcher –
find answers in notes/book
Student 4: Tracy
Job / Expectations: Organizer keep track of and organize
0=no real effort, 1=need
improvement, 2=satisfactory,
0=no real effort, 1=need
improvement, 2=satisfactory,
0=no real effort, 1=need
improvement, 2=satisfactory,
3: Group Structure
4: Timing
-35 minutes
-the first group to
finish gets 3 points
added to test; 2nd 2
points; 3rd 1 point
0=no real effort, 1=need
improvement, 2=satisfactory,
5B: Points Tracking
5A: Work Time Points
Number of points earned during group work time:
(up to 3 points for effort + 1point for completing task)
Behaviors that count toward group work time points: ____/4
1 point - checked to make sure everyone understood
1 point- gave explanations wherever possible
1 point - asked specific questions about misunderstandings
1 point - disagreed without hurting others’ feelings
6: Wrap Up
Wrap Up: What did we learn or what main ideas came up, and how will
this assignment be used?
7: OPTION: Peer/Self Evaluation: (Write Yes, No or Sometimes after statement)
I checked to make sure everyone understood what we did. yes
I gave explanations wherever we could. sometimes
I asked specific questions about what we didn’t understand. no
I disagreed without hurting others’ feelings. yes