CAMT Meeting #26 Agenda



Collaborative Adaptive Management Team (CAMT) Meeting #26

December 16, 2014

Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Location: The Nature Conservancy, 555 Capitol Mall, Suite 1290, Sacramento

Call-in Number: +1 (951) 797-1058 Code: 377519 for CAMT Meeting

CAMT Members: Frances Brewster (SCVWD), Mike Chotkowski (FWS), Valerie Connor (SFCWA and

Co-Chair), Susan Fry (USBR), Lauren Hastings (Delta Science Program), Steve

Lindley (NOAA), Sam Luoma (UC Davis), Laura King-Moon (DWR), Maria Rea

(NOAA), Carl Wilcox (CDFW), and Leo Winternitz (GEI Consultants and Co-Chair)

Other Attendees: Paul Brown (Facilitator), Bruce DiGennaro (The Essex Partnership), Steve

Culberson (FWS), Scott Hamilton (CFSD), Mike Schiewe (Anchor QEA), Chuck

Hanson (Hanson Environmental), and Mike Harty (Kearns & West)

9:00 – 9:15 1. Agenda, Meeting Objectives, and Updates

Facilitator: Paul Brown

Objective: Introductions. Review agenda and meeting objectives. Provide opportunity to update CAMT on significant events since the prior meeting.

Outcome: Agreement on agenda and meeting objectives.


– 10:30

10:30 – 10:45

2. Salmon Scoping Team Gap Analysis Follow-up Discussion

Presenters: Mike Schiewe and Chuck Hanson

Objective: Provide CAMT members an opportunity to offer feedback on the

Gap Analysis Report and engage the SST Co-Chairs in a dialogue regarding findings and recommendations.

Outcome: Increased understanding of the report and alignment regarding next steps.

Communications Break

CAMT Meeting #26 (Version 1.0) -1- December 16, 2014

10:45 – 11:00

11:00 – 11:30

11:30 – 12:00

12:00 PM

3. Delta Smelt Scoping Team Update

Presenters: Steve Culberson, Scott Hamilton, Bruce DiGennaro, and

Lauren Hastings.

Objective : Update on (1) DSP written response to the Entrainment Proposal and (2) status of Fall Outflow activities and progress.

Outcome : Informational item.

4. CAMT Progress Report to Collaborative Science Policy Group

Presenters: Bruce DiGennaro

Objective: Review the proposed outline, schedule, and tasks needed to prepare and submit the January 2015 CAMT Progress Report to the Policy

Group for inclusion in the court-ordered Joint Status Report due on or before

February 14, 2015.

Outcome : Agreement on the proposed outline and alignment regarding preparation, review, and submittal process for the CAMT Progress Report.

5. Calendar, Action Items, and Next Steps

Facilitator: Paul Brown

Objective: Review calendar for December 2014 through February 2015, any open action items from prior meetings, and new items agreed to during the meeting. Discuss (1) scheduling next face-to-face meeting with the

Policy Group (proposed date: January 26, 2015), (2) CAMT role in review of

2015 AOP, and (3) possible CAMT Meeting with the SST to review the linkages between future management actions and salmonid research recommendations. The next CAMT meeting is scheduled for January 20,


Outcome: Agreement on actions, responsible parties, deadlines.

Meeting Adjourns

CAMT Meeting #26 (Version 1.0) -2- December 16, 2014
