Задания к зачёту, 3 семестр



СФЕРЕ в 3 семестре

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст

Ecology Defined

Ecology is the study of the relationships between living things and their environment. The term comes from two Greek words, oikos (which means "house" or "place to live") and logos

(which means "study"). So ecology is the study of the "houses", or environments, of living organisms - all of their surroundings, including other animals and plants, climate, and soil. No one is sure when the word ecology was first coined, but German biologist Ernst Haeckel was the first to define it, in 1869.

Although the science of ecology is a new one, people have been studying ecology and applying their knowledge of it for many thousands of years. Prehistoric people had to know something about the ecology of wheat and corn before they could successfully raise crops of these plants. Theophrastus, an early Greek botanist, is sometimes called the "first true ecologist" because he was the first to write about plants in terms of their living places, or habitats, such as forest and marsh. The Indians of the North American plains knew a great deal about the ecology of the bison, on which their lives depended. Today we often use ecological knowledge without being aware of it; for example, when we want to have a lawn in a shady place, we plant seeds of a kind of grass that grows well in shade.

For the most part, however, people do not think ecologically. When we see a bird or wildflower, our first question is: What is it ? Most people are content to know the names of some of the living things around them in nature. Perhaps you are the sort of person who wonders further:

What does it do? You may want to know the organism’s role in its environment, and how it affects and is affected by other organisms. Ecologistswonderaboutthesamethings.

Задание 2. Выберите соответствующие русские эквиваленты приводимых ниже слов, подчеркните их:

Science - учеба, наука, предмет

Relationship - связанный, родственный, взаимосвязь

Include - включать, изучать, исключать,

Soil - соль, почва, влага

Forest - поле, река, лес

Mash - равнина, болото, возвышенность

Thesame - другой, такой же, некоторый

Study - изучать, проводить, знать

Depend - взаимодействовать, зависеть, проводить

Задание 3. Приведите русские эквиваленты следующих английских слов и словосочетаний:

the relationships between living things and their environment, surroundings, German biologist, define, the science of ecology, apply knowledge, raise crops, write in terms of their living places, know a great deal of…, depend on smth, without being aware of, for the most part, think ecologically, the organism’s role in the environment, wonder about.

Задание 4. Определите значение выделенных слов по контексту.



Ecology is the study of the relationships between living things and their environment.



No one is sure when the word ecology was first coined.

German biologist Ernst Haeckel was the first to define it.


Theophrastus was the first to write about plants in terms of their living places.


Lives of the Indians of North America depended on the bison.

Задание 5. Из приведенных ниже вариантов выберите подзаголовки для каждого из

3х абзацев текста. Запишите их.

1. Экология – старая и новая наука.

2. Индейцы Северной Америки – первые экологи.

3. Экология – наука об окружающей среде.

4. Что изучают экологи.

5. Взаимоотношения живых существ и окружающей среды – основной предмет экологии.

Задание 6. Передайте основное содержание текста в 4-6 предложениях, ответив на следующие вопросы:

1. What does the word «ecology» mean? Where does it come from?

2. Did the people of the past know anything about ecology? Give the example.

3. What main things do ecologists study?
