Earning Contract Module

Earning Contract Module
Streamlining Revenue Collection System
(Sundry Earnings)
Sr. DFM, Nagpur
Earning Contract Module Covers
• Earning Contract
Pay & Park
Pay & Use
Curio Stall
Catering Stall
Book Stall
• Commercial Publicity Contract
Highlights of the module
Earning Contract
 The module is used for recording the details of Earning Contracts entered
by Commercial Department.
 The system allocates a Unique Identification Code for every Contract.
 Depending upon the Annual License Fee Security Deposit, Periodical
License fee and TCS if applicable is worked out by the system.
 Provision for Penalty clause , Periodicity of payment and Extension of
Contract is included.
 Demand Letter showing License Fee/SD along with the LOA is sent by
Commercial Dept to Accounts Dept for Vetting.
 After vetting by Accounts dept (Done manually by putting enfacement and
through system ) LOA is sent back to Commercial Dept for despatch to
Party .
 Provision has been given for entering the Security deposit and License Fee
 Various reports such as Party wise ledger, Head wise earning, Due date for
License Fee, List of BG/SD with Railways, Contracts nearing Completion
Period, Refund/release of SD can be generated.
Party Master
Earning Contract (Main Screen)
Agreement Master for Earning Contract
Demand Letter to the Party
Vetting of LOA/Agreement for Earning Contract
By Accounts Dept
SD and Payment details for Earning Contract
SLR Entry
Advice to Accounts Dept
regarding SD/License Fee for Earning Contract
Highlights of the module
Commercial Publicity Contract
 The module is used for recording the details of Commercial Publicity
Contracts entered by Commercial Department.
 The system allocates a Unique Identification Code for every Contract
 For Commercial Publicity Contracts, the rates vetted by Finance are
entered in the system by Accounts Department.
 Depending on these rates, type of media and specifications, the values are
calculated by the system automatically.
 Provision for Penalty clause , Periodicity of payment and Extension of
Contract is included.
 Demand Letter showing License Fee/SD along with the LOA is sent by
Commercial Dept to Accounts Dept for Vetting.
 After vetting by Accounts dept (Done manually by putting enfacement and
through system ) LOA is sent back to Commercial Dept for despatch to
Party .
 Provision has been given for entering the Security deposit and License Fee
 Various reports such as Party wise ledger, Head wise earning, Due date for
License Fee, List of BG/SD with Railways, Contracts nearing Completion
Period, Refund/release of SD can be generated.
Commercial Publicity Contracts
(Entering of vetted Tariff by Accounts Deptt )
For Commercial Publicity Contract, the rates are vetted by
Accounts Deptt and entered in the system. Commercial deptt
do not have access to this.
Agreement Master for Commercial Publicity Contract (FCFS/Open
Vetting of LOA/Agreement for Commercial
Publicity Contract By Accounts Deptt
Demand Letter to the Party
SD and Payment details for Commercial Publicity
Advice to Accounts Deptt regarding SD/License
fee for Commercial Publicity Contract
Posting For Remittance Into Bank by Accounts
The License fee details are verified by Accounts wrt LOA/Agreement and
when found correct, it is marked as checked.
Reports available in Earning Contract Module
Flow of the Module
Tariff Vetting by Accounts Deptt
Party Master Entry by Commercial Deptt
Party Master Entry by Commercial Deptt
Vetting of LOA In Accounts Deptt
Submission of SD and License fee details
by Commercial Deptt
Publicity Contract SD and Payment
details by Commercial Deptt
SD and License Fee Check by Accounts Deptt with vetted LOA
Agreement Vetting
Submission of DD/Chq For Realization to RBI through Cash Office &
Safe Custody of BG/FD
On Clearance by RBI, Preparation Of Cash Slip and Accountal
• All LOA and agreements are vetted.
• All BGs and FDRs are in proper custody.
• Keeping watch on expiry of all earnings
• Keeping track of all License Fee Payable.
• Timely Accountal of Sundry Earnings.
• Ensuring Correct Allocation of Sundry Earnings
Demand Recoverable
Bills Recoverable
Sr. DFM Nagpur
1. Creation of Billable Assests
– In Demands Recoverable
Siding Master
Building Master
Plot Master
Way Leave
– In Bills Recoverable
Water Meter master
Electric Meter Master
LC Gate Master
Staff Charges
Objectives (contd..)
2. Party Master for Demands and Bills Recoverable.
3. Monthly Position of Demands Recoverable and Bills
4. Standard Rules for calculation of Licence fee etc.
5. Calculation and Bill generation.
6. Linking of Remittance into bank with XBR and BR.
7. Clearance can be ported against the concerned party and
automatic balance updation.
8. Monthly ledger of any party at any instance.
9. Party wise position at any given time.
10. Position of accretion and clearance for any period.
11. Position of targets vis-à-vis earnings.
12. Party wise outstanding and reminders can be issued
Siding Master
Depending upon the type of Siding i.e. Assisted, Private or Private cum Assisted
columns for entering the data will be operational and the values will be calculated as
per the guidelines of Railway Board.
Siding Bill Generation
Plot Rent
Depending on the Type of plot, Market Value and area the Bill Amount for the given year is
calculated. (The type of plot and their rates are stored in a separate table i.e. AFXBRPLOTRATE. The
type and rates of license fees are as per Railway Board’s letter Number 2005/L/M/18/8 dtd
Siding Bill
Bill for Plot License Fee
Building License Fee Entry Form
Depending on the Type of plot, Market Value and Open area, Closed Area the Bill Amount for the
given year is calculated. (The type of plot and their rates are stored in a separate table i.e.
AFXBRPLOTRATE. The type and rates of license fees are as per Railway Board’s letter Number
2005/L/M/18/8 dtd 8.06.2005.
Bill for Building License Fee
Party Ledger
Monthly Ledger
Yearly Ledger
The module is used for generation of various types of bills like Water, Electricity, Rerailment, Staff charges and AMC of LC gates and Earning Contract, Publicity Contract.
Bills are generated by different departments. User id and password has been provided to
each department involved.
Work to be carried out
by other Departments
Work to be carried out by
Accounts Department
Bill Generation from
Bills Received in Accounts
Cheque/DD or MR Entry
by Department
Cheques/DD/ MR Received
in Accounts
posting of
Debit in
posting of
Credit in
Position of Outstanding Dues, AEN wise report, Party ledger, Monthly Ledger can be
viewed by Accounts as well as other Departments
Water Bill
Re-railment Bill
Staff Charges Bill
AMC of LC Gate Main.
Electricity Charges
 Utility has been created in EMIS for extracting the bills issued
 Data files for both Debit and Credit postings are created
 These two files are then ported in AFRES.
 For bills issued, the JV is created automatically through the
system. (Debit)
 The Division sheet accounting year & month is entered in the
system. (Credit)
 Thus the Reconciliation with General Books is taken care of.
Extracting Data from EMIS
This form is given in Electrical Department. At the end of every month they will
extract the data in EMIS and the text files will be sent to Accounts Department.
Porting Data in AFRES
After receiving text files, Accounts department will port the data in AFRES using this
JV Generation
After porting JV generation for Debit posting will be carried out. Credit JV is done
through E-Recon by Hqrs.
Linking of MR from Electrical department with Division
Sheet of Traffic Accounts
This utility will facilitate the entry of Division Sheet given by Traffic Accounts and
reconciliation with General Books
Party Ledger
Outstanding Dues Report
Linking of Bills Recoverable with
Remittance into Bank
Data entry for Cheques/DD by Executives
The department is given access for entering the cheque/MR/DD details.
Entry Screen for DR by Accounts
Receipt of Cheques by Accounts Department
The cheques are received in Accounts department. A G98 Number is allotted and
submitted to Cash Office for onward submission to RBI.
Accountal of Realised cheques
After RBI had given advice that the cheque has been credited to Railways Accounts
vide Challan no the entry is done by Cash Office against that cheque and it is included
in the Cash Slip for that month.
Thank you