Freedom to Marry Coalition Amanda Diego, Brooke Autry, Brandon

Freedom to Marry Coalition
DAS Marketing™
Amanda Diego, Brooke Autry, Brandon Schnars
Authentic Assessment Four
Interest Groups/Political Action Committees
American Government
Freedom to Marry
• Freedom to Marry is a Political
Action Committee (PAC) to win
marriage nationwide.
• Freedom to Marry is a PAC of
individuals and organizations
across the country to end the
exclusion of same-sex couples
from marriage, and the
protections, responsibilities,
and commitment that marriage
Freedom to Marry, Membership
Made up of a staff of 18 members
Over 750,000 advocates
Founded in New York in 2003 by Evan Wolfson
Secured the freedom to marry in six states and
the District of Columbia
Issues that concern Freedom to Marry
• Forty-four states continue to
exclude same-sex couples
from marriage.
• Begin as a vision once shared
by only a few, and now the
marriage movement has
rapidly gained traction with
the American public.
• Freedom to Marry is leading
the campaign to overturn
Recruiting New Members today
• Facebook, Twitter, “Freedom to
Marry” Website
• Campaigns
• Bus Tours
• Support of political groups, the
US President
• Videos, Commercials, Signs,
• Benefit Concert
• Television, Newspaper Ads,
direct mail, and polling in effort
Ideas to Recruit
New Members
Bicycle Marathons
Local Marches, festivals
Booths at Malls
Public speaking's at
Community Colleges
and Senior Centers
• Celebrity's support
• Pandora Radio
Freedom to Marry, Mobilize
• Freedom to Marry is
working toward the goals
to win freedom to marry
in more states, grow the
national majority for
marriage, and end federal
marriage discrimination.
• “Roadmap to Victory”
• Freedom to Marry is
leading the campaign to
overturn DOMA.
Freedom to
• In the past decade, they secured the freedom to
marry in six states and the District of Columbia.
• Freedom to Marry is doing well, having moved
from just about a quarter of public support 15
years ago to majority support today – far better
than the 70% of Americans who opposed
interracial marriage in 1967.
More Accomplishments
• The new federal program
• Freedom to Marry has
partnered with the
Equality Federation to
reach statewide LGBT
organizations around the
nation and successfully
advance the cause for
marriage on state and local
• The Respect for Marriage
Freedom to
What the PAC does
now to raise money
• “Fund the Fight” donation
on their website
• In March 2012, Freedom to
Marry launched the "Win
More States Fund"
• The goal was to raise at
least $3 million to funnel
into the state campaigns.
The organization met this
initial goal in early August
2012 and continued
working to raise funds on
behalf of the states
Suggestions to Raise More Money
• Fashion Show
• Art Show
• Production of
“Freedom to Marry
• Production of
“Freedom to Marry
- similar to those of
“Boobies” or
“Livestrong” bracelets
Data Study
• 54% of Americans surveyed say "marriages
between gay and lesbian couples should be
recognized as legally valid." Only 42% say they
"should not be recognized as valid." (National Polls, June
6, 2012: CNN/ORC International)
• Polling finds growing support for the Freedom to
Marry Coalition
• “Public opinion research clearly demonstrates that a growing majority
supports the freedom to marry. Likewise, support continues to rise in
every state, demographic and community. This resource tracks marriage
polling at the federal, national, and state level.”
Data Study
• 39% of those surveyed feel "strongly" in favor of the
freedom to marry, compared to 34% who feel "strongly"
about opposing marriage for same-sex couples.
• 73% of voters ages 18-34 support the freedom to marry,
compared to 24% opposed.
• 70% of Democrats supports the freedom to marry,
compared with 28% opposed.
• 60% of Independent voters support the freedom to marry,
with 37% opposed.
• 59% of "non-white" respondents support the freedom to
marry, with 39% opposed. This margin of support is
stronger than the full sample.
• 60% of respondents say they have a close friend or family
member who is gay, up from 49% two years ago
Data Study Summary
The data provided shows the accelerating
shift in support for the freedom to marry, with
opponents now clearly in a minority. With new
ideas and marketing, Freedom to Marry can
continue to champion. (Freedom to Marry “Polling Finds Growing Support for the
Freedom to Marry”,
The Freedom to Marry Coalition
DAS Marketing™