DNA and PROTEIN SYNTHESIS EXAM REVIEW G1: Structure and Function of DNA, mRNA, tRNA, amino acids and proteins 1. Describe the structure of DNA. What does it look like? 2. If one strand of DNA had the following sequence, what would be the sequence of its complementary strand? ATCGCCTTACAATCGGCA 3. Draw and Label a nucleotide 4. Describe the replication process include DNA polymerase, helicase and semi conservative in your response. 5. What bases pair together in DNA? 6. What is the macromolecule found in DNA? 7. Describe the structure of mRNA and what is does. 8. Describe the structure of tRNA and what it does. 9. Contrast DNA and RNA. 10. What are the 2 steps involved in protein synthesis? Where does each one occur in the cell? G2: Describe the major scientists and experiments in determining DNA structure and function 1. There was controversy over what actually contained the genetic material being passed down from generation to generation. What were the 2 possible molecules that scientists thought these were? 2. Who was Frederick Griffith? What was his famous experiment? What did it show? 3. Who was Avery and what was his contribution to our timeline activity? 4. Who were Hershey and Chase? What was their famous experiment? What did it show? 5. Who was Chargoff and what was his contribution to our timeline activity? 6. Who was Watson and Crick and what was his contribution to our timeline activity? 7. Who was Rosalind Franklin and what did she contribute to our understanding of DNA? G3: Use mRNA codon chart to determine amino acid sequence. 1. Transcribe and Translate the DNA code. Use the Amino Acid chart in your notes. DNA: TAC ATA GCG TAG GCT ATT TCT ACT mRNA: _______________________________ Amino Acid Sequence: _______________________________ DNA: TAC TCT GGG CCC ATT TTG CCA ATC mRNA: _______________________________ Amino Acid Sequence: _______________________________ G4: Use mRNA codon chart to determine the effect of different types of mutations on amino acid sequence and protein structure. 1 .What is a substitution mutation? Give example. 2.What is an insertion mutation? Give example. 3.What is a deletion mutation? Give example. 4.What is an inversion mutation? Give example. 5.What is a duplication mutation? Give example. 6.What is a frame shift mutation? Give examples of this.