4th Six Weeks Review Word Bank: Civil War / crime victims

4th Six Weeks Review
Word Bank: Civil War / crime victims / economy / 1861 / Sam Houston / January 1, 1863 /
judicial / Juneteenth / John B. Magruder / Palmito Ranch / popular sovereignty / race /
separation of powers / slavery / states’ rights
1. What issue divided Texans during the Civil War? slavery
2. In what year did Texas secede from the Union? 1861
3. What Confederate general recaptured Galveston from the Union army? John B.
4. What was the last battle of the Civil War? Palmito Ranch
5. Under Article VI, Section 2 of the Texas Constitution of 1876, all men, regardless of race,
were allowed to vote.
6. This celebrates the day on which Texas slaves learned that they had been freed---June
19. Juneteenth
7. What war was fought after Sam Houston was removed as governor of Texas? Civil War
8. What principle says that all political power comes from the people? Popular sovereignty
9. Under Article I, Section 30b of the Constitution of the State of Texas, five rights of crime
victims are guaranteed.
10. What principle divides power into three departments? Separation of powers
11. What is the belief that the federal government should not intervene in state decisions?
States’ rights
12. Which branch can declare laws unconstitutional? judicial
13. What day was the Battle of Galveston? January 1, 1863
14. Who was removed as governor because of his refusal to swear an Oath of Allegiance?
Sam Houston
15. Texans at the Secession Convention considered slavery vital to the economy.
Circle the correct answer:
16. The Civil War was fought from (1861-1865/1865-1877).
17. The five rights of (the accused/crime victims) are guaranteed under Article I, Section
30b of the Constitution of the State of Texas.
18. Both the Texas Supreme Court and U.S. Supreme Court can (declare laws
unconstitutional/write laws).
19. The Battle of (Galveston/Palmito Ranch) was fought after the surrender of the
20. During the Civil War in Texas, citizens were (divided/united) on the issue of slavery.
21. Delegates at the Secession convention considered slavery (unnecessary/vital) to the
economy of Texas.
22. On January 1, 1863, Confederate general (Robert E. Lee/John B. Magruder)
commanded the forces that were victorious at the Battle of Galveston.
23. Texas joined the Confederacy in (1861/1865).
24. In Texas, the holiday held on June 19th is called (Juneteenth/Texas Independence Day).
25. One responsibility of the (county/city) government is to provide police and fire
26. Sam Houston’s refusal to swear an Oath of Allegiance to the (Confederacy/Union) was
the reason why he was removed as governor.
27. Under (freedom of speech/religious freedom), no man can be forced to attend any
place of worship against his consent.
28. The (legislative/judicial) branch can declare laws unconstitutional.
29. The issue of states’ rights contributed to the outbreak of the Civil War because seceding
states believed the federal government (should/should not) intervene in state
30. The democratic principle that reflects the will of the people is (checks and
balances/popular sovereignty).
31. On (April 9/June 19), 1865, Gordon Granger announced slaves in Texas were free.
32. The power of the government being divided into three different branches is called
(limited government/separation of powers).
33. The Battle of Palmito Ranch and the emancipation (freeing) of slaves happened after the
Civil War officially ended due to (fast/slow) communication in Texas.
34. In Texas, property and sales taxes help fund the (federal/state and local) governments.
35. The Constitution of 1876 (expanded/restricted) voting rights in Texas after the Civil War
by allowing all men, regardless of race to vote.
36. James Hogg- Former Texas Governor that helped setup the Texas Railroad Commission
and protected citizens from unfair business practices.
37. Quanah Parker- Son of an American Woman captured by the Comanche. He was the last
chief of the Comanche and later helped other Indians adapt to American culture.
38. Germans immigrated to Texas because of the cheap land and good climate. They
settled in areas like New Braunfels, San Antonio and in Central Texas.
39. The State Board of Education consists of elected officials and provides standards and
policies for education in Texas.
40. Irrigation was the solution for delivering water to dry and arid lands.