Name The Louis & Anne Abrons Foundation Grant Amount 4,097,750 (Total in 2013) Joan and Robert Arnow Fund $1,215,000 (Total in 2013) Total Assets: $23,143,427 The Morton K. & Jane Blaustein Foundation $3,782,000 (Total over last two years) $50,000 donated to New Israel over last two years Bloomberg Philanthropies $370,000,000 (Total in 2013) Naomi & Nehemiah Cohen Foundation $3,353,802 (Total in 2013) Grantees -Coalition for the homeless -Children’s Health Fund -Doctors Without Borders -Common Cents -Bronx Children’s Museum -Arab Jewish Center for Equality, Empowerment and Cooperation -Theatre for a New Audience -Foundation for Jewish Culture -Ballet Tech -Jewish Communal Fund -Yerushe Fund (The Endowment of the Yiddish Book Center -TAUBE Foundation for Jewish Life and Culture -Advocates for Children of New York Inc. -American Visionary Art Museum, Inc. -Center for Inspired Teaching -Comprehensive Development Inc. -The Fund for Public Schools -LitWorld (promoting literacy in impoverished communities) - Middle Grades Partnership - Peer Health Exchange -Bread for the City -Sierra Club -Tobacco Control -Maternal Health -Global Road Safety -Mayor’s Work -Bronx Museum of the Arts -Race to the Top Grants program (education) -Climate leadership group 35% of Donations go to Israel: The Abraham Fund Initiatives All for Peace Radio Alliance for Middle East Peace Americans for Peace Now Arab Labor sitcom J Street Education Fund Centers for Arab-Jewish Education in Israel 19% Jewish American Jewish Committee Website (if any) /foundations/mortonjane grant_2013.html rams/NNCF2013Grantees. pdf (Breakdown of all Grants awarded in 2013) American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Foundation for Jewish Culture Local Civic Affairs (10%) Coalition for Nonprofit Housing Human Service & Affordable Housing (10%) Thrive DC So Others Might Eat National Civic Engagement (7%) Center for Community Change Institute for Policy Studies Reproductive Health and Choice (7%) Mary’s Center for Maternal and Child Care Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington Environment (5%) Bonobo Conservation International Labor Rights (3%) SweatFree Purchasing Consortium Philanthropic Institutional Support (1%) The Moses Feldman Family Foundation $16,653,562 Israel Programs: American Associates Hillel of Greater Philadephia Israel Strategic Alternative Energy Foundation Jewish Federation of North America New Israel Fund Environment Program: American Bird Conservancy Appalachian Mountain Club Delaware Riverkeeper Network Social Justice, Education and Human Services Program American islamic Congress American Jewish Committee American Jewish World Service Arts and Culture Program Pennsylvania Ballet nt-grants/ (For a complete breakdown of grantees) Friedman Family Foundation $530,000 (2012) The grant to the New Israel Fund was a separate private donation by VP Phyllis Friedman not included in the foundation grants. Lisa and Douglas Goldman Fund $1,345,650 (total recent grants) Philadelphia Museum of Art Philadelphia Orchestra Core Grants: Association for enterprise opportunity Alliance of Californians for community involvement Bay area funders network California asset building coalition California association for microenterprise opportunity California budget project Children Now Council of community Housing Doorway to dreams There is also the: President’s Donor Advised Fund : $15,000 Staff Donor Advised Fund: $5,000 Donor Advised Funds: $80,000 These are made at the discretion of staff and board http://www.friedmanfam 2012CoreGrants.pdf Democracy and Civil Liberties:$175,000 Media Matters for America Brennan Center for Justice Youth Engagement Fund Education and Literacy: $160,000 Children’s Creativity Museum Aim High for High School Experience Corps Bay Area Environment:$225,000 Environmental Protection Information Center Western Rivers Conservancy Health Care Without Harm Health and Recreation: $80,000 Girls on the Run of the Bay Area Operation Access Playworks Education our-grants/ (For a Complete list of Core Grants) (For a Complete Breakdown of recent grants) Jane Gottesman and Geoffrey Biddle N/A Sally Gottesman N/A Energised Jewish Community:$155,650 The Jewish News Weekly Limmud Bay Area San Francisco Jewish Film Festival Challah for Hunger Reproductive Health and Rights: $242,500 ACLU Foundation of Northern California Choice USA Reproductive Health Technologies Project National Network of Abortion Funds Bay Area Institutions: $307,500 East Bay Zoological Society Marine Mammal Center Seeds Community Resolution Center G-dcast (meaningful Jewish Screentime) A new Colour (Edythe Boone paints her story)- film story of muralist and activist Edythe Boone Soccer Without Borders The Women’s Foundation of California (5,000- 9,000) EWG (environmental working group)- $5,000-9,000 -New Israel Fund (2 years in a row) GTU-Graduate Theological Union (Specified that they want their gifts to be used for scholarships, academic centers etc. Breat Cancer Action - She is a nonprofit consultant, founder or moving traditions (an organization that runs educational programming for teenagers), board member of American Jewish world service, B’nai Jeshrun and N/A tesman-sally Joel and Julia Greenblatt Approx. $800,000 Stephen Gunther & Linda Essakow Walter and Elise Haas Fund $4,180,250 (Total 2014 American Friends of Yedid - Donates to: - Advancing women professionals and the jewish community - Out of Cordoba (film) - Directly donates to the New Israel Women’s fund initiate. - Cuomo Campaign ($75,000) - Montclair State University (500,000) - Jewish Communal Fund (4 years running) - MET Opera - Temple Beth Israel - University of Michigan - Prostate Cancer Foundation ($10,000) - National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasias ($5,000) - Goddard Riverside Community Center (24,000) - Vintage Hollywood Foundation- 10,000 (California corporation that raises funds to support Children) - New Israel Fund (2 years in a row) - OPCC Empowerment circle (10,000-30,000)- Provider of housing and social services in LA - The Friends of the Semel Institute for Neuroscience & Human Behaviour at UCLA - NIF New England’s Annual Celebration of Israel (1,000) - Were on Host Committee for A New Israel Fund Conference - United Friends of the Children (1,000) - BluePlanetNetowork (Children’s education) The Arts: 784,500 - AcroSports Gymnastics and Sports Acrobatics Center (15,000) rants/search/start/2014/ For a complete grant - Yad Hanadiv Bay Area Video Coalition (75,000) - San Francisco Opera Association (140,000) Economic Security: 800,000 - AnewAmerica Community Corporation (65,000) – to help immigrant entrepreneurs launch and grow new business - Asset Funders Network (40,000) Jewish Life: 845,000 - American Friends of the Israel Museum (3,000) - American Society for the protection of Nature in Israel (25,000) - Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice (210,000) - Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice - Nehirim: GLBT Jewish Culture and Spirituality - San Francisco Interfaith Council (11,000) - Urban Adamah (150,000) Education: 1,115,000 - 826 Valencia (25,000) - Bay Area Parent Leadership Action Network ( 80,000) - Center for Wellness and Achievement in Education (35,000) - Oakland Unified School District (125,000) - Parent Advisory Council (100,000) Other: 635,750 - Planned Parenthood (11,000) - San Francisco Architectural Heritage (250,000) -Avney Rosha- Israel Institute for School Leadership Centre For Educational Technology Center for the Study of Rationality Israel Initiative for Applied Education breakdown http://www.yadhanadiv.or The Irving Harris Foundation The Hellman Fellows Fund Dr. Gabor T. Herman Juliane M. Hyman 10 million – 15 million per year Research Israel Institute for Advanced Studies Israel Institute for Talmudic Publications JDC-Masira (for the Arab Community) Supreme Court Building Knesset Building Jerusalem Seminar in Architecture The Harris School of Public Policy (10,000,000) The Ounce of Prevention Fund (500,000) University of Chicago Early Education Program (1,000,000) Planned Parenthood of Illinois (600,000) Chicago Abortion Fund (40,000) Music and Dance theatre of Chicago (300,000) Gus Giordano Jazz Dance of Chicago (5,000) Foundation for Children At Risk (Tel Aviv) (150,000) University of Washington (120,000) Erikson Institute (320,813) Chicago Symphony Orchestra (215,000) The Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services (465,000 over three years) Their fund is mostly based in providing funding to professors to finish or continue their research. They receive a one-time 50,000 grant maximum, Only donation can find from Dr. Herman is to New Israel Fund. He is a professor of computer science at the city university of new york -Jewish Communal Fund -New Israel Fund for three years -Aspen Santa Fe Ballet (250) -Africa Consultants center -Rocky Mountain institution (250) -Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History (450) http://www.hellmanfello http://www.dig.cs.gc.cun Michael Hirschhyorn and Jimena Martinez David Hochberg Foundation Irwin and Joan Jaconbs 1.38 million Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund 22,165,000 22.1 million in 2013 NYS Immigrant Action Fund Brandworkers Open Zion New York Immigration Coalition Foundation for Jewish Culture, Agents of Change Film Fund Brooklyn Ballet Danceweave Asian American Arts Alliance Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human Rights International Human Rights Funders Jews for Racial and Economic Justice American Academy of Implant Dentistry NIF (2 years in a row) - The Jacobs Technion- Cornell Innovation Institute at Cornell NYC Tech (133 million) -Joan and Irwin Jacobs Fund at the Jewish Community Foundation of San Diego(50 million) -Dunway Foundation (health causes) – 28 million -San Diego Public Library Foundation (20 million) -U of California (1,000,000) Cedars Sinai Medical Center LA (1,000,000) KPBS San Diego (2,500,000) -American Society for Technion-Israel Institute of Technology (NY)30,000,000 4,4254,254 to Israel and Global areas: Promoting Social Justice and Equality in Israel Caring for our Global Jewish Community Revitalising Jewish life in Eastern Europe -The National Israeli LGBT Task Force -College for All -Israel Venture Network -New Spirit –Students for Jerusalem Donated 101,400,000 to 363 http://www.thedailybeast. com/articles/2013/12/18/ the-hunger-that-openzion-fed.html article/No-8-IrwinJoanJacobs/144499/ / organisations Including two branches of the NIF The Lee and Luis Lainer Family Foundation Arab-Jewish Center for Equality, Empowerment and Cooperation -Trickle Up -Jewish Home annual report - LA Family Housing -Bend the Arc, a jewish partnership for Justice -Campaign for Southern Equality -Youth Outright -Equality NC Foundation -Keshet( Equality and inclusion of LGBT jews in Jewish Life) -National Council of Jewish Women (10,000) -She is a Local Israeli Peace Activist -Founding member of Find Common Ground (local interfaith group that promotes Middle East Peace) -Director of Listening mothers in Seattle (encourages bond between mothers and babies -Israel Policy Forum -Center for Jewish Arab Education in Israel -J Street -World Affairs Council - Code for America Amy Mandel and Katina Rodis Fund Yaffa and Paul Maritz Joseph and Harvey Meyerhoff Family Charitable Funds 5 million -ST. Marys College of Maryland -Baltimore parks -Harvey M. Meyerhoff Chair in Jewish Studies -50 CAN -History of a Tragedy: The expulsion of the Jews from Spain (book) -Baltimore symphony orchestra -Holocaust Museum in Washington DC -John Hopkins University http://www.meyerhoffcha ml J S & S Michaan Foundation 1,842,725 -NIF (Since 2004) -Seacology ( village farming) -Feeding South Florida -Project HOPE -HERE- Freedom from Hunger http://www.polinetworks. com/lobby/NewLobbyPap er_May4.htm (Anti-defamation paper) Olive Bridge Fund 25.3 mil The open Society Foundations Debra Pell Segal Family Foundation Alan B. Slifka Foundation Dr. Carol and Terry Winograd 6,905,041 -Endowed fund for global education -Olive Birdge Fund for Health programs emergency grant -Hudson bay project -Clean Water Project (20,000) -Foundation grants for preservation in libraries, archives and museums -Eagle Academy Foundation They were reported to have donated to “illegal settlements” so they may not approve of NIF -Arab Regional Office -Academic Capacity Development Program/ Departmental Partner Program -Criminal and Juvenile Justice in Baltimore -Campaign for Black Male Achievement -Education and Youth Development in Baltimore -Tackling Drug Addiction -The Transparency Fund -Countering Anti- Gypsyism and Discrimination Affecting Roma -NIF Board Member -Represents the Pell Family foundation in Israel -Peace for Africa and Economic Developemnt -Angels Initiatives -Youth C4C -Last Mile Health -Lwala Community Alliance -The Boma Project - Gardens for Health -The Israeli Center for Strategic Communications -Arab Youth Movement -Center for Jewish-Arab Economic Development -Hand in hand: Centers for Jewish Arab Education in Israel -JFNA Social Venture Fund for JewishArab Equality and Coexistence -On Regional board of New Israel Fund -On board of J-Street http://www.opensocietyfo http://www.segalfamilyfo