Tuscarora High School Course Syllabus & Expectations 2011-2012 Course Description: French III is a course that focuses on developing listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in the French language. In addition, students will be introduced to the geography and culture of the French‐speaking world. During the year, the course will emphasize three major themes of study as indicated below: Vocabulary: technology, travel and transportation, bank and post office, gastronomy, driving and car, health accidents and the hospital Grammar: review of subject pronouns, articles, contractions, regular and irregular verbs in the present, imperative, passé composé and near future tenses, direct and indirect object pronouns, and asking questions; learn new irregular verbs in the tenses studied; learn to conjugate regular and irregular verbs in the imparfait, futur, conditionnel tenses; learn how to use the passé composé and imparfait tenses to describe past actions; and learn other more complex grammatical structures to communicate at a more advanced level. Culture: compare and contrast differences between the technology, travel and mass transportation, the post office and banking, eating habits and etiquette, road travel, health care systems, and the geography of Frenchspeaking countries and the United States; participate in pen pal exchange. Students will also read a novel, Le Mystère des Faux Billets, over the course of the year. The ABC’s to SUCCESS in French A. Arrive on time! I expect you to be at your desk when the bell rings to avoid being tardy. B. Bring to class: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 3-subject notebook Textbook (unless teacher says otherwise) 2-3” Binder with dividers, loose leaf paper, and workbook pens (including 4-color pen) and sharpened pencils dry erase markers Agenda – to write assignments and for passes And the most important one! A positive attitude and a smile C. Class Rules: * Be respectful of everyone and everything. * Be on time. * Get a drink, sharpen your pencils, and use the bathroom BEFORE the bell rings. * Bring book and all required course materials. * Prepare for class every day. * Be ready to work and learn from the moment the bell rings to start class to the moment I dismiss you after the bell rings. * Participate actively and appropriately. * Be sure to respect and follow ALL classroom routines. * Clinics: Retraining sessions assigned to those who don’t follow these rules. D. Discipline is the KEY to SUCCESS. Work and study hard. Don’t cheat. Copying someone’s assignment, quiz or test is cheating, which will harm your integrity and will bring severe consequences. IF YOU ARE HAVING TROUBLE, ASK ME FOR HELP!! E. Excellence. Always do and be your best....even when life gets hard. Extra help can be arranged during FLEX. Come see and talk with me. I am always willing to help you!!! F. Find out what you missed in class when you are absent. Be proactive and figure out what you missed by checking my website, emailing me and/or talking to a classmate BEFORE you return to school. Be sure to check the “Pendant Votre Absence” box for handouts with your name on them as soon as you return to school. Be sure to get any missed notes from a classmate. G. Get good Grades! Grades are based on warm ups, class work, journal assignments, tests, quizzes and projects. All quizzes and tests will always be announced. Numeric Value 98-100 93-97 90-92 87-89 83-86 80-82 77-79 73-76 70-72 67-69 63-66 60-62 0-59 Letter Grade A+ A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF Quality Points 4.3 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.7 1.3 1.0 0.7 0.0 H. Homework is your daily preparation to participate fully in class. It will be given on a daily Tuscarora High School basis to reinforce what is taught in the classroom. It is an essential part of the learning process. It is your responsibility to record and complete each assignment. Items from homework assignments will appear on tests and quizzes. If you are studying at home and do not understand an assignment, call a classmate or e-mail me at: timotha.rainey@lcps.org I. Integrity. Be sure to protect your integrity by always doing the right thing even when no one is watching. Immerse yourself in French during class and at home as much as possible. Try not to speak English in class. Greet me and your classmates in French. Check out internet sites and television/radio programs in French. J. Just have fun! Learning a foreign language is a lot of fun, but it doesn’t just happen. It takes a lot of practice and hard work. K. Kindness is essential. Please be kind to me, each other, and any substitute teachers or visitors we may have in the classroom. L. Listen and Learn. Listening and speaking, and listening and learning, go hand in hand. Be an active listener. M. Missed a class/test/quiz? Meet with me to set a time to make up the missing work. To receive full credit, tests/quizzes should be made up within 5 school days from the student’s return to school after an absence. N. Never say “I can’t”....Always try. O. Organization. Be sure to keep your binder and notebook up to date and organized. There will be regular notebook/binder quizzes. Opportunities. Take advantage of any opportunities to learn more about the language and cultures. Think about joining the French Club! P. Preparation, Practice, and Participation. Practice makes perfect. You need to be prepared to be able to participate. Long-term memory is enhanced through participation and practice. Q. Questions. Please feel free to ask questions. There are no “silly” questions. Quizzes. Frequent vocabulary or verb quizzes will be given. Spelling counts. Prepare for them! R. Retake a test! Before you are allowed to do so you must: 1. Have the original test signed by a parent or guardian. 2. Speak with Mme. Rainey about how you will study for the re-take. 3. Turn in evidence that you have studied and are ready to re-take the test. 4. Arrange a time to re-take the test with me. If you re-take a test, then that is your final grade. S. Service. Always be willing to give of yourself to help others. Smile! T. Teamwork is important and necessary in my class. U. Use your technology skills! Check out my CMS website or my Loudoun VISION French III course regularly for assignments and interesting links. Use Loudoun VISION to interact with Mme. Rainey and your classmates online. V. Visit my classroom! Whenever you need help, you are more than welcome. W. We are a team! Let’s work together!! eXceptional students and citizens! Learning French will help you to learn to think better, enhance your knowledge of English, increase your SAT scores, and prepare you to participate in the global economy one day! Y. You can do it! You CAN succeed in this class! Never give up! Believe in yourself! I do! Z. zzzzz… get a good night’s sleep and always be ready for the next class! Certification I fully understand all the requirements presented in this syllabus. I understand that I am responsible to obey and follow the school rules and teacher‘s rules regarding my behavior. I sign this acknowledging everything presented in this document. _____________________________________ Student’s signature _____________________________________ Guardian/ Parent’s signature _____________________________________ Date