
Woodrow Wilson High School
2015-2016 Academic Year
Class: Pre-AP & AP French
Teacher: Ms. Malynn
Room: 2007
E-mail: dmalynn@dallasisd.org
Office hours: TBD
Pre-AP & IS French III Syllabus
Course description: French III involves more communication, writing, reading and presentational skills. The
primary goal of the course is understanding and communicating in the target language at a substantially higher
degree of proficiency than in previous levels of French. Pre-AP students will use AP themes and guidelines,
whereas IS students will be directed using the IB guidelines. This is to facilitate their advancement to the next
course intended for their track.
Description of different assignments and grades:
Daily grades – 40%
o Classwork
o Homework – packets due every Monday (for Pre-AP) or Tuesday (for IS)
o Participation
o Quizzes (count for two homework grades):
 Simple vocab quizzes: You will be tested over a vocab list that relates to a specific
 Review grammar quizzes: You will be tested on a grammatical concept that we have
recently reviewed
Tests – 40%
o Tests will occur towards the end of every six-week period, and may include comprehension
sections, written long-answer tasks, listening, and/or speaking sections
Projects – 20%
o This includes posters, presentations, mini-essays, and research papers
Late Work Policy:
1. For homework: Most homework packets will be graded on a √, √+, √- system. Homework that is turned
in late or incomplete will receive a √-. Homework that is satisfactory and turned in on time will receive
a √. The grade of a √+ is reserved for outstanding work. Homework over a week late will receive a zero.
I will also choose one homework packet at random per six weeks to take for a number grade. This will
contribute to your overall homework grade.
2. For tests and quizzes: You must come before or after school during tutoring times to make up a quiz or
a test. You have one week from the test/quiz date.
 College-ruled composition notebook
 Dry-erase markers
 Pencils
 Must have access to a computer with a French keyboard
 Post-it notes
 Glue sticks
General Weekly Schedule:
Monday: Vocabulary
Tuesday: Grammar
Wednesday: Reading
Thursday: Writing
Friday: Speaking
From time to time, phone usage will be permitted for wordreference.com, participation in class activities,
and/or teacher-directed research in this classroom. Any phone usage outside these parameters will result in:
immediate reduction of participation grade and a first warning
immediate reduction of participation grade and a collection of cell phone to be picked up by the
student after school
Participation after an absence?
For every day that you are absent, you are responsible for completing one of the following extra-credit
activities to augment your participation grade. You have several options; however, if you come up with an idea
that inspires you that is not on this list, you may ask me for approval. After an absence, you will have a week to
complete the assignment. I will not remind about your participation make-up activity, so if you are concerned
about your grade please be mindful of the time.
Summary of “Le Monde” article relating to the theme we are studying (minimum six sentences in
Completion of a French song from www.lyricstraining.com (attention! you must turn in a list of the
missing words you filled in in order to receive credit)
Presentation of a story/ skit/ song/ joke in French to the class
Write-up of a popular French or Francophone author (minimum six sentences in French)
Simple poster presentation of a Francophone country
Classroom Norms:
There is one class rule – be respectful. We have a lot to cover this year to get you all prepared for the next
level, so please respect your own learning, the learning, time, and contributions of your peers, the classroom,
and the materials so that we can accomplish everything we need to 
Schedule for the Year:
Six Weeks
1st six weeks
Aug 24th – Oct 2nd
2nd six weeks
Oct 5th – Nov 6th
3rd six weeks
Nov 10th – Dec 18th
4th six weeks
Jan 6th – Feb 19th
5th six weeks
Feb 22nd – April 15th
6th six weeks
April 18th – June 2nd
IB / AP theme
Les relations sociales / La famille
et la communauté
- Learning about the IB / AP test
- le passé composé
- le subjontif
- receptive, productive, and
interactive communication practice
La santé / La quête de soi
Les communications et les medias /
La science et la technologie
Les thèmes mondiaux / Les défis
La diversité culturelle /
Les loisirs / La vie contemporaine
- l’imparfait
- plus sur le subjonctif
- receptive, productive, and
interactive comm. practice
- l’imparfait vs. le passé composé
- le comparatif et le superlatif
- plus sur le subjonctif
- receptive, productive, and
interactive comm. practice
- les prepositions
- le future
- le conditionnel
- plus sur le subjonctif
- receptive, productive, and
interactive comm. practice
- ID & D pronouns
- l’impératif
- plus sur le subjonctif
- receptive, productive, and
interactive comm. practice
- Le partitif
- Plus sur les pronoms
- Le plus-que-parfait
- Le conditionnel passé
- receptive, productive, and
interactive comm. practice
Additional information: Please visit the class website, woodrowfrench.weebly.com, for any additional information and/or