French 31B-IB - Archbishop MacDonald High School

Français 31B-IB
Mme Dallaire /
The Language B programme is a foreign language-learning programme designed for
study at the Subsidiary Level by students at Archbishop MacDonald with previous
experience of learning the language. The main focus of the programme is on language
acquisition and development. The study of literary and other texts will play an important
part in this process.
The French 31B-IB course is based on three main course objectives: Social, Academic,
and Cultural. Within the context of our Catholic school, we will incorporate Spiritual
objectives as well. The aims of this program are to:
 develop the ability to communicate accurately
and effectively in speech and in writing a range
of contexts
 develop the ability to understand and respond to
the language demands of transactional and
social contacts
 provide students with a sound linguistic base for
further study, work, and leisure
 offer insights into the culture of the countries
where the language is spoken
 provide the opportunity for enjoyment,
creativity and intellectual stimulation
ICT Outcomes
All students are expected to:
Cooperate with and be respectful of one another and the teacher
Be punctual
Attend all classes unless there is some serious reason to be away.
(A note, email and/or phone-call from your parent(s) / guardian(s) is required to
explain all absences. If the absence should occur on an examination day, or when
a major assignment is due, notification directly to Student Services is necessary)
Speak only French during class time.
Usually, some class time will be devoted to assignments. Students may, however,
be expected to do an average of 20 minutes of homework per day.
Whether or not homework has been assigned, students should get into the habit of
reviewing the new concepts taught in class daily.
Exams will be given at the end of most chapters.
Quizzes will be given throughout the term on listening and oral skills, new
verbs and/or verb tenses, grammatical structures, or vocabulary.
Oral presentations, individual and group, as well as written work will be given
throughout the term.
A final exam, aural, oral and written, will also be given.
If a student misses an exam due to illness, his/her parent should phone the school
(451-1470) to notify Student Services before the exam is written that day.
Evaluation in French is based on the five abilities basic to language learning (aural
comprehension, oral production, reading and writing, and cultural understanding). Based on the
suggested allotment of time for skill development of the French Curriculum Guide, marks for
each report card will be allocated as follows in a cumulative format:
20% oral production
-oral presentations
-in-class question/answer communication
-oral reading
-discussion pertaining to a particular reading, or piece of French literature (oral exam)
-participation and contribution to in-class discussions and debates.
50% term work
-tests (quizzes, unit tests, lab tests)
-major assignments (some research involved)
-homework assignments
-grammar structures
-interpretation of, or pertaining to a particular reading, or piece of French
-in-class essays
-prepared oral presentations (individual and group)
5% midterm Exam (Multiple Choice + Written Exam)
25% final exam
10% Multiple Choice Exam
5% Oral Exam
5% Written Exam (Composition)
5% Listening Exam
Substantial consideration is given to listening comprehension skills and speaking, in term work
evaluation. Unit / concept tests comprise of one, or a combination of:
a. aural comprehension passages
b. reading selections and interpretation
c. grammar and structure
d. creative writing
e. interpretation of literature
The Power School Grade Book Codes:
Only the following may appear for a student on an assignment in a course.
a numeric value
“ √ “ [Green “check mark‟] This indicates an assignment has been received
Late “L” (Red „L”) – this indicates that the assignment is has not been turned in on time.
No change to the course grade will result.
Exempt “EX” (Grey “EX”) – this is used for all items that are not to be included in that
student’s grade calculation. (see disclaimer) No change to the course grade will result.
Missing “M” (Tan “M”) – The student has missed an assessment but has the
opportunity to complete the required work. The work will be evaluated when submitted
according to a timeline set up in consultation between the student and the teacher. This
code will calculate as a zero until the code has been replaced with a numeric value.
Please Note: A range of assessment information is used to determine a student’s final grade. At
Archbishop MacDonald High School, individualized assessments provide specific information
regarding student progress and overall performance in the course. Student assessment may
vary from student to student to adapt to differences in student needs, learning styles,
preferences, and paces. Due to special circumstances assessment criteria may vary from
student to student in the same course.
The French 31B-IB course uses the primary text, Anthologie, as well as other texts and online
resources such as En bonne forme, Ça y est, et À toute vitesse, Allez, viens 3 and our French site.
Grammatical concepts to be mastered include : le passé composé et l’imparfait, le conditionnel, le
subjonctif, le futur, le plus-que-parfait, le conditionnel passé, les pronoms et les adjectifs –
possessifs, démonstratifs, et les pronoms objet directs/indirects/personnels
Les unités d‟étude : (pas nécessairement dans cet ordre) :
1. Les adolescents et la loi
 La machine à rajeunir (Ch. 1- 6)
2. Les communications
 La francophonie et la France
- explorer la France : provinces, frontières, sports, nourriture,
culture, etc.
3. L‟avenir de la planète
 Les parfums (Ch. 3), Les soins des animaux sauvages (Ch.4),
Les astéroïdes (Ch. 6)
Les caractères et les personnalités
 Les frères et les sœurs :amis ou ennemis? (Ch. 2)
 Les rêves de Chloé (Ch. 7)
Victor Hugo – Notre Dame de Paris
5. Les arts et les pièces de théâtre
 Cyrano de Bergerac et film Roxanne
 Étude d‟une pièce de théâtre de l‟Uni-théâtre
6. Révision d‟un ancien examen de B.I.
 French-English dictionary (HARRAP'S ; LANGENSCHEIDT, ROBERT is
 Recommended: Bescherelle
IB- Diploma Language B Assessment component
External assessment
Paper 1 (1 hour 30 minutes): Receptive skills
Text-handling exercises on four written texts, based on the core.
Paper 2 (1 hour 30 minutes): Written productive skills
One writing exercise of 250–400 words from a choice of five, based on the
Written assignment: Receptive and written productive skills
Inter textual reading followed by a written exercise of 300–400 words plus a
100-word rationale, based on the core.
Internal assessment
Internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IB.
Individual oral (8–10 minutes)
Based on the options: 15 minutes’ preparation time and a 10-minute
(maximum) presentation and discussion with the teacher.
Interactive oral activity
Based on the core: Three classroom activities assessed by the teacher.