types of communication styles

Communication: a process by which information is exchanged between
and among individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or
-Passive Style: giving into others too easily without making a strong effort to see your “own”
wishes, thoughts, and feelings are heard; you put the rights of others before your own,
minimizing your own self worth.
-Aggressive Style: pushing for what you want without regard for other people’s feelings (this
may involve putting other people down, accusing, threatening, blaming, fighting, yelling, judging,
etc.); you stand up for your rights but you violate the rights of others.
-Assertive Style: standing up for yourself and expressing your true feelings, while you making
an effort to be considerate of other people’s feelings; you stand up for your rights while
maintaining respect for the rights of others.
-Passive-Aggressive: It is associated with anger and hostility that is not openly
communicated. It takes the form of a passive but non-confrontational style
Implications to
Verbal Styles
style in which you
put the rights of
others before your
own, minimizing
your own self worth
style in which you
stand up for your
rights but you
violate the rights of
style in which you
stand up for your
rights while
maintaining respect
for the rights of
Communication style
associated with anger and
hostility that is not openly
communicated, but takes the
form of a passive but nonconfrontational style
My feelings are not
Your feelings are
important; I don't
not important; you
matter I think I'm
don't matter; I think
I'm superior
We are both
important; we both
matter; I think we
are equal
My feelings are one way,
but I do something else;
envious and resentful;
underhanded and try to
provoke others with my
I statements; firm
Critical of advice and
direction of others; tentative
voice to your face, but
aggressive and two-faced
behind your back
Apologetic; overly
You statements;
soft or tentative
loud voice
Looking down or
Non-Verbal Styles away; stooped
posture, excessive
head nodding
Lowered self
anger at self; false
feelings of
disrespect from
others; pitied by
Sulking, pouting, dawdling;
putting off assignments;
Staring, narrow
Looking direct;
always late and unprepared;
eyes; tense,
relaxed posture,
negative and gloomy; dress
clenched fists, rigid
smooth and relaxed inappropriate; undermine or
posture, pointing
destroy the successes or
work of others; have school
and social failures
Feel like a victim and have
difficulty accepting
Guilt; anger from
Higher self esteem; responsibility;
others; lowered self
self respect; respect
esteem; disrespect
from others; respect
from others; feared
of others
by others
1. Your boy/girlfriend tells you that he/she is really mad at you for not returning
his/her calls. You realize that your roommate never gave you the
messages. You...
A. don't say anything about the messages to your roommate
B. ask your roommate if your boy/girlfriend ever called while you were out
C. yell at your roommate for not giving you the messages
D. get even by not giving your roommate a phone message
2. Your professor gives you a "C" on a paper that you believe was at least "B+"
work. You...
A. go home and cry or chuck it up as a learning experience
B. ask the professor to explain the grade since you were expecting a better grade
C. rip the paper up and tell your friends what a lousy professor he or she is
D. accept the paper, then later on key the professor’s automobile
3. Your friend says something that hurts your feelings. You...
A. say nothing and hope it doesn't happen again
B. tell your friend that what they said hurt your feelings
C. vow to get even with your friend (e.g., say something hurtful back)
D. spread negative rumors about your friend behind his/her back
4. Your friend offers to pick up lunch for you but doesn't give you your
change. You...
A. assume there was no change
B. ask if there was any change
C. accuse your friend of trying to rip you off
D. steal money from his/her car at a later point
5. Your classmate asks if he/she can copy your homework. You...
A. let them even though you're not real comfortable with the idea
B. tell them you'd rather not, but you'd be glad to help them with their's
C. tell them you're not a cheater like them
D. purposely put down the wrong information so that they copy incorrect information
6. A friend asks you to take her to pick up her car from the mechanics again but
you're afraid you might miss class. You...
A. do it anyhow
B. ask her if you can do it after your class
C. insult her and tell her to find someone else
D. agree but purposefully forget to pick her up
7. Your parents tell you they are sending a check to pay for your books, but the
check never arrives. You...
A. cry, beg money from your friends, or try to take the classes without the text
B. call them and say that you're concerned the check got lost somewhere
C. call them and tell them you will fail your classes if they don't help you
D. don’t say anything, but steal someone else’s books to use for yourself
8. Your date suggests a particular movie, but you've been looking forward to seeing
a different one. You...
A. go to the movie they suggested
B. tell them that you really want to see the other movie and try to decide together
C. you see the movie they suggested but you complain about how stupid it is
D. talk loudly during the movie on purpose being a distraction
9. You are shopping with a friend and they try on a pair of pants and ask you how
they look. You think the pants are too small, but they sound excited about how
they look in them. You...
A. smile and say the pants are cool
B. tell them you like the pants but suggest a different size
C. tell them that the pants make them look like a fat pig
D. go along with their excitement, then tell others how stupid they look