Gibbs Free Energy

Title: Lesson 9 Entropy and Gibb’s Free
Learning Objectives:
– Calculate Gibb’s Free Energy from ∆G = ∆H - T∆S
– Calculate Gibb’s Free Energy from Hess Cycles
– Predict and explain the effect of temperature changes on Gibb’s Free Energy
2CH3OH(g) + H2(g) → C2H6(g) + 2H2O(g)
The standard entropy for CH3OH(g) at 298 K is 238 J K–1 mol–1, for H2(g) is 131 J K–1 mol–1 and for
H2O(g) is 189 J K–1 mol–1.
Using information from Table 12 of the Data Booklet, determine the entropy change for this reaction.
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To Do:
Categorise the following as either spontaneous or non-spontaneous:
Cooking an egg, acid reacting with metal, the reaction in a battery, electrolysis, respiration,
Think of an example of each of the following:
A spontaneous exothermic reaction
A non-spontaneous endothermic reaction
A spontaneous endothermic reaction
A non-spontaneous exothermic reaction (difficult!)
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Gibbs free energy is a useful accounting tool
For chemical reactions neither ∆H(system) nor ∆S(system) alone can reliably be used
to predict the feasibility of a reaction.
To calculate feasibility we use this expression:
Tidying up and moving T to the other side:
Multiplying by -1 and reversing the inequality:
This gives the function known as Gibbs free energy (∆G(system)):
∆G(system) must be negative for a spontaneous process. Units: kJ or J mol-1
Whereas ∆H(system) is a measure of the quantity of heat change, ∆G(system) gives a
measure of the quality of the energy available. (Ability of energy free to do useful work
rather than leave the system as heat)
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Using ∆G(system) to predict the feasibility
of a change
We generally assume that both the enthalpy and entropy changes of the
system do not change with temperature.
Temperature, T, is alike a tap which adjusts the significance of the term
At low temperature:
This shows that all exothermic reactions can occur at low
At high temperature:
This means all reactions which have a positive value of ∆S(system)
can be feasible at high temperatures even if they are endothermic.
∆S(system) in determining the value of ∆G(system).
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What does the Gibb’s free energy value tell us about a
1. If G is negative, the reaction is spontaneous in the forward direction.
2. If G is equal to zero, the reaction is at equilibrium.
3. If G is positive, then the reaction is non-spontaneous in the forward direction, but the
reverse reaction will be spontaneous.
for elements at standard state (pure elements at 25ºC and 1 atm are
assigned a value of zero).
The Gibb’s free energy equation can be used to calculate the phase change temperature
of a substance. During a phase change, equilibrium exists between phases, so if
the G is zero, we know that the reaction is in equilibrium.
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Summarising the Effect Of ∆H, ∆S and T on Spontaneity
of Reaction
∆G = ∆H - T∆S
Task: Use the equation to help yourself reason these through
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We can calculate Gibbs free energy in two ways:
Method 1:
Directly from (appropriate) data using ∆G = ∆H - T∆S < 0
Method 2:
Indirectly from standard ∆Gfo values in the data booklet, using a Hess Cycle
Note: Similar to ∆Hfo values, ∆Gfo for any element in its standard state is zero.
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Method 1: From ∆G = ∆H - T∆S
Is the reaction of ethene with hydrogen (to form ethane), spontaneous at
room temperature (298K)?
C2H4(g) +H2(g)  C2H6(g)
Calculate Gibbs Free Energy
∆Ho = -137 kJ mol-1
∆So = -121 J K-1 mol-1
∆G = ∆H - T∆S
∆G = -137 – (298 x -121)/1000
∆G = -149 – (-36) = -101 kJ mol-1
Divide by 1000 to convert to kJ
Evaluate the answer
The answer is negative, which means the reaction is spontaneous at room temperature
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Method 2: Using standard ∆Gfo values
Is the reaction of ethene with hydrogen (to form ethane), spontaneous at room temperature (298K)?
C2H4(g) +H2(g)  C2H6(g)
∆Gfo (C2H4) = 68 kJ mol-1, ∆Gfo (H2) = 0 kJ mol-1, ∆Gfo (C2H6) = -33 kJ mol-1
Construct a Hess Cycle
C2H4(g) + H2(g)
∆G1 = 68 + 0 = 68
∆G2 = -33
2C(s) + 3H2(g)
∆Go = ∑ ∆Gf(products) - ∑ ∆Gf(reactants)
= -68 + -33
= -101 kJ mol-1
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Evaluate Answer
 The value is
negative so the
reaction is
 Note this is the
same as the
previous answer,
which is to be
The Effect of Changing the Temperature
In the previous example:
∆G = -101 kJ mol-1,
∆Ho = -137 kJ mol-1, ∆So = -121 J K-1 mol-1, T = 298 K
∆G = ∆H - T∆S
What happens if we increase the temperature?
Since ∆H and both ∆S are both negative, ∆G can be either positive
or negative depending on the temperature...
A high temperature (in this case 1132 K) will make the ‘T∆S’ term large
enough to counter-balance the ∆H term. This will mean that the reaction is
not spontaneous.
At any temperature below 1132 K, the reaction will be spontaneous
This does not mean that the reaction will be fast, just that it will (in theory)
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Why 1132K?
This slide just explains the maths behind working out when the reaction becomes
This is interesting but not needed!
The transition from spontaneous to non-spontaneous happens at ∆G = 0, so if we
use this we can determine the temperature necessary for this as follows:
∆G = ∆H - T∆S
0 = ∆H - T∆S
T∆S = ∆H
T = ∆H/∆S
T = -137 / (-121/1000)
T = 1132 K
The initial equation
Set ∆G = 0
Rearrange to make T subject
Sub in values
∆G = -101 kJ mol-1,
-1, ∆So = -121 J K-1 mol-1, T = 298 K
∆Ho = -137
kJ mol
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Practice Questions
Using data from the data booklet, calculate ∆Go
for the following reactions using both methods,
and comment on whether the reaction is
spontaneous. Assume 298 K.
Note: in some cases you will first need to calculate
∆Ho and ∆So.
Extension: for non-spontaneous reactions, find the
minimum temperature necessary to make them
spontaneous, and for spontaneous reactions, find the
maximum temperature where they are nonspontaneous
S(s) + O2(g)  SO2(g) – see next slide for example
C5H12(l)  CH4(g) + 2C2H4(g)
CH4(g) + 3Cl2(g)  CHCl3(g) + 3HCl(g)
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∆Hof kJ mol-1
So J K-1 mol-1
∆Gof kJ mol-1
S(s) + O2(g)  SO2(g)
Method 1:
H = -297 kJ mol-1
This is in the data booklet as Hc for sulfur
S = 248 – (32 + 205) = 11 J K-1 mol-1 Data is on previous slide
∆G = ∆H - T∆S
= -297 – (298 x 11)/1000
= -300 kJ mol-1
Method 2:
S(s) + O2(g)
∆G1 = 0 + 0 = 0
∆G2 = -300
S(s) + O2(g)
∆Go = -0 + -300
= -300 kJ mol-1
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At what temperature
does it become non
This reaction is always
spontaneous, since H is
negative and S is positive.
Gibbs free energy and equilibrium
So far we have considered reactions in which it is assumed that all reactants are converted
into products.
Many reactions do not go to completion, but instead reach equilibrium.
The extent of the reaction can be quantified by the ratio of concentrations:
As ∆G becomes more negative, the reaction will favour the products. (More spontaneous
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Summary of ∆G(reaction) and the extent
of the reaction
Less than 30 kJmol-1
but more than -30
kJmol-1 = Partial
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Above 30 kJmol-1
= No reaction
Below -30 kJmol-1
= Complete reaction
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∆G = ∆H - T∆S
The mathematics means that:
Some reactions are spontaneous at all temperatures
Some reactions are only spontaneous above certain temperatures
Some reactions are only spontaneous below certain temperatures
∆S can be calculated using Hess cycles in much the same way as ∆G and ∆H
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